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The Hanjiang River, the largest tributaries of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River, is the water source area of the Middle Route of China’s South-to-North Water Transfer Project. The chemical and strontium isotopic compositions of the river waters are determined with the main purpose of understanding the contribution of chemical weathering processes and anthropogenic inputs on river solutes, as well as the associated CO2 consumption in the carbonate-dominated basin. The major ion compositions of the Hanjiang River waters are characterized by the dominance of Ca2+ and HCO3 , followed by Mg2+ and SO4 2−. The increase in TDS and major anions (Cl, NO3 , and SO4 2−) concentrations from upstream to downstream is ascribed to both extensive influences from agriculture and domestic activities over the Hanjiang basin. The chemical and Sr isotopic analyses indicate that three major weathering sources (dolomite, limestone, and silicates) contribute to the total dissolved loads. The contributions of the different end-members to the dissolved load are calculated with the mass balance approach. The calculated results show that the dissolved load is dominated by carbonates weathering, the contribution of which accounts for about 79.4% for the Hanjiang River. The silicate weathering and anthropogenic contributions are approximately 12.3 and 6.87%, respectively. The total TDS fluxes from chemical weathering calculated for the water source area (the upper Hanjiang basin) and the whole Hanjiang basin are approximately 3.8 × 106 and 6.1 × 106 ton/year, respectively. The total chemical weathering (carbonate and silicate) rate for the Hanjiang basin is approximately 38.5 ton/km2/year or 18.6 mm/k year, which is higher than global mean values. The fluxes of CO2 consumption by carbonate and silicate weathering are estimated to be 56.4 × 109 and 12.9 × 109 mol/year, respectively.  相似文献   
Large‐scale soft‐sediment deformation structures occur within fluvial sandstone bodies of the Upper Cretaceous Wahweap Formation in the Kaiparowits basin, southern Utah, USA. These structures represent an exceptional example of metre‐scale fault‐proximal, seismogenic load structures in nearly homogenous sandstones. The load structures consist of two types: large‐scale load casts and wedge‐shaped load structures. Large‐scale load casts penetrate up to 4·5 m into the underlying sandstone bed. Wedge‐shaped load structures include metre‐scale, parallel, sub‐vertical features and decimetre‐scale features along the periphery of the large‐scale load casts or other wedge‐shaped load structures. Wedge‐shaped load structures contain well‐developed, medial cataclastic shear deformation bands. All load structures contain pervasive well‐defined millimetre‐thick to centimetre‐thick internal laminae, oriented parallel to the outside form of the load structures and asymptotic to deformation bands. Both types of load structures formed because of an inverted density profile, earthquake‐triggered liquefaction and growth of irregularities (a Rayleigh–Taylor instability) on the sandstone–sandstone erosional contact. The internal laminae and deformation bands formed during deformation and clearly demonstrate polyphase deformation, recording a transition from liquefied to hydroplastic to brittle modes of deformation. Decimetre‐scale wedge‐shaped load structures on the edge of the large‐scale load casts probably formed towards the end of a seismic event after the sediment dewatered and increased the frictional contact of grains enough to impart strength to the sands. Metre‐scale wedge‐shaped load structures were created as the tips of downward foundering sediments were driven into fractures, which widened incrementally with seismic pulsation. With each widening of the fracture, gravity and a suction effect would draw additional sediment into the fracture. Superimposed laminae indicate a secondary syndeformational origin for internal laminae, probably by flow‐generated shearing and vibrofluidization mechanisms. Large‐scale and wedge‐shaped load structures, polyphase deformation and secondary laminae may characterize soft‐sediment deformation in certain fault‐proximal settings.  相似文献   
试论南中国海盆地新生代板块构造及盆地动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
南海地处欧亚、印度—澳大利亚和菲律宾海板块的交互带,是西太平洋地区面积最大的边缘海之一,其成因机制和演化过程对探讨特提斯构造域和太平洋构造域相互作用及油气勘探等问题具有重要意义,虽备受关注但仍存争议.综合目前该区及外围已有的大地构造等方面的资料,本文从探讨南海外围的构造格架及中-新生代演化过程入手,分析了南海及外围板块...  相似文献   
针对西部峡谷地区的公路大桥勘察的主要工程地质间题,如桥塔边坡稳定性问题、桥基、持力层选择间题等,以贵州省关(岭)兴(义)高等级公路北盘江特大桥主要岩土工程问题分析为例,根据岩体非线性变形破坏理论,结合岩体结构面模拟及Hock-Brown强度曲线,确定了桥位区斜坡的潜在滑动面、对该桥梁勘察中的高边坡稳定性问题、岩溶地质间题、桥位持力层选择问题以及桥基承载力问题作了进一步探讨,为实际工程的设计奠定了地质基础。  相似文献   
To investigate the static and dynamic resilient modulus of fine soil, and adapting to the new design code and maintenance system of highway subgrade in China, a series of static and dynamic tests were carried out according to the standard laboratory test methods (JTG E40-2007 and JTG D30-2015, respectively). The effects of initial water content, compactness and freeze-thaw cycles on the static and dynamic resilient moduli of fine soil were investigated and analyzed. Experimental test results show that with increasing water content, dry density and freeze-thaw cycles, the static moduli reduces about 10.2%~40.0%, 14.4%~45.5%, and 24.0%~50.3%, and dynamic moduli reduces about 10.9%~90.8%, 2.5%~38.4%, and 0.0%~46.0%, respectively. Then, the empirical mathematical relationship between static and dynamic resilient moduli was established under different water content, dry density and freeze-thaw cycles. The investigation results can be used to determine the dynamic modulus of fine soil by widely used static modulus, which could meet the requirement of adopting dynamic modulus index in new specification.  相似文献   
不同土层对氟离子的吸附能力不同,在吸附能力较弱的土层建设贮灰场,会导致周边地下水中氟离子质量浓度较高,污染地下水。吉林市来发屯灰场运行多年来,地下水中氟离子质量浓度与背景环境未见明显差异,本文通过对来发屯灰场粉煤灰-粉质粘土和灰场外土层的比较分析,探究吸附机理,结果表明:粉煤灰-粉质粘土对氟离子有较强的吸附能力,能有效防止其对地下水的污染。  相似文献   
乔冈    徐友宁  陈华清  张江华  柯海玲  刘瑞平  李贤 《地质通报》2014,33(08):1147-1153
以某金矿区农田土壤重金属Pb为研究对象,分别以2004和2012年采集样品的测试结果作为计算农田土壤重金属Pb累积速率的依据,以2004—2012年作为计算时间区间,以农田土壤重金属Pb的累积速率为研究内容,采用对比分析方法,分析区域Pb的累积速率特征,阐明人类工程活动极大地影响着农田土壤重金属Pb的累积过程。研究结果表明,全区农田土壤Pb平均累积速率为31.8mg/kg·a-1。选取选矿厂、冶炼厂、尾矿库、污水灌溉区、车载尾矿弃渣等典型污染源,对周边农田土壤Pb累积的时空变化特征进行分析。结果显示,选矿厂对农田土壤Pb累积的影响最大,其周边农田土壤Pb累积速率相当于全区Pb累积速率的4倍,该结论对防治重金属污染及保障人体健康具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   
A bio-optical dataset collected during the 1998?C2007 period in the Yellow and East China Seas (YECS) was used to provide alternative empirical ocean-color algorithms in the retrieval of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total suspended matter (TSM), and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption coefficients at 440 nm (ag440). Assuming that remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) could be retrieved accurately, empirical algorithms for TChl (regionally tuned Tassan??s Chl-a algorithm) in case-1 waters (TChl2i in case-2 waters), TTSM (regionally tuned Tassan??s TSM algorithm), and Tag440 or Cag440 (regionally tuned Tassan??s or Carder??s ag440 algorithm) were able to retrieve Chl-a, TSM, and ag440 with uncertainties as high as 35, 46, and 35%, respectively. Applying the standard SeaWiFS Rrs, TChl was not viable in the eastern part of the YECS, which was associated with an inaccurate SeaWiFS Rrs retrieval because of improper atmospheric correction. TChl behaved better than other algorithms in the turbid case-2 waters, although overestimation was still observed. To retrieve more reliable Chl-a estimates with standard SeaWiFS Rrs in turbid water (a proxy for case-2 waters), we modified TChl for data with SeaWiFS normalized water-leaving radiance at 555 nm (nLw555) > 2 mW cm?2 ??m?1 sr?1 (TChl2s). Finally, with standard SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend switching algorithms from TChl2s (for case-2 waters) to MOCChl (SeaWiFS-modified NASA OC4v4 standard algorithm for case-1 waters) for retrieving Chl-a, which resulted in uncertainties as high as 49%. To retrieve TSM and ag440 using SeaWiFS Rrs, we recommend empirical algorithms for TTSM (pre-SeaWiFS-modified form) and MTag440 or MCag440 (SeaWiFS Rrs-modified forms of Tag440 or Cag440). These could retrieve with uncertainties as high as 82 and 52%, respectively.  相似文献   
Understanding diverse characteristics of human mobility provides profound knowledge of urban dynamics and complexity. Human movements are recorded in a variety of data sources and each describes unique mobility characteristics. Revealing similarity and difference in mobility data sources facilitates grasping comprehensive human mobility patterns. This study introduces a new method to measure similarities on two origin–destination (OD) matrices by spatially extending an image‐assessment tool, the structural similarity index (SSIM). The new measurement, spatially weighted SSIM (SpSSIM), utilizes weight matrices to overcome the SSIM sensitivity issue due to the ordering of OD pairs by explicitly defining spatial adjacency. To evaluate SpSSIM, we compared performances between SSIM and SpSSIM with resampling the orders of OD pairs and conducted bootstrapping to test the statistical significance of SpSSIM. As a case study, we compared OD matrices generated from three data sources in San Diego County, CA: U.S. Census‐based Longitudinal Employer–Household Dynamics Origin–Destination employment statistics, Twitter, and Instagram. The case study demonstrated that SpSSIM was able to capture similarities of mobility patterns between datasets that varied by distance. Some regions showed local dissimilarity while the global index indicated they were similar. The results enhance the understanding of complex mobility patterns from various datasets, including social media.  相似文献   
矿山地质环境风险决策是一个涉及诸多利益群体的多目标决策问题。为了在矿山开发和关闭中有效地控制地质环境风险,我们提出了由风险在可接受水平内、风险控制工程效益达到最大和矿区规划科学合理3个目标组成的多目标决策问题,并采用层次分析法求解该决策问题。最后,将决策过程用于广西凤山城区内某废弃石灰岩矿山,综合设计单位、政府部门和当地群众的意见后,完成了矿山地质环境治理方案的决策。决策结果认为,采用P1(削坡、清理危岩、坡面锚固)、P2(截水+落石平台拦截+监测)、P3(坡面整形+岩壁雕刻+部分生态恢复)和P4(风险教育)的组合是最优治理方案。研究成果不仅有效地指导了该石灰岩矿山的地质环境治理工程,也对发展矿山关闭理论和风险管理具有重要作用。  相似文献   
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