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In this study the zinc exchange process and the reason for the non-additive exchange of δ-MnO2/montmorrillonite have been investigated. The results suggest that with pH increasing from 2 to 8, the stepwise exchange of zinc occurs on δ-MnO. and montmorrillonite in their mixture.At low pH zinc ions are bound on δ-MnO2, while at high pH, the exchange on montmorrillonite dominates the surface interaction in the mixture. The study demonstrates that the stepwise exchange and the heterogeneity of the binding sites on δ-MnO2 surface are the reason for the non-additive exchange. It is also shown that when δ-MnO2 amounts to 5 %, zinc exchange on sea sediments is controlled by 8-MnO2.  相似文献   
The species distribution and diversity of zooplankton and the effects of hydrodynamic factors of Zhejiang coastal waters during the active period of upwelling are discussed.High dominance (low diversity), high biomass and short food chain were found in the landward margins of the central region of the upwelling. There were evident interactions between the distribution of zooplankton and the environmental factors. The expression of these interactions is that different ecotypes of zooplankton adapt to different hydrological situations. There is significant positive correlation between the diversity indices of zooplankton and the mean water temperature in the survey area. It is noted that the vertical distribution of Calanus sinicus indicates to a certain extent the colder water environment of the upwelling (Fig. 7, Table 2, Reference (Hargreaves, 1981).  相似文献   
The studied area is a shallow water area that belongs to the East China Sea continent shelf. The distribution of zooplankton biomass is higher inshore than offshore. The maximum abundance is in the inshore edge of the centre of upwelling, which is the superposed area of the salinity front and temperature front, due to the fact that the mixture of three different waters has brought about a concentration of nutrients. The herbivorous Euphausia, Copepoda and Tunicata are the major groups of the abundant area. Tunicata possess the possibility to compete against other kinds of herbivorous zooplankton. This means that there is negative correlation between the distribution of Tunicata and that of Copepoda and Euphausia. The positions of maximum areas of zooplankton biomass, phytoplankton individual and the concentration of phosphates and chlorophyll-a overlap one another. In the centre of upwelling, zooplankton can not adapt itself to the environment of lower temperature and less oxygen even with rich nutrient  相似文献   
本文研究模糊矩阵传递闭包的化简问题。通过定义 1类典型阵 ,给出传递闭包能够进一步化简的充要条件 ,为网络最大流分析提供了 1种新的模式。  相似文献   
一种基于拍卖理论的移动Agent资源分配模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了 1种以区间值为价格的移动 Agent资源底价密封拍卖模型 ,并赋予资源所有者参与价格制定的权利  相似文献   
本文首次采用 Nafion和 Co(salen) /Nafion修饰铂电极测定海水中的 NO,对实验条件进行了选择 ,确定了最佳实验条件 ,即反应池通氮除氧 30 min,富集时间为 4min。同时用线性扫描法对海水中的 NO进行测定 ,测得海水中 NO的浓度与氧化峰电流之间有一定线性关系。对 Nafion修饰电极而言 ,线性范围 1~ 76.9μmol/L,R2 =0 .991 6,检出限为 1 μmol/L。同时对 2种方法修饰的铂电极进行了比较 ,即当 NO浓度在 1 0 -6mol/L数量级时 2种电极基本上无差别 ,而在 1 0 -7mol/L数量级时 Co(salen) /Nafion修饰电极要明显优于 Nafion修饰电极  相似文献   
随着Linux技术逐步走向成熟,嵌入式Linux技术在海洋自动观测系统中的应用将全面提高海洋观测系统整体性能,降低系统开发成本,进一步推进我国海洋自动观测系统产权自主化的建设。文章就如何研制适用于海洋自动观测系统的嵌入式Linux系统进行了论述。  相似文献   
培育双壳类软体动物幼苗所需的饵料,是指池内培育阶段适合于幼虫和幼苗(壳长一般在1mm以下)的饵料。育苗成功的关键问题之一为是否已经选择到这样的饵料。自40年代找到适宜的饵料生物以后,双壳类幼虫的培养才取得较明显的成效。以往利用过的一些饵料生物巳有文献系统记载。我国贻贝人工育苗是在分离与培养出扁藻以后才获得成功的。随着研究工作的深入以及适应各种不同情况的需要,采用的饵料种类越来越多样化。从生产性育苗特别是多茬育苗考虑,必须因地制宜地筛选出一定种数的饵料,以便在不同培养条件下有机动选择的余地。同一时还应找出适宜的投饵数量,以求取得较好的育苗效果。为此目的,我们于1975-1978年结合生产性育苗的需要进行了一些饵料饲养实验。本文根据实验结果以及多年来生产性育苗的实践,对贻贝育苗的饵料问题进行总结,侧重于不同饵料的饲养效果比较。  相似文献   
茎苔虫属(Caulibugula Verrill, 1900) 隶于唇口目、无囊亚目、双胞科(Cheilostomata,Anasca, Bicellariellidae)。茎苔虫的群体系由分节的长茎(stem) 和丛状分枝构成。每节为一空个虫。空个虫的前膜细长,侧壁有钙质加厚(Calcareous thickening)。附根一般由茎部始端的空个虫分出。泡状体(vesicles) 或有或无。分枝双列(很少单列),通常呈扇形。大多数种类扇形分枝始端的第一个虫与其后续个虫稍有不同,常呈倒圆锥形。普通个虫(ordinary zooids) 系双胞型(Bicellariella-type) 或草苔虫型(Bugula-type)。双胞型个虫呈陀螺形,前膜短但刺长;草苔虫型个虫细长形,前膜长但刺短而少,或无刺。鸟头体皆有柄,着生位置因种而异,吻和颚骨皆呈尖形,或全无鸟头体。卵胞或有(口上卵胞hyperstomial ovicell) 或无。 茎苔虫属的种可分为两组:一组种的扇形分枝的普通个虫为双胞型,如桑给巴尔茎苔虫C. zanzibariensis (Waters);另一组种为草苔虫型,如杯茎苔虫C.caliculata (Levinsen)。 Busk(1884)把具有双胞型个虫的种归于双胞苔虫属(Bicellaria, s, l.), 而Levinsen(1909)则把具有草苔虫型个虫的种放入草苔虫属。但是由空个虫构成的分节长茎是这类苔虫所特有的稳定特征,因而具有这一稳定特征的种,不能归于双胞苔虫屈和草苔虫属,只能归于茎苔虫属(Harmer, 1926:457)。 茎苔虫属的成员通常栖息在近岸浅海,有的种从潮间带至水深100多米皆有分布,多数为热带-亚热带种,主要分布在马来群岛、澳大利亚西部和南部、印度、非洲东岸、中国和日本。此外,还分布在美洲太平洋沿岸(加利福尼亚)和大西洋沿岸(佛罗里达、卡罗来纳、巴西)等地。 本文系作者对中国科学院海洋研究所历年来搜集的标本进行系统整理后写成,共报道10种,其中3种为中国首次记录,6种为新种。新种模式标本保存在中国科学院海洋研究所(青岛)。  相似文献   
TOGA—COARE强化观测期间,对赤道暖池区海流作了多种方法、多层次的观测;根据美国释放的漂流浮标不同时刻位置的资料,分别对赤道及其南、北海域的表层漂流状况作了计算分析,指出:从1°N向北存在单一的北向流;从1°N~1°S这个近赤道区域内为东向流;1°N~2°S区域为过渡区,以东向流为主,个别浮标出现涡旋状运动。2°S以南为一反时针运动的大涡旋。  相似文献   
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