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Globally, an estimated land area of 9.55×108 ha is affected by salinity and sodicity[1]. In the Yellow River Delta, saline-alkali land covers more than 70% of the total area. Soil salinization is the key factor that influences sustainable agricultural development. Geographic information system (GIS) is a powerful tool for spatial data analysis, which can be used to analyze data from different sources for saline-alkali land monitoring. Based on GIS, zonation of saline-alkali land can provi…  相似文献   
Symmetrical relationships between humans and their environment have been referred to as an extension of symmetries in the human geographical system and have drawn great attention. This paper explored the symmetry between physical and human systems through fractal analysis of the road and drainage networks in Wuling mountainous area. We found that both the road and drainage networks reflect weak clustering distributions. The evolution of the road network shared a significant self-organizing composition, while the drainage network showed obvious double fraetal characteristics. The geometric fractal dimension of the road network was larger than that of the drainage network. In addition, when assigned a weight relating to hierarchy or length, neither the road network nor drainage network showed a fractal property. These findings indicated that the fractal evolution of the road network shared certain similarities with fractal distribution of the drainage network. The symmetry between the two systems resulted from an interactive process of destroying symmetry at the lower order and reconstructing symmetry at the higher order. The relationships between the fractal dimensions of the rural-urban road network, the drainage network andthe urban system indicated that the development of this area was to achieve the symmetrical isomorphism of physical-human geographical systems.  相似文献   
Virtual Huanghe River System: Framework and Technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 Introduction Huanghe (Yellow) River basin is located in 32°–42°N, 96°–119°E. The area of the catchment is more than 752,000km2. The river is 5464km long with a drop in elevation of 4830m. Among the whole area, the moun- tainous and stone area accounts for 29%, loess and hills area 46%, sandy area 11% and plain area 14%, respec- tively. Different natural landscapes exist in this area. The Huanghe River flows through the Loess Plateau, where the soil is eroded seriously (Wang, 2002;…  相似文献   
The antioxidative capacity of astaxanthin and enzyme activity of reactive oxygen eliminating enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were studied in three cell types of Haematococcus pluvialis exposed to high concentrations of a superoxide anion radical (O2). The results show that defensive enzymes and astaxanthin-related mechanisms were both active in H. pluvialis during exposure to reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as O2. Astaxanthin reacted with ROS much faster than did the protective enzymes, and had the strongest antioxidative capacity to protect against lipid peroxidation. The defensive mechanisms varied significantly between the three cell types and were related to the level of astaxanthin that had accumulated in those cells. Astaxanthin-enriched red cells had the strongest antioxidative capacity, followed by brown cells, and astaxanthin-deficient green cells. Although there was no significant increase in expression of protective enzymes, the malondialdehyde (MDA) content in red cells was sustained at a low level because of the antioxidative effect of astaxanthin, which quenched O2 before the protective enzymes could act. In green cells, astaxanthin is very low or absent; therefore, scavenging of ROS is inevitably reliant on antioxidative enzymes. Accordingly, in green cells, these enzymes play the leading role in scavenging ROS, and the expression of these enzymes is rapidly increased to reduce excessive ROS. However, because ROS were constantly increased in this study, the enhance enzyme activity in the green cells was not able to repair the ROS damage, leading to elevated MDA content. Of the four defensive enzymes measured in astaxanthin-deficient green cells, SOD eliminates O2, POD eliminates H2O2, which is a by-product of SOD activity, and APX and CAT are then initiated to scavenge excessive ROS.  相似文献   
环流分解及其在沉积地层旋回分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用马尔柯夫链进行地层序列分析。当一个地层序列形成一个具有马尔柯夫性质和极限概率分布的马尔柯夫链时,它的转移概率矩阵可分解为细致平衡部分和环流部分。根据环流矩阵可确定该序列中的主要沉积旋回趋势,为地层序列分析提供重要依据。本文给出了两个研究实例。  相似文献   
中国云南东部晋宁、江川地区的伊迪卡拉(震旦)系顶部灯影组旧城段新发现了多样的宏体化石群,除了丰富的Vendotaenia与Tyrasotaenia类化石以外,以形体较大的Tawuia类和Longfengshaniaceae科等具固着构造的底栖多细胞藻类化石占据优势,另有一些形态奇特、亲缘关系不明的宏体化石,该组合与华南陡山沱组和灯影组石板滩段的宏体化石组合相比存在着明显的差别。依据形态特征,本文概述了部分产自江川旧城段的具有不同类型固着构造的底栖藻类和归属不明的宏体化石特征。华南滇东地区旧城段形态多样的宏体藻类化石的发现,进一步表明伊迪卡拉纪末期存在后生植物的多样化发展。这一时期浮游微生物和后生植物的共同繁盛可能为早寒武世“澄江生物群”的爆发奠定了生态基础。  相似文献   
Potash salt is one of key scarce strategic resources. Searching for large scale of potash salt deposit is one big problerm which Chinese academic community faces. Many new discoveries of world potash deposit have been made in recent ten years, which provide abundant practical information and complement the potash metallogenic theory. Through the summary of the potash forming characteristics at home and abroad, the paper studies the potash forming time, tectonic condition, paleogeographic condition, paleoclimate, basin location and salt source. Potash is mainly formed in Permian, Cretaceous, late Jurassic, Cambrian and Devonian. The combination of structure and environment helps to form large scale of evaporation. The climate cycle is related with crust activity. As the other ore deposit, the formation of potash ore also needs dry climate. Potash is the product of final stage in brine evolution, and therefore, it needs persistent drought climate. However, the climate condition is very complicated. Drought climate belt also occurs in humid climate stage, which is controlled by geomorphology. Potash ore can also form in local drought condition. Generally, potash forms in rock salt basin. However, the actual situation is very complicated. Some potash basin is coincided with rock salt basin, some is on one side of rock salt basin; and some are even in the outside of rock salt basin. Salt materials can be from three sources: marine source, terrigenous source and deep source.The paper gives an overview of the research status about the potash deposit forming conditions, which has great guiding significance for searching potash deposit in China. The paper also summarizes the three types of metallogenic models for potash deposit, including epicontinental metallogenic model, abnormal marine evaporation model and rift valley model. The three models are mainly different in material sources, in which the potash in epicontinental metallogenic model is from seawater; the potash in abnormal evaporation model is from nonmarine brine and the potash in rift valley model is mainly from deep material of volcanic activity.  相似文献   
在塔里木地台北缘库鲁克塔格断隆上,发现晚元古宙帕尔岗群与其下伏兴地塔格群之间为角度不整合。进一步研究了中元古宙兴地塔格群和晚元古宙帕尔岗塔格群在沉积建造、变质作用、构造样式和岩浆活动等方面的差异,证明中元古宙末期曾发生强烈构造运动——兴地运动。它在1.3~1.4Ga达到高潮,0.95~1Ga时结束,形成塔里木地台基底。根据构造要素的叠加关系和变形特征,将这次构造运动划分为三个变形幕。  相似文献   
姜瑛  刘先利 《矿产与地质》1998,12(5):313-317
在辽东半岛元古宙陆间裂谷某些矿床岩石矿物研究中,发现北瓦沟铅锌矿床含有一定量的块硫锑铅矿,常与方铅矿、黄铁矿、脆硫锑铅矿、硫锑铁矿、金银矿等共生,呈连晶或包裹产出,且与金银矿关系密切。当铅锌矿出现块硫锑铅矿物时,在镜下且见有韧性变形特征时,必见金银产出,其金银含量与块硫锑铅矿含量呈消长关系。因此,认为块硫锑铅矿的产出是寻找金银矿床的标志  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal change patterns of air temperature (T), precipitation (P), relative humidity (RH), lower vapor pressure (VP), potential evapotranspiration (PET) and drought situation of 690 meteorological stations for all of China were evaluated in this study to understand the effects of warming on regional drought and hydrological processes. Here, the drought extent is expressed by aridity index (AI), which is the ratio of precipitation and reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0) calculated by FAO Penman-Monteith equation, taking into account air temperature, atmospheric humidity, solar radiation, and wind. Our results indicate that there are different patterns of climate change from 1961 to 2008 and from 1981 to 2008. Little precipitation change occurred in China and ET0 decreased from 1961 to 2008. But, the warming trend has intensified and the area with significant increasing precipitation has reduced since the early 1980’s and ET0 has increased in most areas of China from 1981 to 2008 and decreased from 1961 to 2008. The areas affected by drought have shifted from North China and Northeast China to East China and South China since 1981. It is speculated that the increasing warming intensity after 1981 possibly strengthened the power of potential evapotranspiration and resulted in drought in most areas of Northeast China, North China, eastern Southwest China, and especially in East China and South China.  相似文献   
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