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基于AMSR-E数据的被动微波遥感干旱指数研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于2005年和2006年AMSR-E(advanced microwave scanning radiometer-earth observingsystem)的亮温,计算了8个亮温比值作为候选干旱指数。假设反演出的AMSR-E Land3土壤湿度数据能反映地表干旱程度,候选干旱指数与土壤湿度的相关性分析即能显示哪一候选干旱指数较好。选择河北省3个站点,分析了相关性较好的干旱指数的年际变化,并利用该干旱指数研究了河北省2006年3月份的干旱分布,通过比较河北省136个观测站的同期降水距平百分率,表明该干旱指数具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   
集合卡尔曼滤波同化多普勒雷达资料的数值试验   总被引:25,自引:10,他引:25  
利用集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)在云数值模式中同化模拟多普勒雷达资料,并考察了不同条件下EnKF同化方法的性能.结果显示,经过几个同化周期后,EnKF分析结果非常接近真值.单多普勒雷达资料EnKF同化对雷达位置不太敏感,双雷达资料同化结果在同化的初期阶段比单雷达资料同化结果准确.同化由反射率导出的雨水比直接同化反射率资料更有效,联合同化径向速度和雨水有利于提高同化分析效果.协方差对EnKF同化效果起着非常重要的作用,考虑模式全部预报变量与径向速度协方差的同化效果比仅考虑速度场与径向速度协方差的同化效果好.雷达资料缺值降低了同化效果,此时增加地面常规观测资料的同化可以明显提高同化分析效果.EnKF同化技术对雷达观测资料误差不太敏感.初始集合对同化分析有较大影响.EnKF同化受集合大小和观测资料影响半径.同化对模式误差较敏感.利用EnKF同化双多普勒雷达资料,分析了一次梅雨锋暴雨过程的中尺度结构.结果表明,EnKF同化技术能够从双多普勒雷达资料反演暴雨中尺度系统的动力场、热力场和微物理场,反演的风场是较准确的,反演的热力场和微物理场分布也是基本合理的.中低层切变线是此次暴雨的主要动力特征,对流云表现为低层辐合、高层辐散并有垂直上升运动伴随,其热力特征表现为低层是低压区,高层为高压区,中部为暖区而上、下部为冷区,水汽、云水和雨水分别集中在对流云体内、上升气流区和强回波区.  相似文献   
雷州半岛雾的气候特征及生消机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用分别位于雷州半岛北部、中部和南部的湛江站59a、雷州站46a和徐闻站42a的气象资料,分析了雷州半岛雾发生的规律及生消机理。结果表明:三站年雾日数变化趋势基本一致,呈"W"状,局部峰值明显升高。三站的年平均雾日数分别为24.7d、30.4d和21.0d。雷州半岛雾日主要出现在每年的1—4月及12月,3月雾日数最多,7月雾日数最少。近10a湛江站夜间雾发生频率为90%;短雾多,持续时间在4h以内的占75%。雾形成的天气形势可分为高压入海型、低压前型、冷锋前型、静止锋前型、鞍形场或均压场型5类,主要是平流雾、锋面雾和辐射雾。3种雾消散的天气形势是新冷空气补充南下、雾滴出现碰并沉降形成小雨或日出后雾滴蒸发。统计雷州半岛三站2000—2009年雾次频数得出,成雾概率最大的气象条件是气温为15~25℃、T-Td≤1.0℃、Δp3在-3.5~-2hPa和1.5~2.5hPa之间、风向为NNE-ESE及风速小于5m/s。L波段雷达探空大雾个例分析表明:雾顶高度在1.5km左右,雾中温度随高度增加而减小;雾中相对湿度大于92%,1.5km之上急剧减小,3km以上保持不变;T-Td为1.2~6.4℃;近地面风速为2~6m/s,风向随高度顺时针旋转,雾中有暖平流。  相似文献   
The study presented herein investigated the main characteristics of carbon monoxideintraseasonal variability and evaluated its possible impact factors using the upper troposphere and lowerstratosphere (UT/LS) Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) observations over Tibetan Plateau and itsadjacent areas in summer (June to August) of 2005 and 2006. Observations show a persistent constituentextreme extending up into the UT/LS throughout summer, as well as a temporally reversed phase variationbetween the carbon monoxide and ozone in UT/LS. The intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) of carbonmonoxide during summer are investigated by using methods of wavelet and band pass filter analysis. It isfound that ISOs over the Tibetan Plateau have periods of 10 to 20 days and 30 to 60 days. The formermainly appeared in upper troposphere while the latter in lower stratosphere. Further analysis shows thatthese two periods of ISOs in UT/LS are mainly in phase to the activities of convection over the south of theplateau and the variation of South Asia High, respectively. The above two factors and their dynamicalcoupling may be responsible for the tracer ISOs at different levels.  相似文献   
On the basis of the mean air temperature, precipitation, sunshine duration, and pan evaporation from 23 meteorological stations in the upper Yellow River Basin from 1960 to 2001, the feasibility of using hypothesis test techniques to detect the long-term trend for major climate variables has been investigated. Parametric tests are limited by the assumptions such as the normality and constant variance of the error terms. Nonparametric tests have not these additional assumptions and are better adapted to the trend test for hydro-meteorological time series. The possible trends of annual and monthly climatic time series are detected by using a non-parametric method and the abrupt changes have been examined in terms of 5-yr moving averaged seasonal and annual series by using moving T-test (MTT) method, Yamamoto method, and Mann-Kendall method. The results show that the annual mean temperature has increased by 0.8℃in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years. The warmest center was located in the northern part of the basin. The nonlinear tendency for annual precipitation was negative during the same period. The declining center for annual precipitation was located in the eastern part and the center of the basin. The variation of annual precipitation in the upper Yellow River Basin during the past 42 years exhibited an increasing tendency from 1972 to 1989 and a decreasing tendency from 1990 to 2001. The nonlinear tendencies for annual sunshine duration and pan evaporation were also negative. They have decreased by 125.6 h and 161.3 mm during the past 42 years, respectively. The test for abrupt changes by using MTT method shows that an abrupt wanning occurred in the late 1980s. An abrupt change of the annual mean precipitation occurred in the middle 1980s and an abrupt change of the mean sunshine duration took place in the early 1980s. For the annual mean pan evaporation, two abrupt changes took place in the 1980s and the early 1990s. The test results of the Yamamoto method show that the abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1980s, and two acute abrupt changes were tested for the spring pan evaporation in 1981 and for the annual mean temperature in 1985. According to the Mann-Kendall method, the abrupt changes of the temperature mainly occurred in the 1990s, the pan evaporation abrupt changes mostly occurred in the 1960s, and the abrupt changes of the sunshine duration primarily took place in the 1980s. Although the results obtained by using three methods are different, it is undoubted that jumps have indeed occurred in the last four decades.  相似文献   
西北区东部“1998年8月19~20日”暴雨诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年8月19~20日,在西太平洋副热带高压东退退北跳的背景下,受500hPa青藏高原中尺度低涡和700hPa东西向切变线影响,甘肃、平西两省南部出现区域性暴雨,物理量诊断分析结果表明,暴雨区700~100hPa是一致上升运动,最大中心在700hPa,700~300hPa为正涡度,正Q矢量涡度中心在500hPa,Q矢量散度自地面到200hPa为副合上升区,中心在500hPa,水汽通量散度的辐合区来自两个地方,主要部分位于青藏高原,其次是来自东侧850~700hPa。  相似文献   
海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林作为典型的热带雨林生态系统之一,其长期的气候动态变化研究对全球变化研究有着重要的作用。采用1980--2005年海南尖峰岭森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站天池气象站地面常规气象观测资料,利用累积距平法和Mann—Kendall检验法分析了尖峰岭热带山地雨林区气候突变和气候异常。结果表明:近26a来,该区年平均气温、年平均地温、年平均最高最低气温、年积温和平均水汽压在1990年前后经历一次由低到高的突变,年平均风速在1993年经历由大到小的突变。在高强度ENSO事件发生的1998年,气温、地温均出现异常偏高,这些都表明该林区的森林气候变化正是对全球气候异常的明显响应过程。  相似文献   
选择近年来影响上海最严重的不同路径台风个例,首先利用TAPM数值模式对出现最大风速过程期间,海岸线的风速变化作了数值模拟计算,然后与海岸测风梯度塔的同步观测数据进行对比,在验证了模式计算结果的准确性和可靠性基础上,对台风影响下上海近海区域最大风速的分布特征、不同高度风速变化规律进行分析评估.同时采用海上测风平台的观测数据,对近海海面上的湍流强度作了计算.结果表明:当台风影响上海地区时,上海近海海上的最大风速有较明显的梯度变化;海面上风速随高度变化远比陆上小,各高度层风速如用指数律公式计算,幂指数可取O.09-0.10;海面上的湍流强度亦较小,基本上在0.10以下范围内波动.  相似文献   
华南前汛期广东暴雨分区动力特征及特大暴雨分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据2009-2013 年华南地区72 测站逐日降水资料,利用 REOF方法、合成分析等方法,分析华南前汛期(4-6 月)暴雨时空特征。结果表明:暴雨降水量占总降水量34.6%,年暴雨日数170天以上。REOF方法分析获得华南前汛期5个暴雨模态区, 其中广东两模态区中心荷载强于其余3个区,降雨更多,雨强更大。合成分析显示,广东北部暴雨区受西风带系统影响为主, 暴雨中尺度系统为气旋及变形场锋生。沿海暴雨区受副热带系统控制为主,中尺度系统主要为低空急流,输送气旋式切变和旋转涡度,及低空速度辐合, 并提供自海上来的充沛水汽,造成沿海区暴雨远强于北部区。 近5 a前汛期广东24 h累积降雨量大于200mm的大暴雨有14次,均发生在沿海暴雨模态区。两区暴雨机制分别为西风带中尺度低值系统锋生降水,和副热带系统暖区登陆地形作用降水。海温SST方面沿海暴雨区环境较北部暴雨区具有更大平均水汽潜热量,含更充沛水汽。而感热场反映沿海暴雨区从下垫面吸收更多热能量,更有利于不稳定暴雨过程维持与加强。对2010 年6 月9 -12 日广东沿海上川岛持续性特大暴雨分析显示,东北阻塞高压强盛与副热带高压西伸北进势均力敌配置,水汽通道和水汽通量散度輻合异常强盛, 湿位涡湿正压项和湿斜压项均构成有利于垂直涡度增长环境, 这些因子维持了特大暴雨过程。  相似文献   
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