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Based on analysis of the air pollution observational data at 8 observation sites in Beijing including outer suburbs during the period from September 2004 to March 2005, this paper reveals synchronal and in-phase characteristics in the spatial and temporal variation of air pollutants on a city-proper scale at deferent sites; describes seasonal differences of the pollutant emission influence between the heating and non-heating periods, also significantly local differences of the pollutant emission influence between the urban district and outer suburbs, i.e. the spatial and temporal distribution of air pollutant is closely related with that of the pollutant emission intensity. This study shows that due to complexity of the spatial and temporal distribution of pollution emission sources, the new generation Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model developed by the EPA of USA produced forecasts, as other models did, with a systematic error of significantly lower than observations, albeit the model has better capability than previous models had in predicting the spatial distribution and variation tendency of multi-sort pollutants. The reason might be that the CMAQ adopts average amount of pollutant emission inventory, so that the model is difficult to objectively and finely describe the distribution and variation of pollution emission sources intensity on different spatial and temporal scales in the areas, in which the pollution is to be forecast. In order to correct the systematic prediction error resulting from the average pollutant emission inventory in CMAQ, this study proposes a new way of combining dynamics and statistics and establishes a statistically correcting model CMAQ-MOS for forecasts of regional air quality by utilizing the relationship of CMAQ outputs with corresponding observations, and tests the forecast capability. The investigation of experiments presents that CMAQ-MOS reduces the systematic errors of CMAQ because of the uncertainty of pollution emission inventory and improves the forecast level of air quality. Also this work employed a way of combining point and area forecasting, i.e. taking the products of CMAQ for a center site to forecast air pollution for other sites in vicinity with the scheme of model products "reanalysis" and average over the "area".  相似文献   
The chemical forms, spatial distribution and sources of As, Hg, Cd, Pb and Zn in sediments of the Miyun reservoir were studied. The results of sequential extraction demonstrate that most of As, Pb and Zn were bound to the residual fraction, Hg was associated with the sulfide fraction while Cd was associated with the carbonate fraction and the residual fraction. On the vertical profiles the concentrations of the heavy metals in total and each fractions mostly decreased with increasing depths in sediments, suggesting that the heavy metals input from the upstream watershed increases yearly. Summation of the residual fraction, the sulfide fraction and the carbonate fraction accounts for 60.03%―85.60% of the total heavy metal contents in the sediments, which represent the geochemical background values of the elements and relate closely to soil erosion. Results of the main factor analysis show that most sediments of the reservoir come from the upstream soil erosion, the point source pollution and domestic waste. Moreover, the microbial activities taking place on the sediment-water interface are also one of the major factors to cause the increasing content of the organic matter fraction and the iron-manganese oxide fraction. Environmental change of the reservoir water could make the removability of the heavy metals increase, leading to the increase of their concentrations in pore water in sediments, and imperiling water quality of the reservoir.  相似文献   
Biomineralization of Uranium: A Simulated Experiment and Its Significance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A simulated experimental reduction of U^v1 and the synthesis of uraninite by a sulfate-reducing bacteria,Desulfovibrio desulfuricans DSM 642, are first reported. The simulated physicochemical experimental conditions were:35℃, pH=7.0-7.4, corresponding to the environments of formation of the sandstone-hosted interlayer oxidation-zone type uranium deposits in Xinjiang, NW China. Uraninite was formed on the surface of the host bacteria after a one-week‘s incubation. Therefore, sulfate-reducing bacteria, which existed extensively in Jurassic sandstone-producing environments,might have participated in the biomineralization of this uranium deposit. There is an important difference in the orderdisorder of the crystalline structure between the uraninite produced by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and naturally occurring uraninite. Long time and slow precipitation and growth of uraninite in the geological environment might have resulted in larger uraninite crystals, with uraninite nanocrystals arranged in order, whereas the experimentally produced uraninite is composed of unordered uraninite nanocrystals which, in contrast, result from the short time span of formation and rapid precipitation and growth of uraninite. The discovery has important implications for understanding genetic significance in mineralogy, and also indicates that in-situ bioremediation of U-contaminated environments and use of biotechnology in the treatment of radioactive liquid waste is being contemplated.  相似文献   
The investigations on the organic carbon (OC) of core sediments were carried out in Chongming east tidal flat (CM) during Scirpus mariqueter growing stage (from April to December 2004) in Yangtze Estuary. The Yangtze River annually transports a runoff discharge of 30,000 m3/s, carrying about 480 million tons of sediments to the estuarine and coastal area, which formed a great OC pool. In the sampling spots, seven quadrats of 50 cm × 50 cm and five sediments cores of 20 cm deep (40 cm deep in December) were randomly established in order to collect vegetations and core sediments samples during the low tide each month except November. After pretreatment, the core sediments were sieved and their OC contents were measured according to the potassium dichromate method. The results show that the higher surface sediment OC content in summer comes from allochthonous terrigenous particle settlements on the Chongming east middle tidal flat S. mariqueter zone. In autumn and winter, the decomposing of the defoliated S. mariqueter increases the surface sediments OC content. Settling velocity, sediment temperature and S. mariqueter growth are the main factors that can control the sediment carbon content. Summer is the "carbon losing" period of the tidal flat sediments, while from September, it changes into the "carbon accumulating" period of sediment OC pool because of the decomposing of dead S. mariqueter community in the sediments. From this alternation of "carbon losing" period and "carbon accumulating" period, we conclude that carbon in the OC pool of the middle tidal flat S. mariqueter zone sediments mainly comes from the atmospheric carbon rooted by S. mariqueter photosynthesis.  相似文献   
对黄沙坪矿床硫化物期矿物进行矿物包裹体温度和成分测定,并进行热力学计算,获得毒砂-闪锌矿阶段成矿温度为300°,logfCO2为0.4~1.4;logfCH4为-2.05~2.07logfH2O为1.67~1.93;logfO2为-32.87~-38.39。对矽卡岩期和硫化物期硫化物进行硫同位素测定,获得矽卡岩期黄铁矿的δ34S为4.1‰~4.6‰; 硫化物期硫化物的δ34S为6.2‰~17.5‰,并具有δ34SSp大于δ34SGn和两组δ34SΣs值。对长石、方铅矿和闪锌矿进行了铅同位素测定,获得长石的206Pb/204Pb比值为18.429~19.305,207Pb/204Pb比值为15.598~15.905;208Pb/204Pb比值为38.647~39.235。方铅矿和闪锌矿的206Pb/204Pb比值为18.00~18.772,207Pb/204Pb比值为15.580~16.045,208Pb/204Pb比值为38.490~41.560,并呈线性排列,显示矿床硫铅是两种以上的物质来源。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地白云凹陷新生代构造演化动力学   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
白云凹陷构造演化史的研究对在白云凹陷开展油气勘探和深水沉积研究具有重要的意义。通过对断裂与沉积结构平面和剖面特点的分析,结合岩浆活动特点,文中提出白云凹陷是一个复式地堑,推测这种结构特点与凹陷下地壳的强烈韧性减薄和颈缩变形有关,表现为热岩石圈的伸展。其发育机制推测与白云凹陷位于构造转换带上有关,特殊的构造位置使白云凹陷成为强烈构造变形区,岩石圈地壳强烈减薄,伴随伸展过程和地幔上涌,脆性地壳或上地幔中部分熔融物质的出现导致岩石圈强度的急剧降低,在区域伸展应力场下以韧性流变方式减薄。岩浆在构造转换带下聚集并发育主岩浆房,由于白云凹陷南北边缘没有发育正断裂系统,岩浆主要沿垂直伸展的方向运移,因此在珠琼运动一幕和二幕南南东向伸展应力作用下,岩浆向白云凹陷的东部和西部运移至北西向基底深大断裂处,那里由于北西向断裂表现为左行张剪性质而成为压力较低的地区,从而成为岩浆上涌和侵位的地方。在岩浆聚集的地区,活动岩浆体附近的脆性变形被分散的韧性变形所取代,因此在凹陷的东北和西南两个角上,发育了张性和张剪性小断裂群,由于热岩石圈弹性较差,白云凹陷长期持续沉降。白云凹陷的断裂活动和沉积演化史还受到南海海盆扩张活动的影响。  相似文献   
应用遥感方法研究黄河三角洲地表蒸发及其与下垫面关系   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
文中主要应用遥感方法计算了黄河三角洲地表蒸发量及其地表特征参数。地表特征参数及其合理组合揭示出黄河三角洲下垫面的基本特征:农田植被指数和天然植被的植被指数有不同的变化规律,下垫面覆盖度低,裸地较多,地表较湿润,蒸发量较大。蒸发量时空分布主要受下垫面条件控制,滨海裸地和受人类活动影响较大的农田等地蒸发量较大,年际平均蒸发量在570~860 mm之间。  相似文献   
科技成果成功转化的主要标志是其产品的市场畅销度。产品的畅销度由于受各种内外部不确定因素影响,具有随机不确定性。基于这种随机不确定性,运用Markov chain对其产品进行市场预测,并通过实证分析说明其有效性,为科技成果的转化提供具体可行的定量依据。  相似文献   
数字社区数据标准研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
当前数字社区建设缺乏统一的智能化综合管理平台以及相应的各项数据标准,使得数字社区难以真正实现统一的数字化管理。该文参考国内外相应数据标准,研究数字社区的标准体系结构。针对现有标准体系缺乏相关数据标准的现状,提出数字社区系列数据标准,包括数据接口层标准、数据分类编码标准、数据模型、数据字典和元数据标准。阐述系列标准中各标准间的相互关系以及各标准所包含的具体内容。  相似文献   
广州市北京路步行街旅游形象策划   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
商业步行街是当今城市旅游购物和休闲的一个重要场所。广州市北京路是广州历史和现代有名的商业街之一,也是广州的一个著名景点。为了更好地包装广州市北京路的旅游形象,在详细分析其旅游文脉和旅游发展现状的基础上,采用企业识别系统的相关理论,对该区旅游形象MI、BI、VI三个方面进行了较为科学的策划。认为广州市北京路应突出“岭南第一街”的特点,对步行街的企业行为系统、市民行为系统等进行有效管理和规范,并改善现有的视觉景观和视觉标志,着力塑造一个集旅游观光、购物消费和休闲娱乐于一体的旅游形象。  相似文献   
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