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陆源排污和海水养殖等经常造成近海富营养化.选用大型海藻或大型海藻与贝类组成的复合生态系统开展富营养化海区生态修复,在介绍富营养化海区特征及治理方法的基础上,分析不同修复生物及其组合对不同富营养化海区的适宜性.结果表明,贝类不宜单独作为修复生物;大型海藻可以有效吸收水中的溶解无机氮(DIN)、溶解无机磷(DIP),提高溶...  相似文献   
本研究以分离自西北印度洋深海热液硫化物的铁还原栖热腔菌(Thermosipho ferrireducens) JL129W03T为研究对象,在以四方纤铁矿(β FeOOH)为电子受体条件下,测定了不同培养时间的细胞生长量和主要的代谢产物,并结合其基因组信息预测了主要代谢途径。结果表明,厌氧糖酵解是该菌的主要代谢途径,发酵代谢产物包括乙醇、乙酸、乳酸、丁酸和CO2。同时,该菌含有[Fe Fe]型氢酶,可以利用厌氧发酵过程产生的还原态铁氧还蛋白获得电子产生H2。在培养基中添加四方纤铁矿后,促进了菌株的最大细胞生长量(3.17×107 cells/mL至2.19×108 cells/mL),也促进了菌株对淀粉和纤维素的利用率(分别提高了100%和34%)。同时,培养基中添加四方纤铁矿后,菌株JL129W03的乙醇产量增加了76%,而丁酸的产量却降低了73%,对H2、乙酸、乳酸的产生影响较小。本研究对了解Thermosipho ferrireducens JL129W03T的生理代谢特点和进一步应用开发清洁能源(H2、乙醇等)奠定了基础。  相似文献   
安祥  杨祎 《贵州气象》2005,29(6):46-47
对县级执法环境,执法主体的薄弱环节以及存在的向题进行探讨,从而明确县级执法主体开展行政执法的思路,有助于县级气象行政执法工作的顺利开展。  相似文献   
Multi‐scale investigations aided by the discrete element method (DEM) play a vital role for current state‐of‐the‐art research on the elementary behaviour of granular materials. Similar to laboratory tests, there are three important aspects to be considered carefully, which are the proper stress/strain definition and measurement, the application of target loading paths and the designed experiment setup, to be addressed in the present paper. Considering the volume sensitive characteristics of granular materials, in the proposed technique, the deformation of the tested specimen is controlled and measured by deformation gradient tensor involving both the undeformed configuration and the current configuration. Definitions of Biot strain and Cauchy stress are adopted. The expressions of them in terms of contact forces and particle displacements, respectively, are derived. The boundary of the tested specimen consists of rigid massless planar units. It is suggested that the representative element uses a convex polyhedral (polygonal) shape to minimize possible boundary arching effects. General loading paths are described by directly specifying the changes in the stress/strain invariants or directions. Loading can be applied in the strain‐controlled mode by specifying the translations and rotations of the boundary units, or in the stress‐controlled mode by using a servo‐control mechanism, or in the combination of the two methods to realize mixed boundary conditions. Taking the simulation results as the natural consequences originated from a complex system, virtual experiments provide particle‐scale information database to conduct multi‐scale investigations for better understanding in granular material behaviours and possible development of the constitutive theories provided the qualitative similarity between the simulation results from virtual experiments and observations on real material behaviour. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
西准噶尔地区广泛发育高镁质闪长质岩墙。对全岩样品的Ar-Ar测年获得了321Ma的坪年龄,显示其主要形成于石炭纪末。这些岩墙样品以富Si(SiO2 52.3%~56.9%)、Mg(Mg〉60)、Cr(134—204μg/g)、Ni(59,141μg/g)、Sr(468~724pg/g)、Ba(316~676μg/g)为特征且K/Na比值在0.38—0.63之间,类似于日本中新世Setouehi火山岩带中的赞岐岩。这些岩墙大多具有不同程度的Eu正异常并具有高的Ba/La比值(27~124),反映其主要来自消减带环境下受流体交代的地幔源区的部分熔融。赞岐岩和区内同时代埃达克质岩石的共生组合意味着该区在晚石炭世末曾受到热消减机制的影响。这种热的洋壳俯冲机制,不仅在石炭纪末期产生了大量的岩浆活动,而且也导致了铜金等成矿元素的富集。深入了解赞岐岩-埃达克岩共生组合与铜金矿化之间的密切关系将有助于正确评价区内成矿潜力。  相似文献   
为了预测松辽盆地北部泉头组三、四段低渗透储层的质量,首先将碎屑岩的成岩作用细分为早成岩阶段A、早成岩阶段B期、中成岩阶段A1亚期、中成岩阶段A21、A2、中成岩阶段B期。统计结果表明,成岩作用对储层的物性和含油性具有明显的控制作用,处于中成岩阶段B期的任何沉积相的砂体均不能产出工业油气流,在中成岩阶段A22只有主河道砂...  相似文献   
随着全球冰川正在越来越多的地区融化, 冰川微生物资源很可能会由于冰川退缩而未被人类所发现就已受到生存的威胁而濒危.以祁连山老虎沟12号冰川消融区和末端雪样及末端土样为研究对象, 采用培养方法、分子鉴定, 研究冰川雪样优势菌群在冰川末端土样的分布状况及生理生化指标变化情况, 分析冰川细菌优势菌群在冰川退缩后适应非雪环境的能力.结果表明: 冰川末端雪样优势菌为1BW1和1BW2所代表的Pedobacter, 该属在冰川消融区雪样和冰川末端土样中未分离到; 冰川消融区雪样优势菌为2BW所代表的Acinetobacter, 该属在冰川末端雪样中的数量较少, 在冰川末端土样中的数量更少.不同采样位点16S rRNA序列相似性高的菌株其生理生化特征比相同采样位点的大.因此, 冰川冰退缩可能会引发冰川雪样中的优势种群不能适应新环境而灭绝. 应加强冰川细菌资源利用和保护的研究基础.  相似文献   
通过对湖南省常宁市新盟山英安玢岩进行岩石地球化学、锆石U-Pb定年以及绿泥石矿物化学等综合研究,结合前人研究成果,探讨其岩石地球化学性质、形成时代、物质来源及其与成矿作用的关系.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果显示,新盟山英安玢岩的n(206Pb)/n(238U)加权平均年龄为152.9±1.2 Ma,属于晚侏罗...  相似文献   
黑河下游胡杨季节尺度径向生长变化研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用半径型树木生长测量仪, 于2009-2010年生长季对西北内陆河-黑河流域下游荒漠河岸林优势树种-胡杨径向生长进行了监测, 结合环境气象、 水文因子同步监测资料, 对胡杨季节变化节律和环境影响因素进行了研究.结果表明: 按照胡杨径向生长日变化特征, 将其分为增长型(ΔR+)、 负增长型(ΔR-)和持续增长型(ΔR++)3种类型.在生长季, 胡杨径向生长季节变化呈"S"型, 可分为前期缓慢增长(P1)、 迅速增长(P2)和后期微弱增长(P3) 3个阶段; ΔR+/++类型在这3个阶段中所占比例分别为63.64%, 85.51%和48.61%; 5月末至8月初是胡杨年轮形成的主要阶段, 在该阶段气温和地下水位埋深均表现出显著的相关关系, 但地下水位埋深应是最根本的因素. 因此, 在树木年轮学应用方面, 胡杨可以用来反演区域水环境变化, 包括河道径流和地下水位变化等. 在荒漠河岸林管理方面, 满足春夏季地下水位条件和适度频率的春汛, 是保证该地区胡杨河岸林正常生长和保持合理种群结构的前提.  相似文献   
Glacier inventory compilation during the past 20 years and modifications of that for the Eastern Pamir and Banggong Lake indicate that there are 46,342 modern glaciers with a total area and volume of 59415 km2 and 5601 km3 respectively in China. These glaciers can be classified into maritime and continental (including sub-continental and extremely continental) types. Researches show that glaciers in China have been retreating since the Little Ice Age and the mass wastage was accelerated during the past 30 to 40 years. Being an important part of glaciological studies in China, ice core climatic and environmental studies on Tibetan Plateau and in the Antarctica have provided abundant, high resolution information about past climatic and environmental evolution over the Tibetan Plateau and Antarctica. Except for different parameters recorded in ice cores relating to climate and environment changes on Tibetan Plateau, records from ice cores extracted from different glaciers show that the discrepancies in climatic and environmental changes on the north and south parts of the plateau may be the consequence of different influencing effects from terrestrial and solar sources. Glaciological and meteorological phenomena imply that Lambert Glacier valley is an important boundary of climate in the east Antarctica, which is thought to be connected with cyclonic activities and Circum-polar Waves over the Antarctica.  相似文献   
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