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介绍了在自研的《气象雷达基数据结构分析软件》的基础上,通过空间三维插值方法和VTK(Visualization Toolkit)图形图像库显示技术,实现天气雷达基数据三维可视化的功能,该软件可运行于多种操作系统。三维重建功能支持多项交互式操作,能够快速突出雷达回波的结构特征:允许在雷达平面图上选定任意矩形区域进行三维重建;支持地形和雷达回波的叠加;具备缩放、漫游和视角变换功能;提供不同数值区间的透明度和光照系数调整;实现多种类型的切面视图和三视图。最后,本文结合软件在强对流单体、台风等个例中的应用情况,展示了三维重建功能如何帮助预报员快速掌握风暴结构及其演变规律。  相似文献   
Niobium and Ta concentrations in ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) eclogites and rutile from these eclogites and associated high pressure (HP) veins were used to study the behaviour of Nb–Ta during dehydration and fluid‐rock interaction. Samples were collected through a ~2 km profile at the Bixiling complex in the Dabie orogenic belt, Central‐Eastern China. All but one eclogite away from veins (EAVs) display nearly constant Nb/Ta ratios ranging from 16.1 to 19.2, with an average of 16.9 ± 0.8 (2 SE), similar to that of their gabbroic protolith from the Yangtze Block. Nb/Ta ratios of rutile from the EAVs range from 12.7 to 25.3 among different individual grains, with the average values close to those of the corresponding bulk rocks. These observations show that Nb and Ta were not significantly fractionated by prograde metamorphism up to eclogite facies when no significant fluid‐rock interaction occurs. In contrast, Nb/Ta ratios of rutile from eclogites close to veins (ECVs) are highly variable from 17.8 to 49.8, which are systematically higher (by up to 17) than those of rutile from the veins. These observations demonstrate that Nb and Ta were mobilized and fractionated during localized fluid flow and intensive fluid‐rock interaction. This is strongly supported by Nb/Ta zoning patterns in single rutile grains revealed by in situ LA‐ICP‐MS analysis. Ratios of Nb/Ta in the ECV‐hosted rutile decrease gradually from cores towards rims, whereas those in the EAV‐hosted rutile are nearly invariable. Furthermore, the vein rutile shows Nb/Ta zoning patterns that are complementary to those in rutile from their immediate hosts (ECVs), suggesting an internal origin for the vein‐forming fluids. The Nb/Ta ratios of such fluids evolved from low values at the early stage of subduction to higher values at later supercritical conditions with increased temperature and pressure. Quantitative modelling was conducted to constrain the compositional evolution of metamorphic fluids during dehydration and fluid‐rock interaction focusing on Nb–Ta distribution. The modelling results based on our proposed multistage fluid phase evolution path can essentially reproduce the natural observations reported in the present study.  相似文献   
<正> 1974年在我国上前寒武系蓟县层型剖面蓟县系雾迷山组下部首次报道了一个新的叠层石群Pseudogymnosolen Liang et Tsao,近数年来在我国许多地区陆续发现该群分子。与此同时,又发现大量的形态上与Pseudogymnosolen具有一定相似性但又有明显区别的新的叠层石群。作者认为原假裸枝叠层石群(相当属)资料十分丰富,已有足够条件提升为超群Pseudogymnosolenidae(相当科)。此超群的叠层石具有固定的柱体形态(表1图2),局部柱体本身是由一系列紧密相连的假柱组成,故它们的分类位置应归于柱-层叠层石大类。但因叠层体微小(柱体直径一般小于1厘米),具较频繁的平行和微散开分叉,它们可以与柱-层叠层石大类的其他叠层石明显区分。  相似文献   
采用非线性有限元方法,并借助正交试验原理,以支护最大水平位移为衡量目标,对复合土钉墙设计中的关键技术———土钉设置型式,包括倾角、间距、长度分布规律进行了合理性方面的研究。研究表明:将最长的土钉放于基坑中下部、保持较小的土钉间距和增大基坑中下部土钉倾角是复合土钉支护中土钉设置的最佳型式;在影响基坑变形敏感性程度上,土钉长度分布规律、间距、倾角依次降低。  相似文献   
山东半岛地下水库建设与研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合理建设和管理地下水库是我国北方缺水地区增加水资源可利用量的有效途径.为了有效利用暴雨洪水资源,同时阻止海水沿河道下游入侵地下水含水层,自上世纪80年代以来,山东半岛陆续兴建了多座地下水库.介绍了山东半岛地下水库建设成就、地下水库建设的潜力、采取的技术措施和主要研究进展.指出地下水库环境保护是亟待引起重视的问题.  相似文献   
以2004年内蒙古乌达地区1:5000大比例尺的直升机航空电磁、磁综合测量资料为基础,结合地面煤田地质、物探、遥感等资料,对内蒙古乌达地区的航空磁场特征、航空电磁场特征与地下煤火分布的关系进行了分析与研究,在综合分析的基础上,建立了该区的地下煤火划分标志,并对该区的地下煤火分布和燃烧状况进行了分析和圈定.  相似文献   
古人对于环保问题十分重视,这在宗教方面表现为,宗教教义及宗教思想中有不少相关的论述:《圣经》中有着朦胧的环境保护意识;道教经典《太平经》中有具有拟人化特征的环保思想;佛教对于人与自然的关系也具有一定深度的认识。宗教环保思想的历史渊源可以上溯至宗教的起始阶段——原始宗教时期,早在原始宗教中就已经存在自然崇拜、动植物崇拜。通过对于宗教的四要素中的核心要素——宗教教义要素所赖以产生的现实基础的剖析可以看出,这些环保思想和崇拜行为是与当时的社会生产力发展水平、科学发展水平、人类的认识能力,尤其是人类生存和发展对于自然物的依赖等因素有密切关系。  相似文献   
Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit is located in the northern part of Ordos Basin, occurring in the transitional zones between gray-green and gray sandstones of Jurassic Zhiluo Formation. Sandstones in oxidized zone of the ore bed look gray-green, being of unique signature and different from one of ordinary inter-layered oxidation zone of sandstone-type uranium deposits. The character and origin of gray-green sandstones are systematically studied through their petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry. It is pointed out that this color of sandstones is originated from secondary oil-gas reduction processes after paleo-oxidation, being due to acicular-leaf chlorite covering surfaces of the sandstone grains. To find out the origin of gray-green sandstone and recognize paleo-oxidation zones in the ore bed are of not only theoretical significance for understanding metallogenesis of this kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit, but also very importantly practical significance for prospecting for similar kind of sandstone-type uranium deposit.  相似文献   
通过对经纬仪横轴与竖轴垂直度的测试分析,就检定规程JJG414-94中所得供的计算公式的符号问题,提出了更正意见。  相似文献   
西藏浪卡子县西部地区金矿成矿地质条件分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浪卡子地区位于印度河—雅鲁藏布江缝合带南侧,喜马拉雅板片北缘和札达—仲巴板片南缘。该区金矿的形成受沉积作用、岩浆作用、构造作用、变质作用和地球化学作用所制约。其赋存条件与特定的地层、岩性、岩石、构造、蚀变、变质特征和地球化学场密切相关。  相似文献   
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