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基于BOTDR技术的深埋岩溶土洞监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩溶洞穴发育成地表塌陷影响因素复杂。为了获得岩溶土洞监测标识区域的应力特征,在太沙基松动土压力理论基础上,对岩溶土洞发育历程中松动区竖向土压力进行了分析。松动区的空间位置由洞穴特征及其上方岩土介质的物理、力学性质决定;平面应变和非平面应变条件下,松动区竖向土压力的分布特征差异明显。根据岩溶土洞上方松动区竖向土压力的分布特征,结合BOTDR技术优点,提出应用BOTDR技术监测岩溶土洞的发育,针对光纤监测系统设计中光纤布线型式进行了分析。岩溶土洞应力场变化特征的定量研究对光纤传感技术应用于岩溶土洞监测设计提供理论依据和指导。   相似文献   
焦作市矿产资源开发的环境地质问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
焦作市是在矿产资源开发基础上建立起来的新兴工业城市,随着社会经济的发展,环境地质问题日益突出。现有采空区149 km2,煤矸石堆存量1 180.77×104t,占地41.81×104m2,尾矿坝4座,方量已达2 660×104m3,矿坑突水700余次,经济损失达3亿多元,矿区水环境污染严重,大部分地下水为Ⅳ类、Ⅴ类水。每年投入治理与赔偿地面变形、塌陷损失金额达数百万元。本文分析认为矿产资源开发环境保护的法律法规不健全,环境保护意识淡薄,矿区环境恢复治理资金不畅,技术投入不足是造成矿区生态环境地质问题与影响矿区生态环境治理的主要因素。加强宣传教育,推广实用技术,从源头减少矿产资源开发诱发的环境地质问题,建立矿山生态环境保护与恢复治理相关制度,实施矿业权资产化管理,是有效预防因矿产资源开发诱发生态环境恶化及进行恢复治理的重要途径。  相似文献   
北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou navigation satellite System, BDS)已于2020年7月正式建成并开通, 北斗三号(BDS-3)在旧信号B1I和B3I的基础上, 增加了B1C、B2a新信号. 为了全面评估BDS-3的新信号B1C、B2a的定位性能, 试验了GPS (Global Positioning System)、BDS-3、BDS-2/BDS-3新旧信号的定位性能和BDS系统不同频点与GPS组合定位性能, 对BDS (B1I+B3I、B1C/B2a)+GPS (L1+L2)组合静态PPP (Precise Point Positioning)定位性能进行分析, 并与单卫星系统对比分析. 试验结果表明: BDS-3 (B1C/B2a)在East (E)、\lk North (N)、Up (U)方向的定位精度优于1.25cm、0.89cm、1.67cm, BDS-3新旧频点在E、N方向上定位精度与GPS L1/L2在同一水平上, U方向上新频点定位精度高于GPS L1/L2和BDS-3旧频点, 较旧频点定位精度提升了34.2%, 新频点收敛时间25.9min比旧频点提升了12.7%; 相较于BDS、GPS单系统, 组合系统BDS/GPS定位精度和收敛时间有了明显的提高, BDS-3 (B1C/B2a)+GPS在E、N方向上与BDS-3 (B1I/B3I)+GPS定位精度相当, 在U方向上定位精度前者较后者有了明显的提升, 提升了17.2%, 组合系统新频点收敛时间20.1min比旧频点提升了17.6%.  相似文献   
社区教育空间布局不均衡不仅是中国面临的问题,也是全球性的问题。早在20世纪末,国外就对社区教育空间布局展开了研究,本文通过对国际上相关文献进行梳理,对比分析,发现学者主要围绕社会学及教育地理学两大学科进行讨论。具体主题包括:从空间视角探讨社会空间与教育空间的关系,社区教育资源禀赋的空间分异,社区教育空间不均衡与减贫、民族、性别之间的关系以及对社会公平正义的影响,个体情感归属与社区教育空间布局的关系、社区教育空间的外向性、地理空间技术和方法在社区教育领域的应用。结合当前我国社区教育自身发展的特点及国际研究的趋势,未来我国社区教育研究可以从社区教育对社区居民身份认同的空间塑造,对地方经济增长、社区民主、民族融合的影响;以及从时空演变的经纬度探寻社区教育资源空间布局不均衡的原因,并科学地提供均衡配置两个方面进行。  相似文献   
The availability of high-resolution satellite precipitation measurement products provides an opportunity to monitor precipitation over large and complex terrain and thus accurately evaluate the climatic, hydrological and ecological conditions in those regions. The Global Precipitation Measurement(GPM) mission is an important new program designed for global satellite precipitation estimation, but little information has been reported on the applicability of the GPM’s products for the Tibetan Plateau(TP). The object of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM(IMERG) Final Run product under different terrain and climate conditions over the TP by using 78 ground gauges from April 2014 to December 2017. The results showed the following:(1) the 3-year average daily precipitation estimation in the IMERG agrees well with the rain gauge observations(R~2=0.58, P0.01), and IMERG also has a considerable ability to detect precipitation, as indicated by a high probability of detection(78%-98%) and critical success index(65%-85%);(2) IMERG performed better at altitudes from 3000 m to 4000 m with a small relative bias(RB) of 6.4%. Precipitation change was not significantly affected by local relief;(3) the climate system of the TP was divided into four climate groups with a total of 12 climate types based on the K?ppen climate classification system, and IMERG performed well in all climate types with the exception of the arid-desert-cold climate(Bwk) type. Furthermore, although IMERG showed the potential to detect snowfall, it still exhibits deficiencies in identifying light and moderate snow. These results indicate that IMERG could provide more accurate precipitation data if its retrieval algorithm was improved for complex terrain and arid regions.  相似文献   
The maximum normal impact resultant force(NIRF)is usually regarded as the sum of the static earth pressure of the dead zone and the dynamic impact pressure of the flowing layer.The influence of the interaction between the flowing layer and dead zone on the impact force is ignored.In this study,we classified two impact models with respect to the pileup characteristics of the dead zone.Then,we employed the discrete element method to investigate the influences of the pileup characteristics on the impact force of dry granular flow on a tilted rigid wall.If the final pileup height is equal to the critical value,the maximum NIRF can be estimated using a hydrostatic model,because the main contribution to the maximum NIRF is the static earth pressure of the dead zone.If the final pileup height is less than the critical value,however,the particles in the dead zone are squeezed along the slope surface by the impact ofthe flowing layer on the dead zone,and because of shear effects,the flowing layer causes an entrainment in the dead zone.This results in a decrease in the volume of the dead zone at the moment of maximum NIRF with increases in the slope angle.As such,the maximum NIRF mainly comprises the instant impact force of the flowing layer,so hydro-dynamic models are effective for estimating the maximum NIRF.Impact models will benefit from further study of the components and distribution of the impact force of dry granular flow.  相似文献   
Seamounts are subsurface mountains in the ocean. Examination of the abundance and distribution of Archaea in seamount ecosystems may provide a better understanding of their ecological functions. Most studies of marine archaeal assemblages in seamount area have focused on hydrothermal vents or ferromanganese crusts. We investigated the archaeal communities from a seamount of the Mariana Volcanic Arc, in the tropical western Pacific Ocean by using high-throughput sequencing. Thaumarchaeota was dominant in the sediments of all sample stations. Community diversity and species richness were greatest at stations near the top of the seamount, and lowest at the deepest station. One sample station on the steep southeast slope that faced the Yap-Mariana trench had a unique composition of Archaea. In summary, depth has an important influence on archaeal community structure, and the geographic properties and sediment characteristics may explain the unique distribution patterns of Archaea in this seamount. This study provides a foundation for future research on Archaea in seamounts.  相似文献   
黑棘鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)是广泛分布于西北太平洋的暖温性中下层经济鱼类,也是我国沿海重要的海洋捕捞鱼类和增养殖对象。然而,目前有关黑棘鲷的微卫星标记研究报道较少,难以对其种质资源状况作出精确评估。本研究采用SLAF-seq技术测序共获得22489个二至六碱基重复的黑棘鲷微卫星序列,短重复序列(二、三碱基)占总微卫星序列的90.8%,长重复序列(四至六碱基)占有9.2%。经过157对随机合成引物的多态性筛选,开发出49个高多态性的黑棘鲷微卫星标记,其中短重复序列位点有25个,长重复序列位点有24个。每个位点的等位基因数(Na)为2—20(均值为8.3),观测杂合度(Ho)和期望杂合度(He)分别为0.097—0.938和0.122—0.922(均值分别为0.663和0.701),多态信息含量(PIC)为0.118—0.897(均值为0.655)。经Bonferroni校正后,有47个位点符合哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE),各位点间未检测到连锁不平衡现象,仅2个位点偏离HWE。结果表明,所开发的大部分微卫星标记具有高多态性,蕴含的遗传信息含量较为丰富,能够为黑棘鲷的种群遗传资源评估提供数量充足、类型多样的有效分子标记。跨物种扩增结果显示,有43个黑棘鲷微卫星标记可在9种鲷科鱼类中成功扩增,其中28个标记在太平洋棘鲷(Acanthopagruspacificus)、黄鳍棘鲷(Acanthopagruslatus)和澳洲棘鲷(Acanthopagrusaustralis)中具有较好的通用性,2个标记在平鲷(Rhabdosargussarba)、蓝点赤鲷(Pagruscaeruleostictus)、真赤鲷(Pagrusmajor)、二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinalis)及黄牙鲷(Dentex hypselosomus)中具有通用性。这些通用性标记可为阐明鲷科属、种间的系统进化关系和棘鲷属鱼类的群体遗传学分析提供新的标记来源和研究角度。  相似文献   
荣成月湖是一个典型天然潟湖,潮间带沉积物中存在多种形态趋磁细菌。通过Roche454高通量测序平台,对沉积物样品(B_S)和磁收样品(B_M)进行16SrRNA基因高通量测序,认识荣成潮间带沉积物的细菌群落结构,并了解趋磁细菌多样性及系统进化地位。研究结果表明沉积物样品中主要的细菌类群为δ-变形菌纲,占总细菌数的26.4%,其次是γ-变形菌纲和α-变形菌纲;而磁收样品中细菌多样性和种类明显降低,以α-变形菌纲占绝对优势,相对比例达72.6%。在磁收样品和沉积物样品分别发现了1 612条和186条reads与趋磁细菌相关,分别占细菌总数的5.76%和0.85%,磁收样品中趋磁细菌数是沉积物样品的6.8倍。对两个样品中获得的趋磁细菌序列进行系统进化分析,发现这些序列多数属于变形菌门的α-变形菌纲,以趋磁球菌占绝对优势,少数属于δ-变形菌纲,与多细胞趋磁原核生物亲缘关系最近。海洋趋磁螺菌属仅在B_M样品中检出,趋磁弧菌属在B_M样品优势度高于B_S样品,而多细胞趋磁原核生物和趋磁螺菌属在B_S样品中优势度更高。通过分析样品间的差异OTUs,认为荣成潮间带沉积物中可能存在大量未知的趋磁细菌新类群。研究结果为下一步培养和开发趋磁细菌这一功能菌群,发现趋磁细菌新类群及趋磁细菌生态功能提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
太空资源的勘探及利用是深空探测的重要目的之一。火星是人类最容易到达和资源利用最为迫切的行星,对火星资源进行勘查和原位利用是未来火星载人探测及基地建设需要解决的重要问题。本文对火星大气资源、水资源、土壤与岩石矿物资源、风能与太阳能资源等可利用资源的类型及赋存状况进行了分析,制作了火星资源的全球分布图,并从资源分布的角度提出了未来火星资源探测及火星基地建设的首选区域。同时,本文也总结了火星原位资源利用技术的研究进展及问题,认为未来需要从以下几个方面开展进一步研究:加强火星资源的针对性勘查与评估;开发新的资源利用模式与技术;建立资源利用成本的综合评估模型;完善资源开发与利用相关的法律法规。  相似文献   
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