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Travel time uncertainty has significant impacts on individual activity-travel scheduling, but at present these impacts have not been considered in most accessibility studies. In this paper, an accessibility evaluation framework is proposed for urban areas with uncertain travel times. A reliable space-time service region (RSTR) model is introduced to represent the space-time service region of a facility under travel time uncertainty. Based on the RSTR model, four reliable place-based accessibility measures are proposed to evaluate accessibility to urban services by incorporating the effects of travel time reliability. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework, a case study using large-scale taxi tracking data is carried out. The results of the case study indicate that the proposed accessibility measures can evaluate large-scale place-based accessibility well in urban areas with uncertain travel times. Conventional place-based accessibility indicators ignoring travel time reliability can significantly overestimate the accessibility to urban services.  相似文献   
三江平原中东部沼泽湿地形成及其演化趋势的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江平原中东部是沼泽湿地集中连片分布地区。研究区有阶地沼泽和河漫滩沼泽两大类型沼泽分布,进一步可划分为4个沼泽体,即小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)—毛苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)沼泽;毛苔草沼泽;睡菜(Menyanthes trifoliata)—水木贼(Equisetum limosum)沼泽;漂筏苔草(Carex pseudocuraica)—毛苔草沼泽。研究区沼泽湿地形成的主要自然因素为:①新构造运动的大面积沉降;②地势低平,坡降平缓、河道变迁,复杂的微地貌,易于积水,促使沼泽湿地的大面积形成;③厚3~17m的第四纪粘土层沉积地表,使地表渗透性差;④气候因素,研究区处于温带大陆性湿润季风气候区,雨量集中于夏季,且多秋雨,冬季积雪深度大,封冻期长,季节性冻土层厚;⑤水文因素,河流比降小,糙率大,流速缓,多为沼泽性河流,春汛与夏汛之间只出现平水不出现枯水,洪水期间,洼地和河流受松花江、黑龙江等大河、大江的洪水顶托,研究区的承泄条件差,内水不能外排,长期积蓄地表。目前研究区沼泽有变干的趋向。  相似文献   
鹤山龙口村边次生常绿阔叶林群落分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
鹤山龙口村边次生常绿阔叶林属季风常绿阔叶林类型, 其种类组成复杂多样而富于热带性, 据1200 m2 的样方统计, 有维管束植物62 种, 分属于32 科、54 属, 其中, 属热带分布的有32 种, 属热带- 亚热带分布的有21 种, 属亚热带分布的只有7 种, 其余2 种为世界分布。本群落的外貌终年常绿, 层次结构复杂而不明显, 样地内高于1-5m 的立木有52 种1857 株, 灌木层种类和株数尚多, 100 m2 内有185株, 草本层以乔灌木幼苗为主, 草本植物较少。群落组成结构与地带性常绿阔叶林相似, 乔、灌、草各层的物种多样性指数在4 左右, 群落均匀度为0-7 ~0-9 , 生态优势度为0-07 ~0-10 , 但群落明显具有次生性, 大部分优势种群呈集群分布。若能减少人为干扰破坏, 本群落将向地带性典型植被类型演替。  相似文献   
海水声速剖面通常使用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,EOF)进行稀疏表示,然而基函数会受到数据完备性和数据测量时间的制约,其代表性误差会导致声速剖面重构精度受限。为了提高声速剖面的重构精度,本文利用模糊C均值聚类对BOA_Argo历史数据集进行聚类分析,探讨不同聚类空间的训练集数据对实测声速剖面重构精度的影响。研究表明,声速剖面具有明显的时空聚集特性,聚类后的历史声速剖面集生成的基函数和平均声速剖面具有最优的重构性能。本文研究结果有助于为历史声速剖面训练集的选取提供实际指导意义,进而提高声速剖面重构精度乃至反演精度。  相似文献   
黄河中游岩土侵蚀问题及防治对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河中游出露地层岩性主要有古生界奥陶系碳酸盐岩、石炭系和二叠系碎屑岩;中生界三叠系砂泥岩、侏罗系砂泥岩和白垩系砂泥岩;新生界古近系砂泥岩、新近系(原为第三系)红土及第四系风积黄土和现代风积沙。第四系黄土厚度大,结构松散,遇水易解体,具湿陷性,是黄河中游粗泥砂的主要物源;第四系风积沙分布于黄河中游北部,亦是黄河中游粗泥砂的主要物源。岩土侵蚀类型有五:一是风力侵蚀—风沙侵蚀;二是降雨对谷坡面的面状冲刷—坡面侵蚀;三是地表径流对谷底的侧蚀—沟谷侵蚀;四是滑塌对谷坡坡体的破坏—重力侵蚀;五是潜蚀。并对不同侵蚀类型提出了不同的防治对策。  相似文献   
Gold deposits and occurrences small in reserves and high in Au grade conventionally determine the line of prospecting in terrigenous sequences of the Verkhoyansk–Kolyma region. In this paper, the geological structure of such gold objects is considered with the example of the deposits and prospects making up the Zhdaninsky ore–placer cluster in the Republic of Sakha (Yakuia). From lithological, structural, and mineralogical–geochemical data, the formation conditions of ore-bearing complexes are specified, the geological evolution history of the northern Ol’chan Zone of the Kular–Nera Belt is reconstructed, and the zonal distribution of mineralization within the ore–placer cluster is revealed. The structural–compositional complexes were formed in the following succession: (1) sedimentation at the shelf of the passive margin accompanied by synsedimentation deformations; (2) metagenesis of sediments and the development of bedding-plane intraformational detachments of collision stage D1 under conditions of tangential compression and accompanied by the formation of carbon dioxide–aqueous metamorphic fluid at a temperature of 300°C and under a pressure of 1.4 kbar; (3) folding and faulting of orogenic stage D2 with the formation of synkinematic magmatic bodies, metasomatic alteration, and Au-bearig mineral assemblages. Small Au-bearing objects with veined mineralization and high Au grade are localized in structures of stage D2 transverse to bedding-plane schistosity S1. They form at the collision stage above intraformational detachment surfaces and are controlled by shear structures of the orogenic stage with misalignment of these deformations. The ore zoning is determined by the distribution of Co and Ni minerals and by variations in the anionic composition of ore (S, As, Sb).  相似文献   


李明财  任雨  熊明明  杨艳娟 《地理科学》2012,(12):1538-1544
设计暴雨是区域防洪排涝和城市市政排水的重要基础,是关系到区域安全和城市运行的重要问题。利用天津站和塘沽站完整的分钟降雨量资料以及环城四区和滨海新区其它台站的降雨年最大值资料,推求了各台站的暴雨强度公式,分析了天津市城市化对设计暴雨强度的影响,以及中心城区与滨海新区的空间差异。结果表明:城市化对设计雨量有明显的影响,城区重现期1a的暴雨强度有降低的趋势,而重现期3 a以上的暴雨强度有所增强,而且城市化效应在不同环城区域存在明显的一致性,环城四区排水设计在重现期1a及以下时对城市化影响应有所考虑,而3 a以上重现期设计雨量采用中心城区暴雨公式是安全的;滨海新区3个区域各历时不同重现期下的暴雨强度均高于中心城区,尤其是塘沽远远高于中心城区,滨海区域采用全市统一的暴雨公式进行排水系统设计是不安全的,宜采用滨海新区各区县当地的暴雨强度公式。  相似文献   
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