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在短期基坑沉降监测中,由于数据量少且呈非线性变化,沉降模型很难准确建立。灰色GM(1,1)对数据少、趋势性强、波动小的数据有较高的预测精度,但不能模拟复杂的非线性函数;BP神经网络可以对非线性数据进行学习训练,具有自学习、自适应能力;通过将GM(1,1)与BP神经网络组合,并优化网络部分的学习率、权值和阈值等,建立一种改进的灰色神经网络模型,该模型具有对非线性数据自学习、自适应能力和预测精度更高等优点。通过某基坑沉降监测分析,验证改进的灰色神经网络模型预测精度更高,适合短期建模,具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   
中国地质调查局与阿根廷地质矿产调查局合作在阿根廷西北部米纳毕戈塔地区进行1︰25万水系沉积物测量,该区属于干旱-半干旱高寒山区,为突出找矿效果,消除或减少风积物干扰,需要确定适合于该区的水系沉积物采样粒度。为此,在该区选择一个有已知矿床的1︰5万图幅进行采样粒度试验,分别选择10~60目、-60目、60~80目、-80目4个粒度级进行粒度试验;根据我国区域地球化学勘查规范,每个粒度分析39种元素。结果表明,大部分元素在4种粒度水系沉积物中的分布形态基本一致,都能够较好地反映出区内已知矿床,说明采用的采样方法可以有效地避免风成砂干扰;金、银、铜、锡等成矿元素在4种粒度中的分布略有差异,10~60目的金、铜和锡异常对已知矿体的反应更清晰准确。因此,本区水系沉积物地球化学测量的最佳采样粒度是10~60目。根据本次试验结果,中-阿地调局在本区联合开展1︰25万水系沉积物地球化学测量时采用了10~60目水系沉积物作为采样介质,取得了很好的效果。这是本区第一次进行水系沉积粒度试验,对本区将来的地球化学调查和研究具有指导意义。  相似文献   
利用Paterson气体介质高温高压流变仪对纯叶蛇纹岩在100~400MPa围压、25~700℃温度和10-5~1.5×10-6s-1应变速率下进行了三轴压缩变形实验。实验结果表明叶蛇纹石在低压条件下表现为脆性破裂,高压或脱水条件下表现为半脆性破裂。随着温度的增加,叶蛇纹石的强度显示逐渐降低的趋势;尤其在脱水条件下,温度的增加可导致叶蛇纹石强度大幅度地降低,而且此时预热时间对强度的影响比未发生脱水时更加显著。结合前人的研究并对比发现,围压在室温下的增加导致叶蛇纹岩强度增加;但在高温下围压的增加导致试样强度整体上降低,这很可能是试样内聚力的局部损失与韧性增强引起的。围压和温度的升高,以及断层面上流体的增加很可能会增加破裂面的韧性,从而减小摩擦系数。此外,叶蛇纹石并非以往人们所认为的那样具有极低的强度,其强度要比低温蛇纹石(如利蛇纹石和纤蛇纹石)的大得多,即便在高温(大约600℃)下差应力大于约600MPa和中-低温(≤400℃)下差应力大于约1000MPa时仍没有表现出明显屈服的迹象。在脱水条件下,蛇纹岩并没有发生脱水致脆,相反脱水使得试样的断裂行为变得更加温和些。因此,俯冲带蛇纹岩脱水更可能诱发其周围更加脆性的岩石发生地震而不是脱水的蛇纹岩本身发生地震。  相似文献   
利用454高通量测序技术对宁波沿海10个陆源排污口20个站位的放线菌的时空分布及5个工业排污口的放线菌的种类作了整体分析。成功鉴定出了83个属,84个种。研究结果显示:放线菌在陆源排污口的分布呈现季节性分布,从3月份到10月份,放线菌数量呈现先升高后下降的变化,5月份和8月份数量居高,在3月份和10月份偏低;在综合排污口(S4,S6,S8和S9)检测频次较高,在工业排污口(S1,S3,S5,S7和S10)检测频次居中,在市政排污口(S2)检出频次最低。不同类型的排污口,氨氮浓度的排出量不同,放线菌的种类和数量也不同。在5个工业排污口中,S7和S10检出的共同菌最多;在S7独自检出短双歧杆菌(Bifidobacterium breve)、长双歧杆菌(B.longum)和两岐双岐杆菌(B.bifidum),表明存在粪源污染物;在S5检出皱孢链霉菌(Streptomyces scabrisporus)和硫藤黄链霉菌(S.thioluteus),显示有石油降解物和重金属的污染。总体上看,放线菌数量在距排污口外50m处略高于排污口处。排放指标越相似,菌的种类越接近。  相似文献   
This work restored the erosion thickness of the top surface of each Cretaceous formations penetrated by the typical well in the Hari sag, and simulated the subsidence burial history of this well with software BasinMod. It is firstly pointed out that the tectonic subsidence evolution of the Hari sag since the Cretaceous can be divided into four phases: initial subsidence phase, rapid subsidence phase,uplift and erosion phase, and stable slow subsidence phase. A detailed reconstruction of the tectonothermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation histories of typical well was undertaken using the EASY R_0% model, which is constrained by vitrinite reflectance(R_0) and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions. In the rapid subsidence phase, the peak period of hydrocarbon generation was reached at c.a.105.59 Ma with the increasing thermal evolution degree. A concomitant rapid increase in paleotemperatures occurred and reached a maximum geothermal gradient of about 43-45℃/km. The main hydrocarbon generation period ensued around 105.59-80.00 Ma and the greatest buried depth of the Hari sag was reached at c.a. 80.00 Ma, when the maximum paleo-temperature was over 180℃.Subsequently, the sag entered an uplift and erosion phase followed by a stable slow subsidence phase during which the temperature gradient, thermal evolution, and hydrocarbon generation decreased gradually. The hydrocarbon accumulation period was discussed based on homogenization temperatures of inclusions and it is believed that two periods of rapid hydrocarbon accumulation events occurred during the Cretaceous rapid subsidence phase. The first accumulation period observed in the Bayingebi Formation(K_1 b) occurred primarily around 105.59-103.50 Ma with temperatures of 125-150℃. The second accumulation period observed in the Suhongtu Formation(K_1 s) occurred primarily around84.00-80.00 Ma with temperatures of 120-130℃. The second is the major accumulation period, and the accumulation mainly occurred in the Late Cretaceous. The hydrocarbon accumulation process was comprehensively controlled by tectono-thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation history. During the rapid subsidence phase, the paleo temperature and geothermal gradient increased rapidly and resulted in increasing thermal evolution extending into the peak period of hydrocarbon generation,which is the key reason for hydrocarbon filling and accumulation.  相似文献   
New zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock geochemistry and zircon Hf isotopes from the Habo porphyry Western Yunnan, China, were determined to provide constraints on the timing of uplift of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. The intrusive rocks consist of shoshonitic porphyry (syenite porphyry and monzonite porphyry). Zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb dating indicates coeval emplacement ages of ~35 Ma. The porphyries have alkaline affinities, enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare earth elements (LREEs) (e.g., Rb, Th, U, Pb), with depletion of high field strength elements (HFSEs) (e.g., Nb, Ti, Ta) and weak Eu anomalies. They display uniform Lu–Hf isotopic compositions with negative zircon εHf(t) values ranging from -3.9 to -0.6. The chemical characteristics of the syenite porphyries indicated that they most likely originated from the lower crust, with mantle-derived material involved in their generation. Geochemically, the monzonite porphyries are similar to the syenite porphyries; however, the lower MgO contents suggest that they were produced by different degrees of partial melting of the same lower crust source. Combined with the geochemical and isotopic data in this paper, imply that the alkali-rich porphyries of the Habo polymetallic deposit were derived from the partial melting of lower crust, enriched by mantle magma, formed in a conversion stage from stress extrusion (a strike-slip shear process) to local stress relaxation (a strike-slip pull-apart process) at the Ailaoshao tectonic zone.  相似文献   
电气石是一类含硼的铝硅酸盐矿物,化学成分复杂、化学稳定性强,不易湿法分解,B_2O_3含量较高,导致其主次量元素的同时测定存在一定困难。本文采用熔融法制样,建立了X射线荧光光谱法测定电气石Na_2O、MgO、Al_2O_3、SiO_2、P_2O_5、K_2O、CaO、TiO_2、V_2O_5、Cr_2O_3、MnO、TFe_2O_3等主次量元素的分析方法。样品与四硼酸锂-偏硼酸锂-氟化锂(质量比为4.5∶1∶0.4)混合熔剂的稀释比例为1∶10,消除了粒度效应和矿物效应;在缺少电气石标准物质的情况下,选择土壤、水系沉积物及多种类型的地质标准物质绘制校准曲线,利用含量与电气石类似的标准物质验证准确度,测定结果的相对标准偏差小于4.2%。采用所建方法测定四种不同类型电气石实际样品,测定值与经典化学法基本吻合。本方法解决了电气石不易湿法分解和硼的干扰问题,测定结果准确可靠,与其他方法相比操作简便,分析周期短。  相似文献   
地质雷达电磁干扰分析及在隧洞岩溶探测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
将地质雷达用于千岛湖配水工程某隧洞岩溶探测,分析了倾斜状电磁干扰异常与溶洞雷达异常差异,通过雷达剖面及疑似异常区单道时间-频率谱的分析,推断了隧底岩溶的性质及空间分布特征,含水溶洞在雷达剖面反映为同相轴错断,强振幅及能量高衰减的特性,高频干扰波振幅幅值较异常区小且能量不满足随时间推移逐渐衰减的规律,雷达成果为隧洞安全施工提供了准确的参考。   相似文献   
针对能源富集区产业结构时空差异与演化分析不足的问题,该文运用利用HHI指数、空间基尼系数和产业结构差异系数对1995—2014年陕甘宁蒙能源富集区产业结构的时空格局差异及演化特征进行研究。结果表明:1995—2014年能源富集区第二产业比重第三产业比重第一产业比重,表现为"二三一"产业结构模式,是典型的以第二产业为主导的产业结构;1995—2014年陕甘宁蒙能源富集区第一产业集聚程度围绕0.04呈现小幅度变化趋势,第二、三产业的集聚程度下降趋势明显;通过考虑经济总量的分析,发现各次产业相对量仍呈集中态势,得出陕甘宁蒙能源富集区县域三次产业相对集中的结论;能源富集区三次产业结构的空间差异性不显著,年际变化较小,能源富集区需要加快推进产业结构优化升级以带动经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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