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通过对一个滨海多层含水层系统的考察,该含水层系统由上、下弱透水层和介于中间的承压含水层组成,海底露头处被淤泥层覆盖.建立了描述该系统中地下水水头随潮汐波动的数学模型,并得到其解析解.该解析解与六个基本参数有关,分别是承压含水层的海潮传播参数,淤泥层的无量纲透水系数,上下弱透层与承压含水层贮水率的比率 (无量纲)和上下弱透层的无量纲越流.当这些参数取某些特殊值时,我们的解便化简为前人考虑的几种简单情形对应的解.分析表明,承压含水层中地下水水头波幅是上、下弱透水层贮水率和越流系数的减函数,是淤泥层相对透水系数的增函数;波动相位(时滞)是上、下弱透水层贮水率和越流系数的增函数,是淤泥层相对透水系数的减函数.  相似文献   
The wedge shaped Dong Tso ophiolitic block is distributed near the transition point from the western to the middle sub-belt of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone.The ophiolite is characterized by well-developed cumulate rocks that are mainly composed of cumulate and massive gabbros.In the cumulate gabbros,the adcumulate amphiboles are distributed extensively around the plagioclase and residual pyroxene grains; hence,the rocks are named adcumulate amphibole-gabbro.In this study,the formation age of the ophiolite has been estimated to be 166 ± 4 million years (Ma) by the sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) Ⅱ U-Pb isotopic analysis of the zircons from the adcumulate amphibole-gabbro; the 40Ar/39Ar plateau age was estimated to be 148.19 ± 1.53 Ma,which should represent the emplacement time of the ophiolite,by isotopic dating of the pure amphibole mineral from the amphibole-schist.Two different suits of volcanic lavas have been recognized in this work.The purple colored pillow basalts have high TiO2 and P2O5 contents,and are rich in light rare earth elements (LREEs),large-ion lithospheric elements (LILEs) and high-field-strength elements (HFSEs),the characteristics that are the typical of the oceanic island basalt (OIB).On the other hand,other massive basaltic andesites of celadon color are poor in MgO; rich in Fe2O3,LREEs,LILEs,and HFSEs; and especially characterized by negative Nb and Ta anomalies,the properties that establish the andesites as continental arc volcanic rocks.It is concluded that hotspots had developed in the old Dong Tso basin,the oceanic basin that had been developing from middle Jurassic (166 Ma) or even before and emplaced northward in late Jurassic (about 148 Ma).  相似文献   
利用野外露头、岩心、薄片及地球化学等资料对四川盆地川西坳陷彭州地区雷口坡组天然裂缝发育特征及形成期次开展了研究.研究区宏观裂缝按成因可划分构造裂缝和和非构造裂缝,构造裂缝包括张性裂缝、剪性裂缝和破碎状裂缝,非构造裂缝主要为风化网状裂缝.宏观裂缝以构造裂缝为主,主要为剪性裂缝和张性裂缝,其中的垂直裂缝、高角度裂缝的发育密...  相似文献   
选取贵州百花湖入湖支流麦西河为对象,研究了上覆水—孔隙水—沉积物体系氮的形态差异,结果表明:麦西河上覆水中,以硝态氮(NO-3-N)为主,氨态氮(NH+4-N)次之,亚硝态氮(NO-2-N)最低;孔隙水中,溶解无机氮中以NH+4-N为主, NO-3-N次之, NO-2-N最低;沉积物中,总氮(TN)的含量为1110.67~4413.16mg/kg;固定态铵含量为34.56~170.05mg/kg,占TN的1.47%~6.25%;可交换态氮以NH+4-N为主, NO-3-N次之, NO-2-N最低。孔隙水NH+4-N是上覆水NH+4-N的2.65~19.51倍,上覆水NO-3-N是孔隙水NO-3-N的7.14~20.43倍。沉积物TN与孔隙溶解水无机氮(DIN)、孔隙水NH+4-N、沉积物可交换态氮和沉积物可交换性NH+4-N呈显著正相关;在沉积物中,可交换性NO-3-N与可交换性NH+4-N及可交换态氮呈显著正相关,可交换性NH+4-N与可交换态氮呈极显著正相关;孔隙水溶解无机氮与孔隙水NH+4-N呈极显著正相关。麦西河不同介质中氮的迁移关系则表现为:由于浓度梯度,上覆水中的NO-3-N扩散到孔隙水中,进而累积到沉积物中;沉积物的可交换性NH+4-N,进入孔隙水,最终扩散到上覆水中。   相似文献   
夏伟  符文熹  赵敏  周勇 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3175-3183
岩体通常是以孔隙岩石为基质并包含各种成因的裂隙和溶隙的复杂多空隙组合地质材料。为研究孔隙-裂隙-溶隙多空隙组合介质的渗流特性,在简要介绍多孔介质渗流Darcy定律、平板窄缝流Poiseuille定律和圆形管道流Darcy-Weibach理论的基础上,分析了几种孔隙-裂隙-溶隙组合情况的多空隙介质渗流特性,推导出相应组合的等效渗透系数KE,给出了描述多空隙组合介质KE的一般表达式,讨论了影响各种空隙组合KE的主要因素。以普通砖模拟岩石基质,通过砖身钻孔填充及砖间缝隙填充,试验模拟了岩溶岩体和裂隙岩体中溶孔和裂隙填充后的渗透情况。试验结果与所推求理论公式计算出的KE在同一量级且误差很小,很好地验证了所推导的多空隙组合介质渗透系数表达式的有效性。  相似文献   
夏力农  苗云东  廖常斌 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1217-1222
通过对复合地基在正常使用条件下和地基土沉降后的三维数值模拟,研究了复合地基由地下水位下降引起的地基土沉陷后的沉降、桩体摩阻力分布和桩身轴力分布的变化。分析表明:随着地基土沉降的增加,加固桩体和基础的沉降加大,中性点位置逐渐下降,桩身轴力有所增大;在加强桩中,中心桩的中性点最低,边桩次之,角桩最高;随着地基土沉降的增加,各桩中性点位置差异逐渐减小,桩体上部负摩阻力作用的桩身长度更长,负摩阻力值逐渐增大。  相似文献   
1948-2000年ENSO事件与全球陆地年降水量的关系   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
用最新创建的全球陆地月降水资料(PREC/L),研究了1948—2000年期间的ENSO事件与全球陆地年降水量的关系。对合成分析的结果进行了蒙特卡罗模拟检验。结果表明,暖事件年全球陆地年降水量大范围减少。显著地区是:赤道西太平洋区、中国华北、赤道中美洲区、孟加拉湾北部及尼泊尔、东澳大利亚区、印度西部及巴基斯坦南部、勒拿河以东地区、西欧及南极的威尔克斯等区域。在暖事件年,陆地年降水量增加地区不多,主要是南美的智利和阿根廷、东非索马里、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚、中东的土耳其、伊拉克及伊朗、北非的利比亚和阿尔及利亚、西南非的纳米比亚及非洲南部的博茨瓦纳和津巴布韦。统计检验表明,暖事件年全球陆地年降水量减少面积比降水量增加面积要大,而且更为显著。研究还指出,ENSO的年代际变化对上述地区降水的年代际变化影响不明显。但是,80年代以后的暖事件对东澳大利亚干旱、中国华北干旱的影响比80年代前的影响要大。  相似文献   
建立了高温燃烧红外碳硫仪测定重铀酸盐中硫质量分数的分析方法。样品以五氧化二钒为助熔剂,在高温炉燃烧后,用红外吸收测定重铀酸盐中的硫,样品分析重现性好,精密度高,相对标准偏差为0.26%;样品加标回收率在97.1%~103%之间。  相似文献   
The Miocene Qulong porphyry Cu‐Mo deposit, which is located at the Gangdese orogenic belt of Southern Tibet, is the largest porphyry‐type deposit in China, with confirmed Cu ~10 Mt and Mo ~0.5 Mt. It is spatially and temporally associated with multiphase granitic intrusions, which is accompanied by large‐scale hydrothermal alteration and mineralization zones, including abundant hydrothermal anhydrite. In addition to hydrothermal anhydrite, magmatic anhydrite is present as inclusions in plagioclase, interstitial minerals between plagioclase and quartz, and phenocrysts in unaltered granodiorite porphyry, usually in association with clusters of sulfur‐rich apatite in the Qulong deposit. These observations indicate that the Qulong magma‐hydrothermal system was highly oxidized and sulfur‐rich. Three main types of fluid inclusions are observed in the quartz phenocrysts and veins in the porphyry: (i) liquid‐rich; (ii) polyphase high‐salinity; and (iii) vapor‐rich inclusions. Homogenization temperatures and salinities of all type inclusions decrease from the quartz phenocrysts in the porphyry to hydrothermal veins (A, B, D veins). Microthermometric study suggests copper‐bearing sulfides precipitated at about 320–400°C in A and B veins. Fluid boiling is assumed for the early stage of mineralization, and these fluids may have been trapped at about 35–60 Mpa at 460–510°C and 28–42 Mpa at 400–450°C, corresponding to trapping depths of 1.4–2.4 km and 1.1–1.7 km, respectively.  相似文献   
城市生活废水、工业污水已经成为城市市政管理的重点内容,查清城市排水管网和水污染源的情况,建立专业的排水管网地理信息系统将有利于城市发展。一直以来,数据质量是GIS建设的关键,通过一个基于GIS的可视化数据监理和查错系统,阐述系统的设计方案、监理流程和功能特点。结合广州市水污染源调查项目,对监理系统在实际工程中的重点、难点应用作了说明。  相似文献   
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