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The Integrated Biosphere Simulator is used to evaluate the spatial and temporal patterns of the crucial hydrological variables [run‐off and actual evapotranspiration (AET)] of the water balance across China for the period 1951–2006 including a precipitation analysis. Results suggest three major findings. First, simulated run‐off captured 85% of the spatial variability and 80% of the temporal variability for 85 hydrological gauges across China. The mean relative errors were within 20% for 66% of the studied stations and within 30% for 86% of the stations. The Nash–Sutcliffe coefficients indicated that the quantity pattern of run‐off was also captured acceptably except for some watersheds in southwestern and northwestern China. The possible reasons for underestimation of run‐off in the Tibetan plateau include underestimation of precipitation and uncertainties in other meteorological data due to complex topography, and simplified representations of the soil depth attribute and snow processes in the model. Second, simulated AET matched reasonably with estimated values calculated as the residual of precipitation and run‐off for watersheds controlled by the hydrological gauges. Finally, trend analysis based on the Mann–Kendall method indicated that significant increasing and decreasing patterns in precipitation appeared in the northwest part of China and the Yellow River region, respectively. Significant increasing and decreasing trends in AET were detected in the Southwest region and the Yangtze River region, respectively. In addition, the Southwest region, northern China (including the Heilongjiang, Liaohe, and Haihe Basins), and the Yellow River Basin showed significant decreasing trends in run‐off, and the Zhemin hydrological region showed a significant increasing trend. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
利用多种描述复杂现象的非线性方法处理了多台多项多年的前兆观测资料,通过“场”、“源”特征差异性的对比求得地震危险地点是一个能量“振荡”型积累的地区,具体表现为它是在前兆异常演化过程中出现的异常从属度最高、自相似性变化最大、前兆分维数下降最多的地区,而且还是在地震活动过程中出现的一个熵值相对较低的地区。研究结果还表明,震中位置的不确定性随着发震时刻的逼近而不断减弱  相似文献   
根据现代行政管理学及领导管理科学的要求,研究探讨了我国地方地震工作管理的特殊性及其基本要求,提出了科学指导和管理地方地震工作的总体思路和基本模式,即一个指导思想,两个落脚点,三种管理方法和四条保证措施。作者据此总结了我国地方地震工作管理的实践和发展,提出了当前亟待解决的三个问题。  相似文献   
基于1976年唐山MS7.8地震的同震位移和现今GPS速度结果, 本文分析了该地震的同震破裂参数、 同震应变释放分布及其现今应变积累特征. 对唐山同震位移二维位错解析公式的拟合结果显示, 唐山地震前的断层闭锁深度约为18—23 km, 断层倾角可能介于74°—90°之间, 同震位错量约为3.1—3.4 m. 在同震过程中沿发震断层表现出显著的右旋错动特征, 在发震断层两侧沿NE向表现出左旋应变释放特征. 在本文现有的GPS测站密度和精度情况下, 尚无法识别出现今阶段沿唐山断裂的明显蠕滑特征. 唐山同震应变释放和现今GPS应变率积累结果均显示, 唐山断裂SE侧的剪切形变(速率)量值大于其NW侧, 同震与现今阶段的形变量值相差约1000倍.   相似文献   
河西地区重力测量中周期误差分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
河西地区重力测量中周期误差分析1引言随着高精度的LCR—G型重力仪在流动重力测量中的广泛应用。用重力仪观测重力场随时间的变化,已成为探索地震预报的手段之一。由于LCR—G型重力仪监测到的是微伽级精度,因此,分析各种误差对它的干扰是非常重要的 ̄([1]...  相似文献   
A study on the transient response of a circular cylindrical shell of finite length embedded in a homogeneous, isotropic and linear elastic half-space is presented. The soil-structure system is subjected to suddenly applied explosion waves. The numerical method employed is a combination of the time domain semi-analytical boundary element method used for the semi-infinite soil medium and the finite strip method used for the circular cylindrical shell. The two methods are combined through equilibrium and compatibility conditions at the soil-structure interface. The dynamic responses at the interface between the soil medium and the structure for every time step are obtained. Numerical examples are presented in detail to demonstrate the use and versatility of the proposed method. The following parameters are found to affect the response: (1) the slenderness ratio of the length over the diameter of the shell, L/D; (2) the relative wall thickness, h/a; (3) the relative stiffness ratio between the shell and the medium, Es/Em; and (4) the incidence angle of the explosion wave, α.  相似文献   
This study investigated the concentrations and distribution of Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in sediments of 12 rivers from South Bohai coastal watersheds. The highest concentrations of ΣPFAS (31.920 ng g1 dw) and PFOA (29.021 ng g1 dw) were found in sediments from the Xiaoqing River, which was indicative of local point sources in this region. As for other rivers, concentrations of ΣPFAS ranged from 0.218 to 1.583 ng g1 dw were found in the coastal sediments and from 0.167 to 1.953 ng g1 dw in the riverine sediments. Predominant PFAS from coastal and riverine areas were PFOA and PFBS, with percentages of 30% and 35%, respectively. Partitioning analysis showed the concentrations of PFNA, PFDA and PFHxS were significantly correlated with organic carbon. The results of a preliminary environmental hazard assessment showed that PFOS posed the highest hazard in the Mi River, while PFOA posed a relative higher hazard in the Xiaoqing River.  相似文献   
基于T106数值预报产品资料,提出了支持向量机和卡尔曼滤波相结合的方法来进行夏季西太平洋副热带高压数值预报的误差修正与预报优化.首先采用支持向量机方法建立了西太平洋副热带高压面积指数的误差修正模型.基于支持向量机预报优化模型尽管有比较好的拟合精度和预报效果,但与实际副热带高压指数尚有一定的差异.究其原因,除预报对象(副热带高压)本身比较复杂、模型优化因子不够充分以及数值预报误差自身的随机性以外,优化模型的输入、输出基本上是一个静态映射结构,因此前一时刻的预测误差难以得到有效的反馈、调整和修正.为考虑前一时刻预报误差的反馈信息,动态跟踪副高的变化趋势,随后引入卡尔曼滤波方法建立支持向量机-卡尔曼滤波模型,对支持向量机模型的输出结果作进一步的调整和优化.试验结果表明,该方法模型的预报优化效果优于T106数值预报产品以及单纯的神经网络修正模型和卡尔曼滤波修正模型的优化效果,能够较为客观、有效地修正西太平洋副热带高压指数的数值预报误差,改进和优化西太平洋副热带高压的数值预报效果.该方法为副热带高压等复杂天气系统和要素场预报提供了一种新的思路,表现出较好的应用前景.  相似文献   
Four comparative experiments and some supplementary experiments were conducted to examine the role of meridional wind stress anomalies and heat flux variability in ENSO simulations by using a high-resolution Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM). The results indicate that changes in the direction and magnitude of meridional wind stress anomalies have little influence on ENSO simulations until meridional wind stress anomalies are unrealistically enlarged by a factor of 5.0. However, evidence of an impact on ENSO simulations due to heat flux variability was found. The simulated Nino-3 index without the effect of heat flux anomalies tended to be around 1.0° lower than the observed, as well as the control run, during the peak months of ENSO events.  相似文献   
中国地面相对湿度非均一性检验及订正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用加拿大环境部气候研究中心研发的PMTred和PMFT方法,选取均一的邻近站为参考站,使用相关系数权重平均构建参考序列,结合元数据信息,对1951-2014年中国2400多个国家级地面站月平均相对湿度进行了非均一性检验与订正,并分析了造成相对湿度序列非均一的主要原因。结果表明,中国地面相对湿度资料存在较严重的非均一问题,68%的台站存在断点,人工观测转自动观测、迁站和时次变化是造成序列非均一的主要原因。整套资料负订正量所占比例较高,订正范围主要集中在-5%~0之间,这种负订正量与人工转自动观测后相对湿度观测值偏低有密切关系。这也使得订正后中国平均相对湿度趋势与订正前存在明显差异,订正前中国平均相对湿度呈下降趋势,订正后相对湿度没有趋势性变化。  相似文献   
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