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On the basis of the wave action balance equation which incorporates refraction, diffraction, reflection and wave-current interaction, a directional spectral wave transformation model WABED is developed for predicting the irregular wave refraction-diffraction with strongly reflecting structures in coastal regions. In the model, diffraction is taken into account by introducing a term formulated from a parabolic approximation wave equation, and reflection is calculated through a back-marching numerical approach at the reflecting boundary. Two experimental data sets are used to examine the performance of present model with regard to wave characteristics around reflecting coastal structures. One is from a physical experiment at idealized inlet with parallel jetties, while the other is from a laboratory study on a coastal project of the concave breakwater. Reasonably good agreements are found for both cases, revealing the applicability of the present model for predicting combined wave refraction-diffraction processes with strongly reflecting coastal structures.  相似文献   
Radionuclide activities of 210Pb and 226Ra were measured to determine bioturbation coefficients (Db) in seven sediment cores from the Korean licensed block for polymetallic nodules in the Clarion–Clipperton Fracture Zone. Variability in Db is considered in the context of the sedimentological, geochemical, and geotechnical properties of the sediments. Db values in the studied cores were estimated using a steady-state diffusion model and varied over a wide range from 1.1 to 293 cm2/yr with corresponding mixing depths (L) of 26 to 144 cm. When excepting for spurious results obtained from cores where diffusive mixing does not apply, Db values range from 1.1 to 9.0 cm2/yr with corresponding mixing depths (L) of 26 to 63 cm. Such wide variability in Db and L values is exceptional in sites with water depths of ~5000 m and is attributed in this study to an uneven distribution of sediment layers with different shear strengths and total organic carbon (TOC) contents, caused by erosion events. The studied cores can be grouped into two categories based on lithologic associations: layers with high maximum shear strength (MSS) and low TOC content, showing a narrow range of Db values (1.1–9.0 cm2/yr); and layers with low MSS and high TOC content, yielding much higher Db values of over 30 cm2/yr. The distribution of different lithologies, and the resultant spatial variability in MSS and labile organic matter content, controls the presence and maximum burrowing depth of infauna by affecting their mobility and the availability of food. This study provides a unique case showing that shear strength, which relates to the degree of sediment consolidation, might be an important factor in controlling rates of bioturbation and sediment mixing depths.  相似文献   
We introduce a new code for cosmological simulations, PHo To Ns, which incorporates features for performing massive cosmological simulations on heterogeneous high performance computer(HPC) systems and threads oriented programming. PHo To Ns adopts a hybrid scheme to compute gravitational force, with the conventional Particle-Mesh(PM) algorithm to compute the long-range force,the Tree algorithm to compute the short range force and the direct summation Particle-Particle(PP) algorithm to compute gravity from very close particles. A self-similar space filling a Peano-Hilbert curve is used to decompose the computing domain. Threads programming is advantageously used to more flexibly manage the domain communication, PM calculation and synchronization, as well as Dual Tree Traversal on the CPU+MIC platform. PHo To Ns scales well and efficiency of the PP kernel achieves68.6% of peak performance on MIC and 74.4% on CPU platforms. We also test the accuracy of the code against the much used Gadget-2 in the community and found excellent agreement.  相似文献   
通过建立数值模型,模拟不同采深、采宽、采厚及不同开采倾角下采空区地表的变形,通过数值模拟及计算得出各开采条件下地表的下沉曲线及水平移动曲线,进而分析地表变形规律及变形机理,为研究开采引起的地表变形提供一种便捷的方法。  相似文献   
锦屏二级水电站深埋隧洞中大理岩洞段处于高水压力和高应力环境中, 该段在施工过程中多次发生严重突水灾害。对该段大理岩的高水压条件岩石力学试验表明, 高水压条件下, 岩石应力-应变曲线在峰值应力附近出现明显平缓段, 应力降大, 岩石峰值强度及脆性破坏后破碎程度随水压力升高而升高, 岩石试件以压致拉裂破坏为主。基于高水压条件下裂纹周边应力解析分析, 认为裂隙中高水压力存在降低了裂隙尖端附近高应力集中效应, 与加载方向一定小夹角范围内的微裂隙尖端附近最大拉应力集中程度接近, 这使得岩石中应变能可进一步积累、压致拉裂型微裂隙数量进一步增加, 岩石呈脆性破坏, 并且破碎程度明显增加。研究工作对深埋隧洞突水灾害防治及强降雨诱发高速滑坡灾害预防具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
使用模拟退火算法,以2019年4月6日江苏溧水ML 3.3地震为典型震例,进行地震定位反演试算,确定适用于江苏及邻区地震定位的最佳初始温度、降温策略和扰动函数。设置初始温度为25,降温策略为T = 0.96T,选用效率较高的局部收敛加强型方法产生随机模型,对2019年江苏及周边地区105次ML≥1.8地震进行重新定位,结果表明,76%的事件震中经、纬度定位误差绝对值在0.1°以内,但深度定位误差较大。鉴于该算法对P波到时信息及地震台站空间分布的依赖性,认为模拟退火算法在江苏及邻区陆地地震定位中效果较好,对于海域地震,则定位误差较大。  相似文献   
Liu  Jiandong  Doan  Chi Dung  Liong  Shie-Yui  Sanders  Richard  Dao  Anh Tuan  Fewtrell  Timothy 《Natural Hazards》2015,75(2):1075-1104
Natural Hazards - Jakarta is vulnerable to flooding and extreme rainfall events are always the main cause of the occurrence of heavy flood events with loss of life and property. The flood in...  相似文献   
试验选用一株高产低温蛋白酶的南极细菌菌株Pseudoalteromonas sp. AN64,从溶解氧、化学需氧量、氨氮、亚硝态氮、pH值5个方面研究了南极细菌对养殖水体的影响。结果显示,随着饲料中蛋白质的散失,水体中蛋白质的含量在第7天达到高峰,溶解氧下降,化学需氧量持续上升,在第11天达最大值9.88 mg/L,并且维持在较高的水平。缺氧条件下,有害物质氨氮和亚硝态氮含量逐渐增加,在第9天和第11天分别达最大值0.65 mg/L和0.352 mg/L,而pH值持续下降,在第9天达最低值5.95。当水体中加入高产蛋白酶的南极菌株AN64后,蛋白质含量在第5天即达高峰,溶解氧无明显变化,化学需氧量在第7天达最高峰,比对照组提前4天,但含量仅约为后者的一半。同时,氨氮和亚硝态氮含量远低于对照组,分别仅为对照的47.7 %和26.5 %,而pH值有小幅下降,维持在6.85到7.52之间。由此可以看出,南极菌株产生的低温蛋白酶可以有效分解海水中的蛋白质,降低水体中的氨氮和亚硝态氮等有害物质,维持pH值的稳定性,为健康养殖提供了有效途径。  相似文献   
采用WRF模式对华南飑线的升尺度增长过程进行模拟,利用Barnes滤波将模式数据分解为三个尺度,分别代入相应的能量方程中进行计算,从能量角度研究飑线升尺度增长过程中动能和位能的变化,以及三个尺度系统能量的相互转化.研究表明:动能的变化与飑线过程中各尺度系统的演变有较好的对应,β中小尺度对流的发展对应β中小尺度系统动能的...  相似文献   

结合地理分布将中国北方高空冷涡划分为东北冷涡(120°-145°E,35°-60°N),华北冷涡(100°-130°E,30°-45°N)以及东蒙冷涡(100°-130°E,40°-55°N)三类,根据2000-2018年NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°再分析资料和日降水资料对19 a冷涡个例进行筛选对比,统计分析三类冷涡的活动规律,利用动态合成分析方法分析三类冷涡的结构和降水特征。结果表明:在490例高空冷涡个例中,遗漏的冷涡个例有2个,重复的个例有13个,剩下475例个例都能较好的被选出和归类,给出的三类冷涡定义较为合理。东北冷涡和东蒙冷涡在全年皆可生成,而华北冷涡在12月和2月没有发现。东北冷涡在4、5月生成最多,在3月和8月生成较少。华北冷涡在5月生成最多,冬季生成较少。东蒙冷涡在5、6、9三个月生成较多,在2、3和11月生成较少。对三类冷涡的动态合成分析表明:在结构方面,考察位势高度、温度、涡度、和等熵位涡分布,得到东北冷涡平均强度最强,东蒙冷涡次之,华北冷涡最弱;在降水方面,冷涡强度最强的时段,冷涡降水主要出现在高空急流出口区以北,对应有强的高层辐散。由于低层湿度分布以及水汽输送强度的不同,三类冷涡的降水大值中心位置有所差别,并且华北冷涡平均降水强度最大,东北冷涡次之,东蒙冷涡相对较小。

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