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设计基于DTU的强振记录终端,采用SOC系列C8051F015型单片机对MEMS加速度计的输出信号进行A/D转换,监测待测体所经受的强振加速度值,并通过DTU内嵌的GPRS无线网络通讯方式将数据发送到远程数据中心.该系统具有体积小,安装与操作方便,免维护等特性.  相似文献   
近年来,地图制图理论有了较快的发展,如何将信息传输和视觉感受等方面的研究成果运用于环境水文地质图的编制,是制图工作者和专业人员共同关注的一个重要问题。本文以编制城市环境水文地质图为例,就制图过程中的一些原则和方法作一探讨。  相似文献   
Understanding the potential vertical distribution of bigeye tuna(Thunnus obesus) is necessary to understand the catch rate fluctuations and the stock assessment of bigeye tuna. To characterize the potential vertical distribution of this fish while foraging and determine the influences of the distribution on longline efficiency in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, the catch per unit effort(CPUE) data were compiled from the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas and the Argo buoy data were downloaded from the Argo data center. The raw Argo buoy data were processed by data mining methods. The CPUE was standardized by support vector machine before analysis. We assumed the depths with the upper and lower limits of the optimum water temperatures of 15℃ and 9℃ as the preferred swimming depth, while the lower limit of the temperature(12℃) associated with the highest hooking rate as the preferred foraging depth(D12) of bigeye tuna during the daytime in the Atlantic Ocean. The preferred swimming depth and foraging depth range in the daytime were assessed by plotting the isobath based on Argo buoy data. The preferred swimming depth and vertical structure of the water column were identified to investigate the spatial effects on the CPUE by using a generalized additive model(GAM). The empirical cumulative distribution function was used to assess the relationship between the spatial distribution of CPUE and the depth of 12℃ isolines and thermocline. The results indicate that 1) the preferred swimming depth of bigeye tuna in the tropical Atlantic is from 100 m to 400 m and displays spatial variation; 2) the preferred foraging depth of bigeye tuna is between 190 and 300 m and below the thermocline; 3) the number of CPUEs peaks at a relative depth of 30 –50 m(difference between the 12℃ isolines and the lower boundary of the thermocline); and 4) most CPUEs are within the lower depth boundary of the thermocline levels(LDBT) which is from 160 m to 230 m. GAM analysis indicates that the general relationship between the nominal CPUE and LDBT is characterized by a dome shape and peaks at approximately 190 m. The oceanographic features influence the habitat of tropical pelagic fish and fisheries. Argo buoy data can be an important tool to describe the habitat of oceanic fish. Our results provide new insights into how oceanographic features influence the habitat of tropical pelagic fish and fisheries and how fisheries exploit these fish using a new tool(Argo profile data).  相似文献   
以2003年架设的NOAA/FY极轨卫星数据地面接收站为基础,针对NOAA系列卫星.采用分布式处理方案,设计并建立了地震热红外卫星监测业务运行系统。系统主要功能包括:卫星数据的接收、处理、归档、查询、发布;自动生成全国夜晚地表亮温图像、全国白天彩色合成图像、全国每旬无云地表亮温图像等专题数据库产品;对任意选定的监测区进行热红外亮温动态跟踪和异常警示;实现了直观的无人值守的准实时自动化处理以及远程管理和数据检索。通过对地震热红外卫星监测业务运行系统的研究和开发,在数据标定、辐射校正、图像预处理、专题产品的生成与管理等方面取得了宝贵的经验,为我国地震卫星地面数据接收、处理系统的建立奠定了基础。  相似文献   
这次山地灾害由岩崩、滑坡和泥石流三类灾害组成。在我国西南,隆冬少雨季节出现这类山地灾害是罕见的。这次山地灾害正是发生于1988年1月,具有一定的特殊性。究其原因是,当地某些较为特殊的自然条件和采煤不当,促使山体岩崩崩积物逐年加载,进而引起滑坡、泥石流的发生。灾害造成的直接经济损失合人民币58.6万元。对此种山地灾害宜采取以避害为主的防治措施。  相似文献   
文化独特性是文化遗产型景区的核心吸引力,了解和欣赏异质文化遗产是文化旅游者的主要动机,解说翻译是跨文化遗产旅游的桥梁。由于国内旅游规划对文化遗产旅游解说特点研究不够,景区管理者对双语解说信息创作对象不了解,导致文化遗产解说与翻译的质量影响了跨文化遗产旅游的解说教育效果,错过了通过文化遗产旅游平台对外宣传中华文化的良好机会。综述了旅游解说的概念、内涵以及有效解说和信息创作的原则,在总结文化遗产旅游特点的基础上,提出了文化遗产型景区英文解说翻译应针对国际旅游者特点的信息再创造的观点。建议文化遗产旅游景区制定针对国际旅游者消费特点的双语解说规划;旅游规划和翻译学术界应重视旅游双语解说规划和翻译的研究;翻译者在具备双语、双文化翻译能力的同时,还应该了解旅游解说和信息创作的跨学科知识。  相似文献   
We compare the observational properties of the circular polarization in Galactic jet sources with that observed in AGN, and outline the constraints they place on the mechanism responsible for the circular polarization. We also discuss the implications of the time scale of polarization variations on the mechanism responsible for the circular polarization.  相似文献   
We selected 457 blazars(193 flat spectrum radio quasars, 61 lowsynchrotron peaked blazars, 69 intermediate-synchrotron peaked blazars and 134high-synchrotron peaked blazars) from the second Fermi-LAT catalog(2FGL) of γ-ray sources, which have X-ray observations. We calculated the lower limits for their Doppler factors, δγ, and compared the lower limits with the available Doppler factors and the apparent superluminal velocities in the literature.  相似文献   
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