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青岛文昌鱼的生活史──年龄、生长和死亡研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
于1989年8月-1990年7月对青岛文昌鱼的生活史进行研究。结果表明:(1)青岛文昌鱼种群由4个齿组组成,它至少生产4a以上,甚至可达6a左右。(2)在Ⅰ、Ⅱ齿时生长较快,平均年生长13-15mm,Ⅲ龄后生长速度减慢,即使同一年龄组的文晶鱼,在不同季节其生长速度也不同。(3)在冬春采集的文昌鱼中Ⅲ龄组的峰值较小。(4)繁殖季节过后,老龄文昌鱼因衰老而死亡。  相似文献   
胶州湾是我囻黄海南部对虾的重要产卵场之一,每年4月中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)亲体陆续进人胶州湾,进行产卵活动。繁殖的幼对虾生长迅速,至8月下旬虾群平均体长可达13cm左右,成为秋汛渔业的重要捕捞对象。近年由于捕捞力量加强等诸多因素,湾内对虾的年渔获量由70年代的2-5t,减至80年代的1-2t。虽然1984年以来有关部门实施对虾增殖放流,对虾资源量有所回升,但是因春季洄游的亲体(雌虾)数量锐减,7-8月间又使用各种网具违捕幼虾,因而极大地损害了幼虾资源。刘瑞玉等(1992)曾调查研究了胶州湾对虾生物资源。本文根据作者1991年以来5月和8月的对虾拖网调査资料,对胶州湾对虾资源的生态分布及其变动原因进行了分析研究,对加强管理和保护幼虾资源,以及提高对虾产量有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
In this paper, analysed are the effects of synoptic wind, earth-rotation inertia and land surface roughness on sea (lake) breeze process, on the basis of the calculated results of a 2-D primitive equation model with turbulent energy closure. The results show that a moderate background wind field acts as a trigger for sea (lake) breeze onset, and presents prominent effect on the breeze intensity, inland advance rate and structure feature. The effects of Coriolis force not only make the breeze veering round, but also damp the development of the breeze component normal to shore.The paper also discussed the dynamic method of wind field initialization based on one-site radiosonde. Three approaches of initialization have been tested. In comparison, it was found that the approach of one-dimensional dynamic initialization with nudging term was preferable to the others.  相似文献   
随着石油化学工业的发展,由石油裂解产物制成的合成洗涤剂的产量正在飞速增长。1960年到1972年,我国合成洗涤剂产量增长了16倍,1984年年产量已达70多万吨,而且近年来有更大的增长趋势。一般的洗衣粉约含20%的表面活性物质,其余主要是增净剂(如磷酸盐、硅酸盐、硫酸盐、碳酸盐)等。表面活性剂根据其在水溶液中显示出的离子特性,可分为阴离子表面活性剂、阳离子表面活性剂、两性表面活性剂和非离子表面活性剂等四类。我国生产的合成洗涤剂以阴离子型为主,占总产量的70%以上。 合成洗涤剂的广泛应用产生了一系列环境污染问题,特别是对水生生物的影响和危害已引起人们的关注。目前,国内外对此问题正从以下几方面开展研究:(1)大量洗涤剂排入水体产生泡沫层并消耗溶解氧而引起的水质和底质的恶化;(2)表面活性剂本身对生物的急性和慢性的致毒效应;(3)表面活性剂的界面活性作用所引起的水环境中污染物界面交换过程的变化,以及由此而产生的生物效应;(4)洗涤剂中的增净剂等成分所引起的水质富营养化等。 另一方面,我们也注意到,不仅大量生活和工业用洗涤剂随废水进入河口浅海区后对生态环境的影响值得重视,而且研究其在河口区的地球化学特征,显然能为河口海域环境特征及污染状况的研究提供重要的信息。然而国内尚未见有我国河口海域阴离子洗涤剂含量分布的任何资料。在国外虽然有过这方面工作的某些报道(Ambe, 1973; Gagnon,1983),但以河口水体、底泥及其诸环境因素作为一个整体来考察阴离子表面活性剂的行为及其环境意义的工作还属罕见。为此,我们研究拟定了简便快速测定阴离子表面活性剂的方法,结合海河口有机污染的调查,进行了这方面的研究工作。  相似文献   
AstudyonbenthiccommunitystructureinwestoftheTaiwanStraitandneartheTaiwanShoals¥WuQiquan;JiangJinxiang;XuHuizhou;CaiErxiandLin...  相似文献   
影响煤层气固井声幅测井的因素较多,如地层软硬变化大、套管内径或壁厚不均、仪器不居中、发射能量不足、接收灵敏度不够等,这些因素的存在将会导致首波丢失、时差曲线产生周波跳跃或波动现象。为提高煤层气固井声幅测井质量,要尽量保证所用仪器外径接近套管内径,以减少无效传播和能量损失,另外需提高仪器的发射能量及接收灵敏度;在自由套管和声波强吸收地层,必须保证自由套管首波不限幅、声波强吸收地层首波不丢失。在现场解释时,一般以"自由套管"处的偏转幅度值A为标准,将固井声幅曲线幅度的20%A和40%A作为分界点,评价固井效果。  相似文献   
The fact that magnetically structured regions exist in the solar atmosphere has been known for a number of years. It has been suggested that different kinds of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves can be efficiently damped in these regions and that the dissipated wave energy may be responsible for the observed enhancement in radiative losses. From a theoretical point of view, an important task would be to investigate the propagation and dissipation of MHD waves in these highly structured regions of the solar atmosphere. In this paper, we study the behavior of MHD body and surface waves in a medium with either a single or double (slab) magnetic interface by use of a nonlinear, two-dimensional, time-dependent, ideal MHD numerical model constructed on the basis of a Lagrangean grid and semi-implicit scheme. The processes of wave confinement and wave energy leakage are discussed in detail. It is shown that the obtained results depend strongly on the type of perturbations imposed on the interface or slab and on the plasma parameter, . The relevance of the obtained results to the heating problem of the upper parts of the solar atmosphere is also discussed.  相似文献   
We investigate, via a two-dimensional (nonplanar) MHD simulation, a situation wherein a bipolar magnetic field embedded in a stratified solar atmosphere (i.e., arch-filament-like structure) undergoes symmetrical shear motion at the footpoints. It was found that the vertical plasma flow velocities grow exponentially leading to a new type of global MHD-instability that could be characterized as a Dynamic Shearing Instability, with a growth rate of about 8{ovV} A a, where {ovV} A is the average Alfvén speed and a –1 is the characteristic length scale. The growth rate grows almost linearly until it reaches the same order of magnitude as the Alfvén speed. Then a nonlinear MHD instability occurs beyond this point. This simulation indicates the following physical consequences: the central loops are pinched by opposing Lorentz forces, and the outer closed loops stretch upward with the vertically-rising mass flow. This instability may apply to arch filament eruptions (AFE) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).To illustrate the nonlinear dynamical shearing instability, a numerical example is given for three different values of the plasma beta that span several orders of magnitude. The numerical results were analyzed using a linearized asymptotic approach in which an analytical approximate solution for velocity growth is presented. Finally, this theoretical model is applied to describe the arch filament eruption as well as CMEs.  相似文献   
A conceptual framework for characterization of water bursting and discharge into underground mines with multilayered groundwater flow systems is presented, based on the features of the site conditions and analyses of the water bursting and mine inundation events of the North China coal basin. Comprehensive analyses of the hydrogeological conditions for establishment of the three-dimensional groundwater flow systems of the North China coal basin revealed different vertical hydraulic connection paths or channels. These connections include karst collapse columns, fault or fracture zones, buried weathering zones, and fracture networks in aquitards, within the multilayered groundwater flow systems. Also examined, was the effect of the primary features of the flow system and those different connection paths on water bursting and discharge into the underground coal mines. It was demonstrated that appropriately identifying and adequately understanding the three-dimensional multilayered groundwater flow systems and those various vertical hydraulic connection mechanisms are critical for appropriately preventing water bursting hazards and predicting water discharge into underground mines. A valuable guideline is presented on characterization of water bursting and discharge into underground mines with multilayered groundwater flow systems.
Resumen Un cadre de travail conceptuel pour la caractérisation du jaillissement et de la vidange des eaux dans les mines à plusieurs niveaux d'écoulement est présenté, basé sur les conditions et l'analyse sur site du jaillissement des eaux et des inondations dans les bassins charbonneux du Nord de la Chine. L'analyse compréhensive des conditions hydrogéologiques des systèmes d'écoulement tridimensionnel de ces bassins, révèle des trajets ou des chenaux qui sont autant de connections hydrauliques verticales. Ces connections comprennent des effondrement karstiques en colonne, des zones de fractures et de failles, des zones d'altération, des réseaux de fractures dans les aquitards, dans le système hydrogéologique multicouche. L'influence des caractéristiques primaires du système d'écoulement et de ces différentes connections sur le jaillissement et la vidange dans les mines, est également examiné. Il a été démontré que l'identification appropriée et la compréhension adéquate du système d'écoulement souterrain multicouche et tridimensionnel, et des mécanismes variés de connection hydraulique verticale est critiquée pour prévenir de manière appropriée les risques de jaillissement et de vidange dans les mines. Des guidelines valorisables sont présentées, pour la caractérisation du jaillissement et de la vidange dans de tels systèmes.

Résumé Se presenta un marco conceptual para la de caracterización de la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas con sistemas de acuíferos de múltiples niveles, el cual se basa en las condiciones del sitio, análisis de la despresurización de agua e inundaciones de minas en la cuenca de carbón del norte de la China.Un análisis comprehensivo de las condiciones hidrogeológicas para el establecimiento de los sistemas de flujo de agua de tri-dimensionales en la cuenca de carbón del norte de la China ha revelado diferentes canales hidráulicos verticales. Estas conexiones incluyen columnas de karst colapsadas, fallas o zonas de fracturas, zonas de regalita hundida y redes de fracturas en zonas de poca permeabilidad dentro de los sistemas de flujo de múltiples niveles.También se investigó el efecto de los rasgos primarios del sistema de flujo y los diferentes canales conectivos sobre la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas. Se demostró que el entendimiento e identificación adecuada de los sistemas de acuíferos de múltiples niveles en tres dimensiones es crítico para prevenir apropiadamente la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas. Se presentan lineamientos valiosos en relación con la despresurización y descarga de agua a minas subterráneas en sistemas de flujo de múltiple nivel.
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