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基于DEM的黄河流域天文辐射空间分布   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
基于1 km×1 km分辨率的数字高程模型(DEM) 数据,利用建立的起伏地形下天文辐射分布式计算模型,计算了黄河流域1 km×1 km分辨率各月天文辐射的空间分布。结果表明:局部地形对黄河流域年和四季天文辐射的空间分布影响明显;在太阳高度角较低的冬季,地理和地形因子对天文辐射的影响相当强烈,山区天文辐射的空间差异大,1月份向阳山坡(偏南坡) 天文辐射可为背阴山坡(偏北坡) 的2~3倍,极端天文辐射的差异可达10倍以上;而在太阳高度角较高的夏季,天文辐射空间差异较小,7月份不同地形极端天文辐射的差异仅在16%左右;四季中,地形对天文辐射影响的程度为冬季>秋季>春季>夏季。  相似文献   
辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世一新的无齿翼龙化石   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
采自辽西朝阳盆地早白垩世九佛堂组的一翼龙化石被记述。化石材料是一接近完整骨架的无齿的翼龙,带有一不完全的头骨。作者将其归于翼手龙类(Pteroclactyloidea),并建一新属、新种一无齿吉大翼龙(Jidapterus edentus gen.et sp.nov.)。  相似文献   
高精度层序地层学已被证明是寻找隐蔽圈闭行之有效的理论方法.运用该理论对南阳凹陷进行了研究,对地震剖面中反射界面的追踪,在古近系中识别出了各级别的层序界面,结合周缘露头、钻井、测井等资料,分析了主要目的层序内体系域的构成及高频单元变化规律,建立了层序地层模式,在此基础上预测南部陡崖式断坡带和北部缓坡式弯折带是低位域砂体和隐蔽岩性油气藏形成的有利区带.  相似文献   
岫岩-海城5.4级地震前小震震源机制解与记录特征分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用Pn、Pg初始波初动符号,利用乌尔夫网上半球投影,用作图方法求解了岫岩-海城震区(1999年1月-1999年11月29日)主震前辽宁数字地震台网记录(ML≥2.5)的41个小震的震源机制参数。结合前震记录的某些特征,对主震前应力方向的时空变化,震源错动性质进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   
Introduction Receiver function has been extensively applied in studying S wave velocity of crust and up-per mantle for about 20 years (Owens, et al, 1987; LIU, et al, 1996), which is a time series ob-tained by the deconvolution of vertical component from horizontal component for teleseismic P waveform. Receiver function represents the teleseismic P plane wave response of crust and upper mantle beneath seismic station, from which the source and propagation effects are removed. Receiver funct…  相似文献   
Crustal structure beneath the Songpan—Garze orogenic belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Benzilan-Tangke deepseismic sounding profile in the western Sichuan region passes through the Song-pan-Garze orogenic belt with trend of NNE.Based on the travel times and the related amplitudes of phases in the record sections,the 2-D P-wave crustal structure was ascertained in this paper.The velocity structure has quite strong lateral variation along the profile.The crust is divided into 5layers,where the first,second and third layer belong to the upper crust,the forth and fifth layer belong to the lower crust.The low velocity anomaly zone gener-ally exists in the central part of the upper crust on the profile,and it integrates into the overlying low velocity basement in the area to the north of Ma‘erkang.The crustal structure in the section can be divided into 4parts:in the south of Garze-litang fault,between Garze-Litang fault and Xianshuihe fault,between Xianshuihe fault and Longriba fault and in the north of Longriba fault,which are basically coincided with the regional tectonics division.The crustal thickness decreases from southwest to northeast along the profile,that is ,from62km in the region of the Jinshajiang River to 52km in the region of the Yellow River.The Moho discontinuity does not obviously change across the Xianshuihe fault basesd on the PmP phase analysis.The crustal average velocity along the profile is lower,about 6.30 km/s.The Benzilan-Tangke profile reveals that the crust in the study area is orogenic.The Xianshuihe fault belt is located in the central part of the profile,and the velocity is positive anomaly on the upper crust,and negative anomaly on the lower crust and upper mantle.It is considered as a deep tectonhic setting in favor of strong earthquake‘s accumulation and occurrence.  相似文献   
浙江桐庐晚奥陶世晚期沉积层序和沉积环境分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文昌组上段顶部是一套潮汐层理非常发育的泥质砂岩或砂质泥岩,存在双向交错层理,层面有雨痕,应为潮坪沉积。潮坪沉积由小型层序构成,小型层序又是由砂、泥质单层组成。砂质单层底部通常为岩性突变面或侵蚀面,砂质纹层较厚,其中可见对称波痕或泥砾;向上砂质纹层变薄,过渡到泥质单层。砂质单层形成于暴风浪时期,泥质单层是风浪衰减后恢复正常的潮汐沉积。因此,小型层序从成因上说是一风暴层序。碎屑成份、砾石成份分析表明沉积物均来自华夏古陆的沉积岩和变质岩基底。物源一致,岩层产状变化不大,反映文昌组沉积环境稳定。岩性、粒度分析表明文昌组是一向上变细、由浅海高能环境向近岸低能环境过渡的沉积层序。文昌组下段为浅海砂岩沉积,上段顶部为潮坪沉积。二者之间是一套夹砾岩透镜体的泥质粉细砂岩,其沉积环境应介于浅海和滨岸之间,为水下岸坡沉积。砾岩层只是大的沉积旋回中出现的事件性水下冲积物。  相似文献   
— Dual-domain one-way propagators implement wave propagation in heterogeneous media in mixed domains (space-wavenumber domains). One-way propagators neglect wave reverberations between heterogeneities but correctly handle the forward multiple-scattering including focusing/defocusing, diffraction, refraction and interference of waves. The algorithm shuttles between space-domain and wavenumber-domain using FFT, and the operations in the two domains are self-adaptive to the complexity of the media. The method makes the best use of the operations in each domain, resulting in efficient and accurate propagators. Due to recent progress, new versions of dual-domain methods overcame some limitations of the classical dual-domain methods (phase-screen or split-step Fourier methods) and can propagate large-angle waves quite accurately in media with strong velocity contrasts. These methods can deliver superior image quality (high resolution/high fidelity) for complex subsurface structures. One-way and one-return (De Wolf approximation) propagators can be also applied to wave-field modeling and simulations for some geophysical problems. In the article, a historical review and theoretical analysis of the Born, Rytov, and De Wolf approximations are given. A review on classical phase-screen or split-step Fourier methods is also given, followed by a summary and analysis of the new dual-domain propagators. The applications of the new propagators to seismic imaging and modeling are reviewed with several examples. For seismic imaging, the advantages and limitations of the traditional Kirchhoff migration and time-space domain finite-difference migration, when applied to 3-D complicated structures, are first analyzed. Then the special features, and applications of the new dual-domain methods are presented. Three versions of GSP (generalized screen propagators), the hybrid pseudo-screen, the wide-angle Padé-screen, and the higher-order generalized screen propagators are discussed. Recent progress also makes it possible to use the dual-domain propagators for modeling elastic reflections for complex structures and long-range propagations of crustal guided waves. Examples of 2-D and 3-D imaging and modeling using GSP methods are given.  相似文献   
通过对念青唐古拉山冰碛地层划分及冰碛物同位素测年,发现最早一期冰碛物形成于0.7~0.6MaBP,指示自中更新世以来念青唐古拉山脉开始隆升,主峰地区发生了大规模的冰川剥蚀作用,形成了大面积分布的冰碛高平台;0.2~0.14MaBP念青唐古拉山又快速隆升,并堆积了刚刚伸出各大沟谷口的高侧碛;0.07~0.03MaBP念青唐古拉山再次小规模隆起,形成各大沟谷内的侧碛和终碛垄;0.01Ma BP还有小规模冰川活动。念青唐古拉山主峰地区的冰川剥蚀作用反映出的山脉隆升过程,可较好地与青藏高原的隆起过程相对比,它应是青藏高原隆升的响应。  相似文献   
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