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Simulations performed with the climate model LOVECLIM, aided with a simple data assimilation technique that forces a close matching of simulated and observed surface temperature variations, are able to reasonably reproduce the observed changes in the lower atmosphere, sea ice and ocean during the second half of the twentieth century. Although the simulated ice area slightly increases over the period 1980–2000, in agreement with observations, it decreases by 0.5 × 106 km2 between early 1960s and early 1980s. No direct and reliable sea ice observations are available to firmly confirm this simulated decrease, but it is consistent with the data used to constrain model evolution as well as with additional independent data in both the atmosphere and the ocean. The simulated reduction of the ice area between the early 1960s and early 1980s is similar to the one simulated over that period as a response to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere while the increase in ice area over the last decades of the twentieth century is likely due to changes in atmospheric circulation. However, the exact contribution of external forcing and internal variability in the recent changes cannot be precisely estimated from our results. Our simulations also reproduce the observed oceanic subsurface warming north of the continental shelf of the Ross Sea and the salinity decrease on the Ross Sea continental shelf. Parts of those changes are likely related to the response of the system to the external forcing. Modifications in the wind pattern, influencing the ice production/melting rates, also play a role in the simulated surface salinity decrease.  相似文献   
In this paper, we consider the upscaling of Hooke's law and its parameters on the fine scale, to a similar law with upscaled parameters on a larger scale. It is assumed that the fine scale material properties of the rock are imperfectly layered. In the governing equations, the deviations from perfect layering introduce a small parameter that can be used in perturbation series expansions for the stress, the strain, and the displacement. In the approximation of order zero the upscaled compliance matrix contains the well-known Backus parameters; this approximation holds exactly for a perfect layering. However, many natural rock types are imperfectly layered and in that case the approximation of order zero may not be sufficiently accurate. Therefore, we consider also the first order corrections. The derivation and results are presented both for the most general case and for the much simpler case in which the fine scale Poisson ratio may be assumed constant. From thermodynamic principles, it follows that the compliance tensor is symmetric on the fine scale. However, it is shown that the argument for symmetry cannot be extended to upscaled rigidities. One of the most important conclusions is that upscaled compliance tensors are nonsymmetric when there are trends in the deviations from perfect layering.  相似文献   
Satellite–derived albedo maps of the western part of the Greenland ice sheet (between 64.5 and 70.5 N) reveal a north–south extending zone with relatively low albedos at some distance from the ice margin. In the literature it has been hypothesized that this "dark zone" is due to a local maximum in melt–water accumulation on the ice–covered surface. A plausible explanation for this maximum in melt–water accumulation is thatrelative to the situation within the "dark zone", melt–water accumulation is reduced at higher elevations by a smaller melt–water production rate whereas runoff occurs more easily at lower elevations where slopes are generally steeper. For the present paper AVHRR images from eight years (1990–1997) were analysed. The following indications confirming the "melt–water accumulation hypothesis" were found: (1) there is a significant correlation between the annual mean albedo lowering within the "dark zone" and the annual amount of melt as inferred from local mass–balance measurements; and (2) within each summer season the albedo lowering within the "dark zone" seems to respond to the melt–water production rate as inferred from local temperature measurements. The effect of melt–water accumulation on the albedo implies a positive feedback between the albedo and the amount of melt. It is estimated that approximately 40% of the interannual mass–balance variations in the "dark zone" are due to this feedback.  相似文献   
Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) modelling in North America relies on relative sea level information which is primarily obtained from areas far away from the uplift region. The lack of accurate geodetic observations in the Great Lakes region, which is located in the transition zone between uplift and subsidence due to the deglaciation of the Laurentide ice sheet, has prevented more detailed studies of this former margin of the ice sheet. Recently, observations of vertical crustal motion from improved GPS network solutions and combined tide gauge and satellite altimetry solutions have become available. This study compares these vertical motion observations with predictions obtained from 70 different GIA models. The ice sheet margin is distinct from the centre and far field of the uplift because the sensitivity of the GIA process towards Earth parameters such as mantle viscosity is very different. Specifically, the margin area is most sensitive to the uppermost mantle viscosity and allows for better constraints of this parameter. The 70 GIA models compared herein have different ice loading histories (ICE-3/4/5G) and Earth parameters including lateral heterogeneities. The root-mean-square differences between the 6 best models and the two sets of observations (tide gauge/altimetry and GPS) are 0.66 and 1.57 mm/yr, respectively. Both sets of independent observations are highly correlated and show a very similar fit to the models, which indicates their consistent quality. Therefore, both data sets can be considered as a means for constraining and assessing the quality of GIA models in the Great Lakes region and the former margin of the Laurentide ice sheet.  相似文献   
利用大地测量和历史相对海平面变化数据,结合地震剪切波层析模型,联合确定了新的末次冰期冰川均衡调整(GIA)模型,其中地幔黏滞度不仅沿径向而且沿横向变化.研究思路是,先尝试性地选择比例系数β,利用与地震剪切波速异常的线性关系,计算地幔黏滞度横向扰动,并与横向均匀的黏滞度参考模型叠加给出3D地幔黏滞度模型;再利用耦合拉普拉斯方程的有限元法算法进行GIA预测;然后,重复该过程,直到预测与观测之间的吻合满意为止.主要结论有:(1)给出了横向非均匀的地幔黏滞度模型(RF3L20(β=0.4)),发现了黏滞度显著的横向非均匀性和其对GIA预测的显著影响,指出横向非均匀不完全是由热效应引起的,可能还与化学组分等其他因素有关,该模型可用于地幔动力学研究.(2)给出了全球现今多种GIA预测速率,可为板块运动、陆地水储量、海水质量变化和冰川冰雪质量非平衡监测提供重要的改正.  相似文献   
Combining field reconstruction and landscape evolution modelling can be useful to investigate the relative role of different drivers on catchment response. The Geren Catchment (~45 km2) in western Turkey is suitable for such a study, as it has been influenced by uplift, climate change and lava damming. Four Middle Pleistocene lava flows (40Ar/39Ar‐ dated from 310 to 175 ka) filled and dammed the Gediz River at the Gediz–Geren confluence, resulting in base‐level fluctuations of the otherwise uplift‐driven incising river. Field reconstruction and luminescence dating suggest fluvial terraces in the Geren Catchment are capped by Middle Pleistocene aggradational fills. This showed that incision of the Geren trunk stream has been delayed until the end of MIS 5. Subsequently, the catchment has responded to base‐level lowering since MIS 4 by 30 m of stepped net incision. Field reconstruction left us with uncertainty on the main drivers of terrace formation. Therefore, we used landscape evolution modelling to investigate catchment response to three scenarios of base‐level change: (i) uplift with climate change (rainfall and vegetation based on arboreal pollen); (ii) uplift, climate change and short‐lived damming events; (iii) uplift, climate and long‐lived damming events. Outputs were evaluated for erosion–aggradation evolution in trunk streams at two different distances from the catchment outlet. Climate influences erosion–aggradation activity in the catchment, although internal feedbacks influence timing and magnitude. Furthermore, lava damming events partly control if and where these climate‐driven aggradations occur. Damming thus leaves a legacy on current landscape evolution. Catchment response to long‐duration damming events corresponds best with field reconstruction and dating. The combination of climate and base level explains a significant part of the landscape evolution history of the Geren Catchment. By combining model results with fieldwork, additional conclusions on landscape evolution could be drawn. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Five similar glacial-lake outburst floods (GLOFs) occurred in April, October, December 2008, March and September 2009 in the Northern Patagonia Icefield. On each occasion, Cachet 2 Lake, dammed by the Colonia Glacier, released circa 200-million m3 water into the Colonia River. Refilling has occurred rapidly, such that further outbreak floods can be expected. Pipeflow calculations of the subglacial tunnel drainage and 1D hydraulic models of the river flood give consistent results, with an estimated peak discharge surpassing 3,000 m3 s?1. These floods were larger in magnitude than any flood on record, according to gauged data since 1963. However, geomorphological analysis of the Colonia valley shows physical evidence of former catastrophic outburst floods from a larger glacial-lake, with flood discharges possibly as high as 16,000 m3 s?1. Due to potential impacts of climate change on glacier dynamics in the area, jökulhlaups may increase future flood risks for infrastructure and population. This is particularly relevant in view of the current development of hydropower projects in Chilean Patagonia.  相似文献   
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