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The Mirdita Ophiolite Zone in Albania is associated with widespread mélanges containing components of up to nappe-size. We dated matrix and components of the mélange by radiolarians, conodonts, and other taxa. The components consist of radiolarites, pelagic limestones and shallow-water limestones, all of Triassic age, as well as ophiolites. Triassic radiolarite as a primary cover of ophiolite material proves Middle Triassic onset of Mirdita ocean-floor formation. The mélange contains a turbiditic radiolarite-rich matrix (“radiolaritic flysch”), dated as Late Bajocian to Early Oxfordian. It formed as a synorogenic sediment during west-directed thrusting of ophiolite and sediment-cover nappes representing ocean floor and underplated fragments of the western continental margin. The tectonic structures formed during these orogenic events (“Younger Kimmeridian or Eohellenic Orogeny”) are sealed by Late Jurassic platform carbonates. The geological history conforms with that of the Inner Dinarides and adjoining areas; we therefore correlate the Mirdita-Pindos Ophiolite Zone with the Vardar Zone and explain its present position by far-distance west-directed thrusting.  相似文献   
We report U–Pb single zircon ages from three pre-Variscan granitoids in the NE part of the Bohemian Massif. The Platerówka granodiorite from the Lausitz-Izera Unit, the Polish Sudetes, has been dated at 533±9 Ma. The Bitouchov granite form the SW part of the South Krkonoe Unit, the Czech Sudetes, gave an age of 540+11/–10 Ma, and the Wdroe granodiorite in the Fore-Sudetic Block yielded 548±9 Ma. All these latest Vendian/Early Cambrian granitoids represent the post-tectonic expression of a late Proterozoic Cadomian orogenic cycle and demonstrate the eastward extent of the Cadomian basement into the Variscan orogen. Granodiorites of similar age have so far been reported from Brittany and especially from the Saxo-Thuringian Terrane to the NE and SW of the Elbe Fault Zone. We conclude that the Saxo-Thuringian Terrane extends across the Elbe and Sudetic Marginal Fault Zones into the Fore-Sudetic Block.  相似文献   
We present a geochemical and isotopic study that, consistent with observed field relations, suggest Sangmelima late Archaean high-K granite was derived by partial melting of older Archaean TTG. The TTG formations are sodic-trondhjemitic, showing calcic and calc-alkalic trends and are metaluminous to peraluminous. High-K granites in contrast show a potassic calc-alkaline affinity that spans the calcic, calc-alkalic, alkali-calcic and alkalic compositions. The two rock groups (TTG and high-K granites) on the other hand are both ferroan and magnesian. They have a similar degree of fractionation for LREE but a different one for HREE. Nd model ages and Sr/Y ratios define Mesoarchaean and slab-mantle derived magma compositions respectively, with Nb and Ti anomalies indicating a subduction setting for the TTG. Major and trace element in addition to Sr and Nd isotopic compositions support field observations that indicate the derivation of the high-K granitic group from the partial melting of the older TTG equivalent at depth. Geochemical characteristics of the high-K granitic group are therefore inherited features from the TTG protolith and cannot be used for determining their tectonic setting. The heat budget required for TTG partial melting is ascribed to the upwelling of the mantle marked by a doleritic event of identical age as the generated high-K granite melts. The cause of this upwelling is related to linear delamination along mega-shear zones in an intracontinental setting.  相似文献   
In the Erzgebirge Crystalline Complex, eclogites occur in three different high pressure (HP) units (1, 2 and 3) recording contrasting pressure (P)–temperature (T) conditions. Eclogites from HP-unit 1 experienced peak metamorphic conditions in the coesite stability field at about 33 kbar/850 °C. Commonly, these eclogites from HP-unit 1 are all very similar, with an eclogitic peak assemblage of omphacite–garnet–coesite–K-feldspar, rarely accompanied by kyanite, and omphacites systematically deviating from a stoichiometric composition. In contrast, an eclogite recently found near Blumenau, is mineralogically and geochemically different from the typical eclogites of HP-unit 1. This unusual eclogite reveals the eclogitic equilibrium assemblage omphacite–garnet–coesite–phengite–phlogopite–kyanite, and yields metamorphic peak conditions of 870 °C and >29 kbar. There is clear textural evidence of the formation of phlogopite and kyanite under partial consumption of phengite and garnet. Moreover, the omphacite is stoichiometric and contains abundant exsolution lamellae, the thickest of which were identified as quartz by the electron microprobe. The finer lamellae were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Oligoclase was identified as an exsolution phase. Other lamellae proved to consist of K-white mica, also interpreted as exsolution. Prior to exsolution, the omphacite composition must have been cation-deficient, as that of the other, common HP-unit 1 eclogites. These non-stoichiometric compositions are ascribed to partial substitution by the Ca-Eskola pyroxene component, which calculates to an average of 8 mol% for omphacite in HP-unit 1 eclogites. According to experiments, this substitution becomes significant at P > 30 kbar. Exsolution of K-white mica may indicate hydroxyl defects in the original omphacite, also favoured by high pressure. Oligoclase and K-white mica exsolution from Ca-Eskola-rich clinopyroxene has not previously been reported. The omphacite has a disordered C2/c structure; and in just one case very small (a few tens of nanometres) antiphase domains, resulting from the C2/c to P2/n transformation, are present. These features may indicate a brief thermal history and rapid tectonic processes. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 20 April 2000  相似文献   
Transmission electron microscopic study of synthetic CaAl2Ge2O8-feldspar revealed two types of antiphase domains: type “b”-antiphase domains with the displacement vector 1/2 [110] and type “c”-antiphase domains with the displacement vector 1/2 [111]. The “b”-domains were on the order of 0.1 μm in size, while the “c”-domains displayed wall to wall distances mostly between 0.1 and 1 μm. The formation of the two types of antiphase domains is due to reductions in translational symmetry associated with the phase transitions \(C\bar 1 \to I\bar 1 \to P\bar 1\) . The antiphase domain textures of CaAl2Ge2O8-feldspar are very similar to the textures found in natural and synthetic anorthite, CaAl2Si2O8.  相似文献   
Both the system of plate motions and the global gravity field or the geoid are now so precisely known that it seems worthwhile to look for quantitative relationships. Some aspects, such as the general occurrence of positive gravity and geoid anomalies in regions of plate convergence, have long been known. Our aim is to describe the gravitational field in terms of plate-kinematic parameters and we present a preliminary step in this direction: for four plates (Pacific, Nazca, Indian, American) we have computed the correlation of the Gem 8 geoid heights (with reference to an ellipsoid of 1/298.255 ellipticity) with distance from the poles of motion and distance from the axes in an “absolute” frame. The geoid tends first to drop from the ridge axes to at least 10° distance and then to rise toward the convergence zones. This trend is strongest for the Indian plate in collision with Eurasia, is smaller, but very clear for the oceanic Pacific and Nazca plates, and is not developed for the American plate which does not subduct. We did not find a consistent relationship for the geoid with distance from the pivots. A possible interpretation of the results is the return flow of the large-scale mantle circulation.  相似文献   
Fe-Ni-Co-O-S Phase Relations in Peridotite-Seawater Interactions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Serpentinization of abyssal peridotites is known to produceextremely reducing conditions as a result of dihydrogen (H2,aq)release upon oxidation of ferrous iron in primary phases toferric iron in secondary minerals by H2O. We have compiled andevaluated thermodynamic data for Fe–Ni–Co–O–Sphases and computed phase relations in fO2,g–fS2,g andaH2,aq–aH2S,aq diagrams for temperatures between 150 and400°C at 50 MPa. We use the relations and compositions ofFe–Ni–Co–O–S phases to trace changesin oxygen and sulfur fugacities during progressive serpentinizationand steatitization of peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridgein the 15°20'N Fracture Zone area (Ocean Drilling ProgramLeg 209). Petrographic observations suggest a systematic changefrom awaruite–magnetite–pentlandite and heazlewoodite–magnetite–pentlanditeassemblages forming in the early stages of serpentinizationto millerite–pyrite–polydymite-dominated assemblagesin steatized rocks. Awaruite is observed in all brucite-bearingpartly serpentinized rocks. Apparently, buffering of silicaactivities to low values by the presence of brucite facilitatesthe formation of large amounts of hydrogen, which leads to theformation of awaruite. Associated with the prominent desulfurizationof pentlandite, sulfide is removed from the rock during theinitial stage of serpentinization. In contrast, steatitizationindicates increased silica activities and that high-sulfur-fugacitysulfides, such as polydymite and pyrite–vaesite solidsolution, form as the reducing capacity of the peridotite isexhausted and H2 activities drop. Under these conditions, sulfideswill not desulfurize but precipitate and the sulfur contentof the rock increases. The co-evolution of fO2,g–fS2,gin the system follows an isopotential of H2S,aq, indicatingthat H2S in vent fluids is buffered. In contrast, H2 in ventfluids is not buffered by Fe–Ni–Co–O–Sphases, which merely monitor the evolution of H2 activitiesin the fluids in the course of progressive rock alteration.The co-occurrence of pentlandite–awaruite–magnetiteindicates H2,aq activities in the interacting fluids near thestability limit of water. The presence of a hydrogen gas phasewould add to the catalyzing capacity of awaruite and would facilitatethe abiotic formation of organic compounds. KEY WORDS: serpentinization; ODP Expedition 209; sulfide; oxygen fugacity; sulfur fugacity; hydrothermal system; metasomatism; Mid-Atlantic Ridge  相似文献   
The petrogenetic potential of in situ laser ablation Hf isotope data from melt precipitated zircons was explored through the analyses of about 700 individual crystals derived from about 20 different granitic intrusions covering the Variscan basement segment of eastern Bavaria, SE Germany. In combination with geochemical features, four major suites of granitic rocks can be distinguished: (1) NE Bavarian redwitzites (52–57 wt% SiO2, intrusion ages around 323 Ma) have chondritic εHf(t) values (+0.8 to –0.4). The redwitzites are hybrid rocks and the Hf data are permissive of mixing of a mantle progenitor and crustal melts. (2) Various intermediate rock types (dioritic dyke, granodiorite, palite, 59–63 wt% SiO2, 334–320 Ma) from the Bavarian Forest yield negative εHf(t) values between –3.4 and –5.1. These values which apparently contradict a mantle contribution fingerprint an enriched (metasomatized) mantle component that was mixed with crustal material. (3) Voluminous, major crust forming granites sensu stricto (67–75 wt% SiO2, 328–298 Ma) are characterized by a range in εHf(t) values from –0.5 to –5.6. Different crustal sources and/or modification of crustal melts by various input of juvenile material can explain this variation. (4) Post-plutonic (c. 299 Ma) porphyritic dykes of dacitic composition (64–67 wt% SiO2) from the southern Bavarian Forest have chondritic εHf(t) values (+0.6 to –1.1) and display large intergrain Hf isotope variation. The dykes form a separate petrogenetic group and the Hf data suggest that the zircons crystallized when a pristine mantle-derived parental melt was modified by infiltration of crustal material. The zircon Hf data form a largely coherent positive array with the whole-rock Nd data and both systems yield similar two-stage depleted mantle model ages (1.1–1.7 Ga).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach einer kurzen Erörterung der wichtigsten Methoden, die die Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeit in rezenten Tiefseeablagerungen auf verschiedenen Wegen zu erfassen versuchten, werden die Werte über die Absatzgeschwindigkeit näher besprochen, die sich aus der Stratigraphie der Meeresablagerungen im äquatorialen Atlantischen Ozean an der Hand der Grundproben der Meteor-Expedition ergeben. Um zuverlässige Werte über die Sedimentationsmenge der heutigen ozeanischen Ablagerungen zu erhalten, ist es zu allererst erforderlich, die stratigraphischen Verhältnisse im Sediment festzulegen, d. h. die gleichzeitig abgelagerten Horizonte auszuscheiden, aus deren Mächtigkeit die Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeit berechnet werden kann. Danach wird auf dem äquatorialen Atlantischen Tiefseeboden seit dem Ausgang des Diluviums durchschnittlich 1 cm in 1000 Jahren sedimentiert (Tab. 1). - Auf Grund der im äquatorialen Atlantischen Ozean gewonnenen stratigraphischen Erkenntnisse wird nach einigen Grundproben der Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition die Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeit im südlichen Indischen Ozean etwas genauer als bisher festgelegt. Sie ist sehr viel geringer als in der atlantischen Äquatorialzone (Tab. 2). Für den äquatorialen Atlantischen Ozean ist außerdem die Absatzgeschwindigkeit während der letzten Diluvialzeit angegeben und das Sedimentationsverhältnis zwischen Blauschlick, Globigerinenschlamm und Rotem Ton. Dies Verhältnis hat sich seit der letzten Eiszeitperiode nicht geändert.Die Arbeit erscheint auch in englischer Sprache im Symposium on Recent Sediments", herausgegeben vom United States National Research Council in Washington.  相似文献   
We propose a novel pragmatic approach of in situ 15N and 13C isotope labelling of trees for subsequent litter decomposition and turnover studies under field conditions. Using this method the labelling of even large trees under natural conditions is possible and compared to tree labelling under artificial conditions in greenhouses the in situ approach is less expensive. 13C and 15N labelling were carried out simultaneously via photosynthesis by tree gassing with 13CO2 and by stem injection of 15NH415NO3. The aims of this study were: (i) to produce a sufficient quantity of labelled plant material for subsequent field incubation studies and (ii) to investigate the effectiveness and distribution of in situ 15N (15NH415NO3) and 13C (13CO2) labelling of Podocarpus falcatus, Croton macrostachys, Prunus africana and Cupressus lusitanica. The following targets need to be achieved: (i) Assuming almost natural litter fall conditions, enough labelled plant material must be produced in situ for the turnover experiment; (ii) intra-plant tracer enrichment shall be homogeneous; (iii) tracer enrichment should be comparable for different tree species; and (iv) tracer enrichment must be sufficient for subsequent litter turnover studies using the stable isotope approach. Our results clearly demonstrated that several kilograms of labelled plant material can be produced in situ. For many ecosystems, this amount is sufficient for a long term litter turnover experiment on a field scale under almost natural litter fall conditions. However, intra-plant label uptake of 13C and 15N was heterogeneous so that only leaves (litter) should be used for the turnover study. It could be shown that only a part of the labile C and N fraction in the leaves was labelled. Nevertheless, label uptake was sufficient for subsequent litter turnover studies.  相似文献   
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