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In this paper, we constrain the input and output fluxes of H2O, Cl and S into the southern-central Chilean subduction zone (31°S–46°S). We determine the input flux by calculating the amounts of water, chlorine and sulfur that are carried into the subduction zone in subducted sediments, igneous crust and hydrated lithospheric mantle. The applied models take into account that latitudinal variations in the subducting Nazca plate impact the crustal porosity and the degree of upper mantle serpentinization and thus water storage in the crust and mantle. In another step, we constrain the output fluxes of the subduction zone both to the subcontinental lithospheric mantle and to the atmosphere–geosphere–ocean by the combined use of gas flux determinations at the volcanic arc, volume calculations of volcanic rocks and the combination of mineralogical and geothermal models of the subduction zone. The calculations indicate that about 68 Tg/m/Ma of water enters the subduction zone, as averaged over its total length of 1,480 km. The volcanic output on the other hand accounts for 2 Tg/m/Ma or 3 % of that input. We presume that a large fraction of the volatiles that are captured within the subducting sediments (which accounts for roughly one-third of the input) are cycled back into the ocean through the forearc. This assumption is however questioned by the present lack of evidence for major venting systems of the submarine forearc. The largest part of the water that is carried into the subduction zone in the crust and hydrated mantle (accounting for two-thirds of the input) appears to be transported beyond the volcanic arc.  相似文献   
In western Bohemia, the Drahotín (gabbro-diorite) and Mutěnín (gabbronorite-diorite-syenite) intrusions show different origins and patterns of geochemical evolution. Parental magmas of the Drahotín intrusion were derived predominantly from enriched mantle sources, and the melts have undergone a significant degree of assimilation-fractional crystallization (AFC) during their ascent and/or emplacement into the crust. In contrast, the compositional variation of the complex Mutěnín intrusion cannot be explained by simple AFC processes, but more likely reflects the involvement of several parental magmas. The gabbronorite was derived from a depleted mantle source, whereas the diorite/syenite stem from a mixed mantle-crust reservoir. The contrasting evolution of the Drahotín and Mutěnín intrusions may be due to their melt derivation and magma emplacement under different tectonothermal regimes at different times.  相似文献   
白垩纪深水古海洋学研究仍处于早期发展阶段,一方面是由于来自钙质底栖有孔虫的稳定同位素和地球化学数据的缺乏,其原因在于白垩纪高碳酸盐补偿深度;另一方面在于深水有机质胶结有孔虫示踪古海洋还没有充分发展起来。深海环境深水胶结有孔虫的分布主要取决于碳酸盐可利用状况、原始生产的输入通量、深水交换、环境波动(深海洋流、浊流和快速沉积事件)和底层沉积类型,因此对于重建深海环境具有非常巨大的潜力。东、西特提斯Campanian Maastrichtian深水底栖有孔虫组合的统计分析揭示出6个生物相,代表着明显不同的沉积环境。包括:深海红色泥岩与矮小深海生物组合(生物相1);红色深海泥灰岩(“Couches Rouges”相),含钙质胶结有孔虫组合(生物相3);深水远洋灰岩(“Scaglia Rossa”相),含易碎的Rhizammina组合(生物相2);绿色灰色半远洋泥灰岩,含适应高输出通量生物组合(生物相4);半远洋泥岩和粉砂岩,含Aschemocella Nothia 组合(生物相5);陆源浊积层序,含“复理石型”Rhabdammina组合(生物相6)。Campanian Maastrichtian红色氧化深水环境动物组合与现今深海类似,而白垩纪贫氧深海环境胶结组合在现今无法找到相类似物。随着古生态信息的增加和数据库的扩展,深水胶结有孔虫有望成为揭示古海洋条件的重要工具,尤?  相似文献   
We examined 14 subaerially deposited speleothems retrieved from submerged caves in the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico). These speleothems grew during the Middle to Late Quaternary and were dated by 230Th-U techniques to provide upper depth limits for past sea levels. We report the first relative sea-level limits for Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 11 and 6, and present new evidence for sea-level oscillations during MIS 5 and early MIS 1. For the latter periods, the origin of growth interruptions is evaluated by combining petrographic methods with trace element analyses. The MIS 5c sea-level highstand probably occurred between 103.94 ± 0.58 ka and 96.82 ± 0.42 ka and must have exceeded -10.8 m (relative to present-day local sea level). The minimum average rate of sea-level fall over a 9.4 ka-long period during the MIS 5e/5d transition is calculated from stalagmite and published coral data at 1.74 ± 0.37 m/ka. For the early Holocene, previous discrepancies with respect to a potential multimetre oscillation of local sea level were found to be challenging to reconcile with the existing speleothem data from the area.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Schrägschichtung des Koblenzquarzits, eines typischen devonischen Geosynklinalsedimentes, ist durch Wanderung von Großrippeln entstanden. Eine methodische Gefügeanalyse ergibt, daß die bisher für Schrägschichtungs-Untersuchungen angewandte rein statistische Behandlung der meßbaren Einzelrichtungen zu erheblichen Fehlern führen kann. Es wird eine neue Auswertungsmethode vorgelegt, die auf der Erfassung homogener Bereiche beruht. Für Schrägschichtungs-Messungen im gefalteten Gestein wird ein einfaches Reduktionsverfahren vorgeschlagen.Anschließend an die Beschreibung der übrigen Gefügearten von gerichteten Strömungsmerkmalen werden die Richtungen der subaquatischen Rutschungen zur Ermittelung der primären Böschungsrichtungen des Meeresbodens während der Sedimentation herangezogen.Im paläogeographischen Gesamtbild ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit zur Annahme devonischer Gezeitenströme, deren zeitlich und regional wechselnder Richtungsverlauf ebenso wie die Abbildung im Sediment durch die Gliederung des Sedimentationsraumes in Becken und Schwellen bestimmt wurde. Eine mit Hilfe der Sedimentationsrichtungen nachweisbare embryonale synsedimentäre Faltung steht mit der zyklischen Schichtgliederung wahrscheinlich in engem ursächlichem Zusammenhang.  相似文献   

Around 9000 inhabitants in the Panda River basin, Sonbhadhra District, Uttar Pradesh, India, are vulnerable to a “silent” dental and skeletal fluorosis from groundwater consumption. The fluoride source and seasonal groundwater quality variation were studied by collecting 65 groundwater samples in the Upper Panda River basin. Major rock types are phyllites and granite gneissic rocks. Fluoride concentrations are in the range 0.4–5.6 mg/L in the pre-monsoon season and 0.1–6.7 mg/L in the post-monsoon season. Fluor-apatite and biotite mica in the granite gneissic rock were identified as the main provenance of fluoride in the groundwater through water–rock interactions. Due to precipitation of calcium, soils become alkaline with high contents of sodium; these conditions allow fluoride to accumulate in water. According to risk index calculations, the fluoride-affected villages were shown to fall in the fluoride risk zone (with a risk index of around 1.7). On the basis of mineral stability diagrams, groundwater from the weathered and fractured aquifers appears to be stable within the kaolinite field, suggesting weathering of silicate minerals. The groundwater is chemically potable and suitable for domestic and agricultural purposes, except for a few wells in the southern region that are contaminated with high amounts of fluoride.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Raju, N.J., Dey, S., Gossel, W., and Wycisk, P., 2012. Fluoride hazard and assessment of groundwater quality in the semi-arid Upper Panda River basin, Sonbhadra District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (7), 1433–1452.  相似文献   
The knowledge of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC11, CFC12) concentrations in ocean surface waters is a prerequisite for deriving formation rates of, and water mass ages in, deep and bottom waters on the basis of CFC data. In the Antarctic coastal region, surface-layer data are sparse in time and space, primarily due to the limited accessibility of the region. To help filling this gap, we carried out CFC simulations using a regional ocean general circulation model (OGCM) for the Southern Ocean, which includes the ocean–ice shelf interaction. The simulated surface layer saturations, i.e. the actual surface concentrations relative to solubility-equilibrium values, are verified against available observations. The CFC surface saturations driven by concentration gradients between atmosphere and ocean are controlled mainly by the sea ice cover, sea surface temperature, and salinity. However, no uniform explanation exists for the controlling mechanisms. Here, we present simulated long-term trends and seasonal variations of surface-layer saturation at Southern Ocean deep and bottom water formation sites and other key regions, and we discuss differences between these regions. The amplitudes of the seasonal saturation cycle vary from 22% to 66% and their long-term trends range from 0.1%/year to 0.9%/year. The seasonal surface saturation maximum lags the ice cover minimum by two months. By utilizing observed bottle data the full seasonal CFC saturation cycle can be determined offering the possibility to predict long-term trends in the future. We show that ignoring the trends and using instead the saturations actually observed can lead to systematic errors in deduced inventory-based formation rates by up to 10% and suggest an erroneous decline with time.  相似文献   
Major changes in community structure and depositional relief of high-latitude coral communities in the southern Persian Gulf between marine isotope stage (MIS) 7 and the present day suggest that the area has become increasingly restricted. Corals and bivalves from outcrops on Kish Island, Iran, were identified in order to interpret the Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental setting. U/Th disequilibrium dating was used to constrain the ages of the stratigraphic units. During MIS 7, two coral-bearing sequences were deposited on what is now Kish Island. The lower sequence is dated as MIS 7.5 and changes laterally from an assemblage dominated by Cyphastrea sp. and Platygyra daedalea in the west to one characterized by branching Montipora in the east. By contrast, the upper sequence, dated as MIS 7.1, transitions from an assemblage dominated by platy Montipora in the west to a diverse assemblage of Platygyra and other faviids in the east. The assemblages of both sequences are within a marl matrix and bounded by thin lithified mollusc-rich layers. Corals and bivalves indicate that the sequences were deposited on gentle slopes in sheltered environments less than 20 m deep. The MIS 7 deposits may be classified as coral carpets or biostromes that developed a low-relief framework. During MIS 5, coral communities were no longer framework building and are now limited to an Acropora-rich layer of coral rubble that covers large parts of the island, and two small incipient reefs with sparse faviids. Similarities between the MIS 5 and modern nearshore coral communities suggest that the environmental conditions during MIS 5 were comparable to those of today. The late Pleistocene coral carpets and non-framework coral communities of the southern Persian Gulf may serve as models for coral biostromes in the fossil record, which formed under restricted environmental conditions such as elevated terrigenous input, high turbidity, and strong seasonal changes in temperature and/or salinity.  相似文献   
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