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Abstract— 40Ar/39Ar ages of four tektites (moldavites) from southern Bohemia (near ?eské Budějovice, Czech Republic) and a tektite from Lusatia (near Dresden, Germany) have been determined by 11 step‐degassing experiments. The purpose of the study was to enlarge the 40Ar/39Ar data base of moldavites and to check the age relations of the Bohemian and Lusatian samples. The mean plateau‐age of the Bohemian samples, which range from 14.42 to 14.70 Ma, is 14.50 ± 0.16 (0.42) (2σ) Ma (errors in parentheses include age error and uncertainty of standard monitor age). The plateau age of the Lusatian sample of 14.38 ± 0.26 (0.44) (2σ) Ma confirms the previously published 40Ar/39Ar age of 14.52 ± 0.08 (0.40) (2σ) Ma, and demonstrates that the fall of Lusatian and Bohemian tektites were contemporaneous. Because of their geochemistry and their ages there is no doubt that the Lusatian tektites are moldavites. Accepting that moldavites are ejecta from the Nördlinger Ries impact, the new ages also date the impact event. This age is slightly younger (about 0.2–0.3 Ma) than the age suggested by earlier K‐Ar determinations.  相似文献   
In the Pulur complex (Sakarya Zone, Eastern Pontides, Turkey) a low-grade tectonometamorphic unit (Doankavak) is exposed in three tectonic windows beneath a complex medium-pressure high-temperature metamorphic unit of late Carboniferous age. The thrust plane between both units is transgressively covered by Liassic conglomerates. The Doankavak unit comprises a sequence of metabasites with MORB-type chemical compositions and phyllites, with subordinate calcareous phyllites, marbles, quarzofeldspathic schists and metacherts. This sequence is interpreted as a former accretionary complex related to the consumption of the Palaeotethys. Mineral parageneses in the metabasites allow for the distinction of two domains with slightly different peak metamorphic conditions, i.e. 375–425 °C/0.5–0.8 GPa (greenschist facies) and 400–470 °C/0.6–1.1 GPa (albite-epidote amphibolite facies). The age of metamorphism is constrained at ~ 260 Ma (early Late Permian) by two Rb-Sr mineral-whole rock ages (hornblende, phengite) and one 40Ar/39Ar single step total fusion age (phengite). In conjunction with previous data on other accretionary complexes in the Sakarya zone in Northern Turkey, the data presented in this study suggest a continuous subduction of the Palaeotethys at least from Early/Late Permian to Late Triassic and a discontinuous preservation of accretion complexes in both space and time.  相似文献   
Late- to post-magmatic deformation in slightly diachronous contiguous intrusions of the north-western Adamello batholith (Southern Alps, Italy) is recorded as, from oldest to youngest: (i) joints, (ii) solid-state ductile shear zones, (iii) faults associated with epidote-K-feldspar veins and (iv) zeolite veins and faults. Structures (ii) to (iv) are localized on the pervasive precursory network of joints (i), which developed during the earliest stages of pluton cooling. High temperature ( 500 °C), ductile overprinting of joints produced lineations, defined by aligned biotite and hornblende, on the joint surfaces and highly localized mylonites. The main phase of faulting, producing cataclasites and pseudotachylytes, occurred at  250 °C and was associated with extensive fluid infiltration. Cataclasites and pseudotachylytes are clustered along different E–W-striking dextral strike-slip fault zones correlated with the activity of the Tonale fault, a major tectonic structure that bounds the Adamello batholith to the north. Ductile deformation and cataclastic/veining episodes occurred at P = 0.25–0.3 GPa during rapid cooling of the batholith to the ambient temperatures ( 250 °C) that preceded the exhumation of the batholith. Timing of the sequence of deformation can be constrained by 39Ar–40Ar ages of  30 Ma on pseudotachylytes and various existing mineral ages. In the whole composite Adamello batholith, multiple magma pulses were intruded over the time span 42–30 Ma and each intrusive body shows the same ductile-to-brittle structural sequence localized on the early joint sets. This deformation sequence of the Adamello might be typical of intrusions undergoing cooling at depths close to the brittle–ductile transition.  相似文献   
Within the Tethyan realm, data for the subduction history of the Permo–Triassic Tethys in the form of accretionary complexes are scarce, coming mainly from northwest Turkey and Tibet. Herein we present field geological, petrological and geochronological data on a Triassic accretionary complex, the A?vanis metamorphic rocks, from northeast Turkey. The A?vanis metamorphic rocks form a SSE–NNW trending lozenge‐shaped horst, ~20 km long and ~6 km across, bounded by the strands of the active North Anatolian Fault close to the collision zone between the Eastern Pontides and the Menderes–Taurus Block. The rocks consist mainly of greenschist‐ to epidote‐amphibolite‐facies metabasite, phyllite, marble and minor metachert and serpentinite, interpreted as a metamorphic accretionary complex based on the oceanic rock types and ocean island basaltic, mid‐ocean ridge basaltic and island‐arc tholeiitic affinities of the metabasites. This rock assemblage was intruded by stocks and dikes of Early Eocene quartz diorite, leucogranodiorite and dacite porphyry. Metamorphic conditions are estimated to be 470–540°C and ~0.60–0.90 GPa. Stepwise 40Ar/39Ar dating of phengite–muscovite separates sampled outside the contact metamorphic aureoles yielded steadily increasing age spectra with the highest incremental stage corresponding to age values ranging from ~180 to 209 Ma, suggesting that the metamorphism occurred at ≥ 209 Ma. Thus, the A?vanis metamorphic rocks represent the vestiges of the Late Triassic or slightly older subduction in northeast Turkey. Estimated P–T conditions indicate higher temperatures than those predicted by steady state thermal models for average subduction zones, and can best be accounted for by a hot subduction zone, similar to the present‐day Cascadia. Contact metamorphic mineral assemblages around an Early Eocene quartz diorite stock, on the other hand, suggest that the present‐day erosion level was at depths of ~14 km during the Early Eocene, indicative of reburial of the metamorphic rocks. Partial disturbance of white‐mica Ar–Ar age spectra was probably caused by the reburial coupled with heat input by igneous activity, which is probably related to thrusting due to the continental collision between Eastern Pontides and the Menderes–Taurus Block.  相似文献   
Strontium isotope stratigraphy was performed on oyster shells from the Late Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin (central Portugal). This represents the first approach to obtain numerical ages for these strata. The new chronostratigraphic data provide a more precise age determination of several units. After a basin-wide hiatus sedimentation in the Late Jurassic is proven in the Cabo Mondego and Cabaços formations to resume as early as the Middle Oxfordian. The Alcobaça formation can be placed in the latest Late Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian, while data from the upper part of the Abadia Formation indicate an Early to Late Kimmeridgian age. The Farta Pao formation ranges from the latest Kimmeridgian to the latest Tithonian. The largely synchronous Sobral, Arranhó I, and Arranhó II members are overlain by the late Early to Late Tithonian Freixial Member. The brief, local carbonate incursion of the Arranhó I member marks the Kimmeridgian–Tithonian boundary. Oysters are shown once more to be suitable for strontium isotope studies. Their calcitic shells are often unaffected by diagenesis. In particular for marginal marine Jurassic and Cretaceous strata, where belemnites are usually absent, oysters may serve as a valuable tool for isotope stratigraphy.  相似文献   
K. Brack  R. L. Stevens  M. Paetzel   《Marine Geology》2000,170(3-4):347-362
Holocene sedimentological change was investigated in 15 sediment piston cores (250 cm long) from the mouth of the Göta älv River, outside of Göteborg, which is sheltered by an archipelago. The main objective was to interpret recent, natural and human-induced influences upon the accumulation–erosion balance and the sedimentary environment from Holocene sediment units. The five main units are: consolidated glaciomarine clay (Facies gC) lowermost, consolidated estuarine clay (Facies dC), soft sub-recent sediment (Facies omC and Facies C) uppermost and dumped sediment (Facies D) in some parts of the study area. The sediment facies are divided by two major hiatuses: (a) the early Holocene hiatus between Facies gC and dC involves a time gap of at least 7000 years, ending at ca. 4000 BP and (b) the late Holocene hiatus between the consolidated clays (Facies gC and dC) and Facies omC spans 1000 years and ends ca. 50 BP (i.e. 100 years ago). Both hiatuses probably relate to the effects of isostatic land uplift. Surface sediments consist mainly of an organic-matter-rich clay facies, suggesting changes in the trophic state of the estuary during the last 100 years. Together with human-induced increased river erosion and loss of accommodation space in the estuary, this caused the onset of sedimentation in the estuary. The recent sediments are contaminated with heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg), with highest concentrations in the lower part of Facies omC.  相似文献   
A long-term study within the pilot environmental specimen bank programme of the Federal Republic of Germany on arsenic levels in coastal and open seawater and their reflection in the brown seaweed (Fucus vesiculosus) has been performed. Dissolved arsenic was on average 0.76 (range 0.45–1.11) μgl−1 for 17 sampling stations in the Baltic Sea, whereas contents of dissolved arsenic are somewhat higher in shallow waters of the coastal zone of the North Sea. Total arsenic levels in algae ranged up to 40 mg kg−1 (dry weight) and showed for the four locations studied obvious seasonal variations for comparatively nonpolluted or nondisturbed locations only. However, probably due to biological influences, the results obtained so far indicate that composite samples integrating a one year period are supposed to be the best strategy for future environmental specimen banking. Using a new efficient speciation technique the percentage of chemically stable organoarsenic compounds in the investigated algae has been found to be 95% of the total arsenic content and thus somewhat lower than in teleost fish. For comparison, typical data for a few other algae species from the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea are also shown.  相似文献   
The surface tension lowering by surface-active substances has been measured on rainwater, melted snow, and dispersions of atmospheric particles in water, with a film balance and a tensiometer. The precipitation water was sampled during 1979, 1980, and 1981 in the city of Frankfurt/Main. From measurements with the film balance technique, normalized concentrations of insoluble and weakly soluble surface-active substances have been estimated. Soluble surface-active substances were determined from measurements with a tensiometer. It was found that the normalized concentration of theinsoluble and weakly soluble surface-active material on rainwater or melted snow shows a maximum during late spring of about 2.5 · 10−7 moles/l and a minimum during wintertime of about 5 · 10−8 moles/l. These concentrations are too low to influence significantly the condensation of water vapour on cloud droplets or the evaporation of water from them. Thesoluble surface-active material on rainwater or melted snow was found to have concentrations of the order of 2 · 10−6 moles/l. These concentrations are also too small to have a significant influence on cloud physical processes.  相似文献   
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