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A map-view palinspastic restoration of tectonic units in the Alps, Carpathians and Dinarides reveals the plate tectonic configuration before the onset of Miocene to recent deformations. Estimates of shortening and extension from the entire orogenic system allow for a semi-quantitative restoration of translations and rotations of tectonic units during the last 20 Ma. Our restoration yielded the following results: (1) The Balaton Fault and its eastern extension along the northern margin of the Mid-Hungarian Fault Zone align with the Periadriatic Fault, a geometry that allows for the eastward lateral extrusion of the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian (ALCAPA) Mega-Unit. The Mid-Hungarian Fault Zone accommodated simultaneous strike-perpendicular shortening and strike-slip movements, concomitant with strike-parallel extension. (2) The Mid-Hungarian Fault Zone is also the locus of a former plate boundary transforming opposed subduction polarities between Alps (including Western Carpathians) and Dinarides. (3) The ALCAPA Mega-Unit was affected by 290 km extension and fits into an area W of present-day Budapest in its restored position, while the Tisza-Dacia Mega-Unit was affected by up to 180 km extension during its emplacement into the Carpathian embayment. (4) The external Dinarides experienced Neogene shortening of over 200 km in the south, contemporaneous with dextral wrench movements in the internal Dinarides and the easterly adjacent Carpatho-Balkan orogen. (5) N–S convergence between the European and Adriatic plates amounts to some 200 km at a longitude of 14° E, in line with post-20 Ma subduction of Adriatic lithosphere underneath the Eastern Alps, corroborating the discussion of results based on high-resolution teleseismic tomography.The displacement of the Adriatic Plate indenter led to a change in subduction polarity along a transect through the easternmost Alps and to substantial Neogene shortening in the eastern Southern Alps and external Dinarides. While we confirm that slab-pull and rollback of oceanic lithosphere subducted beneath the Carpathians triggered back-arc extension in the Pannonian Basin and much of the concomitant folding and thrusting in the Carpathians, we propose that the rotational displacement of this indenter provided a second important driving force for the severe Neogene modifications of the Alpine-Carpathian-Dinaridic orogenic system.  相似文献   
We present the results of a one-dimensional computer simulation of the interaction between interplanetary shocks and the Earth's magnetosphere. The position of the bowshock as a function of solar wind velocity and interplanetary field direction is studied.  相似文献   
A hydrogeological study was undertaken in the Zenako-Argaka catchment, near Hagere Selam in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, during the rainy season of 2006. A geological map was produced through geophysical measurements and field observations, and a fracture zone identified in the north west of the catchment. A perched water table was found within the Trap Basalt series above the laterized upper Aram Aradam Sandstones. A map of this water table was compiled. Water-level variation during the measurement period was at least 4.5?m. Variation in basal flow for the whole catchment for the measurement period was between 12 and 276?m3/day. A groundwater flow model was produced using Visual MODFLOW, indicating the general direction of flow to be towards the south, and illustrating that the waterways have only a limited influence on groundwater flow. The soil water budget was calculated for the period 1995?C2006, which showed the important influence of the distribution of rainfall in time. Although Hagere Selam received some 724?mm of rainfall per year over this period, the strong seasonal variation in rainfall meant there was a water deficit for on average 10?months per year.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of large- and small-scale obstacles (orography, tree lines, and dikes) on the effective aerodynamic roughness of the Netherlands, a relatively flat, small-scale landscape. The roughness averaging approach was based on drag coefficients. The effective roughness was locally dominated by small-scale obstacles such as tree lines and dikes. Even at a regional scale (40,000 km2), the small-scale obstacle drag was of the same order of magnitude as the shear stress due to landuse. The neglect of those obstacles on a regional scale would result in approximately 10% overestimated averaged windspeed at 10~m above the surface. It was concluded that small-scale obstacles need to be taken into account to calculate the aerodynamic roughness of flat landscapes. Orography was of minor importance in this lowland country.  相似文献   
Although orthopyroxene (Opx) is present during a wide range of magmatic differentiation processes in the terrestrial and lunar mantle, its effect on melt trace element contents is not well quantified. We present results of a combined experimental and computational study of trace element partitioning between Opx and anhydrous silicate melts. Experiments were performed in air at atmospheric pressure and temperatures ranging from 1,326 to 1,420°C in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 and subsystem CaO–MgO–SiO2. We provide experimental partition coefficients for a wide range of trace elements (large ion lithophile: Li, Be, B, K, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Th, U; rare earth elements, REE: La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Y, Yb, Lu; high field strength: Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Ti; transition metals: Sc, V, Cr, Co) for use in petrogenetic modelling. REE partition coefficients increase from $ D_{\text{La}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.0005 Although orthopyroxene (Opx) is present during a wide range of magmatic differentiation processes in the terrestrial and lunar mantle, its effect on melt trace element contents is not well quantified. We present results of a combined experimental and computational study of trace element partitioning between Opx and anhydrous silicate melts. Experiments were performed in air at atmospheric pressure and temperatures ranging from 1,326 to 1,420°C in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 and subsystem CaO–MgO–SiO2. We provide experimental partition coefficients for a wide range of trace elements (large ion lithophile: Li, Be, B, K, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, Th, U; rare earth elements, REE: La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Y, Yb, Lu; high field strength: Zr, Nb, Hf, Ta, Ti; transition metals: Sc, V, Cr, Co) for use in petrogenetic modelling. REE partition coefficients increase from $ D_{\text{La}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.0005 $ D_{\text{La}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.0005 to $ D_{\text{Lu}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.109 $ D_{\text{Lu}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.109 , D values for highly charged elements vary from $ D_{\text{Th}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0026 $ D_{\text{Th}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0026 through $ D_{\text{Nb}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0033 $ D_{\text{Nb}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0033 and $ D_{\text{U}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0066 $ D_{\text{U}}^{{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}}} \sim 0.0066 to $ D_{\text{Ti}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.058 $ D_{\text{Ti}}^{{\text{Opx}} {\hbox{-}} {\text{melt}}} \sim 0.058 , and are all virtually independent of temperature. Cr and Co are the only compatible trace elements at the studied conditions. To elucidate charge-balancing mechanisms for incorporation of REE into Opx and to assess the possible influence of Fe on Opx-melt partitioning, we compare our experimental results with computer simulations. In these simulations, we examine major and minor trace element incorporation into the end-members enstatite (Mg2Si2O6) and ferrosilite (Fe2Si2O6). Calculated solution energies show that R2+ cations are more soluble in Opx than R3+ cations of similar size, consistent with experimental partitioning data. In addition, simulations show charge balancing of R3+ cations by coupled substitution with Li+ on the M1 site that is energetically favoured over coupled substitution involving Al–Si exchange on the tetrahedrally coordinated site. We derived best-fit values for ideal ionic radii r 0, maximum partition coefficients D 0, and apparent Young’s moduli E for substitutions onto the Opx M1 and M2 sites. Experimental r 0 values for R3+ substitutions are 0.66–0.67 ? for M1 and 0.82–0.87 ? for M2. Simulations for enstatite result in r 0 = 0.71–0.73 ? for M1 and ~0.79–0.87 ? for M2. Ferrosilite r 0 values are systematically larger by ~0.05 ? for both M1 and M2. The latter is opposite to experimental literature data, which appear to show a slight decrease in $ r_{0}^{{{\text{M}}2}} $ r_{0}^{{{\text{M}}2}} in the presence of Fe. Additional systematic studies in Fe-bearing systems are required to resolve this inconsistency and to develop predictive Opx-melt partitioning models for use in terrestrial and lunar magmatic differentiation models.  相似文献   
Since its introduction by Svensson in 1959, the power law curve y = axb (where x and y are horizontal and vertical direction, respectively) has been widely used in morphological analysis of glacial trough cross-profiles. The numerical constants a and b are obtained by a linear regression analysis of the logarithmic form of the power law curve (ln y = ln a + b ln x). The value b then gives a measure for the form of the cross-section. However, over the years this form of the power law has endured a lot of criticism. This criticism is well founded, since this particular form of the power law is not suitable for curve fitting in morphological analyses. In this paper a general power law is proposed, of the form y − y0 = a|x − x0|b (where x0, y0 are the coordinates of the origin of the cross-profile). A unique and unbiased solution for this equation is obtained with a general least-squares method, thereby minimizing the error between the cross-profile data and the curve, and not between the logarithmic transform of the data and its regression line. This provides a robust way to characterize trough cross-section forms. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The presence of vegetation modifies flow and sediment transport in alluvial channels and hence the morphological evolution of river systems. Plants increase the local roughness, modify flow patterns and provide additional drag, decreasing the bed‐shear stress and enhancing local sediment deposition. For this, it is important to take into account the presence of vegetation in morphodynamic modelling. Models describing the effects of vegetation on water flow and sediment transport already exist, but comparative analyses and validations on extensive datasets are still lacking. In order to provide practical information for modelling purposes, we analysed the performance of a large number of models on flow resistance, vegetation drag, vertical velocity profiles and bed‐shear stresses in vegetated channels. Their assessments and applicability ranges are derived by comparing their predictions with measured values from a large dataset for different types of submerged and emergent vegetation gathered from the literature. The work includes assessing the performance of the sediment transport capacity formulae of Engelund and Hansen and van Rijn in the case of vegetated beds, as well as the value of the drag coefficient to be used for different types of vegetation and hydraulic conditions. The results provide a unique comparative overview of existing models for the assessment of the effects of vegetation on morphodynamics, highlighting their performances and applicability ranges. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The preferential incorporation of High-Field-Strength Elements (HFSE) in rutile (TiO2), combined with its supposed stability in subduction zone settings, make it an ideal candidate to explain the low HFSE concentrations in subduction-derived magmas. The solubility behaviour of rutile is key to these arguments, but at present experimental and field-based evidence are contradictory.We have used abinitio molecular (meta)dynamics to investigate the coordination environment of Ti(IV) in pure water at 300 and 1000 K and densities ranging from 900-1260 kg m−3 (approximate pressures 0.9-3.6 GPa). In all high temperature simulations, the long-range structure of the solvent indicates a breakdown of the hydrogen bonding network as expected for supercritical water. The five-fold coordination of titanium to water is energetically most favourable in aqueous fluids at room temperature and pressure, separated from four and six-fold configurations by ∼175 and ∼200 kJ mol−1, respectively. The average first shell Ti-O distance is 2.00 Å, in excellent agreement with bond lengths obtained from experiments. At similar densities and 1000 K, titanium is on average six-fold coordinate with water, and shows some degree of water dissociation in the first hydration shell. This coordination environment is remarkably persistent with increasing density from 1021 to 1260 kg m−3 at constant temperature (1000 K). At lower densities, however, (900 kg m−3 at 1000 K), the coordination with first shell water molecules is less than five. The observed coordination changes could promote association of titanium with peralkaline or peraluminous domains in the aqueous fluid, and thereby explain field-and laboratory based evidence of enhanced HFSE concentrations.This study demonstrates that abinitio molecular dynamics has considerable potential to access details of element behaviour in aqueous fluids at geologically relevant conditions that are impossible to examine otherwise. Changes in the solvent structure due to density variations lead to differences in solvent behaviour allowing access to new domains for fluid-solid interaction. Moreover, changes in the solvent structure are strongly linked to the effectiveness of element solvation.  相似文献   
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