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We use a simple model of the formation, growth, coalescence and migration of veins of basaltic melt generated by partial melting in chondritic asteroids to deduce the sizes of, and pressures within, the fluid-filled dikes reaching the surfaces of such bodies. The gas contents ( 1000 ppm of mainly CO and N2) of the asteroids were high enough that bubbles of free gas trapped in the melt veins gave the basaltic melts significant buoyancy; expansion of these gases as a dike opened to the vacuum at the surface led to fragmentation of the melts into liquid droplets which were transported upwards by the accelerating gases to the surface. The sizes of these droplets and, hence, of the pyroclastic glass beads into which they cooled, are calculated to lie in the range 30 μm to 4 mm; this range is essentially independent of the size or gas content of the asteroid parent and only weakly dependent on the internal pressure of the erupting fluid. The fate of the pyroclasts, however, does depend on all of these factors. At very low internal pressures, significant separation of the gas and liquid in a rising dike may take place and not all of the liquid will be expelled from the dike when it opens to the surface. For relatively large ( 100 km radius) asteroids with relatively low ( 300 ppm) gas contents, the larger clasts are too heavy to be lifted from the level at which magma fragmentation takes place by the gas flow and so would also remain behind to form basaltic veins. The apparent absence of basaltic veins in meteorites then implies both that internal pressures in near-surface dikes were generally greater than 0.3 MPa and that low gas contents were not common. Finally, as long as pyroclasts are lofted from the magma fragmentation level, they will be accelerated to at least 90% of the final gas speed. If this speed exceeds the escape speed from the asteroid (as happens readily for high gas contents and small asteroids), the pyroclasts will be expelled into space and lost from the meteorite record. Otherwise (low gas contents or large asteroids), they will eventually fall back to be incorporated into the surface regolith, modifying the chemical and physical properties of meteorites subsequently derived from it.  相似文献   
The commonest eruption styles of basaltic volcanoes involve Hawaiian lava fountaining or intermittent Strombolian explosions. We investigate the ways in which magma rise speed at depth, magma volatile content and magma viscosity control which of these eruption styles takes place. We develop a model of the degree of coalescence between gas bubbles in the magma which allows us to simulate the transition between the two extreme styles of activity. We find that magma rise speed is the most important factor causing the transition, with gas content and viscosity also influencing the rise speed at which the transition occurs. Counter to intuitive expectations, a decrease in gas content does not cause a transition from Hawaiian to Strombolian activity, but instead causes a transition to passive effusion of vesicular lava. Rather, a change from Hawaiian to Strombolian style requires a significant reduction in magma rise speed.  相似文献   
Summary This paper describes mineralogical and geological aspects of the Owl Creek and Hoyle Pond gold mines, located in Archean metasediments and metavolcanics in the Abitibi greenstone belt in northern Ontario, Canada. The occurrence of invisible gold of Cenozoic age, hosted in structurally-controlled settings in Paleozoic strata of the southwestern U.S.A., has been known and exploited for over thirty years. Petrographic observations are combined with electron microprobe data in order to describe aspects of gold mineralization from these Ontario mines and from selected analogous sites elsewhere. Details of selected exposures of Archean-Proterozoic lithologies, which are carbonaceous but not strongly enriched in gold, are briefly compared with features of the mine geology. Although no mine generates carbonaceous ores alone, the proportion of such ores varies widely from mine to mine, and district to district. Questions remain, particularly with regard to the chemical behaviour of the reduced carbon, but two common factors of prime economic relevance are established. These are the importance of (a) fluid focusing through incompetent carbonaceous units, and (b) localization of high (commonly visible) gold values on vein-wallrock contacts.
La Minéralogie et micro-structures des minerais carbonifères d'or
Résumé Ce compte rendu s'intéresse au gîtes carbonifères d'or, spécialement dans la ceinture de roches vertes de l'Abitibi au nord de l'Ontario, au Canada. Des observations pétrographiques sont combinées avec des analyses de microsonde électronique afin de décrire quelques aspects de la minéralogie et de la géologie des mines d'or; en particulier Owl Creek et Hoyle Pond, et aussi des emplacements dont la concentration en or est trop faible pour être exploité. Trois générations de pyrite sont observée à Owl Creek, la troisième contenant de l'or. Souvent l'or est situé entre la veine de quartz et l'encaissante carbonifère, fréquemment avec de l'hydromicas sodiques, de la chlorite ferrifère et de la tourmaline. Cette association dont l'importance économique est substantielle, est produite par la concentration de fluides hydrothermales à travers des rocs carbonifères friables.

With 6 Figures

Contribution to the Ore Mineralogy Symposium (IMA/COM)at the 14th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, at Stanford, California, in July, 1986.  相似文献   
Levels of heavy metals along the Libyan coastline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A coastal survey off the east part of the Libyan coastline which has no river inputs was initiated to measure the existing level and distribution of selected heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Ni, and Mn) in surface sediments along Benghazi Bay. In order to place the finding of this survey in proper perspective and for practical terms a Pollution Load Index (PLI) was used. The results establish that of the sites examined only the harbour site exhibited relatively high levels particularly in the cases of cadmium and copper indicating a detectable anthropogenic input. The range of concentrations were 1.03%–1.96% μg g−1 (dry wt) for organic content and 64.7%–93% for calcium carbonate while the range of heavy metals concentrations (μg g−1 dry wt) were 8.7–42 for Cu, 2.3–27.3 for Zn, 5.7–19 for Ni, 37–76.7 for Mn, and below the detection limit-1.73 for Cd. A PLI score of 2.93 was obtained at the harbour site and a range of 6.11–7.63 for the other sites. The PLI score for the control site was 9.51 and the score for the overall studied area was 7.51 indicating a very clean environment. The index would be, with some modification, a step in the right direction from the management point of view in Libya due to the absence of environmental expertise.  相似文献   
13C- and 1H-NMR spectra were obtained for humic substances isolated from a coastal marine environment and also for the intracellular and extracellular extracts of a marine diatom. Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin. Highly branched alkyl chains constitute a large proportion of the structure of the marine humic material, whereas aromatic components are less important. Carbohydrate-type materials, possibly uronic acids, are also present in appreciable amounts. Furans (derived from carbohydrates). pyrroles and nitriles (derived from proteins, nucleic acids and/or tetrapyrroles) and phenols and methylphenols (non-lignin derived) are pyrolysis products derived from pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the extracts. The results indicate the similarities in chemical structure of P. tricornutum exudate and dissolved marine humic material.  相似文献   
We have solved the problem of three-dimensional heat transfer by conduction and material transport within a ridge-transform-ridge system. The boundary conditions are those of a finite plate with temperatures fixed at the top and bottom. We do not solve for the pattern of flow, so must arbitrarily describe the material transport. Within triangular regions beneath the spreading centers, flow is assumed to be vertical and at constant velocity, with the volume of upwelling matching the volume of horizontal transport by the plates. The steady state solution is approached by repeated finite steps in time, each involving two stages. First, to represent material transport, temperatures in the grid of points are shifted horizontally and/or vertically to the point at which the associated particle would arrive given the time period and assumed velocity field. Second, a three-dimensional Fourier Transform technique is used to calculate the cooling which would occur in the static case during the same period.

We find that the geometry of flow in the upwelling region, here parameterized by velocity of upwelling or width of the upwelling zone, is more important than spreading rate in determining the temperature structure. The results indicate that conductive cooling cannot alone account for deepening of the median valley towards the fracture zone. For a 10 m.y. offset on the transform fault, conductive cooling across the fracture zone to the older lithosphere affects the upwelling material only to a distance of about 10 km from the fault, in contrast to the deepening of the median valley over several tens of kilometers observed on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

Traditional monitoring methods using chemical analysis of ground water samples to detect pollutant migration are being superseded or used in conjunction with innovative approaches. A need to detect pollutants before they reach the water table has drawn interest to vadose (unsaturated) zone monitoring and brought together hydrogeologists, soil scientists and agricultural engineers who have been working on this subject for years.
Recent studies have identified over 50 different types of vadose zone monitoring devices and methods that have optimum utility in varying hydrogeologic settings. In general, measurements made in the vadose zone are trying to define storage, transmission of liquid waste in terms of flux and velocity, and pollutant mobility.
Criteria for the selection of alternative vadose zone monitoring methods are important for the development of site-specific systems. These criteria include: type of site; applicability to new, active, and abandoned sites; power requirements; depth limitations; multiple use capability; type of data collection system; reliability and life expectancy; degree of operational complexity; direct versus indirect methods; applicability to alternate media; effect on flow regime; and effect of hazardous waste on sampling or measurements. Application of the selection criteria is discussed in Everett et al. (1982a).  相似文献   
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