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Reynolds shear stress (RS = –uw′) and sand transport patterns over a vegetated foredune are explored using three‐dimensional velocity data from ultrasonic anemometers (at 0 · 2 and 1 · 2 m) and sand transport intensity from laser particle counters (at 0 · 014 m). A mid‐latitude cyclone on 3–4 May 2010 generated storm‐force winds (exceeding 20 m s–1) that shifted from offshore to obliquely alongshore. Quadrant analysis was used to characterize the spatial variation of RS quadrant components (Q1 through Q4) and their relative contributions were parameterized using the flow exuberance relation, EXFL = (Q1 + Q3)/(Q2 + Q4). The magnitudes of RS and sand transport varied somewhat independently over the dune as controlled by topographic forcing effects on flow dynamics. A ‘flow exuberance effect’ was evident such that Q2 (ejection‐like) and Q4 (sweep‐like) quadrants (that contribute positively to RS) dominated on the beach, dune toe, and lower stoss, whereas Q1 and Q3 (that contribute negatively to RS) dominated near the crest. This exuberance effect was not expressed, however, in sand transport patterns. Instead, Q1 and Q4, with above‐average streamwise velocity fluctuations (+u′), were most frequently associated with sand transport. Q4 activity corresponded with most sand transport at the beach, toe, and stoss locations (52, 60, 100%). At the crest, 25 to 86% of transport was associated with Q1 while Q4 corresponded with most of the remaining transport (13 to 59%). Thus, the relationship between sand transport and RS is not as straightforward as in traditional equations that relate flux to stress in increasing fashion. Generally, RS was poorly associated with sand transport partly because Q1 and Q4 contributions offset each other in RS calculations. Thus, large amounts of transport can occur with small RS. Turbulent kinetic energy or Reynolds normal stresses (u2, w2) may provide stronger associations with sand transport over dunes, although challenges exist on how to normalize and compare these quantities. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this study, rapid topographic changes and increased erosion rates caused by massive slope failures in a glacierized and permafrost‐affected high‐mountain face were investigated with respect to the current climatic change. The study was conducted at one of the highest periglacial rock faces in the European Alps, the east face of Monte Rosa, Italy. Pronounced changes in ice cover and repeated rock and ice avalanche events have been documented in this rock wall since around 1990. The performed multi‐temporal comparison of high‐resolution digital terrain models (DTMs) complemented by detailed analyses of repeat photography represents a unique assessment of topographic changes and slope failures over half a century and reveals a total volume loss in bedrock and steep glaciers in the central part of the face of around 25 × 106 m3 between 1988 and 2007. The high rock and ice avalanche activity translates into an increase in erosion rates of about one order of magnitude during recent decades. The study indicates that changes in atmospheric temperatures and connected changes in ice cover can induce slope destabilization in high‐mountain faces. Analyses of temperature data show that the start of the intense mass movement activity coincided with increased mean annual temperatures in the region around 1990. However, once triggered, mass movement activity seems to be able to proceed in a self‐reinforcing cycle, whereby single mass movement events might be strongly influenced by short‐term extreme temperature events. The investigations suggest a strong stability coupling between steep glaciers and underlying bedrock, as most bedrock instabilities are located in areas where surface ice has disappeared recently and the failure zones are frequently spatially correlated and often develop from lower altitudes progressively upwards. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Heat was used as a tracer to measure infiltration rates from a recharge basin. The propagation of diurnal oscillation of surface water temperature into the basin bed was monitored along a transect using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (FODTS). The propagation rate was related to downward specific discharge using standard theory of heat advection and dispersion in saturated porous media. An estimate of the temporal variation of heat propagation was achieved using a wavelet transform to find the phase lag between the surface temperature diurnal oscillation and the correlated oscillation at 0.33 and 0.98 m below the bed surface. The wavelet results compared well to a constant velocity model of thermal advection and dispersion during periods of relatively constant discharge rates. The apparent dispersion of heat was found to be due primarily to hydrodynamic mechanisms rather than thermal diffusion. Specific discharge estimates using the FODTS technique also compared well to water balance estimates over a four month period, although there were occasional deviations that have yet to be adequately explained. The FODTS technique is superior to water balance in that it produces estimates of infiltration rate every meter along the cable transect, every half hour. These high resolution measurements highlighted areas of low infiltration and demonstrated the degradation of basin efficiency due to source waters of high suspended solids. FODTS monitoring promises to be a useful tool for diagnosing basin performance in an era of increasing groundwater demand.  相似文献   
Religion continues to play an important role in the public and private lives of Americans. Therefore, a reexamination of U.S. religious regions is necessary in light of the rapid demographic changes that have occurred in the past few decades. This article presents a new regionalization of religion in the United States for 1980 and 2000, produced using multivariate cluster analysis. Comparing this new regionalization with earlier attempts, it demonstrates that religious regions continue to exist today and have undergone various levels of stability and change. Furthermore, religious regions continue to be relevant because they provide scholars with a method for identifying and characterizing the societal context in which individual religious communities function.  相似文献   
The 3-d coupled physical–biogeochemical model ECOHAM (version 3) was applied to the Northwest-European Shelf (47°41′–63°53′N, 15°5′W–13°55′E) for the years 1993–1996. Carbon fluxes were calculated for the years 1995 and 1996 for the inner shelf region, the North Sea (511,725 km2). This period was chosen because it corresponds to a shift from a very high winter-time North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI) in 1994/1995, to an extremely low one in 1995/1996, with consequences for the North Sea physics and biogeochemistry. During the first half of 1996, the observed mean SST was about 1 °C lower than in 1995; in the southern part of the North Sea the difference was even larger (up to 3 °C). Due to a different wind regime, the normally prevailing anti-clockwise circulation, as found in winter 1995, was replaced by more complicated circulation patterns in winter 1996. Decreased precipitation over the drainage area of the continental rivers led to a reduction in the total (inorganic and organic) riverine carbon load to the North Sea from 476 Gmol C yr−1 in 1995 to 340 Gmol C yr−1 in 1996. In addition, the North Sea took up 503 Gmol C yr−1 of CO2 from the atmosphere. According to our calculations, the North Sea was a sink for atmospheric CO2, at a rate of 0.98 mol C m−2 yr−1, for both years. The North Sea is divided into two sub-systems: the shallow southern North Sea (SNS; 190,765 km2) and the deeper northern North Sea (NNS; 320,960 km2). According to our findings the SNS is a net-autotrophic system (net ecosystem production NEP>0) but released CO2 to the atmosphere: 159 Gmol C yr−1 in 1995 and 59 Gmol C yr−1 in 1996. There, the temperature-driven release of CO2 outcompetes the biological CO2 drawdown. In the NNS, where respiratory processes prevail (NEP<0), 662 and 562 Gmol C yr−1 were taken up from the atmosphere in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Stratification separates the productive, upper layer from the deeper layers of the water column where respiration/remineralization takes place. Duration and stability of the stratification are determined by the meteorological conditions, in relation to the NAO. Our results suggest that this mechanism controlling the nutrient supply to the upper layer in the northern and central North Sea has a larger impact on the carbon fluxes than changes in lateral transport due to NAOI variations. The North Sea as a whole imports organic carbon and exports inorganic carbon across the outer boundaries, and was found to be net-heterotrophic, more markedly in 1996 than in 1995.  相似文献   
We present a Chandra study of 38 X-ray-luminous clusters of galaxies in the ROSAT Brightest Cluster Sample (BCS) that lie at moderate redshifts  ( z ≈ 0.15–0.4)  . Based primarily on power ratios and temperature maps, we find that the majority of clusters at moderate redshift generally have smooth, relaxed morphologies with some evidence for mild substructure perhaps indicative of recent minor merger activity. Using spatially resolved spectral analyses, we find that cool cores appear still to be common at moderate redshift. At a radius of 50 kpc, we find that at least 55 per cent of the clusters in our sample exhibit signs of mild cooling  ( t cool < 10 Gyr)  , while in the central bin at least 34 per cent demonstrate signs of strong cooling  ( t cool < 2 Gyr)  . These percentages are nearly identical to those found for luminous, low-redshift clusters of galaxies, indicating that there appears to be little evolution in cluster cores since   z ≈ 0.4  and suggesting that heating and cooling mechanisms may already have stabilized by this epoch. Comparing the central cooling times to catalogues of central Hα emission in BCS clusters, we find a strong correspondence between the detection of Hα and central cooling time. We also confirm a strong correlation between the central cooling time and cluster power ratios, indicating that crude morphological measures can be used as a proxy for more rigorous analysis in the face of limited signal-to-noise ratio data. Finally, we find that the central temperatures for our sample typically drop by no more than a factor of ∼3–4 from the peak cluster temperatures, similar to those of many nearby clusters.  相似文献   
During its 2005 January opposition, the saturnian system could be viewed at an unusually low phase angle. We surveyed a subset of Saturn's irregular satellites to obtain their true opposition magnitudes, or nearly so, down to phase angle values of 0.01°. Combining our data taken at the Palomar 200-inch and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory's 4-m Blanco telescope with those in the literature, we present the first phase curves for nearly half the irregular satellites originally reported by Gladman et al. [2001. Nature 412, 163-166], including Paaliaq (SXX), Siarnaq (SXXIX), Tarvos (SXXI), Ijiraq (SXXII), Albiorix (SXVI), and additionally Phoebe's narrowest angle brightness measured to date. We find centaur-like steepness in the phase curves or opposition surges in most cases with the notable exception of three, Albiorix and Tarvos, which are suspected to be of similar origin based on dynamical arguments, and Siarnaq.  相似文献   
Tectonic observations in the northern Saih Hatat,Sultanate of Oman   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Saih Hatat region, in northeastern Oman, is characterized by a large tectonic window, tectonically overlain during the upper Cretaceous by nappes composed of sedimentary rocks from the Mesozoic Hawasina ocean and the Samail ophiolite. In this window, the autochthonous sedimentary cover of the eastern Arabian Platform from the Late Neoproterozoic to the Cenomanian is well exposed. The oldest of these strata, the Hatat schists, were deformed into a NE-facing fold nappe during the upper Cretaceous. Within the overturned and thrusted lower limb of that fold nappe, we identified three small windows exposing stratigraphically younger Hiyam carbonates and Ordovician sandstone. The structural inventory of the windows and the surrounding area indicates three major tectonic phases. The first deformation led to NNE-SSW trending fold structures which probably formed simultaneously with the major fold nappe of the Hatat schists, followed by the extreme attenuation and thrusting of the lower limb of the fold nappe. The second phase was a gentle folding of the thrust with N-S oriented fold axes and third deformation phase that formed WNW-ESE oriented open folds. The windows are situated in the intersection of anticline axes of these two superposed fold generations and represent a mini basin-and-dome structure with an extension of just 1 km?×?1 km.  相似文献   
Aquaculture currently provides half of all fish for human consumption, and this proportion is expected to increase to meet the growing global demand for protein. As aquaculture, including oyster farming, expands, it is increasingly important to understand effects on coastal ecosystems. The broad-scale ecological effects of oyster aquaculture are well documented; however, less is known regarding the influence of oyster aquaculture on sediment bacterial communities. To better understand this relationship, we compared three different oyster farming practices that varied in oyster biomass and proximity of oysters to the sediment. We used high-throughput sequencing and quantitative polymerase chain reaction to examine the effect of oyster farming on sediment bacterial communities. We examined the entire bacterial community and looked specifically at bacteria that support essential estuarine ecosystem services (denitrifiers), as well as bacteria that can be detrimental to human health (members of the Vibrio genus). We found that oyster biomass increased Vibrio richness and sediment carbon content, which influenced bacterial community composition. When compared to reference sites, the overall abundance of bacteria was increased by the bottom planting method, but the associated increases in denitrifiers and Vibrio were not significant. We were unable to detect V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, or V. cholera, the three most common Vibrio pathogens, in any sample, suggesting that oyster farming did not enhance these potential human pathogens in sediments at the time of sampling. These results highlight how differences in oyster farming practice can affect sediment bacterial communities, and the ecosystem services they provide.  相似文献   
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