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The Baltic Sea ecosystem has suffered from a heavy pollutant load for more than three decades. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals have been of most concern due to their persistence and toxic properties. Ringed seals (Phoca hispida baltica) and grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) living in the Baltic Sea have been suffering from pathological impairments, including reproductive disturbances, which have resulted in a depressed reproductive capacity. We investigated several biochemical parameters as potential biomarkers for exposure to and effects of the contaminant load in the Baltic seals. Seals from less polluted areas were used as reference material in terms of the pollution load. In both Baltic seal populations, the levels of some biochemical parameters diverged from those in the reference seals, and some of these showed a clear correlation with the individual contaminant load. Of the potential bioindicators, we propose cytochrome P4501A activity and vitamin E levels, in blubber or plasma, as exposure biomarkers for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in both species. The arylhydrocarbon receptor-mediated chemical-activated luciferase gene expression (CALUX) response reflects the whole PCB and DDT burden in ringed seals. Retinyl palmitate (vitamin A) levels showed a negative correlation with the individual POP load, and is proposed as potential effect biomarkers for the depletion of the vitamin A stores. As the nutritional levels of both vitamin A and E have an impact on the vitamin levels in the seals, more information on the dietary vitamin levels is needed before any conclusions can be drawn. As the relationship between biochemical parameters and contaminants varied between the two species, species-specific characteristics has to be considered when monitoring the health status and possible toxic effects of the contaminant load in ringed and grey seals.  相似文献   
This study applied the loss after combustion (LAC) method and the acid decalcification (ADC) method to quantify different components of an excavating sponge. Samples of dried coral skeleton of Favia sp. invaded by the Indo‐Pacific excavating sponge Cliona orientalis Thiele, 1900 were used. The sponge tissue penetrated the 12‐mm‐thick samples to approximately 10 mm. The average proportional weight of organic matter, siliceous spicules, calcareous substrate and salts in the entire samples was found to be respectively 2.5%, 4.4%, 90.5% and 2.5% of dry weight applying the LAC method, and 2.9%, 5.9%, 89.0% and 2.3% of dry weight applying the ADC method. Respective volumetric proportions of the organic matter, spicules, substrate and salts were then calculated to be 6.4%, 5.5%, 85.2% and 3.0% of volume with the LAC method, and 7.4%, 7.2%, 82.7% and 2.7% of volume with the ADC method. The LAC method showed low variability of data and is simple and fast and therefore is recommended. The ADC method generated very similar results to the LAC method. However, due to the handling involved in the ADC method, more than half of the spicules may be lost and the method is therefore not recommended unless careful data corrections are considered. In addition, the buoyant weight method was used to quantify actual substrate weight in the fresh sponge‐substrate samples. This method was found to be at least 97% effective, revealing that buoyant weights can potentially be used to quantify bioerosion rates of excavating sponges. To our knowledge, this is the first study to systemically quantify organic and inorganic components of an excavating sponge and its calcareous substrate, providing improved standard methods for future studies.  相似文献   
Corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops L.), a protogynous, non-migratory lipfish species, living close to rocky shores was chosen as an indicator species for the monitoring of biological effects of contaminants. Fish were caught by local fisherman at the Norwegian west coast in fjord sites within the framework of the EU BEEP project. The sites represented different point source impacts of (I) copper (a former copper mine), (II) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs, aluminium smelter discharge), (III) formaldehyde plus PAHs (kelp-factory and influence of the aluminium smelter). Livers of wrasse were studied for histopathological alterations and compared to healthy livers of fish from a reference location. Besides liver morphology, different functional and metabolic parameters were measured to link pathological alterations to functional disorders. The integrity of the lysosomal compartment was tested by the assessment of lysosomal membrane stability (lys), and the accumulation of neutral lipids and lipofuscin. Activity and intracellular localisation of the NADPH-producing enzymes in the liver were assessed histochemically and measured by computer-assisted image analysis. Histopathological alterations were most severe at the site impacted by formaldehyde and PAHs. These findings were associated with highest tumor prevalence, lowest membrane stabilities in hepatocytes and highest accumulation rates of lipofuscin in the liver. The activities of the NADPH-producing enzymes phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (PGDH) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) were significantly lower compared to unimpacted reference fish. Histopathological alterations showed clear differences dependent on the input source. Potential links between specific contaminant impact and functional and morphological disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
Interacting Binaries consist of a variety of stellar objects in different stages of evolution and those containing accreting compact objects still represent a major challenge to our understanding of not only close binary evolution but also of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. These end-points of binary star evolution are ideal laboratories for the study of accretion and outflow processes, and provide insight on matter under extreme physical conditions. One of the key-questions of fundamental relevance is the nature of SN Ia progenitors. The study of accreting compact binary systems relies on observations over the entire electromagnetic spectrum and we outline here those unresolved questions for which access to the ultraviolet range is vital, as they cannot be addressed by observations in any other spectral region.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Several notions of optimality are introduced for two-dimensional geometric versioning of polygons. The storage required for a series of versions is minimized by determining references and restating versions from the references. Structural properties are presented as well as algorithms which yield optimal or near-optimal references for some of the optimality notions. Several of the algorithms are shown to be efficient.  相似文献   
For reliable monitoring of environmental improvement, the PCB contaminated bay Orserumsviken on Sweden's Baltic coast was investigated prior to remediation. We examined PCB congener patterns and the relative toxic potential of PCBs in extracts of three matrices: bottom sediment, settling particulate matter and the dissolved phase (obtained from semi-permeable membrane devices). Congener patterns were similar in all matrices. Three fractions were isolated from the extracts: (1) aliphatic and monocyclic aromatic compounds (MAC-fraction), (2) dicyclic aromatic compounds (DAC-fraction), including PCBs, and (3) polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC-fraction), including PAHs. Total extracts and fractions were injected into newly fertilised rainbow trout eggs. At larval stage, hepatic EROD activities were quantified. Though high, the PCB contamination could explain only an estimated 1-5% of the total EROD induction. The order of EROD induction potential was: total extract > PAC-fraction > DAC-fraction > MAC-fraction in all matrices, suggesting that in Orserumsviken PACs made a larger contribution to the EROD induction potential than PCBs and other DACs.  相似文献   
Strong effects of tensional tectonics dominate the Lower and Middle Cambrian sequence of Southwestern Sardinia. A thinning of the continental crust and the possible development of a passive margin in the Cambrian is indicated by different stages of evolution of a mainly carbonatic platform: (a) Clastic-carbonatic homoclinal ramp with algal-archaeocyathan mounds (Epiphyton/Renalcis) in the west, clastic shallow marine to tidal sequences in the east. (b) Carbonatic-clastic ramp or rimmed shelf with an ooid shoal complex, prograding towards the west. The back-shoal area contains peloidal mudstones, algal-archaeocyathan biostromes (Girvanella) and increasingly tidal deposits (clastic and carbonatic) towards the east. (c) Isolated platform, aggraded to sea level, rimmed by slope deposits with slumps and breccia-beds in the southeast and northwest. (d) Isolated, flooded platform; barriers towards the open sea partly broke down. (e) Isolated platform with raised rims and deep interior, often with thick breccia-beds in uppermost parts. (f) Break-down of the platform (late Early Cambrian), marked by nodular limestones and limestoneshale intercalations. (g) Terrigenous clastics cover the former platform.
Zusammenfassung Starke Auswirkungen von Dehnungstektonik prägen die unter- und mittelkambrische Abfolge Südwest-Sardiniens. Diese belegen eine Ausdünnung der kontinentalen Kruste, die mit der Entwicklung eines passiven Kontinentalrandes während des Kambriums verbunden sein könnte. Hierfür sprechen die beobachteten verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien einer Plattform: (a) Siliciklastisch-karbonatische, homoklinale Rampe mit Algen-Archaeocyathen-Mounds (Epiphyton/Renalcis) im Westen, flachmarinen bis gezeitenbeeinflu\ten Bereichen im Osten. (b) Karbonatisch-siliciklastische Rampe oder Schelf mit einem randlichen Ooid-Untiefen-Komplex, der sich gegen Westen vorschob; im geschützten östlichen Bereich treten Peloid-Mudstones, Algen-Archaeocyathen Biostrome (Girvanella) und klastisch-karbonatische Gezeitenbildungen auf. (c) Isolierte Karbonatplattform, die sich bis zum Meeresspiegel hochbaute, im Südosten und Nordwesten des Gebietes von Bekkenbereichen mit Slumping und Breccienbildungen begrenzt. (d) Isolierte, überflutete Karbonatplattform; Barrieren zum offenen Meer brachen teilweise zusammen. (e) Isolierte Karbonatplattform mit erhöhten Rändern und tieferem Inneren; zahlreiche Breccienkörper treten in höchsten Teilen dieser Abfolge auf. (f) Zusammenbruch der Karbonatplattform (höchstes Unterkambrium), angezeigt durch Knollenkalke und Kalkschiefer. (g) Siliciklastika überlagern die Plattform.

Résumé La série stratigraphique du Cambrien inférieur et moyen du sud-ouest de la Sardaigne a été fortement influencée par une tectonique de distension, qui implique un amincissement de la croûte continentale, sans doute lié au développement d'une marge passive au cours du Cambrien. Les arguments à l'appui de ce modèle sont fournis par les stades d'évolution successifs d'une plateforme, essentiellement carbonatée: (a) une rampe homoclinale, détritique-carbonatée, comportant à l'ouest des mounds à algues et archéocyathes (Epiphyton/Renalcis) et à l'est un milieu marin peu profond sous influence tidale; (b) une rampe carbonatéedétritique ou plateforme de haut-fond à ooÏdes qui s'est avancée vers l'ouest. La zone est d'arrière-barre comporte des mudstones à péloÏdes, des biostromes à algues (Girvanella) et archéocyathes et des sédiments carbonatés-détritiques de milieu intertidal; (c) une plateforme carbonatée isolée qui s'est développée jusqu'au niveau de la mer, bordée au sud-est et nord-ouest par des bassins à slumping et brèches; (d) une plateforme carbonatée isolée, inondée, dont les barrières vers la pleine mer se sont en partie détruites; (e) une plateforme carbonatée isolée dont les bords sont élevés et l'intérieur déprimé, recouverte par de nombreux corps bréchiques; (f) destruction de la plateforme carbonatée (partie supérieur de la Cambrien inférieur), indiquée par des calcaires à nodules et des calcschistes; (g) siliciclastes recouvrant la plateforme.

, - . , . : / - — / Epiphyton/Renalcis / - , / - , , ; /Girvanella /, -. / , - - . / ; . / , ; . / ; . / .
Douglas (1977) proposed linear carbon molecules as one of the carriers of the diffuse interstellar bands. In particular, he suggested that either the species C5, C7, or C9 should produce the most intense interstellar 443 nm band. We have performed laboratory experiments to investigate whether the basic assumption of this hypothesis is fulfilled, namely whether a species of carbon molecules exhibits a strong absorption in the vicinity of 443 nm. For this purpose, we studied the UV-VIS spectra of large carbon molecules applying the matrix isolation technique. We found that in fact a carbon molecule with such an absorption does exist. A rather preliminary interpretation of our data suggests that this band is produced by the linear molecule C7. Because the laboratory spectra are distorted by matrix-effects, a conclusive comparison with the interstellar absorptions is not yet possible.Paper presented at a Workshop on The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter, held at Georgenthal, G.D.R., in March 1986.  相似文献   
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