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While cyanide is known to be produced by many organisms, including plants, bacteria, algae, fungi and some animals, it is generally thought that high levels of cyanide in aquatic systems require anthropogenic sources. Here, we report accumulation of relatively high levels of cyanide in non-polluted salt marsh sediments (up to 230 μmol kg?1). Concentrations of free cyanide up to 1.92 μmol L?1, which are toxic to aquatic life, were detected in the pore-waters. Concentration of total (free and complexed) cyanide in the pore-waters was up to 6.94 μmol L?1. Free cyanide, which is released to the marsh sediments, is attributed to processes associated with decomposition of cord grass, Spartina alterniflora, roots and possibly from other sources. This cyanide is rapidly complexed with iron and adsorbed on sedimentary organic matter. The ultimate cyanide sink is, however, associated with formation of thiocyanate by reaction with products of sulfide oxidation by Fe(III) minerals, especially polysulfides. The formation of thiocyanate by this pathway detoxifies two poisonous compounds, polysulfides and hydrogen cyanide, preventing release of free hydrogen cyanide from salt marsh sediments into overlying water or air.  相似文献   
Late Carboniferous (Hercynian) tectonism in the Pyrenees generated extremely steep thermal gradients at 8–14 km depth in the continental crust, producing andalusite- and sillimanite-grade metamorphism and partial melting of Lower Paleozoic metasediments under water-rich conditions. At the same time, amphibolite- and granulitefacies basal gneisses were equilibrated under dryer conditions at pressures of 4 to 7 kbar (14–25 km depth), beneath these higher-level rocks. We present 95 new oxygen isotopic analyses of samples from the Agly, St. Barthelemy, Castillon and Trois Seigneurs Massifs, highlighting contrasting 18O/16O systematics at different structural levels in the Hercynian crust, here termed Zones 1, 2, and 3. The unmetamorphosed, fossiliferous, Paleozoic shales and carbonates of Zone 1 have typical sedimentary 18O values, mostly in the range +14 to +16 for the pelitic rocks and +20 to +25 for the carbonates. The metamorphosed equivalents of these rocks in Zone 2 all have strikingly uniform and much lower 18O values; the metapelites mostly have 18O=+10 to +12, and interlayered metacarbonates from the Trois Seigneurs Massif have 18O of about +12 to +14. Typically, the Zone 3 basal gneisses are isotopically heterogeneous with variable 18O values ranging from +6 in mafic lithologies to +22 in carbonate-rich lithologies. Steep gradients in 18O (as much as 10 per mil over a few cm) are preserved at the margins of some metacarbonate layers. These data indicate that the Zone 3 gneisses were infiltrated by much smaller volumes of metamorphic pore fluids than were the overlying Zone 2 rocks, and that circulation of surface-derived H2O (either seawater or formation waters, as evidenced by high D values) was mainly confined to the Paleozoic supracrustal sedimentary pile. This is compatible with an overall reduction of interconnected porosity with increasing depth, but perhaps even more important, the extensive partial melting at the base of Zone 2 may have produced a ductile, impermeable barrier to downward fluid penetration.Contribution No. 4287, Publication of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology  相似文献   
The origin of the elements from Cu to As in the UH (ultra-heavy) cosmic rays is investigated and related to current concepts of the nucleosynthesis of solar system material. The charge spectrum of the UH cosmic rays in the interval 29Z60 is studied via a fully developed propagation calculation for source abundances given by solar system material, ther-process, the massive-star core helium-burnings-process, and explosive carbon burning. None of these sources considered individually can explain the cosmic ray observations. However a combination of material produced in ther-process, the core helium-burnings-process and in explosive carbon burning provides a good representation of the experimental data. The cosmic-rayr-process is found to differ from solar systemr-process events by an underproduction of the low-massr-process peaks relative to theA195 peak. The large cosmicray abundance forZ=40–44 may be due to anr-process fission component, but this explanation is by no means certain. Improved cosmic-ray data, especially for Zn–Sr, can provide limits to the various source contributions. The model described here gives a consistent picture for the origin of both the cosmic rays and the solar system elements just beyond iron, and adds additional evidence for the importance of massive stars as a site of nucleosynthesis and the birthplace of the cosmic rays.Enrico Fermi Institute.  相似文献   
A coronal bright point is resolved into a pattern of emission which, at any given time, consists of 2 or 3 miniature loops (each 2500 km in diameter and 12 000 km long). During the half-day lifetime of the bright point individual loops evolved on a time scale 6 min. A small ctive region seemed to evolve in this way, but the occasional blurring together of several loops made it difficult to follow individual changes.  相似文献   
The OB stars are concentrated near the Galactic plane and should permit a determination of the distance to the Galactic center. van Leeuwen’s new reduction of the Hipparcos catalog provides, after 824 Gould belt stars have been excluded, 6288 OB stars out to 1 kpc and Westin’s compilation an additional 112 stars between 1 kpc and 3 kpc. The reduction model involves 14 unknowns: the Oort A and B constants, the distance to the Galactic center R 0, 2 second-order partial derivatives, the 3 components of solar motion, a K term, a first order partial derivative for motion perpendicular to the Galactic plane, a second-order partial for acceleration perpendicular to the plane, two terms for a possible expansion of the OB stars, and a C constant. The model is nonlinear, and the unknowns are calculated by use the simplex algorithm for nonlinear adjustment applied to 14313 equations of condition, 12694 in proper motion and 1619 in radial velocity. Various solutions were tried: an L1 solution, a least squares solution with modest (2.7 %) trim of the data, and two robust least squares solutions (biweight and Welsch weighting) with more extreme trimming. The Welsch solution seems to give the best results and calculates a distance to the Galactic center 6.72±0.39 kpc. Statistical tests show that the data are homogeneous, that the reduction model seems adequate and conforms with the assumptions used in its derivation, and that the post-fit residuals are random. Inclusion of more terms, such as streaming motion induced by Galactic density waves, degrades the solution.  相似文献   
Recently, Duvall and Hanasoge (Solar Phys. 287, 71, 2013) found that large-distance separation [Δ] travel-time differences from a center to an annulus [δt oi] implied a model of the average supergranular cell that has a peak upflow of 240 m?s?1 at a depth of 2.3 Mm and a corresponding peak outward horizontal flow of 700 m?s?1 at a depth of 1.6 Mm. In the present work, this effect is further studied by measuring and modeling center-to-quadrant travel-time differences [δt qu], which roughly agree with this model. Simulations are analyzed that show that such a model flow would lead to the expected travel-time differences. As a check for possible systematic errors, the center-to-annulus travel-time differences [δt oi] are found not to vary with heliocentric angle. A consistency check finds an increase of δt oi with the temporal frequency [ν] by a factor of two, which is not predicted by the ray theory.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the patterns of surface hailfall based on measurements at several scales and by several techniques are described. This is used as a framework for indicating needs for further research. The work described was performed at the Illinois State Water Survey, and no attempt has been made to present a review of all significant research on surface hailfall characteristics.  相似文献   
Compositions of basaltic and ultramafic rocks analyzed by Mars rovers and occurring as Martian meteorites allow predictions of metamorphic mineral assemblages that would form under various thermophysical conditions. Key minerals identified by remote sensing roughly constrain temperatures and pressures in the Martian crust. We use a traditional metamorphic approach (phase diagrams) to assess low‐grade/hydrothermal equilibrium assemblages. Basaltic rocks should produce chlorite + actinolite + albite + silica, accompanied by laumontite, pumpellyite, prehnite, or serpentine/talc. Only prehnite‐bearing assemblages have been spectrally identified on Mars, although laumontite and pumpellyite have spectra similar to other uncharacterized zeolites and phyllosilicates. Ultramafic rocks are predicted to produce serpentine, talc, and magnesite, all of which have been detected spectrally on Mars. Mineral assemblages in both basaltic and ultramafic rocks constrain fluid compositions to be H2O‐rich and CO2‐poor. We confirm the hypothesis that low‐grade/hydrothermal metamorphism affected the Noachian crust on Mars, which has been excavated in large craters. We estimate the geothermal gradient (>20 °C km?1) required to produce the observed assemblages. This gradient is higher than that estimated from radiogenic heat‐producing elements in the crust, suggesting extra heating by regional hydrothermal activity.  相似文献   
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