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Influences of physical structures on urban energy budgets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four typical urban surroundings were modelled, ranging from high-rise structures to low buildings and combinations thereof. These building systems were exposed to typical summer and winter climatic scenarios for latitudes 10, 34, and 50 N. Systematic variations of interior building temperatures were also introduced. The resultant changes in the components of the systems' energy budgets were examined with respect to cause and effect. The simulations produced a variety of unexpected features which intuitively had not been anticipated. It is believed that energy budget features of real cities cannot vary drastically from those simulated, and described in this report.  相似文献   
In addition to tangential and transverse resistance, force deflection and maximum lift are characteristic for the hydrodynamic loading of cables and nets. Respective data are derived from model tests. Current cable loading functions are discussed, and a loading concept suitable for cables and nets is proposed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Hochkordillere Nordchiles wird zwischen 18° und 27° Südbreite auf 1300 km von vulkanischen Serien des Känozoikums geprägt. Die Förderwege dieser enormen magmatischen Mobilisation liegen vorwiegend in der Kulminationszone der Anden im Osten des Grabens der Pampa de Tamarugal. Die Grabenzone und die Küstenkordillere der gleichen Breitengrade sind frei von jungem Vulkanismus.Die Vulkanite haben keine Biegungsverformung erlebt, bedecken aber einen scharf gefalteten paläozoischen und mesozoischen Unterbau. Eine ältere rhyolithische Generation wird von jüngeren Andesitvulkanen durchbrochen. Die rhyolithischen Decken sind durch Ignimbritgefüge und große Bimssteinfelder ausgezeichnet. Holozäne Effusionen an den Stratovulkanen lieferten olivinbasaltische Laven. Die Anordnung der rund 600 Vulkane folgt verschiedenen tektonischen Richtungen. Dabei werden NW- und NS-streichende Lineamente bevorzugt.
The high Cordillera of Northern Chile between 18 and 27 southern latitude is predominated by volcanic series of Cenozoic age. The production ways of the enormous magmatic mobilisation are situated mainly in the culmination zone of the Andes, east of the graben of Pampa de Tamarugal. The graben zone and the coastal Cordillera in the same latitude lacks younger volcanism.The volcanic rocks are not folded but cover a strongly folded basement of Paleozoics and Mesozoics. An older rhyolitic generation of rocks is penetrated by younger andesitic volcanoes. The rhyolitic flows are characterized by ignimbritic textures and large pumic areas.The arrangement of the about 600 volcanoes is following various tectonic directions, preferably lineaments with a strike of NW and NS.

Resumen La alta cordillere del norte de Chile está formada, entre los 18° y 27° de latitud sur, por series volcanicas cenozoicas. Los canales de emisión de esta enorme actividad magmática están ubicados principalmente en la parte más alta de la cordillera, al oriente de las fosas tectonicas longitudinales, que constituyen la Pampa de Tamarugal. La zona de los graben y la cordillera de la costa de esta misma latitud están libres del volcanismo moderno.Las series volcánicas modernas no han sufrido plegamientos, pero aparecen recubriendo un zócalo de rocas paleozoicas y mesozoicas intensamente plegadas. Las efusiones más antiguas están caracterizadas por extensas camadas de riolitas ignimbriticas y piedra pomez. Las depositaciones rioliticas están cortadas por volcanes andesiticos cuyas ultimas pulsaciones produjeron localmente la efusión de basaltos de olivina.Los 600 volcanes que aproximadamente existen en el area mencionada se ubican sobre lineas estructurales bien definidas, entre las que predominan aquellas de orientación NS y NW.
The Wittichen Co–Ag–Bi–U mining area (Schwarzwald ore district, SW Germany) hosts several unconformity-related vein-type mineralizations within Variscan leucogranite and Permian to Triassic redbeds. The multistage mineralization formed at the intersection of two fault systems in the last 250 Ma. A Permo-Triassic ore stage I with minor U–Bi–quartz–fluorite mineralization is followed by a Jurassic to Cretaceous ore stage II with the main Ag and Co mineralization consisting of several generations of gangue minerals that host the sub-stages of U–Bi, Bi–Ag, Ni–As–Bi and Co–As–Bi. Important ore minerals are native elements, Co and Ni arsenides, and pitchblende; sulphides are absent. The Miocene ore stage III comprises barite with the Cu–Bi sulfosalts emplectite, wittichenite and aikinite, and the sulphides anilite and djurleite besides native Bi, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tennantite. The mineral-forming fluid system changed from low salinity (<5 wt.% NaCl) at high temperature (around 300°C) in Permian to highly saline (around 25 wt.% NaCl + CaCl2) at lower temperatures (50–150°C) in Triassic to Cretaceous times. Thermodynamic calculations and comparison with similar mineralizations worldwide show that the Mesozoic ore-forming fluid was alkaline with redox conditions above the hematite–magnetite buffer. We suggest that the precipitation mechanism for native elements, pitchblende and arsenides is a decrease in pH during fluid mixing processes. REE patterns in fluorite and the occurrence of Bi in all stages suggest a granitic source of some ore-forming elements, whereas, e.g. Ag, Co and Ni probably have been leached from the redbeds. The greater importance of Cu and isotope data indicates that the Miocene ore stage III is more influenced by fluids from the overlying redbeds and limestones than the earlier mineralization stages.  相似文献   
Our study investigates biomarker responses and survival of Macoma nasuta exposed to sediments collected from six locations in northern San Francisco Bay. Biomarkers analyzed were stress proteins (hsp70) in gill, mantle and digestive gland, lysosomal membrane damage and histopathologic lesions. Sediments and clam tissues were analyzed for a comprehensive suite of heavy metals and trace organic pollutants. Sediment grain size and organic carbon content were determined. Clams accumulated metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (aldrin and p,p(')-DDT and its metabolites p,p(')-DDD and p,p(')-DDE). Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis revealed that mortality, hsp70 in gill and histopathologic lesion scores in gonads, and lysosomal membrane damage were significantly correlated with tissue concentrations of DDT and/or its metabolites. Tissue concentrations of metals, in particular nickel, chromium, and copper, were associated with macrophage aggregates in digestive gland and germ cell necrosis. Cadmium was linked to mortality and lysosomal membrane damage.  相似文献   
Multi-year investigations in northern San Francisco Bay by United States Geological Survey have linked reduced condition indices in populations of Asian clam (Potamocorbula amurensis) with elevated cadmium tissue concentrations. Our study seeks to determine whether levels of hsp70 proteins in P. amurensis can be correlated with these findings, and/or are related to histopathologic alterations and concentrations of metallothionein-like proteins. Here we present our results on stress proteins in clams collected monthly from four field stations between July 1996 and January 1998. In addition, animals were exposed in the laboratory to a range of salinities. Stress proteins were analyzed by Western blotting using monoclonal antibodies. Hsp70 protein levels in field-collected clams were significantly higher at the seaward (high salinity/low cadmium) stations (12.5, 8.1) than at the landward (low salinity/high cadmium) stations (6.1, 4.1). Laboratory studies showed that clams exposed to 0.1 ppt salinity had markedly lower hsp70 levels than clams exposed to higher salinities. In view of our previous laboratory studies showing that cadmium induces hsp70 in P. amurensis, our present results indicate that reduced hsp70 protein levels in field-collected clams may be linked to salinity effects rather than cadmium tissue concentrations.  相似文献   
Concerns have emerged regarding the presence of human-use pharmaceuticals in aquatic environments. We investigated the status of contamination by 29 human-use pharmaceuticals as well as wastewater indicator compounds, fecal sterols and the synthetic endocrine disruptor nonylphenol, in marine sediments from Masan Bay, one of the most contaminated bays in Korea as a result of untreated and/or treated sewage. Among the 29 pharmaceuticals determined, 10 including antacid, analgesic, antibiotic, and antipruritic compounds, and metabolites of caffeine and nicotine were detected in all sediment samples. Cimetidine, acetaminophen, and 1,7-dimethylxanthine were the most frequently detected pharmaceuticals (frequency > 50%), and at high concentrations. The highest concentrations and detection frequencies were at stations located close to wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) outfalls and at the river mouth. The spatial distributions of pharmaceutical were significantly correlated with those of wastewater compounds. These results indicate that occurrence of the pharmaceuticals in marine environments is likely associated with direct sewage inputs, such as WWTP effluents and with other sewage-influenced sources, such as river discharge.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Überblick über einige grundlegende Merkmale der Geologie der Anden gegeben. Der Stand der geologischen Forschung wird kurz skizziert.
Some principal aspects of the geology of the Andes are reviewed. The present state of geological research is briefly described.

Résumé L'auteur présente un aperçu sur les principales données de la géologie des Andes. La situation actuelle de la reconnaissance géologique est brièvement esquissée.

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