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都安一次特大暴雨过程卫星和雷达图像特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用彩色增强显示的卫星云图、雷达和自动气象站资料对2010年5月31日22时至6月1日11时都安县出现的特大暴雨进行分析,发现这次暴雨过程由2个强降雨阶段组成,造成都安县特大暴雨的原因是1个形成于滇黔桂交界处的低涡在南移过程中,低涡东边缘对流强烈发展,对流云团主体移过都安而产生了强降雨,对应着这2个强降雨阶段,在卫星云图上分析出是由2个对流云团前后移过所造成的,在雷达回波图上可分析出对流云团中又先后有多个对流单体移过都安县上空,所以造成了这次特大暴雨过程  相似文献   
统计分析了影响卢氏县降水的天气系统,结果表明:冬春季节可能造成降水的天气系统有西风槽、低层东北风和高空西南气流相结合、高空西南气流和地面倒槽相结合等,夏秋季节有西风槽、东西向切变线、南北向切变线、黄淮气旋、华北冷涡、高空强冷平流区、偏南气流等.华北冷涡、高空强冷平流影响时,产生冰雹的可能性很大;西风槽、东西向切变线、南北向切变线、黄淮气旋、偏南气流影响时,有利于暴雨产生.  相似文献   
物元分析是解决矛盾问题的规律和方法,是系统科学、思维科学和数学的交叉学科。本文简单分析了物元概念的可拓性,通过以湖南湘西为例,应用物元理论知识分析说明危岩、滑坡灾害的社会经济易损性具有发散性、可扩性、相关性和共扼性的特点,提出减灾工作应在传统理论研究的基础上,应用物元理论采用可拓学的方法科学地制定防灾减灾对策,以期为滑坡区域防灾、减灾规划工作提供新的理论和方法依据。  相似文献   
成都地区某铁路路堑膨胀土边坡变形破坏机理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成都东部高台地丘陵地区广泛分布的粘土层,膨胀性突出。本文结合该区内某铁路路堑边坡实例,分析边坡变形产生的原因及其变形破坏的发展趋势,提出了边坡工程的整治方案,总结了该膨胀土边坡变形整治的经验。  相似文献   
松辽盆地齐家—古龙凹陷上白垩统嫩江组沉积相地震成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要应用地震沉积学方法对松辽盆地齐家—古龙凹陷上白垩统嫩江组沉积体系及沉积相进行地震成像。在一个相对的地质时间范围内,以测井和地震资料相结合进行的三级层序对比为基础,应用可视化属性解释和地层切片等地球物理技术对地下地质体进行精细刻画和解释,以揭示高分辨率储集层沉积体特征。经研究,在齐家—古龙凹陷发育重力流水道、湖底扇和河流三角洲等沉积相。在对该区沉积相地震成像的基础上,探讨了嫩江组沉积体成因及地震地貌样式,揭示了嫩江组发育的典型沉积体的空间展布及河道变迁,指出砂岩主要分布在分流河道、下切谷、河口坝以及滩坝中,为在松辽盆地湖相泥岩中寻找岩性油气藏提供了有利依据。  相似文献   
When tunneling is carried out beneath the groundwater table, hydraulic boundary is altered, resulting in seepage entering into the tunnel. The development of flow into the tunnel induces seepage stresses in the ground and the lining is subjected to additional loads. This can often cause fine particles to move, which clog the filter resulting in the long‐term hydraulic deterioration of the drainage system. However, the effect of seepage force is generally not considered in the analysis of tunnel. While several elastic solutions have been proposed by assuming seepage in an elastic medium, stress solutions have not been considered for the seepage force in a porous elasto‐plastic medium. This paper documents a study that investigates the stress behavior, caused by seepage, of a tunnel in an elasto‐plastic ground and its effects on the tunnel and ground. New elasto‐plastic solutions that adopt the Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion are proposed for a circular tunnel under radial flow conditions. A simple solution based on the hydraulic gradient obtained from a numerical parametric study is also proposed for practical use. It should be noted that the simple equation is useful for acquiring additional insight into a problem on a tunnel under drainage, because only a minimal computational effort is needed and considerable economic benefits can be gained by using it in the preliminary stage of tunnel design. The proposed equations were partly validated by numerical analysis, and their applicability is illustrated and discussed using an example problem. Comments on the tunnel analysis are also provided. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An understanding of groundwater flow and chemistry is important to operate underground storage caverns. Groundwater flow is mainly affected by cavern operating conditions. Groundwater chemistry is modified by disinfection activities for removing possible biological clogging and by mixing with cement pore water. It is important to discern these two effects, because wells affected by the disinfection activities may have hydrological connections with water curtains used to inject the disinfectant. However, it is difficult to separate these two effects using graphical methods because of their similar chemical characteristics. Instead, multivariate statistical analysis, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA), can be used. Groundwater samples for chemical analysis were obtained from four surveys in 1999–2000. Based on the results from PCA and FA, it appears that there were temporal variations of seepage water into the propane area when the cavern operation fluctuated, but we could not observe such variation in the butane area. These changes may occur mainly at depth, where water flow is slow and water renewal in the cavern surrounding is limited. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A novel procedure associated with the precise integration method (PIM) and the technique of dual vector is proposed to effectively calculate the magnitude and distribution of deformations in a homogeneous multilayered transversely isotropic medium. The planes of transverse isotropy are assumed to be parallel to the horizontal surface of the soil system. The linearly elastic medium is subjected to four types of vertically acting axisymmetric loads prescribed either at the external surface or in the interior of the soil medium. There are no limits for the thicknesses and number of soil layers to be considered. By virtue of the governing equations of motion and the constitutive equations of the transversely isotropic elastic body, and based on the Hankel integral transform and a dual vector formulation in a cylindrical coordinate system, the partial differential motion equations can be converted into first‐order ordinary differential matrix equations. Applying the approach of PIM, it is convenient to obtain the solutions of ordinary differential matrix equations for the continuously homogeneous multilayered transversely isotropic elastic soil in the transformed domain. The PIM is a highly accurate algorithm to solve the sets of first‐order ordinary differential equations, which can ensure to achieve any desired accuracy of the solutions. What is more, all calculations are based on the standard method with the corresponding algebraic operations. Computational efforts can be reduced to a great extent. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed approach. Some more cases are analyzed to evaluate the influences of the elastic parameters of the transversely isotropic media on the load‐displacement responses. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Geodynamic properties and evolution of the lithosphere on the north margin of the Tibetan Plateau are recently hot topics to geoscientists in the world. Have the northern plates been subducting underneath the Plateau? It is still an unsolved problem. One of the keys to solving this problem is to understand the genetic processes of Cenozoic magmas on the north margin of the Tibetan Plateau. However, there is no enough evidence supporting the subduction model. In contrast, a series of evidence indicates that collision-induced huge shearing faults and large-scale crust shortening played a main role in lithosphere motion on the north margin of the Tibetan Plateau. The mantle-derived igneous rocks strictly distribute at the intersections of large strike-slip faults on the north margin of the Plateau. Generation of magmas may be related to local extensional condition induced by strike-slipping faults, which lead to lithosphere gravitational instability and collapse, as well as upwelling of the deep hot material. Heat induced by shearing and carried by upwelling hot material may cause partial melting on H2O-bearing mantle.  相似文献   
The two marine algae, Chaetomorpha brychagona and Enteromorpha crinita are found abundantly on the iron ore tailings of Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong, with a rather high level of various metals. Tissue analysis of the algae revealed that the contents of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn) were higher than in the population collected from the two uncontaminated sites far away from the tailings. It was suggested that the algae were able to adapt to such a harsh environment with a comparatively high level of trace elements and the lack of basic nutrients. However, further studies are needed before any conclusion can be drawn. The delicate situation of the land-locked sea, Tolo Harbour, where the tailings and future heavy industrial site are situated, should not be overlooked.  相似文献   
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