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哈拉哈塘地区位于塔里木盆地北部隆起轮南低凸起奥陶系潜山背斜西翼上,其中奥陶系一间房组碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层具有成因复杂、非均质性强和识别困难等特点。以该地区现有钻井资料、地震解释成果为基础,在现代岩溶研究成果的指导下,利用分时窗提取、断裂属性(Fault Fracture Attribute,FFA)裂缝预测等特色技术,详细刻画了一间房组孔洞、裂缝型储集层空间分布特征。利用地层CT扫描古河道识别、残厚法古地形恢复、基于优化算法的构造识别体断裂精细刻画等特色技术开展了岩溶储集层控制因素分析,指出古地形较高、水系发达、小断裂发育等是一间房组岩溶储集层发育的有利控制因素。面对现有碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层勘探难题,以现代岩溶理论为指导,钻井-地震结合,综合利用多种地震预测技术是开展研究区碳酸盐岩岩溶储集层识别和控制因素分析的重要手段。  相似文献   
在全球变化的背景下,定量区分人类活动和气候波动对干旱区植被的影响具有重要意义。采用多种统计学方法,分析了我国西北干旱区1990-2010年土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)和1982-2010年归一化植被指数(NDVI)的时空变化特征,并定量评估了LUCC对NDVI变化的影响。结果表明:1990-2010年,西北干旱区耕地增加量最多,高达13 476 km2,其次是林地和水域,各地类增加的面积主要来自草地(12 590 km2)和未利用地(6 025 km2)。各土地类型变化速度快慢依次为:耕地 > 建设用地 > 水域 > 林地 > 草地 > 未利用地。2000-2010年,研究区土地利用程度综合指数(0.79)明显高于1990-2000年(0.23),表明近年来人类活动对土地利用变化的影响程度显著增强。1982-2010年,西北干旱区NDVI呈增加态势,但近年来(2002-2010年)NDVI略有下降。其中,1990-2000年,LUCC对西北干旱区NDVI总变化的贡献率较低,仅为2.9%;而1990-2010,LUCC的贡献率为26.7%,表明气候变化对植被指数变化的贡献率高达73.3%。  相似文献   
中国西北地区北部主要盆地蚀源区包括银额盆地周缘、北山盆地群周缘、三塘湖盆地周缘、准噶尔盆地周缘,主体位于中亚构造域中西部南缘(部)或与之毗邻区。通过对研究区1 416件中性、酸性及碱性岩浆岩样品的年龄和铀含量数据进行分区统计处理,计算其在地史上的铀迁移量和古铀含量,结果显示,研究区岩浆活动主要发生在早石炭世-早三叠世(349~248 Ma),其次在中奥陶世-早泥盆世(470~396 Ma)。这分别与古亚洲洋开始俯冲消减(O2S1)和最终关闭、中亚-蒙古碰撞褶皱带形成(C-T1)的大地构造演化阶段及重大事件相对应。各区富铀岩石主要形成于早石炭世-早三叠世(334~250 Ma),其与晚古生代岩浆活动具有时间上的一致性。在地域上, 两者有从西向东时代变新的趋势。这亦与古亚洲洋关闭、中亚构造域形成西早东晚的演化特征相一致。各蚀源区岩石的铀含量不尽相同,综合对比和评价表明:北山柳园区、准噶尔盆地东北缘阿勒泰-蕴都地区和东南部清河地区岩石铀含量与宗乃山区铀含量相当或更富;准噶尔盆地东北缘卡拉麦里区岩石铀含量偏富;银额盆地南缘雅布赖山、巴彦诺日公及庆格勒地区及其北部的沙拉扎山区,北山盐滩及马鬃山区,三塘湖盆地周缘,以及准噶尔盆地东北缘的阿勒泰西北区和西缘的北部区铀含量中等;其他地区铀含量相对较贫。研究区现今富铀蚀源区的大部地区,在晚三叠世开始隆升,此后进一步发展,为邻近中新生代盆地提供了丰富的沉积物和铀物质,成为相邻中新生代陆相盆地砂岩型、煤岩型及泥岩型铀矿床的主要成矿物质来源;盆内深部烃源岩层富含铀元素,可降低烃源岩的生烃门限温度并增加烃源岩生烃总量,具有重要的地质、成矿意义。  相似文献   
塔北隆起的轮西地区具有以裂缝、溶蚀裂缝和溶洞为主的下奥陶统潜山储集体,且继承型古隆起一直成为油气运移和聚集的指向区,因此具有较为优选的成藏地质条件。海西晚期是轮西地区稠油藏的主要成藏期,海西末期石炭-二叠系地层遭受强烈剥蚀使海西晚期聚集的奥陶系潜山原油降解,成为重质稠油油藏,并不受印支晚期至喜马拉雅期运动的影响。印支晚期之后Ⅰ级断裂活动停滞,使轮西地区奥陶系潜山以稠油为主的油藏基本上未受晚期油气充注的影响。对轮西奥陶系潜山油藏研究得到的重要启示是:应加强塔里木盆地克拉通地区早期成藏勘探潜力的认识。  相似文献   
区域地震台网震相数据是区域地震台网产出的重要成果,是开展地球科学研究的重要资料。整理全国31个省份1973—2008年区域地震台网纸质震相报告和地震卡片,按统一格式录入震相数据,建立数据共享服务系统。文中系统阐述区域地震台网的发展过程、历史震相数据的整合、地震观测报告的主要内容及震级的测定方法,并介绍了历史震相数据共享服务系统和快速索引下载方法,为科研人员提供共享服务。  相似文献   
Salinity is a vital factor that regulates leaf photosynthesis and growth of mangroves, and it frequently undergoes large seasonal and daily fluctuations creating a range of environments – oligohaline to hyperhaline. Here, we examined the hypotheses that mangroves benefit opportunistically from low salinity resulting from daily fluctuations and as such, mangroves under daily fluctuating salinity (FS) grow better than those under constant salinity (CS) conditions. We compared growth, salt accumulation, gas exchange, and chlorophyll fluorescence of leaves of mangrove Bruguiera gymnorhiza seedlings growing in freshwater (FW), CS (15 practical salinity units, PSU), and daily FS (0–30 PSU, average of 4.8 PSU) conditions. The traits of FS-treated leaves were measured in seedlings under 15 PSU. FS-treated seedlings had greater leaf biomass than those in other treatment groups. Moreover, leaf photosynthetic rate, capacity to regulate photoelectron uptake/transfer, and leaf succulence were significantly higher in FS than in CS treatment. However, leaf water-use efficiency showed the opposite trend. In addition to higher concentrations of Na+ and Cl, FS-treated leaves accumulated more Ca2+ and K+. We concluded that daily FS can enhance water absorption, photosynthesis, and growth of leaves, as well as alter plant biomass allocation patterns, thereby positively affecting B. gymnorhiza. Mangroves that experience daily FS may increase their adaptability by reducing salt build-up and water deficits when their roots are temporally subjected to low salinity or FW and by absorbing sufficient amounts of Na+ and Cl for osmotic adjustment when their roots are subsequently exposed to saline water.  相似文献   
以澜沧江漫湾水库库区洲滩为研究对象,依据水库运行导致的水位波动特征,同步监测洲滩内部水位、水温变化过程,核算洲滩侧向潜流交换量,建立水温与水位之间的响应关系,分析潜流交换水流路径上溶解氧、溶解性碳素变化。结果表明:水库运行引起洲滩水位周期性波动,侧向潜流交换加强,洲滩水位最大变幅达2.2 m,水库一次蓄泄过程进出洲滩的水量达3 956 m^3,洲滩边缘区潜流交换量为中心区的4~5倍;在涨水过程中,洲滩水温下降,中底层温度梯度较大,而在落水过程中,洲滩水温上升,中表层温度梯度较大;溶解氧、溶解性有机碳和无机碳在河流至洲滩潜流交换路径上同步递减,分别从3.27 mg/L、7.3 mg/L和66.0 mg/L下降至0.17 mg/L、2.4mg/L和40.6 mg/L。水库运行导致的水位波动加强了库区洲滩潜流交换,对河流物质循环产生潜在影响。  相似文献   

To achieve the rapid dewatering of dredged sludge, the flocculation–vacuum-preloading method was tested indoors. In this study, the optimal mixing ratio of six flocculants was determined through the settling column test, and then the proposed method was tested. The water drainage and settlement were monitored during the test, while the soil moisture content and shear strength were measured after the test. The results show that all the flocculants had an optimal mixing ratio, and the addition of 0.8% FeCl3 or 0.08% anionic polyacrylamide (APAM) in the sludge can better accelerate solid–liquid separation of the sludge. After the test, the water content in the sludge decreased from 140% to 60%. Compared with general vacuum preloading, the use of the proposed method increased the water drainage by 46.5% and 56.8% and decreased the soil volumes by 60.5% and 82.4% for FeCl3 and APAM, respectively. Moreover, the corresponding shear strength was increased from 10 to 14 and 17?kPa. In addition, the use of APAM increased the solidification rate of heavy metals in the sludge to more than 80%, effectively inhibiting the migration of heavy metals.  相似文献   
九龙江口红树植物叶片重金属元素含量及动态   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王文卿  郑文教 《台湾海峡》1997,16(2):233-238
本文探讨了福建九龙江口潮间带秋茄、木榄、红海榄、白骨壤和桐花树等红树植物叶片重金属元素Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Mn的含量及动态。结果表明,该河口红树林区表层土壤沉积物元素含量顺序为Mn〉Zn〉Pb〉Cu〉Cd;5种红树植物叶片元素含量顺序为Mn〉Zn〉Cu〉Pb〉Cd;不同物种叶片元素含量大都有明显差异;叶片对土壤元素富集系数,以Mn、Cd较高,Pb最低;随叶片从幼叶-成熟叶-黄叶的生长发育,Mn  相似文献   
Aequorea taiwanensis, a new hydrozoan species from the Taiwan Strait was described using morphological and molecular characteristics. Both morphological and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) data supported A. taiwanensis n. sp. as a valid species. Sequence divergence and genetic distance of A. taiwanensis n. sp., A. papillata and A. conica were analysed based on the mtCOI gene sequences. The mtCOI sequences from these three species of the genus Aequorea showed high variation frequency, with sequence divergences ranging from 9.10% to 11.9%, and pairwise genetic distances ranging from 0.097 to 0.130. MtCOI sequence analysis provided diagnostic molecular systematic characteristics for accurate identification and discrimination of the species of Aequorea or their populations, and will be used to resolve evolutionary relationships among them.It was suggested that 10%—20% pairwise mtCOI sequence differences indicated the specieslevel divergence among congeneric species in the Hydromedusae.  相似文献   
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