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The impact of the warm SST bias in the Southeast Pacific (SEP) on the quality of seasonal and interannual variability and ENSO prediction in a coupled GCM is investigated. The reduction of this bias is achieved by means of empirical heat flux correction that is constant in time. It leads to a wide range of changes in the tropical Pacific climate including enhanced southeast trades, well-defined dry zone in the SEP, better simulation of the South Pacific Convergence Zone and stronger cross-equatorial asymmetry of the mean state in the eastern Pacific. As a result of the mean climate correction, significant improvements in the simulation of the seasonal cycle of the oceanic and atmospheric states are also observed both at the equator and basin-wide. Due to more realistic simulation of the seasonal evolution of the cold tongue, tropical convection and surface winds in the corrected version of the model, phase-lock of ENSO to the annual cycle looses its strong semi-annual component and becomes quite similar to the observed, although the amplitude of ENSO is reduced. Zonal wind stress response to the SST anomalies in the central-eastern Pacific also becomes more realistic. ENSO retrospective forecast experiments conducted with the directly coupled and the flux-corrected versions of the model demonstrate that deficiencies in the seasonal evolution of the cold tongue/Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone complex (that were largely due to the SEP bias in this model) and the related errors in the ENSO phase-lock to the annual cycle can seriously degrade ENSO prediction. By reducing these errors, ENSO predictive skill in the coupled model was substantially enhanced.  相似文献   
A steady-state, three-dimensional turbulent diffusion equation describing the concentration distribution of an air pollutant from an elevated point source in the lower atmosphere is solved analytically. The same formulation can be used to obtain solutions from line, area or other kinds of sources. The solution is developed for the cases in which the velocity, vertical and lateral diffusivities are given by the power law. The model preserves the beauty of analytical solution without sacrificing much on the accuracy of approximating the velocity and eddy diffusivities. Methods of evaluating the parameters, which are required for the model applications, are discussed. Results indicate that the ratio of the plume width to the plume length increases with decreasing stability and with increasing source height. These consequences are in response to the variations of the size of eddies in the vertical direction.  相似文献   
城市污染对重庆地区雨水酸化影响的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沈志来  肖辉  黄美元 《大气科学》1990,14(2):193-198
1987年9月,重庆地区观音桥、江津县城和四面山响水滩雨水样品分析结果表明,三个测点的雨水平均pH都远小于5.60,市区的污染已影响90km外的乡村。雨水酸度、雷达回波移动方向和雨水化学组分浓度分析说明,四面山雨水酸化的污染源为非局地性的。  相似文献   
系统总结和介绍了20世纪90年代以来作者所开展的有关人类活动对东亚和中国气候影响的一系列研究活动.其中包括温室气体辐射强迫及其气候效应,大气微量气体的全球增温潜能,对流层和平流层气溶胶的辐射气候效应,气候系统外部因子对中国气候影响的总体评估,人类活动对中国和东亚地区未来气候变化的影响,以及20世纪和21世纪东亚及中国的气候变化.同时给出了一系列研究成果,这些研究成果对于正确认识和准确预测东亚地区以及中国气候变化具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
“圣帕”与“桑美”台风成功决策服务对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从台风影响长沙前的气候背景、预报服务背景、预报依据结论、决策服务及效果等方面分析了"圣帕""桑美"影响期间的决策服务情况.结论表明:两个台风影响前气候背景不同,但预报服务背景相似;对长沙造成的影响、决策气象服务的重点不同;把握好当前的气候背景与预报服务背景,做好做准台风预报,是台风决策服务的关键.  相似文献   
珠江三角洲城市群污染综合指数预报的模式方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用全二阶矩表示的商斯烟团模式,重点引入烟团的合并与分解及各种清除过程,并利用广州热带模式(GZTM)所提供的华南地区细网格的三维数字化流场,来计算污染物浓度的长期变化。具体先模拟计算SO2、NOx、TSP的地面浓度日变化,通过求平均得到每种污染物的日均浓度,并和对应的污染物的日均浓度二级标准比较,得到每种污染物的污染指数Pi,最后求和得出污染综合指数P,从而对珠江三角洲地区的污染综合指数作出预报。  相似文献   
3个登陆台风引发阳江特大暴雨的水汽输送对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用区域自动站资料及NCEP再分析资料,对0915号"巨爵"、1006号"狮子山"和1011号"凡亚比"登陆后引发阳江特大暴雨的水汽输送特征进行了对比分析,并应用HYSPLIT-4轨迹模式验证了水汽来源。结果表明:1)它们引发阳江特大暴雨期间,低纬西南季风活跃。"巨爵"影响时由来自印度洋与副高西侧偏南气流汇合产生强降雨,水汽来源于中南半岛和孟加拉湾;"狮子山"影响时西南水汽输入明显减弱,主要由偏东气流携南海近海水汽的注入引发了局地短而强的降雨,水汽来源于南海近海;"凡亚比"登陆后,北部湾超低空急流的暴发,有利于强西南气流携带水汽经粤西往"凡亚比"输送,引发粤西地区特大暴雨,水汽主要来源于北部湾。2)强降雨都是始于阳江特大暴雨区纬向风转东风或经向风转南风阶段。"巨爵"、"凡亚比"引发阳江强降雨前后,850 h Pa南海、北部湾经向风南风明显增大,加强了海上水汽的向北输送。"狮子山"影响时则是由于近海短时间转东风,水汽由东输入并加强了辐合。3)水汽输送以"巨爵"最强、"狮子山"最弱,水汽辐合层次"巨爵"和"狮子山"较"凡亚比"要浅薄。它们的低层水汽辐合中心与特大暴雨区有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
为解决基层气象台站现代天气业务中灾害性天气监测、识别报警、天气联防、上下级业务指导与信息反馈、产品共享、集约化业务管理等关键业务问题,基于B/S架构,采用Web、GIS、数据库等技术,研究、设计开发了省市县三级灾害性天气监测预警平台,与已有的MICAPS等系统形成互补,实现了山东天气业务、重大天气过程服务及重大活动、突发事件气象保障等为一体的业务化平台支持,不仅较好地满足了省、市、县三级气象部门现代天气业务发展对业务平台建设的迫切需求,也为优化省内集约化业务流程提供了支撑平台。  相似文献   
中国人工防雹四十年   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
简述了人工防雹在中国发展的历程,并从科学技术的角度,总结和概括了40年来中国人工防雹的进展和成绩,指出中国已经走上了比较科学,比较现代化的人工防雹发展道路;还分析了中国人工防雹中存在的主要科学技术问题,并提出了解决这些问题的一些看法;最后,提供了较为丰富的中国人工防雹文献.  相似文献   
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