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Seasonality changes in China under elevated atmospheric CO 2 concentrations were simulated using nine global climate models,assuming a 1% per year increase in atmospheric CO 2.Simulations of 20th century experiments of season changes in China from the periods 1961 80 to 1981 2000 were also assessed using the same models.The results show that the ensemble mean simulation of the nine models performs better than that of an individual model simulation.Compared the mean climatology of the last 20 years in the CO 2-quadrupling experiments with that in the CO 2-doubling ones,the ensemble mean results show that the hottest/coldest continuous-90-day (local summer/winter) mean temperature increased by 3.4/4.5°C,2.7/2.9°C,and 2.9/4.1°C in Northeast (NE),Southwest (SW),and Southeast (SE) China,respectively,indicating a weakening seasonal amplitude (SA),but by 4.4/4.0°C in Northwest (NW) China,indicating an enlarging SA.The local summer lengthened by 37/30/66/54 days in NW,NE,SW,and SE China,respectively.In some models,the winter disappeared during the CO 2-quadrupling period,judging by the threshold based on the CO 2-doubling period.The average of the other model simulations show that the local winter shortened by 42/36/61/44 days respectively,in the previously mentioned regions.  相似文献   
The MGS5 segment of the Milanggouwan stratigraphical section in China's Salawusu River Valley records 8.5 sedimentary cycles consisting of dune sands alternating with fluviolacustrine facies or/and paleosols. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the distribution of Rb and Sr within the segment and paleoecological evidence (fossils), it appears that the observed sedimentation cycles mainly resulted from fluctuations between dry-cold and warm-humid climates, which indicates that the MGS5 segment experienced at least eight cold-dry and nine warm-humid climatic fluctuations. Of these, 12 cold–warm climate fluctuations correspond to DO20–DO25 and stadia 21–26 recorded by the NGRIP ice cores. Another five cold–warm climatic fluctuations that occurred during MGS5e correspond to five substages (5e1–5e5) recorded by the GRIP ice cores from Greenland. This kind of high-frequency climatic fluctuation on a kiloyear scale was mainly subject to variations in the strength of the East Asian winter and summer monsoons.  相似文献   
越南西北部大象山超高温变质岩的发现及其区域构造意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
越南西北部大象山群孔兹岩系中发育一套含刚玉+尖晶石+石榴石+夕线石组合的富铝岩石块体,它们呈透镜状包体形式赋存于孔兹岩系内。岩石中刚玉+尖晶石+石榴石+夕线石组合的发育指示岩石经历了超高温变质作用的改造。其中尖晶石和石英的共生组合表明了变质温度高于900℃,而利用岩石退变质矿物组合中的黑云母-石榴石温度计,黑云母-斜长石-石榴石-石英组合温度-压力计估算的变质温度压力条件分别为879~917℃、0.90~0.94GPa。岩石中的早期刚玉+夕线石的组合的存在说明岩石变质作用已经从高角闪岩相进入到了麻粒岩相;而峰期变质矿物组合尖晶石+石英的出现,指示了变质温度高于900℃的超高温变质作用。另一方面,退变质过程中钛铁矿的发育表明岩石经历了快速抬升降压的过程。变质作用的P-T轨迹分析揭示出岩石经历了早期同步升温增压后的快速增温达到峰期条件,后经历快速等温减压过程。这种温压条件的变化与板块会聚过程中由于俯冲板片的断离而使软流圈上涌造成热异常的温压条件变化基本一致。通过对超高温变质岩石进行锆石SIMS U-Pb测年获得的结果大于58Ma,推测这次超高温变质与喜马拉雅运动中印度与欧亚大陆的初期会聚-碰撞作用相关。  相似文献   
结合秦山核电二期扩建工程,在已运行核电站附近新扩建核电站的大型基坑开挖过程中进行爆破振动的监测与爆破振动的控制。通过理论分析与监测等多种手段对爆破振动进行有效的控制,确保了正在运行核电站的安全。所总结的减震措施经验对其他核电站的爆破振动控制具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
We analyzed the Se isotopic composition of black shales and related kerogen and sulfide fractions from the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se deposit, the La’erma Se-Au deposit and the Yutangba Se deposit in southern China to constrain metal sources and accumulation processes, both subjects of disagreement in the scientific community. Se at the Zunyi Ni-Mo-Se polymetallic deposit displayed a restricted range of δ82Se values (−1.6‰ to 2.4‰ with a mean of 0.6‰) suggesting a major hydrothermal origin where aqueous Se was probably transported as H2Se, along with H2S, and precipitated directly as selenides or in sulfides. Se at the La’erma Se-Au deposit covers a larger range in δ82Se values (−3.8‰ to 5.4‰ with a mean of 0.3‰), suggesting Se redistribution following redox transformations, leading to kinetic isotopic fractionation. The largest Se isotopic variation so far in natural terrestrial samples was found in the Yutangba Se deposit, with δ82Se values varying from −12.77‰ to 4.93‰. On the basis of variations in Se isotopes in the deposit, along with other geological and geochemical evidence, the “redox model” (supergene alteration) explains the occurrence of native Se in the deposit. Overall, hydrothermal systems may be a potentially important Se source to form economic deposits in comparison to seawater sources. Significantly, our study indicates that either secondary hydrothermal or supergene alteration is a key factor in Se enrichment in black shales. Redistribution of Se, and probably other redox-sensitive metals like Mo, Cr and V, leads to isotopic fractionation which may be used to fingerprint such alteration/precipitation processes.  相似文献   
大规模三维地震数据的直接体绘制,是一个计算和数据双重密集型问题.为了提高三维图像的重建效率,提出了一种基于立方体元的Shear- warp地震数据体绘制算法.该算法通过构建立方体元在相邻的体素点之间建立联系;然后根据地震数据的特征对体元进行分类,在绘制过程中通过二叉树索引,快速定位分类结果.通过索引结果,避免了对等值体...  相似文献   
世界水溶气资源分布、现状及问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对世界水溶气资源及国内外勘探开发现状统计结果表明,全世界水溶气资源丰富,总量达33 837×1012m3,这比常规天然气资源量(293×1012m3)高两个数量级;中国主要的含油气盆地中水溶气资源也很丰富,43个盆地的水溶气资源量的估算结果达到19×1012m3。对水溶性气藏成藏条件的分析研究认为:丰富的气源、异常高地层压力、储集层和保存条件是形成该类气藏的主要条件。根据天然气溶解的Henry经验定律、分子间隙溶解机理分析,认为溶解和脱气过程中除了考虑温度和压力变化,还存在构造震荡脱气等脱气过程。由于对不同的地层水条件下,天然气的溶解度变化的认识尚不太清晰,且富集条件及静态气藏形成条件是否能够促成动态气藏的形成,以及其他因素对气藏有何影响亦需要深入研究,对国内水溶性气藏资源需要进行系统的评价,确定气藏的有效开发技术方法,以促进水溶性天然气的勘探和开发,增加我国天然气供给的途径。  相似文献   
陆面蒸散量观测方法比较分析及其影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆面蒸散是陆面水分平衡的主要分量,也是地球系统水分消耗的主要途径,但陆面蒸散量测量技术一直没有得到很好地解决.利用LOPEX试验区内陇中黄土高原定西陆面过程综合观测站的历史观测资料,在参考对照蒸发皿观测的水面蒸发量的基础上,对蒸渗计法、涡动相关法、彭曼方法等3种方法观测的陆面蒸散量的年变化特征进行了比较分析,发现各观测...  相似文献   
首都圈地区卫星热红外亮温变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1999年和2003-2006年共5年的NOAA卫星热红外遥感数据,对北京及周边地区的热红外影像特征和红外亮温年变特征进行了跟踪观测、统计分析与对比研究.结果表明:①不同地质构造单元,特别是线性断裂构造在热红外影像上有清晰的显示,通过不同时期红外影像的对比研究可以很好地揭示断裂构造的空间展布及规模形态,为活动构造研...  相似文献   
紫色土坡耕地细沟发育的形态演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究细沟发育的形态演变规律是认识细沟发生机理的前提,本研究通过人工降雨与微地貌扫描相结合的方法,调查了紫色土坡耕地细沟发生过程的形态演变特征.采用三维激光扫描仪扫描不同降雨时段坡面,生成高精度坡面DEM图像,统计各时段不同坡段等高线偏离度,量算坡面凹陷区的表面积、周长、直径以及沟头下切深度;结果表明,等高线偏离度越大细沟发育越完全,有细沟发生坡面等高线偏离度是无细沟坡面的1倍以上;凹陷区的表面积、周长、直径相对于单位降雨量的扩展速率均在细沟贯穿时段出现最大值;跌坑位置与坡面水平起伏关系不明显,统计的3条沟头分别发育于水平方向起伏的最高点、中间点和低点;跌坑下切深度及其单位降雨量的扩展速率在跌坑贯穿形成细沟时段出现最大值,之后逐渐降低,说明跌坑的形成是细沟造床的关键.  相似文献   
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