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筑坝拦截对黑河河道沉积物粒度空间分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
河流沉积物对流域环境变化具有敏感响应,其粒度参数能反映沉积环境中物质来源和水动力环境.本文以黑河流域上中游为研究区域,探究河流沉积物粒度对流域环境变化的响应.从黑河上中游干流22个主要控制断面采集河床沉积物样品,采用筛分法和吸管法对沉积物样品粒度参数进行测定,并分析其空间分布规律对筑坝拦截为主的环境改变响应.研究结果表明:受梯级水库建设影响,黑河上中游泥沙粒径大小差异显著.干流库区泥沙粒径较自然河段明显减小,分选很好,呈正偏或极正偏尖锐分布,而且在库区不同沉积高度上表现出分层沉积特征;坝下游河段因遭受强烈冲刷,较自然河段泥沙粒径粗化显著,分选变差,偏态趋向极正偏,峰态尖锐化;水库回水区受水库壅水及下泄清水的双重制约,泥沙粒度参数介于自然河段和坝下游河段之间,整体分选中等,呈极正偏尖锐分布;沉积环境分析表明,上游支流河段沉积物粒度特征受泥沙供给和物源特征的影响较水动力条件显著,干流河段沉积物粒度特征主要受水动力条件控制.研究结果既符合河流上中游沉积物粒度分布规律,也反映了河流环境变化对沉积物粒度组成的影响.  相似文献   
We obtain the preliminary result of crustal deformation velocity field for the Chinese continent by analyzing GPS data from the Crustal Motion Observation Network of China (CMONOC), particularly the data from the regional networks of CMONOC observed in 1999 and 2001. We delineate 9 technically active blocks and 2 broadly distributed deformation zones out of a dense GPS velocity field, and derive block motion Euler poles for the blocks and their relative motion rates. Our result reveals that there are 3 categories of deformation patterns in the Chinese continent. The first category, associated with the interior of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan orogenic belt, shows broadly distributed deformation within the regions. The third category, associated with the Tarim Basin and the region east of the north-south seismic belt of China, shows block-like motion, with deformation accommodated along the block boundaries only. The second category, mainly associated with the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau, such as the Qaidam, Qilian, Xining (in eastern Qinghai), and the Diamond-shaped (in western Sichuan and Yunnan) blocks, has the deformation pattern between the first and the third, i.e. these regions appear to deform block-like, but with smaller sizes and less strength for the blocks. Based on the analysis of the lithospheric structures and the deformation patterns of the regions above, we come to the inference that the deformation modes of the Chinese continental crust are mainly controlled by the crustal structure. The crust of the eastern China and the Tarim Basin is mechanically strong, and its deformation takes the form of relative motion between rigid blocks. On the other hand, the northward indentation of the Indian plate into the Asia continent has created the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan Mountains, thickened their crust, and raised the temperature in the crust. The lower crust thus has become ductile, evidenced in low seismic velocity and high electric conductivity observed. The brittle part of the crust, driven by the visco-plastic flow of the lower crust, deforms extensively at all scales. The regions of the second category located at the borderland of the Tibetan Plateau are at the transition zone between the regions of the first and the third categories in terms of the crustal structure. Driven by the lateral boundary forces, their deformation style is also between the two, in the form of block motion and deformation with smaller blocks and less internal strength.  相似文献   
The Wenchuan earthquake coseismic deformation field is inferred from the coseismic dislocation data based on a 3-D geometric model of the active faults in Sichuan-Yunnan region. Then the potential dislocation displacement is inverted from the deformation field in the 3-D geometric model. While the faults' slip velocities are inverted from GPS and leveling data, which can be used as the long-term slip vector. After the potential dislocation displacements are projected to long-term slip direction, we have got the influence of Wenchuan earthquake on active faults in Sichuan-Yunnan region. The results show that the northwestern segment of Longmenshan fault, the southern segments of Xianshuihe fault, Anninghe fault, Zemuhe fault, northern and southern segments of Daliangshan fault, Mabian fault got earthquake risks advanced of 305, 19, 12, 9.1 and 18, 51 years respectively in the eastern part of Sichuan and Yunnan. The Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault, Nujiang fault, Longling-Lancang fault, Nantinghe fault and Zhongdian fault also got earthquake risks advanced in the western part of Sichuan-Yunnan region. Whereas the northwestern segment of Xianshuihe fault and Xiaojiang fault got earthquake risks reduced after the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   
为探讨云量对冰川表面能量平衡(SEB)的影响,利用架设在老虎沟12号冰川(简称12号冰川)消融区(4 550m a. s. l.)的自动气象站资料,结合能量平衡模型计算各能量分量并分析其季节变化,通过云量参数化方案获取云量因子并量化其对冰川表面能量收支的影响。结果表明:净短波辐射为冰川表面主要的能量来源(92%),净长波辐射为主要能量支出(61%),二者均受云量影响,但云的短波辐射效应更强(-37W·m-2)。云量通过影响辐射收支和湍流通量进而影响冰川表面能量收支,随云量的增加,冰川表面获得的能量减少,冰川消融速率降低。与其他区域的冰川表面能量收支对比,除地理位置、反照率、气温等因素外,海拔和云量的影响也非常显著。  相似文献   
冬季北太平洋风暴轴异常及其与东亚大气环流的关系   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,应用滤波方差、相关分析、合成分析等研究了1963年冬季至2011年冬季北太平洋风暴轴的时空演变特征,并探讨了风暴轴活动强弱与东亚—北太平洋大气环流的关系。结果表明:与1980s后期风暴轴活动显著增强相比,近10 a来风暴轴活动又进入较气候平均水平偏低的阶段,且风暴轴主体位置有着向东北、西南两侧的振荡现象。风暴轴活动强(弱)年,东亚地区近地面温度偏高(低)、对流层低层阿留申低压和西伯利亚高压偏弱(强)、中国东部及日本上空850 hPa北风减弱(加强);对流层中层东亚大槽减弱北缩(加深南进)、对流层高层西风急流减弱(加强)。风暴轴活动与冬季影响中国的冷空气活动次数相关关系显著。  相似文献   
采用T21L5大气环流模式,详细探讨了冬季西北太平洋海表温度异常对太平洋风暴轴的影响。结果表明:冬季西北太平洋暖海表温度异常能显著增强异常区北侧及下游地区的斜压性,天气尺度扰动方差、扰动动能以及涡动热量通量等也在此风暴轴入口区得到增强,由此揭示出外热源强迫对太平洋风暴轴的维持和发展起重要作用。  相似文献   
在已知成矿带和矿床中,随着找矿和开采的进行,已有的和新发现的资料积累越来越多.一个好的成矿理论,可以给这些资料较为统一的、合理的解释,还可能为老矿区(带)的深部和外围找矿指出一些新思路和新标志.据热液矿床水相变控矿理论,水相变可导致水的物理化学性质突变,使成矿物质被释放而成矿,在热液成矿作用中断裂降压引发水相变,是热液...  相似文献   
钻孔XJ01位于废黄河三角洲滨淮镇附近,钻孔中上更新统顶部与全新统有4个14C测年数据控制,该孔全新统岩性特征自下而上为潮间带含贝壳砾质砂层、浅海相淤泥质黏土层、三角洲前缘相深灰色粉砂、三角洲平原相黏土质粉砂及粉砂质黏土。全新统微体古生物分析结果详细地反映了废黄河三角洲典型区域各时期的沉积环境,其中,全新统下部见大量的有孔虫与海相介形虫,中部微体古生物略少,上部地层中海相介形虫增多。整个全新世微体生物组合揭示了一个河口变化的水动力控制沉积环境。  相似文献   
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