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A polymetallic zone dominated by U-W mineralization was found in Northeast Guangxi. Distributed along the east contact zone of a complex granite mass, it extends for about 100 km in length, with more than fifty deposits and prospects embraced. The deposits show a wide range of genetic types, related to the granite, from magmatic (including pegmatite and skarn deposits) through hydrothermal mineralizations (hypo-, meso- and epithermal) all the way to tin placers, constituting a very intact metallogenetic series of granites. The epithermal U-W deposits are considered as a new type for their unique geological and geochemical characters, such as the paragenesis of U and W and the large time gap (> 40 Ma) between ore and granite. This project was financially supported by the Open Lab. of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
人工鱼礁建设具有生态效果、经济效果和社会效果。为科学指导人工鱼礁的建设方向,进一步促进海洋牧场建设以及海洋渔业资源和海洋生态环境的可持续发展,文章采用改进的层次分析法,从人工鱼礁与社会的适应性、对社会环境的影响、对社会生活的影响以及对其他行业发展的影响4个方面,选取政策符合性等10个评价指标,通过问卷调查的方式,对南麂列岛海域人工鱼礁的社会效果进行评价,填补该研究领域的空白。研究结果表明:根据各评价指标的权重和效果判定值,南麂列岛海域人工鱼礁产生了较好的社会效果,其中海洋生态环境、项目长远性、改善渔民生活质量和海洋捕捞业等指标发挥作用较大;未来将开展长期和连续的调查研究,提高评价可信度。  相似文献   
The annual life cycle of the brown seaweed Undaria pinnatifi da(Harvey)Suringer comprises a macroscopic diploid sporophyte stage and a microscopic haploid gametophyte stage.In 2011,an unusual zoospore-derived monoecious gametophyte isolate(designated as line 10-5-3)of U.pinnatifi da was observed.To understand this phenomenon,a comprehensive screening of eighty-two previously identifi ed male gametophyte cultures,isolated from three randomly selected cultivars(lines 10,7,and 5)was performed.Thirty-six of the isolates developed both antheridia and oogonia on the same fi lamentous fragment in a standard gametogenesis test(SGT: 18°C,60 μmol photons/(m 2·s)).Selfi ng of the monoecious gametophyte or crossing it with a normal male gametophyte both gave rise to morphologically normal sporophytic offspring.However,crossing resulted in a much higher fertilization rate(89.7%).The hybrid and selfed sporophytic offspring were grown to maturity in fl ow tanks at an ambient temperature of 10–18°C over a period of 69 days.Active zoospores were released from both types of mature sporophylls.The majority of these developed into male gametophytes,while 15%–20% developed into the observed monoecious structures on the same fi lament.Using PCR amplifi cation it was found that all the monoecious gametophyte isolates and the sporophytic offspring resulting from the selfi ng and crossing lacked the femalelinked microsatellite sequence(a part of the locus Up-AC-2A8,GenBank accession No.AY738602.1),indicating their male nature.U.pinnatifi da is an invasive species in some regions and the implications of the above fi ndings for this species in nature are briefl y discussed.  相似文献   
Zhe Deng  Dongya Li  Tao Pang 《Climate Policy》2018,18(8):992-1011
China is in the process of establishing a national emissions trading system (ETS). Evaluating the implementation effectiveness of the seven pilot ETSs in China is critical for designing this national system. This study administered a questionnaire survey to assess the behaviour of enterprises covered by the seven ETS pilots from the perspective of: the strictness of compliance measures; rules for monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV); the mitigation pressure felt by enterprises; and actual mitigation and trading activities. The results show that the pilot MRV and compliance rules have not yet been fully implemented. The main factors involved are the lack of compulsory force of the regulations and the lack of policy awareness within the affected enterprises. Most enterprises have a shortage of free allowances and thus believe that the ETSs have increased their production costs. Most enterprises have already established mitigation targets. Some of the covered enterprises are aware of their own internal emission reduction costs and most of these have used this as an important reference in trading. Many enterprises have accounted for carbon prices in their long-term investment. The proportion of enterprises that have participated in trading is fairly high; however, reluctance to sell is quite pervasive in the market, and enterprises are mostly motivated to trade simply in order to achieve compliance. Few enterprises are willing to manage their allowances in a market-oriented manner. Different free allowance allocation methods directly affect the pathways enterprises take to control emissions.

Key policy insights

  • In the national ETS, the compulsory force of ETS provisions should be strengthened.

  • A reasonable level of free allowance shortage should be ensured to promote emission reduction by enterprises.

  • Sufficient information should be provided to guide enterprises in their allowance management to activate the market.

  • To promote the implementation of mitigation technologies by enterprises, actual output-based allocation methods should be used.

  • The government should use market adjustment mechanisms, such as a price floor and ceiling, to ensure that carbon prices are reasonable and stable, so as to guide long-term low carbon investment.

庞博  汪喜江 《黑龙江气象》2011,28(2):7-9,11
利用2006~2008年2月逐日地面常规观测资料和高空探测资料以及逐日的污染监测资料,统计分析了哈尔滨市2月风速、逆温和大气稳定度与大气污染的概率关系。分析结果表明:哈尔滨市2月的大气污染主要发生在风速〈3 m/s,污染物浓度随着风速的增大而减小,在一定程度上反映了哈尔滨市2月的污染主要是局地污染物的累积;发生大气污染时一定有逆温出现,但有逆温时不一定就发生大气污染;大气稳定度增加,大气污染概率增大。  相似文献   
长江江豚是我国一级保护野生动物,也是长江生态系统的指示性物种,其种群数量恢复情况及活动规律一直备受关注。本文选择长江宜昌段江豚活动频繁的葛洲坝下游至胭脂坝江段为研究区域,于2021年6月-2022年5月采用定点目测、水上流动监测与无人机监测相结合的方法分区监测长江江豚的游泳行为,分析长江江豚的活动规律,构建了长江江豚出水头次的零膨胀泊松回归模型,识别影响长江江豚出水头次的关键因素,建立长江江豚出水头次与各因素间的相关关系。结果表明:(1)葛洲坝至胭脂坝长江干流段监测到最大江豚出水头次为19头次,长江江豚集群规模以2~3头最为常见,占比达58.1%;长江江豚主要表现出4种行为特征,各行为占比从大到小依次为:玩耍>休息>摄食>抚幼。(2)长江江豚在葛洲坝下游近坝区(A区,葛洲坝至至喜长江大桥)出水头次最多,且在秋冬季节累计出水头次多于春夏季节,冬季累计出水头次最高,达252头次。(3)长江江豚出水头次与电站下泄流量呈显著负相关;浊度增大,长江江豚出水的概率减小。本文研究结果对长江江豚生态保护策略及长江十年禁渔效果评估具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
廖卫华 《极地研究》1995,7(2):35-40
南极洲的泥盆系主要分布于横贯南极山脉的麦克默多和俄亥俄岭-埃尔斯沃思山等两个沉积盆地中。前一个盆地的泥盆系代表从海岸泻湖-河流三角洲到近岸冲积平原的层序;后一个盆地的彭萨科拉山的泥盆系较厚,从非海相冲积扇-冲积平原-浅海相,最后又恢复到非海相沉积环境,但在俄亥俄岭却沉积了厚度不大的浅海相地层,含Malvinokafric生物地理大区的海相双壳类、腹足类、三叶虫、竹节石和鱼类等化石。除了上述两个沉积盆地外,在罗斯海两边却出露了火山岩,说明该地当时处于俯冲带附近的火山弧中。中国华南的曲靖型和西北的祁连山型泥盆系也属于滨海相和非海相沉积,它们与南极洲的泥盆系可资比较,但两者的生物地理区系并不相同  相似文献   
黄土高原晚更新世黄土与古季风研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土高原晚更新世黄土地层含有末次间冰期一次期东亚季风演变的大量信息,经外地学界十年来的探索,初步揭示了东亚季风演化的规律,本文对于这方面研究的现状作了综合评述。  相似文献   
研究分析了静海地磁台2002~2006年观测资料的加卸载响应比异常与邻区ML 4.0以上地震之间的关系,提出了适用于静海地磁台的地震分析预报异常形态特征和阈值判据.  相似文献   
工程测量学是测绘工程专业的核心课程,是实际测绘工作过程中应用最多的课程之一,其实践教学效果的好坏直接影响学生毕业后的就业质量。本文针对当前工程测量学实践教学当中存在的突出问题,提出了以翻转课堂+多维度考核体系并重的实践教学模式,经过两年的教学改革,在实践内容、实践教学方法和考核体系等方面取得了丰硕的研究成果,并在其他课程中推广应用。  相似文献   
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