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The bioavailability of field‐aged Cd and Cu was calculated, and compared to the total concentrations determined by acid digestion. Only 0.60–4.15% for Cd and 0.59–9.43% for Cu were found to be bioavailable when determined by stomach‐phase extraction. The incorporation of bioavailability reduced more than 90% of the calculated risk of the metals at the site of study. It should be noted that such a reduction may not be generalized and the site‐specific bioavailability needs to be determined case by case. 相似文献
Eunjin Park Wansoo Ha Wookeen Chung Changsoo Shin Dong-Joo Min 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2013,170(12):2075-2085
The wavefield in the Laplace domain has a very small amplitude except only near the source point. In order to deal with this characteristic, the logarithmic objective function has been used in many Laplace domain inversion studies. The Laplace-domain waveform inversion using the logarithmic objective function has fewer local minima than the time- or frequency domain inversion. Recently, the power objective function was suggested as an alternative to the logarithmic objective function in the Laplace domain. Since amplitudes of wavefields are very small generally, a power <1 amplifies the wavefields especially at large offset. Therefore, the power objective function can enhance the Laplace-domain inversion results. In previous studies about synthetic datasets, it is confirmed that the inversion using a power objective function shows a similar result when compared with the inversion using a logarithmic objective function. In this paper, we apply an inversion algorithm using a power objective function to field datasets. We perform the waveform inversion using the power objective function and compare the result obtained by the logarithmic objective function. The Gulf of Mexico dataset is used for the comparison. When we use a power objective function in the inversion algorithm, it is important to choose the appropriate exponent. By testing the various exponents, we can select the range of the exponent from 5 × 10?3 to 5 × 10?8 in the Gulf of Mexico dataset. The results obtained from the power objective function with appropriate exponent are very similar to the results of the logarithmic objective function. Even though we do not get better results than the conventional method, we can confirm the possibility of applying the power objective function for field data. In addition, the power objective function shows good results in spite of little difference in the amplitude of the wavefield. Based on these results, we can expect that the power objective function will produce good results from the data with a small amplitude difference. Also, it can partially be utilized at the sections where the amplitude difference is very small. 相似文献
Much of the nonlinearity and uncertainty regarding the flood process is because hydrologic data required for estimation are often tremendously difficult to obtain. This study employed a back‐propagation network (BPN) as the main structure in flood forecasting to learn and to demonstrate the sophisticated nonlinear mapping relationship. However, a deterministic BPN model implies high uncertainty and poor consistency for verification work even when the learning performance is satisfactory for flood forecasting. Therefore, a novel procedure was proposed in this investigation which integrates linear transfer function (LTF) and self‐organizing map (SOM) to efficiently determine the intervals of weights and biases of a flood forecasting neural network to avoid the above problems. A SOM network with classification ability was applied to the solutions and parameters of the BPN model in the learning stage, to classify the network parameter rules and to obtain the winning parameters. The outcomes from the previous stage were then used as the ranges of the parameters in the recall stage. Finally, a case study was carried out in Wu‐Shi basin to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposal. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Combined open channel flow is encountered in many hydraulic engineering structures and processes, such as irrigation ditches and wastewater treatment facilities. Extensive experimental studies have conducted to investigate combined flow characteristics. Nevertheless, there is no simple relationship that can fully describe the velocity profiles in a turbulent flow. The artificial neural network (ANN) has great computational capability for solving various complex problems, such as function approximation. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the applicability of the ANN for simulating velocity profiles, velocity contours and estimating the discharges accordingly. The velocity profiles measured by an acoustic doppler velocimeter in the open channel of the Chihtan purification plant, Taipei, with different discharges at fixed measuring section and different depths are presented. The total number of data sets is 640 and the data sets are split into two subsets, i.e. training and validation sets. The backpropagation algorithm is used to construct the neural network. The results demonstrate that the velocity profiles can be modelled by the ANN, and the ANN constructed can nicely fit the velocity profiles and can precisely predict the discharges for the conditions investigated. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The aim of this paper was to propose a design guideline for using visco‐elastic dampers for the control of building structures subjected to earthquake loading as well as suspension roof structures subjected to wind loading. The active control algorithm was used to calculate the control forces. Based on the single‐mode approach the control forces were transformed to the forces which visco‐elastic dampers can provide. Application of the method to the design of the building structure with passive damping devices in the bracing system and to the suspension roof with dampers was studied. Through the application of optimal control theory a systematic design procedure to implement dampers in structures is proposed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Chih‐Ming Tseng Ching‐Weei Lin Colin P. Stark Jin‐Kin Liu Li‐Yuan Fei Yu‐Chung Hsieh 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2013,38(13):1587-1601
Sediments produced by landslides are crucial in the sediment yield of a catchment, debris flow forecasting, and related hazard assessment. On a regional scale, however, it is difficult and time consuming to measure the volumes of such sediment. This paper uses a LiDAR‐derived digital terrain model (DTM) taken in 2005 and 2010 (at 2 m resolution) to accurately obtain landslide‐induced sediment volumes that resulted from a single catastrophic typhoon event in a heavily forested mountainous area of Taiwan. The landslides induced by Typhoon Morakot are mapped by comparison of 25 cm resolution aerial photographs taken before and after the typhoon in an 83.6 km2 study area. Each landslide volume is calculated by subtraction of the 2005 DTM from the 2010 DTM, and the scaling relationship between landslide area and its volume are further regressed. The relationship between volume and area are also determined for all the disturbed areas (VL = 0.452AL1.242) and for the crown areas of the landslides (VL = 2.510AL1.206). The uncertainty in estimated volume caused by use of the LiDAR DTMs is discussed, and the error in absolute volume estimation for landslides with an area >105 m2 is within 20%. The volume–area relationship obtained in this study is also validated in 11 small to medium‐sized catchments located outside the study area, and there is good agreement between the calculation from DTMs and the regression formula. By comparison of debris volumes estimated in this study with previous work, it is found that a wider volume variation exists that is directly proportional to the landslide area, especially under a higher scaling exponent. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The spatial distribution of rainfall is related to meteorological and topographical factors. An understanding of the weather and topography is required to select the locations of the rain gauge stations in the catchment to obtain the optimum information. In theory, a well‐designed rainfall network can accurately represent and provide the needed information of rainfall in the catchment. However, the available rainfall data are rarely adequate in the mountainous area of Taiwan. In order to provide enough rainfall data to assure the success of water projects, the rainfall network based on the existing rain gauge stations has to be redesigned. A method composed of kriging and entropy that can determine the optimum number and spatial distribution of rain gauge stations in catchments is proposed. Kriging as an interpolator, which performs linear averaging to reconstruct the rainfall over the catchment on the basis of the observed rainfall, is used to compute the spatial variations of rainfall. Thus, the rainfall data at the locations of the candidate rain gauge stations can be reconstructed. The information entropy reveals the rainfall information of the each rain gauge station in the catchment. By calculating the joint entropy and the transmitted information, the candidate rain gauge stations are prioritized. In addition, the saturation of rainfall information can be used to add or remove the rain gauge stations. Thus, the optimum spatial distribution and the minimum number of rain gauge stations in the network can be determined. The catchment of the Shimen Reservoir in Taiwan is used to illustrate the method. The result shows that only seven rain gauge stations are needed to provide the necessary information. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Y. Chung R. Finkel M.P. Bacon J.K. Cochran S. Krishnaswami 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》1983,65(2):393-405
During reoccupation of the GEOSECS-I test station in May, 1979, more than eighty 30-liter Niskin samples were collected in profile, many as replicates, for210Pb intercomparison measurements by the WHOI, SIO and Yale groups. In addition to the inter-laboratory comparisons, the SIO group also carried out extensive experiments to test the effect of sample scavenging method. Pb equilibration time (storage effect), and filtration process on the measured210Pb results.The intercomparison measurements indicate that there is a general agreement between the various sets of data. The sample set which allows a direct comparison at the same depth was available in most cases only between two of the three groups. The direct paired comparison shows that (1) the WHOI data are systematically 3% lower than the SIO data; (2) there are no systematic differences observed between the SIO and Yale data although the scatter is rather large; (3) the Yale data are systematically higher than the WHOI data by about 8%.The SIO experiments show that (1) the two scavenging methods employed (Fe(OH)3 and Co-APDC co-precipitation) yield identical210Pb results; (2) variation of Pb carrier equilibration time or of storage time has no discernible effect; (3) the filtration apparatus and procedure employed at this station do not result in210Pb loss or contamination.The210Pb profile structure and absolute concentration measured earlier at the same location (GOGO-II test station and GEOSECS station 347) agree with those of station 500 within 10%. The present profile shows a minimum210Pb concentration around 500 m depth, marking the penetration depth of the flux of excess210Pb from the atmosphere. There is a mild mid-depth maximum around 2500–3000 m. The210Pb/226Ra activity ratio decreases monotonically from about 1 at the210Pb minimum to about 0.5 near the bottom. The particulate210Pb profile shows a systematic increase from the subsurface water to the bottom water by a factor of 5. This feature has been observed in many GEOSECS particulate210Pb profiles. 相似文献