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中国红土期气候构造期的耦合   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄镇国  张伟强 《地理学报》2000,55(2):200-208
红土发育、气候变化、构造活动之间存在旋回、周期、因果、主次、配置等耦合关系。其中旋回和周期,以红土发育的阶段性为标志,突出一个“期”字。通过探讨红土旋回与季风发展期、冰期间冰期、新构造期、构造活动期等的对应关系,可以将我国第四纪分为3个构造-气候(红土)主旋回。  相似文献   
针对雅鲁藏布江源区重要的生态服务功能、不断加剧的生态退化问题、以畜牧业为主的产业结构及其对生态状况的依赖性,分析了源区居民点分布与地貌、生态状况、水文条件、交通条件的空间关系,评价了地貌等因素对该区居民点分布的影响.结果表明,2008年雅江源区居民点分布呈显著的地形聚集特征,大部分居民点聚集在4 600~5 000 m高程带、0°~5°缓坡区和没有坡向的平坦地带.雅鲁藏布江源区居民点分布与生态状况具有较强的空间趋同性.小嵩草草甸、紫花针茅草原和固沙草草原是居民点分布的主要植被类型;与1990年相比,2008年源区及其居民点分布区的NDVI较低,草地盖度及其生产能力有所降低,风沙化土地渐趋扩张,极少数居民点分布于风沙化土地,以固定沙地为主.源区居民点分布还具有明显的河流指向性和交通指向性.超过83%的居民点分布在距离雅鲁藏布江水系1.5 km范围内和道路两侧2.0 km范围内,特别是500 m范围内;距离雅鲁藏布江水系和交通线路越远,居民点分布越稀疏.究其原因,以草原放养为主畜牧业生产及其对牧草和水分的依赖性是影响居民点分布的关键因素.  相似文献   
Inequality has been the subject of intense debates in China, but inequality across cities remains less studied. This article investigates economic inequality based on prefectural-level cities during the period from 1990 to 2010. Statistical analyses indicate that interregional inequality among cities has increased, which is mostly attributable to widening intraregional inequality, especially within the western region. The high gross domestic product (GDP) per capita clusters emerged in the Pearl River Delta in the 1990s, spread to the Yangtze River Delta in the 2000s, and then reached north China in the 2010s. In contrast, the number of low GDP per capita clusters significantly increased in the central and western regions in the 2010s. In addition, the significance of national development zones and foreign direct investment indicates the greatest effect of globalization on the increasing intercity inequality. Decentralization also contributes to the intercity inequality of China. We suggest that in addition to national programs aimed at reducing the inequality between the eastern region and the rest of China, efforts are needed to reduce inequality within each region through provincial and local government policies, especially in western China. Key Words: China, cluster, decentralization, globalization, regional inequality, urban inequality.  相似文献   
农户对自然资源保护的态度被认为是保护区发展成功与否的关键因素之一,因此在对自然资源的管理和保护中,了解农户对自然资源保护的态度是必要的.在秦岭南坡朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)国家级自然保护区内及周边,采用典型抽样和随机抽样相结合的方法抽取了115份农户数据,通过农户对环境和朱鹎保护的态度的单因素方差分析和有序选择模型分析发现,多数农户(66.09%)对朱鹮保护持积极态度,农户对保护朱鹮的态度与意愿之间显著正相关,相关系数为0.75(n=115,P<0.01);住在保护区内的农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度可能更积极,在保护中收益更多的农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度更为积极,承受较高保护成本的农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度较为消极;社会人口学变量中的家庭收入对农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度有消极影响,受教育程度对农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度有积极影响,然而随着农户受教育水平的进一步提高,受教育程度对农户对环境和朱鹮保护的态度影响便不再明显.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙质草地优势多年生植物氮素回收效率的分异特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉霖  崔夺  陈静  毛伟  赵学勇 《中国沙漠》2013,33(3):688-695
养分回收是多年生植物重要的适应策略,通过这种方式可以使植物重新利用体内养分。尤其在养分贫瘠的环境中,养分条件的微小变化都会影响植物的生长、竞争和适合度。但是,不同物种和不同生活型植物的氮素回收效率具有较高的变异,这对理解不同物种或生活型植物在生态系统功能中的作用具有重要意义。本研究分析了科尔沁沙质草地生态系统中39种多年生植物成熟绿叶和枯叶的氮素含量和氮素回收效率,以揭示不同物种或生活型植物氮素回收效率的分异特征。结果表明:科尔沁沙质草地优势多年生植物成熟绿叶氮素含量的变化范围在12.2~33.4 mg·g-1,平均值为23.3 mg·g-1;与全国及全球尺度上的研究结果相比,科尔沁沙质草地成熟绿叶氮含量平均值偏高,说明干旱荒漠环境植物叶片平均氮含量相对较高;多年生植物枯叶的氮素含量明显小于成熟绿叶氮素含量,变化范围在6.2~18.8 mg·g-1,平均值为11.3 mg·g-1;多年生植物氮素回收效率的范围在29%至74%之间变化,平均值为50.3%。这说明氮素回收是科尔沁沙质草地生态系统多年生植物重要的养分保留策略之一。另外,沙质草地不同生活型植物的氮素回收效率存在显著的差异。固氮植物和禾本科植物的氮素回收效率显著低于灌木和杂类草植物。这一结果间接说明植物氮素保持能力的分异是半干旱沙质草地植物共存的机理之一。  相似文献   
伴随着市场经济的发展,小城镇群网化对区域间要素流动和城乡一体化发展的重要性逐渐显现。利用2011年7月对常州市小城镇镇区常住居民的随机抽样调查数据,对调查样本和居民认知情况进行了统计分析;运用累积Logistic模型,分析了居民认知视角下小城镇群网化发展的影响因素。结果显示:居民出行交通方式、居民月消费水平、保障房制度、产业发展和集贸市场的健全程度5个因素对小城镇群网化发展影响显著,并反映出市民对小城镇群网化发展具有强烈的主观诉求,但促进小城镇群网化发展的政策供给存在不足。最后提出了促进常州市小城镇群网化发展的具体建议。  相似文献   
The OGC Web Service (OWS) schemas have the characteristics of a complex element structure, are distributed and large scale, have differences in element naming, and are available in different versions. Applying conventional matching approaches may lead to not only poor quality, but also bad performance. In this article, the OWS schema file decomposition, fragment presentation, fragment identification, fragment element match, and combination of match results are developed based on the extended FRAG-BASE (fragment-based) schema-matching method. Different versions of Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) schema-matching experiments show that the average recall of the extended FRAG-BASE matching for the schemas is above 80%, the average precision reaches 90%, the average overall achieves 85%, and the matching efficiency increases by 50% as compared with that of the COMA and CONTEXT matcher. The multi-version WFS retrieval under the Antarctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (AntSDI) data service environment demonstrates the feasibility and superiority of the extended FRAG-BASE method.  相似文献   
Human mobility patterns can provide valuable information in understanding the impact of human behavioral regularities in urban systems, usually with a specific focus on traffic prediction, public health or urban planning. While existing studies on human movement have placed huge emphasis on spatial location to predict where people go next, the time dimension component is usually being treated with oversimplification or even being neglected. Time dimension is crucial to understanding and detecting human activity changes, which play a negative role in prediction and thus may affect the predictive accuracy. This study aims to predict human movement from a spatio-temporal perspective by taking into account the impact of activity changes. We analyze and define changes of human activity and propose an algorithm to detect such changes, based on which a Markov chain model is used to predict human movement. The Microsoft GeoLife dataset is used to test our methodology, and the data of two selected users is used to evaluate the performance of the prediction. We compare the predictive accuracy (R2) derived from the data with and without implementing the activity change detection. The results show that the R2 is improved from 0.295 to 0.762 for the user with obvious activity changes and from 0.965 to 0.971 for the user without obvious activity changes. The method proposed by this study improves the accuracy in analyzing and predicting human movement and lays the foundation for related urban studies.  相似文献   
The geomorphological environment is one of the most fundamental variables af-fecting the development of human society.The mission of geomorphological environment research is to explore the most basic environment and features of our Earth’s surface mor-phology.The results can be applied to resource evaluation,environmental protection and reducing and preventing geological disasters.Thus,it can serve to help achieve sustainable development.This paper examines the Shenzhen east coastal zone as a case strongly in-fluenced by urban expansion.We use modern geomorphological theory and methods,along with GIS and RS techniques,to reveal key characteristics of the geomorphological environ-ment and landform classification.Furthermore,coastal ecosystem evaluation and regional resources sustainable utilization should be considered relative to the corresponding geo-morphological environment.Based on this study,we conclude that modern geomorphological theory and methods,supported by "3S" techniques including GIS,RS and GPS,can play an important role in resolving the environment,resources and population problems as well as sustainable development challenges facing humankind at present.  相似文献   
安徽淮河流域洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力评估   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
采用层次分析法并融合专家意见,遵循客观性、数据获取便利性、指标量化可行性并突出主导因素等原则,构建综合防洪除涝能力、监测预警能力、抢险救灾与恢复重建能力以及灾害管理能力的洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力综合评估指标体系,对安徽淮河流域各县市洪涝灾害防灾减灾能力进行评估.评估表明:蚌埠市防灾减灾能力最高,其次为难南市、淮北市,再次为...  相似文献   
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