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This paper deals with geochemical features of gas emitted from the Hubin Springs.The Hubin Springs zone,a strong thermal emission zone,is are locatedd at the north edge of the Tianchi caldera lake.Very young deposits with uncertain eruption date are found on the top area of the Tianwenfeng,which might have been formed in one of the recent eruptions or the Millennium Eruption.It is of significance to study the geochemistry features of the emitting gas from the Hubin Springs to understand the activities of the Tianchi Volcano.This paper systematically sampled and analyzed the gases emitted from the Hubin Springs and discussed their geochemistry features.The results show that there is a high content of deep derived gases,such as CO2,He,CH4 and Ar in Hubin Springs zone.The isotopic ratio of He lies between 4.18 and 5.95 Ra.The averaged mantle derived gas content calculated from the 4He/20Ne ratio and He content reaches 67.1%.All these show that the Hubin Springs are located on a special belt of deep gases released in high intensity and large scale.The spatial distribution of Helium isotope is characterized by concavity,showing that this special area may be related to the volcanic edifice.It is highly possible that the released gases represent the residual gas samples of the latest eruptions from the Tianchi Volcano.However more detailed studies are demanded.  相似文献   
新疆玛纳斯河年径流时序特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凌红波  徐海量  张青青  史薇 《中国沙漠》2011,31(6):1639-1646
基于肯斯瓦特水文站54 a的逐月径流实测资料,运用参数、非参数检验和R/S分析探讨了玛纳斯河径流量的趋势、跃变及未来的变化趋势,并利用径流量年内分配特征指数描述了径流量年内分配状况。结果表明,玛纳斯河径流量在1995年发生跳跃式的突变,并达到极显著水平,这也与径流量累积距平显示的结果一致;径流量的赫斯特指数大于0.5,具有持续性,预示其未来变化仍将保持增加走势;计算表明,玛纳斯河肯斯瓦特站径流量高度集中于夏季(6、7、8月),年内分配指数中的集中度比不均匀系数具有更强的分辨能力与灵敏性,集中期所对应的最大径流量出现时间与实际月份相同,并且各特征指数间存在关联性。  相似文献   
胡伟  李赞  王和平  杨国柱  田茂杰 《北京测绘》2021,35(8):1013-1017
针对输电线路激光扫描数据质量检查工作量大、效率低、输电通道安全距离快速分析时效慢等问题,本文提出一套激光数据质量检查与快速分析方法.根据输电线路激光点云数据特点,开发工具对数据进行自动化检查;利用自动化检查的数据,对点云数据进行快速自动/人工交互分类,基于快速分类数据进行安全距离快速分析,为运维单位提供隐患报告.实验结...  相似文献   
李伟  王锡华 《矿产与地质》2010,24(4):314-317
抚顺浑南地区成矿条件有利,找矿信息较多,但以往相应的地质科研工作投入甚少。作者以该区找矿勘查资料为依据,着重阐述了成矿地质背景,并系统分析了该区成矿地质条件、矿体地质特征以及分布规律,同时提出了进一步找矿的方向。  相似文献   
菁角地处于兴义市雄武背斜核部南东翼南西段,大地构造位置位于扬子板块与华南板块的结合部.前人主要对该地区的金矿进行了矿点地质特征、构造特征、矿体形态等方面的研究,但对岩石学特征、铀的赋存形式以及地球化学特征研究较少.本次研究利用TIMA扫面、显微镜下观察、地球化学分析等方法对矿石、围岩的岩石学特征、地球化学特征、风化作用和分选、源区岩石类型、铀的赋存形式等方面进行探究.TIMA扫面以及显微镜下观察的结果表明铀的赋存形式是以弥散状充填进黏土化(高岭石)裂隙中.菁脚地区地球化学分析显示,龙潭组砂岩中w(SiO2)为51.30%~91.55%,围岩主要类型为亚岩屑砂岩,矿石以及矿化岩石为岩屑砂屑岩,CIA(73.83~82.53)以及ICV指数表明矿石及矿化岩石较围岩成熟度高、风化程度强.测试样品均有较强的U正异常,含量为4.78~772.00×10-6,且U与∑REE,Sb元素呈现明显正相关,Zr与∑REE呈强的正相关(R=1).菁角地区铀的来源是热液在上升过程中萃取围岩中的铀,沿着层间构造破碎带充填进成熟度较高的黑色砂岩中富集而成,结合菁角地区岩石学特征、地球化学特征以及铀的赋存形式,推测菁脚金(铀)矿床为低温热液矿床.  相似文献   
扬子地块西南缘下震旦系火成岩系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
周朝宪  魏春生 《矿物学报》1998,18(4):401-410
研究区的天宝山组和苏雄组、开建桥组酸性、中酸性火山岩、火山碎屑岩同属下震旦系。它们及同期形成的花岗岩形成于后造山构造环境中,并非与裂谷活动有关。它们皆为S型,其源岩为太古界。  相似文献   
大巴山前陆西段叠加构造变形分析及其构造应力场特征   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
大巴山前陆西段发育典型的横跨叠加褶皱,清楚地记录了自身构造演化历史,为查明大巴山前陆构造体制转换提供了非常有利的条件。本文通过野外褶皱形态分析,结合层面和断层面滑动矢量的观测,获得大巴山前陆西段中生代主要的两期挤压构造应力场,即早期(T3—J1)的构造应力场以近南北向挤压为主,大巴山地区受其控制,发生近东西向展布褶皱变形,这期构造变形与印支运动有关;晚期,即J3—K1期间,大巴山构造体制发生重大转变,本区构造应力场由近南北挤压转变为近东西向强烈挤压,大巴山发生强烈构造变形,大巴山推覆构造带以断裂活动为主,镇巴—城口—房县断裂带强烈向大巴山前陆逆掩。而大巴山前陆则以强烈的近南北向延伸的褶皱变形为主,早期近东西向褶皱遭受强烈改造,形成大巴山前陆西段较为典型的横跨叠加褶皱构造。这期构造变形是燕山运动早期活动的结果。大巴山叠加变形的研究不仅为研究中国盆—山系统变形特征提供了具体例证,而且对大巴山前陆油气勘探起重要指导作用。  相似文献   
The heavy metal inventory and the ecological risk of the tidal flat sediments in Haizhou Bay were investigated. Results show that the average concentrations of heavy metals in the surface sediments exceeded the environment background values of Jiangsu Province coastal soil, suggesting that the surface sediments were mainly polluted by heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn). In addition, the profiles of heavy metals fluxes can reflect the socio-economic development of Lianyungang City, and heavy metals inputs were attributed to anthropogenic activities. Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn were mainly present in the non-bioavailable residual form in surface sediments, whereas Cd and Mn were predominantly in the highly mobile acid soluble and reducible fractions. The ecological risk of the polluted sediments stemmed mainly from Cd and Pb. According to the Sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), however, the adverse biological effects caused by the heavy metals occasionally occurred in tidal flat.  相似文献   
分析了湖北省测绘地理信息档案的现状,指出进行信息化的必要性,总结前期经验并提出湖北省测绘地理信息档案信息化服务的关键问题,构建了湖北省测绘地理信息档案信息化系统的总体框架.  相似文献   
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