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This paper examines the spatial-temporal dynamics of inequality from the perspective of social deprivation in the context of continuous growth of grain production using national census data from 2000 and 2010 for Henan province, China. Our analytical results show an overall level of social deprivation that is high and a widening social deprivation gap at the county level. The social deprivation shows great spatiotemporal heterogeneity, the higher deprived counties are mainly distributed in central and eastern Henan province, while counties with lower social deprivation are clustered in northwestern regions, formed a belt-shape spatial differential between the south (higher deprived counties clustered) and northwest (low deprived counties clustered) Henan in 2000, and changed toward a core-periphery semi annular spatial structure in 2010, the low deprived counties surrounded by high deprived counties. The social deprivation shows a “west low and east high” spatial pattern, similar to the grain production in Henan province. Socioeconomic development level was low in most counties in Yudong plain despite of keeping the continuous increase of grain production, meaning the higher grain output did not result in the more social development expected in Chinese traditional agricultural areas, and the regional disparity is expected to increase in the near future if development conditions are not changed, which could inspire more targeted rural governance options.  相似文献   
The low-energy lunar trajectories with lunar flybys are investigated based on the Sun-Earth-Moon bicircular problem (BCP). The characteristics of the distribution of trajectories in the phase space are summarized. Using the invariant manifolds in the BCP system, the low-energy lunar trajectories with lunar flybys are sought. Then, take time as an augmented dimension in the phase space of a nonautonomous system, we present the state space map and reveal the distribution of these lunar trajectories in the phase space. Consequently, we find that the low-energy lunar trajectories exist as families, and that the every moment in the Sun-Earth-Moon synodic period can be the departure date. Finally, we analyse the velocity increment, transfer duration, and system energy for the different trajectory families, and obtain the velocity-impulse optimal family and the transfer-duration optimal family, respectively.  相似文献   
SVOM (Space-based multi-band astronomical Variable Objects Monitor) is a Sino-French space mission dedicated to the study of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) in the next decade, capable to detect and localise the GRB emission, and to follow its evolution in the high-energy and X-ray domains, and in the visible and NIR bands. The satellite carries two wide-field high-energy instruments: a coded-mask gamma-ray imager (ECLAIRs; 4–150 keV), and a gamma-ray spectrometer (GRM; 15–5500 keV) that, together, will characterise the GRB prompt emission spectrum over a wide energy range. In this paper we describe the performances of the ECLAIRs and GRM system with different populations of GRBs from existing catalogues, from the classical ones to those with a possible thermal component superimposed to their non-thermal emission. The combination of ECLAIRs and the GRM will provide new insights also on other GRB properties, as for example the spectral characterisation of the subclass of short GRBs showing an extended emission after the initial spike.  相似文献   
利用Monte Carlo (MC)模拟技术研究了非均一的吸附原子与基底相互作用能在一定的生长条件下对超薄膜生长过程的影响.非均一相互作用能是由基底表面原子在垂直和水平方向上实际位置与理想晶格原子位置的偏差所造成.本文用高斯分布来表示这种非均一相互作用能.模拟结果表明:非均一相互作用能对超薄膜的生长过程及薄膜的形貌有显著的影响.这种影响同时受到生长条件的限制,在中等温度时相互作用能的非均一性对岛的个数、平均大小的影响最显著;温度的增加在一定程度上可抵御相互作用能的非均一性对薄膜生长的影响.  相似文献   
This paper deduces the expression of the Schottky contact capacitance of AlGaN/AlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs), which will help to understand the electron depleting process. Some material parameters related with capacitance--voltage profiling are given in the expression. Detailed analysis of the forward-biased capacitance has been carried on. The gate capacitance of undoped AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMT will fall under forward bias. If a rising profile is obviously observed, the donor-like impurity or trap is possibly introduced in the barrier.  相似文献   
鞍带石斑鱼工厂化育苗研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者设计了一种新的鞍带石斑鱼(Epinephelus lanceolatus)工厂化人工育苗方法。测定了鞍带石斑鱼人工育苗过程中水环境因子和育苗水体浮游生物的种类、数量变化。育苗期间水温28.0~30.7℃;盐度为27.0~32.0;pH值为7.39~7.90;溶氧量6mg/L以上;中午池面平均光照3315.9lx;记录了1d的光照、水温、溶解氧和pH的变化;育苗池前18d只加水不换水,氨氮不断上升,最低值0.24mg/L,最高值2.53mg/L,育苗后期采取换水措施,氨氮迅速下降;育苗期间,水体除正常投喂的轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)和桡足类外,池中出现浮游植物12种、浮游动物5种,浮游植物平均生物量6.92×106个/L,原生动物平均生物量0.74×106个/L。经过34d的培养,得到平均全长2.45cm鱼种,单位水体育苗密度300尾/m3,育苗成活率为2.73%。结果表明,用有效微生物群(effective microorganisms,简称EM)+高级虾片调节水质的模式,可以保持育苗水质稳定,成功培育出鞍带石斑鱼幼鱼。  相似文献   
从储层岩性、成岩作用、隔夹层研究等方面入手,利用渗透率变异系数、突进系数、级差、隔夹层参数以及孔隙度、渗透率的变化对桩74块低渗油藏进行了储层非均质性研究。Es_3下Ⅱ油组储层为中孔、特低渗的湖底扇碎屑岩,渗透率与主流孔喉半径具有良好的相关性,成岩作用的差异是造成储层非均质性差异的一个因素。自下而上层内非均质性逐渐加强。夹层不甚发育,对储层非均质性影响不大。层间非均质较强,隔层发育,对储层非均质性影响较大。  相似文献   
曲巧娜  吴炜 《气象》2024,50(2):234-245
为了弥补海上风场监测数据不足,提高对黄渤海海上风场监测能力,针对不同大气环流形势,基于较为稳定的74个沿海和海岛站等陆基站2017—2020年风场观测资料,以及同时段具有一定连续性的21个浮标站和船舶站等海基站观测数据,采用多元线性回归方法,建立由陆基站推算海区风速的模型。利用2021年实况资料对推算结果进行检验评估。结果表明:分别针对全部风力等级和6级及以上大风建立的风速推算模型(以下分别简称CM模型和HM模型)均具有较高的可靠性,其中HM模型对大风推算的准确率更高;8种天气类型中共5种类型发生大风的概率高于60%,其中对西北高东南低类型的推算效果最好,对西高东低型、西南高东北低型和西北低东南高型的6~7级大风推算效果较好,对8级及以上大风的推算效果略差;不同海区大风的推算结果中,对黄渤海大部分海区推算的风速略偏小,仅对渤海西南部海区的部分站点推算的风速略偏大;对黄海北部海区风速推算的平均绝对误差最小(0.95 m·s-1),对其他海区风速推算的平均绝对误差在1.32~1.70 m·s-1;在海区观测不连续、不稳定的情况下,推算的风速能够对...  相似文献   
曲巧娜  吴炜 《气象》2024,50(4):420-433
预报的稳定性是指对同一时段在不同时间发布的多时效预报结论的一致性,是模式预报质量的一个重要方面,较大的不稳定性会给使用者造成困扰。为深入了解业务常用模式的稳定性,使用相对标准偏差指标计算不同时效预报的降水量波动大小,并改进了Flip-Flop指数(改进后简称FFnorm),计算多时效降水量预报变化趋势的翻转程度,衡量预报变化趋势的稳定性,对2种全球模式(ECMWF、NCEP-GFS)、3种区域模式(CMA-MESO、CMA-SH9、HHUPS-ST),在中国6个气候分区中降水预报的稳定性进行对比分析,分为实况有降水和暴雨及以上降水2种情况进行了讨论。结果表明:实况有降水时,相对区域模式来说,全球模式的多时效降水预报的相对标准偏差较小,即模式降水量预报的波动较小;各模式对西南区的西部、东北区的东部以及华南区的南部预报的波动性相对较小,西北区的西部波动性较大。就多时效降水量预报变化趋势而言,2种情况下均为CMA-MESO、NCEP-GFS和 ECMWF的稳定性较好,其FFnorm指数小于HHUPS-ST和CMA-SH9模式,其中CMA-MESO对西南区、华南部分地区降水量预报变化趋势的稳定性较为突出;CMA-SH9的指数最大,多时效降水量预报变化趋势稳定性较差;各模式对长江中下游地区的FFnorm指数相对较大,多时效预报趋势的稳定性较差。有降水时,CMA-MESO随时效临近的降水量预报变化趋势稳定(单调递增、单调递减或不变)的频次最多,其次是NCEP-GFS,2种降水情况下,该2种模式的降水量预报均为随时效临近单调递增次数大于递减次数,且CMA-MESO单调递增特征尤其显著。以上特征能够为模式调试和预报决策提供参考。  相似文献   
利用1988~2005年18年间全国会商会所提出的各类定点前兆异常,研究其与下一年(1989~2006年)大陆地震的对应关系,从414次地震资料的统计中得出,除地下水位和地磁外,其它5种前兆观测手段在有震区的异常比均低于无震区或全大陆的异常比,但各手段综合异常比在有震区要高于无震区。遵照"地震监测能力好的前兆手段,在其监测范围内,有震时应有较高的异常比,无震时应有较低的异常比"的原则,我们认为地磁和地下水位是比较好的前兆观测方法。  相似文献   
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