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明确啤酒花农艺性状与品质的相关性,可以为啤酒花种质资源优选鉴定提供依据。分析了甘肃省河西地区引进的50份啤酒花种质材料单蔓花数、花穗长、花穗粗、单花重、百花重、干鲜比与产量和品质的关系。结果表明:干旱半干旱地区啤酒花种质资源农艺性状和品质指标均存在较大变异,为优异资源的筛选创造了条件。农艺性状和品质指标存在一定相关性,其中,花穗粗和单花重均与干鲜比显著正相关(R2=0.293和R2=0.288),花穗长和干鲜比与黄腐酚含量呈极显著正相关且干鲜比对黄腐酚含量贡献大于花穗长,而6个主要农艺性状均与α-酸含量无显著相关性。花穗长、花穗粗可以作为干鲜比大、产量和黄腐酚含量高、药用价值好的啤酒花种质资源筛选的农艺性状指标,但高α-酸含量的啤酒花种质资源无法通过农艺性状去筛选。  相似文献   
An automatic weather station(AWS) has been installed at the Qomolangma Station of the China Academy of Sciences(QOMS) since 2005, in a northern Himalayan valley near Mount Everest, with an altitude of 4,270 m a.s.l.. Nine years of meteorological records(2006–2014) from the automatic weather station(AWS) were analyzed in this study, aiming to understand the response of local weather to the seasonal transition on the northern slopes of Mount Everest, with consideration of the movement of the subtropical jet(STJ) and the onset of the Indian Summer Monsoon(ISM). We found:(1) Both the synoptic circulation and the orography have a profound influence on the local weather, especially the local circulation.(2) Southwesterly(SW) and southeasterly(SE) winds prevail alternately at QOMS in the afternoon through the year. The SW wind was driven by the STJ during the non-monsoon months, while the SE was induced by the trans-Himalayan flow through the Arun Valley, a major valley to the east of Mount Everest, under a background of weak westerly winds aloft.(3) The response of air temperature(T) and specific humidity(q) to the monsoon onset is not as marked as that of the nearsurface winds. The q increases gradually and reaches a maximum in July when the rainy period begins.(4) The alternation between the SW wind at QOMS and the afternoon SE wind in the pre-monsoon season signals the northward shift of the STJ and imminent monsoon onset. The average interval between these two events is 14 days.  相似文献   
基于三维时域有限差分数值算法(3D-FDTD)建立了雷击高建筑物电磁场传播模型,研究了负地闪击中不同高度建筑物时回击垂直电场、角向磁场以及水平电场沿地表的传播规律。模拟结果表明:建筑物的高度对雷电电场峰值的影响显著,如当建筑物高度从100 m增加至600 m时,在距离d=100 m位置的垂直电场峰值减小了63%,水平电场正极性峰值的增加比例为84%、负极性峰值的绝对值增加比例高达130%;观测位置不变时,角向磁场峰值和水平电场正极性峰值均会随着建筑物高度的增加而增大;对于距离d=100 m,300 m时,垂直电场的峰值随着建筑物高度的增加而减小,而d=500 m时,垂直电场峰值随着建筑物高度的增加呈现出先增大后减小的趋势;此外,建筑物高度会影响垂直电场峰值对距离的敏感程度,建筑物越低(高),相应的垂直电场峰值随着观测距离增大衰减越快(慢)。该文研究结果能够为现代化城市中高建筑物附近线缆、室外设备等的雷电防护方案设计提供参考。  相似文献   
雷电灾害风险评估中,雷击风险的计算方法有人工计算、Excel表格计算和软件计算3种。选取石嘴山一油库为案例,依据风险管理标准(GB/T 21714.2 -2015),分别采用人工、Excel和软件方法,计算该油库雷电风险总量和风险分量。计算结果显示,软件计算风险总值相对人工计算值总是偏高,特别是对于易燃易爆场所,比人工计算、Excel计算值高20~30倍;人工方法、Excel方法风险总值计算结果较为一致。造成差别的原因是,人工计算主观性大,不同的评估人员在风险分量的选取及计算过程中会出现较大的差别,容易忽略部分风险分量,从而造成风险总量的减少。在风险分量的组成上,对第三类防雷建筑物,人工计算结果更符合实际;对第一、二类防雷建筑物,软件计算结果更符合实际。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the precipitation extremes recorded on the northern and southern slopes of the central Himalaya, especially those documented at higher altitudes. Daily precipitation data recorded over a 35-year period at nine meteorological stations in the region were studied. We used the precipitation extreme indices delineated by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). The spatial and temporal variations in these precipitation extremes were calculated. When regional patterns were investigated to detect any anomalies, only 1 of the 10 precipitation extreme indices from the southern slopes of the central Himalaya showed a statistically significant trend; none from the northern slopes of the central Himalaya highlighted a statistically significant trend. On the southern slopes, all indices increased, apart from the maximum 1-day precipitation (RX1) and simple daily precipitation intensity (SDII) indices. Indices such as the consecutive dry days (CDDs) and RX1 indices exhibited similar increases on both the northern and southern slopes of the central Himalaya. These results suggest that increases in precipitation have been accompanied by an increasing frequency of extremes over the southern central Himalaya. Nonetheless, no relation could be established between the precipitation extreme indices and circulation indices for higher altitudes.

基于OpenStack架构建立省级云资源管理平台,通过整合省级各类硬件资源,将计算、存储、网络等硬件资源纳入统一资源池管理,在此基础上将省级原有的多套虚拟化系统软硬件资源纳入平台统一管理。平台投入使用后资源有效利用率大幅提升,实现硬件资源动态、弹性、可回收利用,能够更好地为各业务部门提供硬件资源服务。通过接管省级VMware、OS等虚拟化系统,平台可以根据业务需求快速部署交付业务系统,大幅提高对气象业务的服务和支撑能力,提高了系统运维的水平和效率。该平台的建成和应用对省级云计算发展和应用具有示范、服务、探索等多重作用,特别是对带动省级信息化建设进入新阶段,探寻省级新的信息化建设模式具有现实意义。  相似文献   
利用常规和区域自动站观测资料、卫星和多普勒雷达监测产品及NCEP再分析资料,对2014年7月14日新乡强对流过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:高空东移冷槽与低层暖脊叠加使新乡上空形成明显的不稳定层结,而中低层暖湿空气在午后表现出明显的北抬和向高空扩展的趋势,使大气对流不稳定度进一步加强,有利于雷暴大风和冰雹强对流天气的出现;同时,强对流天气发生前0—6 km垂直风切变达到中等偏强程度,有利于对流系统的形成和维持。地面中尺度辐合线起对流触发作用,辐合线尾部前侧的对流云团发展更强更快。云团合并导致对流云团迅猛加强,对流单体合并有利于对流回波的暴发性发展及回波顶快速抬升。过程中雷暴外流边界也是强对流的重要触发机制,太行山脉东侧的雷暴外流边界受地形抬升作用,触发大范围分散的对流单体,导致了局地短时强降水天气。风灾主要是由多单体风暴中的下击暴流和雷暴外流边界造成的,下击暴流造成的大风比由雷暴外流边界导致的大风更强。此外,强回波中心强度增强、质心高度迅速升高,回波顶高和VIL值跃增等对强对流过程中局地冰雹预报有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
江苏文化产业时空格局及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟召宜  渠爱雪  仇方道  马晓冬 《地理科学》2016,36(12):1850-1859
在明晰相关概念基础上,构建文化产业发展水平评价体系,运用定量方法分析江苏文化产业发展水平及其时空格局,研究表明:江苏文化产业发展过程呈现倒“U”型,发展态势显露转型性,发展水平具有非均衡性,发展格局呈现点轴趋向性,发展机制具有明显的外力驱动性。基于此,提出以下建议:强化政府调控,注重政策创新,促进江苏文化产业稳健发展;强化科技人才,注重市场激活,促进江苏文化产业转型发展;实施多元战略,注重因地制宜,实现区域文化产业特色发展;强化区域整合,注重优化布局,实现区域文化产业共同发展。  相似文献   
Jinfeng Ma  Igor B. Morozov   《Tectonophysics》2007,441(1-4):97-114
A nearly 160-km long Wollaston Lake Reflector (WLR) observed in seismic reflection profile S2b of the 1994 Lithoprobe Trans-Hudson Orogen transect (THOT) in northern Saskatchewan (Canada) is among the most spectacular and well-recorded features imaged within the crystalline crust. Based on modeling of its normal-incidence reflectivity, the observed bright spot reflector was originally interpreted as a series of tabular diabase intrusions. In order to further elucidate its structure, we reprocessed line S2b and analysed the WLR for the Amplitude Variations with Offset (AVO). By contrast to conventional (approximate) AVO analysis, we used the exact Zoeppritz equations and considered a thin-layer (mixed positive and negative polarities) reflectivity. The results suggest two possible interpretations of the WLR: 1) the reflector caused by a massive mafic intrusion as suggested earlier, in which case the intruded rocks should have anomalous Poisson's ratios of σ ≥ 0.33, and 2) the WLR represents a silicified shear zone, with only moderate (e.g.,  5–10%) alteration of the host rock and σ ≈ 0.2. Although both of these models may to some extent co-exist within the WLR, its brightness, sharpness, great lateral extent and smooth shape favour the second interpretation.In both models, a fractured fluid-filled zone within a major crustal detachment should have played a key role in the formation of the WLR. The association of the reflector with laterally- and depth-migrating fluids is also supported by magneto-telluric measurements of crustal conductivity beneath the WLR. Analogies from the studies of the Kola Superdeep Borehole (Russia), where free or metamorphic fluids were found at comparable depths, also suggest that fluids may contribute to WLR structure and formation.  相似文献   
本文回顾了80年代以来国际上关于岩浆结晶及成矿作用过程的计算机模拟这一领域的研究进展,主要包括镁铁质干岩浆体系、长英质湿岩浆体系的岩浆结晶作用模拟,以及有关的岩浆矿床成矿作用、岩浆热液成矿作用的模拟。基于对这一领域研究现状和发展趋势的分析,笔者首次提出了模拟岩石学的概念。预测在今后5~10年内,模拟岩石学将得到突飞猛进的发展,并将对现代岩石成因理论、实验岩石学与矿物学、实验地球化学、矿床成因理论和矿产预测及勘察理论产生重要影响。  相似文献   
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