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Improved form of wind wave frequency spectrum   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The lower frequency part of the theoretical wind wave spectrum proposed by the authors (Wen et al. , 1988a, b,c) has been improved and the form of spectrum is appreciably simplified. In addition to the field data collected in the Bohai Sea region and used in the previous papers, those obtained in the Huanghai Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea have been employed so that the improved spectra can be verified on a more extensive observational basis. Computed results agree with the observations well. Further comparisons have been made between the proposed spectra and the JONSWAP spectrum. Though the two types of spectrum are close to each other in form, the former shows, as a whole, better agreement with the observation than the latter. By introducing an improved relation between the peak-ness factor and significant wave steepness, the spectrum contains only significant wave height and period as parameters. For spectra given in this form, the computed peak frequencies coincide approximately wit  相似文献   
In this paper, the numerical modelling of the tidal level and current in the Bohai Sea was carried out with ADI method, by taking the sum of four main tidal components M2,S2K2,O1 as the open boundary condition. The calculated values were consistent with the predicted ones (the observed values in the case of calm) in the Tidal Table. On the basis of the modelling of the tide, the sea level and current fields under the effects of strong wind were simulated. The calculated results were also quite satisfactory.  相似文献   
Specimens of Mugil soiuy were collected from the coastal waters of Bohai Sea in Tianjin. The gillfilaments were cut with fine scissors and soaked for 24h in a fixative consisting of 2.5% glutaralde-hyde in 0.1 mol l~(-1) phosporic acid buffer. After three washes in a buffer solution the tissue was fixedin a mixture of 1% osmium tetraoxide at 4℃ for 1h. The tissue was dehydrated in graded ethandethanols and dried. The tissue was examined and photographed with an SEM at an accelerating voltage  相似文献   
本文研究了二层流体系统中波浪的衰减。上层为理想流体,下层为粘弹性Voigt体。导出了色散关系,计算了波浪衰减系数。对于粘性或弹性很大或很小的情况,导出了各种水深情况下近似的显式的衰减系数表示式。与精确的数值结果比较,近似程度很好。可供工程设计参考、使用。  相似文献   
中国对虾染色体制备及染色体形态的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
以中国对虾原肠期胚胎为材料,采用整体低渗法和管渗法均制备了染色体。通过比较发现,管渗法制备的染色体比整体低渗法的形态好。本文对制备中国对虾染色体技术方面的问题进行了探讨。通过作者的观察,了解到中国对虾染色体徐正常特征外,还存在较特别的形态特征,如主缢痕增强,次缢痕变化,同源配对等。并对产生这些形态特征的原因进行了解释。  相似文献   
本文通过计算和对比分析,得到1991年春、夏江淮地区特大暴雨形成的五个基本特征:西北太平洋上副高显著偏西、偏北;较弱的西南季风与东南气流汇合成强西南气流伸向江淮地区;偏东风与强西南风形成的辐合带在江淮地区维持;江淮地区对流层中下部为强上升运动、上部为辐散;130°E附近南半球向北半球的较强越赤道气流持续。  相似文献   
晚中生代─新生代南海周缘地块运动与南海演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了由华南几个盆地的古地磁数据综合而得的反映该区白垩纪以来古纬度变化曲线,结合Schmidtke等(1990)发表的加里曼丹150Ma以来的古地磁数据,表明华南与加里曼丹在40Ma前具有大致相同的古纬度变化史,差异仅出现在距今30Ma前后和10Ma以来。若此趋势可靠,则可作出下列推断:(1)南海的扩张只能发生在距今30Ma附近或10Ma以后华南与加里曼丹反向运动时期;距今30Ma的扩张已被广为接受;(2)华南与加里曼丹之向可能存在的古南海只能在91Ma之前存在;(3)南海演化可能存在两期扩张。南海的拟合可通过沿3500m等深线的先道时针旋转、后北向平移两个步骤完成。这与Hayashida等(1991)提出的日本海张开与扩张模式很相似,提示东亚边缘海的形成和演化可能具有同样的机制。华南距今50Ma以来的古纬度变化与Tapponnier(1982)的传播挤出构造模式所预期的基本吻合,表明距今50Ma以来华南古纬度变化的运动学机制可用Tapponnier模式作解释。  相似文献   
根据1988年夏季和1989年冬季南沙群岛海区两个航次的温、盐度调查资料,运用β螺旋方法对调查海区的海流进行了计算。计算结果表明,该海区表、中层环流相对比较一致,深层流动状态与表、中层的差异较大,其中的局地环流的季节变化不明显。此外,在北康暗沙与南薇滩之间,夏季中、深层和冬季深层都明显反映出存在着一个迄今未见报道的局地反气旋式环流。文章对上述结果与该海区已有的一些海流分析结果作了比较。  相似文献   
根据1987年6,8,11月和1988年2月4个航次珠江口伶汀洋的调查资料,分析了溶解氧的特征。结果表明:溶解氧含量表层均高于底层,周年变化呈现从夏季到冬季逐渐上升,且明显受珠江径流的影响,溶解氧(基本上是不饱和状态)与盐度成负相关。有机物和营养盐均影响溶解氧,但水温仍为溶解氧主要影响因素。  相似文献   
从野外采集鹤鸪菜Caloglossaleprieurii(Mont.)J.Ag.幼体,在室内控制条件下,以温、盐、光等不同条件进行模拟培养试验。所获得的数据经生物统计检验表明:鹧鸪菜幼体生长最适水温为23℃;光照强度为4000lx;海水盐度为18。此结果与我们多年来在汕头港内观察鹧鸪菜的生长及其季节变化相似。  相似文献   
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