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大别造山带的汇聚演化历史一直存在不同的认识,来自扬子陆块和华北陆块显生宙以来的地层记录以及北淮阳地区的地层记录可能为两个陆块的汇聚模式提供制约。通过对扬子陆块与华北陆块显生宙以来岩相古地理进行比较,其中3个阶段相似, 2个阶段差别很大。以浊积岩发育作为俯冲阶段的标志,磨拉石建造出现作为闭合的标志,显生宙以来,大别造山带曾经历了两次俯冲和两次汇聚,俯冲时间分别是晚奥陶世—早志留世和早三叠世,汇聚的时间分别为中 晚泥盆世和中三叠世,早期的汇聚具有软碰撞特征,以上认知得到了北淮阳地区地层、古生物和沉积记录的支持,同时也与大别山造山带榴辉岩的同位素年龄数据基本吻合。高压 超高压变质岩在晚三叠世处于快速折返阶段,早侏罗世以前到达地表,其平均折返隆升速率为39~66mm/a。  相似文献   
The West Kunlun orogenic belt is located at the conjunction of the paleo-Asian tectonic system and the Tethys tectonic system. Petrological and mineralogical studies of the Early Cambrian metamorphic surface crust in this region have shown that in case the metamorphism reached low-temperature granulate facies, the typical mineral assemblage is biotite-garnet-silimanite-K feldspar-plagioclase-quartz. The peak metamorphic temperatures are within the range of 720–740°C and the pressure is 0.6 GPa ±. Three types of metamorphic zircon have been detected in the metamorphic rocks: the complex inclusion-bearing type ; the early relic zircon inclusion-bearing type; and the inclusion-free type. SHRIMP age determination of these three types of metamorphic zircon have revealed that these zircons were formed principally during 400–460 Ma, indicating that pre-Cambrian metamorphic surface crust rocks underwent low-temperature granulite facies metamorphism during the Caledonian. In combination with the geological characteristics of this region, it is considered that when the oceanic basin was closed, there occurred intense intracontinental subduction (type A), bringing part of the Early Cambrian metamorphic basement in this region downwards to the lower crust. Meanwhile, there were accompanied with tectonic deformation at deep levels and medium- to high-grade metamorphism. This study provided important chronological and mineralogical evidence for the exploration of the evolutionary mechanism and process of the West Kunlun Early Paleozoic. Part of the results from the research project “ Research on the West Kunlun pre-Cambrian tectonic events” under the program “ Research on the important geological problems of China’ s pre-Cambrian” (No. 200113900070) sponsored by the China National Geological Surveying Bureau.  相似文献   

现代夏季风系统导致了南海西南部(越南岸外)上升流的发育,但浮游有孔虫对夏季上升流的响应如何尚缺乏实测资料,这不利于准确地利用有孔虫来重建古上升流的活动进而反演过去夏季风的强度变化。本研究利用2014年4月14日至11月1日布放于南海西南部夏季上升流区的时间序列沉积物捕获器材料,详细鉴定并定量统计了其所含浮游有孔虫类型。通过分析样品中浮游有孔虫各属种的通量和百分含量变化,结合区域气候环境资料,探讨南海西南部夏季上升流区浮游有孔虫对夏季风的响应,为古上升流与夏季风研究提供现代依据。研究结果表明初级生产力是控制上升流区浮游有孔虫通量变化的首要因素,喜营养种在上升流发育期增多而寡营养种含量下降。因此高表层生产力指示种,如Neogloboquadrina dutertrei可能是追溯南海西南部夏季上升流变化最可靠的指标。

Two semi-asymmetric flow patterns of typhoons are chosen to qualitatively determine the effect of exchange of horizontal momentum between inflow and outflow layers and the environment on the motion of typhoons. The results show that only the asymmetric flow component (residual after azimuthal mean flow has been removed) could cause a net momentum input into or output from a typhoon and therefore contribute to the changes in speed and direction of the typhoon movement. A typhoon with major inflow and/or outflow channels on its right (left) side would tend to accelerate and turn left (decelerate and turn right); On the other hand, a typhoon with major inflow and/or outflow channels in the rear (front) semicircle would tend to accelerate and turn right (decelerate and turn left).  相似文献   
基于Matlab的断裂带温泉水地球化学特征及地震活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Matlab开发出地下流体分析软件,对比分析了甘肃西秦岭北缘的武山、街子和清水温泉水化学组分特征;初步分析了温泉水水质类型、补给来源、水-岩平衡状态以及循环深度,并讨论了温泉水深循环对地震活动性的影响.研究表明温泉水均为大气降水成因,其水化特征受围岩的控制作用;清水温泉水的成熟度没有武山和街子温泉水高.地下水循环深度较浅的武山温泉和街子温泉水化类型属于Na-HCO3·SO4·Cl,所处断裂的地震活动频繁;地下水循环深度较深的清水温泉水化类型属于Na-SO4·Cl,所处断裂的地震活动性弱.  相似文献   

黄昏爪兽(Hesperotherium)是我国早更新世代表物种之一,因发现标本稀少,其形态特征和灭绝时间是存疑的。重庆市万州区盐井沟大垭口地点发现了多件Hesperotherium化石,其中多数骨骼属首次发现,新材料增加了我们对该类动物的骨骼形态学的认识,其后肢骨骼在进化过程中较为保守,可能正是这种进化过程中的保守性导致其不能适应第四纪多变的气候环境,最终灭绝。同时通过对已知含Hesperotherium动物群的分析,认为Hesperotherium可以作为早更新世早-中期的代表物种,对应于邱占祥命名的NCMQ 1或欧洲的维拉方中-晚期。

40Ar---39Ar age determinations on samples selected on deformational criteria form the basis of a proposal of a new detailed tectonometamorphic history of the Montagne Noire (the southern part of the Massif Central, France).

This range is classically divided into a cover and an axial gneissic and migmatitic core which was metamorphosed under high T/medium P conditions. The basement is structurally overlain by epimetamorphic Paleozoic sediments in the north. In the south, equivalent rocks form a well-known pile of recumbent nappes. The Variscan history of this area comprises early shortening and thickening of the continental crust. The climax of this event took place around 320 Ma ago, as is shown by previous Rb---Sr data and by 40Ar---39Ar measurements. New developments in structural analyses have led to a better understanding of the late evolution of the area in terms of diapiric uplift of the core. South-southwestwards verging recumbent nappes have been emplaced and were weakly metamorphosed in their lower parts. This movement was accompanied and followed by dextral extensional wrenching of the Paleozoic cover along the northern and southern margins of the axial zone. Attendantly, ductile shear zones were formed.

In order to decipher the complex history, three structural levels have been dated with the 40Ar---39Ar method. These levels are: (1) The migmatitic and gneissic series in the axial core, where micas yield ages of c. 315 Ma; (2) Mylonites from the northern and southern shear zones where biotites and muscovites yield ages of c. 310 Ma; (3) Muscovites and biotites from the epimetamorphic nappe structures yielding ages of c. 297 Ma. The later ages may represent a younger thermal pulse. These data are compared and discussed in the light of previous radiometric studies of the area and precise biostratigraphic constraints. A detailed geodynamic evolution of the studied segment is proposed.  相似文献   

运用大数据文本挖掘和分析工具,对比新冠疫情期间武汉和非武汉地区居民所发布的微文,探究了武汉樱花在不同居民群体间情感效应的作用机制,研究发现:1)本地居民樱花微文的关注点多而分散,非本地居民的关注点少而集中;2)武汉樱花对不同地区居民情感的影响与疫情发展状况紧密相关;3)武汉樱花在疫情期间对武汉居民具有情感支持效应,对非武汉地区居民具有情感凝聚效应;4)疫情改变人的情感和景观解读背景,并赋予景观新的意义,新的景观意义反作用于居民,构成情感闭合回路。最后提出建议,抗疫恢复工作应多关注居民心理层面的缺失,从居民与城市、景观的情感关系入手,向武汉居民传达城市美好生活理念。  相似文献   
南黄海夏末叶绿素a的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
根据1995年9月利用日本《神鹰丸》号调查船在黄海32°00'–35°00'N,122°00'–127°00'E海区的19个站位上进行的中日联合调查研究中叶绿素a含量的调查资料,探讨南黄海海区夏末初叶绿素a含量的变化、平面分布、断面分布和垂直分布状况,以及与海域环境因子之间的关系。在每个测站上作垂直取样,表层水用圆塑料桶取自海表面,深层水用日本提供的专用采水器采集,取出水样立即量取200ml,用玻璃纤维滤膜过滤浓缩,并加入2%的饱和碳酸镁溶液,防止叶绿素脱镁,然后保存在冰箱内(-1°C),用冰桶带回实验室进行分析。将载有浮游植物的滤膜放入闪烁瓶内加入10ml 90%的丙酮溶液,在冰箱内提取24h。用萃取荧光法测定叶绿素a含量。结果表明,该海域的叶绿素a含量较高,平均值为1.14mg/m3,其变化范围为0.10–7.76mg/m3,最高值在次表层。(1)平面分布:各层次平面分布特征差异较大。33°00'–33°30'N之间叶绿素a含量均较低,低于0.50mg/m3。33°30'N以北,叶绿素a含量低于0.20mg/m3,而33°00'N以南,除济州岛附近的17–19导站以外,叶绿素a含量均较高,高于100mg/m3。(2)断面分布:水深在30m时,叶绿素a含量的高值区在20m以上水体的次表层中,而水深为50–80m时,其高值分布在20–40m的次表层中。(3)叶绿素a的垂直分布也体现了断面分布的特征。所以作者认为,光是浮游植物生长和繁殖的重要因子之一。  相似文献   
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