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Zusammenfassung Wir fassen zusammen: Die hier betrachteten Grabenbildungen aus Niederhessen-Hannover, aus Schlesien und aus den steirischen Alpen lassen keinerlei Gründe für eine Entstehung durch Spaltung infolge Wölbung erkennen. Eine durchgängige Bindung an Schilde ist nicht vorhanden. Im Gegenteil, soweit die Gräben größeres Ausmaß besitzen, haben sie sich aus flach eingemuldeten Senkungszonen entwickelt, die breiter als die späteren Grabenstreifen waren. Nur im Solling mag Spaltung durch Wölbung für die Anlage der Gräben eine Rolle gespielt haben, eine darüber hinausgehende beträchtliche Zerrung hat aber auch hier stattgefunden. Der starke Anteil von horizontalen Bewegungskomponenten ausweitender und einengender Art nach wechselnden Richtungen in der saxonischen Tektonik des Oberstockwerkes dürfte auf die Salzunterlage zurückzuführen sein, infolge welcher die postsalinare Decke auch bei Impulsen oder bei einem Gefälle, das durch mehr vertikale Bewegungen des variscischen Untergrundes zustandekam, leicht Gleitbewegungen ausführte. Der stärker vertikale Charakter der streifenförmigen Einsenkungen in den Untergrund ist bei fehlendem Salz an der saxonischen Tektonik Schlesiens und der jungmiozänen Tektonik der Ostalpen erkennbar. Die Richtung der Gräben (wie auch der vorangegangenen epirogenen Einmuldungen) ist streng von der Textur des Untergrundes abhängig.  相似文献   
Scientific visualization is an integral part of the modeling workflow, enabling researchers to understand complex or large data sets and simulation results. A high-resolution stereoscopic virtual reality (VR) environment further enhances the possibilities of visualization. Such an environment also allows collaboration in work groups including people of different backgrounds and to present results of research projects to stakeholders or the public. The requirements for the computing equipment driving the VR environment demand specialized software applications which can be run in a parallel fashion on a set of interconnected machines. Another challenge is to devise a useful data workflow from source data sets onto the display system. Therefore, we develop software applications like the OpenGeoSys Data Explorer, custom data conversion tools for established visualization packages such as ParaView and Visualization Toolkit as well as presentation and interaction techniques for 3D applications like Unity. We demonstrate our workflow by presenting visualization results for case studies from a broad range of applications. An outlook on how visualization techniques can be deeply integrated into the simulation process is given and future technical improvements such as a simplified hardware setup are outlined.  相似文献   
In the present study, we performed gastropod analyses on loess–palaeosol sequences from northeast Armenia (Southern Caucasia) covering at least three glacial–interglacial cycles. The elaborated ecostratigraphy shows significant patterns of species composition related to the succession of pedocomplexes and loess, respectively. Pedocomplexes included species that can be associated with high-grass to forest-steppe biomes, indicating increased humidity for these sections compared to the loess layers. In contrast, loess layers that relate to glacial periods are associated with gastropod species of semidesert environments with shrub- and shortgrass-steppes, indicating semiarid to arid conditions. Furthermore, the loess deposits do not show any evidence for cold-adapted gastropod species. Therefore, we suggest that average July temperatures in the study area were above 10 °C, even during periods of loess deposition. Consequently, we propose that the limiting factor for tree growth during glacial periods was aridity, rather than temperature. In addition, we observe environmental differences between the various glacial times, with our results indicating a trend towards steadily increasing aridity in Southern Caucasia across the Middle to Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Phenological data have shown an increase of ca. 10 days in European growing season length in the latter part of the twentieth century. In general, these changes have been associated with global warming. Here we present a study of thermal growing season (GS) trends in the Greater Baltic Area, northern Europe. Yearly dates for the start, end and length of the GS were computed for 49 stations in the studied area, using daily mean temperature measurements. Trends and tendencies of the GS parameters were analysed within the twentieth century. We also examined GS trends in long records (starting before 1850) from the region. The results show a general increase of the length of the GS of ca one week since 1951 in the area, where the most considerable change has occurred in spring (starting ∼6 days earlier). The largest increases were found at stations adjacent to the Baltic Sea and North Sea, where some Danish stations showed significant increasing trends in the length of the GS of more than 20 days. The only tendency for a shorter GS was found in Archangelsk, north western Russia. The three longest records displayed large inter-annual and decadal variability, with tendencies for increased frequencies of longer growing seasons since the 1950s.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die ostmediterrane Erzprovinz, die Kleinasien und die Balkanhalbinsel umfaßt, ist gekennzeichnet durch die enge Bindung ihrer Lagerstätten an die sehr zahlreichen sichtbaren Zentren des alpidischen Magmatismus. In der karpatisch-alpinen Erzprovinz sind die Lagerstätten räumlich, zeitlich und stofflich mit der alpinen Kristallisationsmetamorphose verknüpft. Sie finden sich häufig an Überschiebungsflächen und ihre vorwiegende Form ist die der metasomatischen Lager. In der westmediterranen Erzprovinz, vor allem im Atlas-Gebirge, treten die Lagerstätten an steilen Brüchen und z. T. auch in flachen, selektiv verdrängten oder imprägnierten Schichten auf. Trotz dieser Unterschiede, die durch das regionale geologische Milieu erklärt werden können, zeigen die drei alpin mediterranen Erzprovinzen wichtige Gemeinsamkeiten: gleiches Alter wie der alpine Magmatismus in der ganzen Kette, Vorherrschen der Metalle Cu, Au, Fe (als Siderit) im Nordstamm und der Metalle Pb, Zn, Sb, Cr im Südstamm des Orogens und die Abwesenheit bzw. das Zurücktreten von Co, Ni, U, Sn. Die Vererzungsdichte in den drei Provinzen ist ähnlich, die Lagerstättenformen sind verschieden.
The Eastern Mediterranean ore province covering Asia and the Balkan-countries is characterized by a direct relation of its deposits to the mostly visible centres of the alpine magmatism. In the Alpine-Carpathian province the deposits are related to the Alpine metamorphism by distribution, age and substantial composition. They frequently occur along overthrust planes and many of them are replacement bodies. The deposits in the Western-Mediterranean province, especially in the Atlas Mountains, are to be found in steep faults- and partially in flat layers being impregnated and selectivity replaced. In spite of such differences which can be understood by the regional geological environment, the three Alpine-Mediterranean metallogenetic provinces show some important common features: they are contemporaneous with the alpine magmatism in the whole belt and Cu, Au, Fe (siderite) predominate in the northern wing, while Pb, Zn, Sb, Cr do so in the southern wing. Co, Ni, U, Sn, are nearly absent. The intensity of the mineralisation in the three provinces is similar whereas the forms of the deposits are different.

Résumé La province métallogenique de la Mediterranée Orientale qui comprend l'Anatolie et la Peninsule Balkanique, est characterisée par un rapport étroit de ses gisements avec les nombreuses centres d'un magmatisme visible. Dans la province Carpatho-alpine les gisements sont liés par space, par âge et par substance avec le métamorphisme alpin. Ils se trouvent souvent dans les surfaces de charriage et leur forme prépondérante est celle des amas de substitution. Dans la province occidentale, surtout dans la chaine de l'Atlas, les gisements apparaissent dans des failles verticales et aussi dans des couches horizontales, formées par imprégnation et substitution sélective. Malgrès ces differences, qui sont explicables par le milieu géologique regional, les trois provinces métallogeniques ont des traits communs essentiels: Contemporainité avec le magmatisme alpin dans toute la chaine, préponderance de Cu, Au, siderose dans le rameau septentrional du système orogenique, préponderance du Pb, Zn, Sb et Cr dans le rameau méridional et l'absence quasi-totale du Co, Ni, U, Sn. L'intensité de la mineralisation dans les trois provinces se resemble, mais les formes des gisements sont differents.

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Summary Energetic electrons are continually removed from the radiation belts by resonant pitch-angle scattering with ELF turbulence. A realistic simulation of the concomitant precipitation loss of such electrons to the atmosphere shows it to be a significant source for the nocturnal ionospheric D-region. During geomagnetically quiet (non-storm) periods, precipitating electrons are expected to provide the dominant nocturnal ionization source at medium invariant latitudes corresponding to field lines just inside the plasmapause. When the level of scattering turbulence is high the quiet time precipitation can dominate for an extended range of latitudes ( 55° to 65°). Observed fluctuations in the level of scattering turbulence should produce modulations in the concentration of nocturnal middle latitude D-region electrons which may be detected using radio probing techniques.  相似文献   
The separate examination of the processes of the settling and thickening of activated sludge allows us to minimize the volumes of aeration tanks and final clarification tanks. The following initial quantities are given: wastewater quantity, inflow and outflow concentrations of BOD5, wastewater temperature and reflux ratio of activated sludge and, in addition, three parameters of the thickening behaviour of activated sludge as well as a parameter for the bioactivity of sludge, which are to be determined in an experimental plant. From this, the optimum concentration of the activated sludge in the aeration tank is calculated at which the total of volumes for aeration tank and final clarification tank becomes a minimum. The process is carried out numerically by an example.  相似文献   
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