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Joshua A. White 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》2014,38(10):1036-1057
This work describes a constitutive framework for modeling the behavior of rough joints under cyclic loading. Particular attention is paid to the intrinsic links between dilatancy, surface degradation, and mobilized shear strength. The framework also accounts for the important effect of shear‐induced anisotropy. The resulting approach is fully three‐dimensional and is not restricted to plane‐displacement kinematics. Both the governing formulation and an algorithm for implicit numerical integration are presented. While the proposed methods are general, we also postulate a specific model that is compared with experimental data. It employs relatively few free parameters but shows good agreement with laboratory tests. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
S.?PetitEmail author A.?Decarreau F.?Martin R.?Buchet 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2004,31(9):585-592
The aim of this paper is to determine a relationship between the wavenumbers of the first OH-stretching overtones (W2OH) and the wavenumbers of the OH-stretching fundamentals (WOH) to help to interpret the near-infrared (NIR) spectra. The first overtone (2OH) bands appear at wavenumbers less than twice those of the fundamental bands (OH), due to the anharmonic character of vibrations, X = W2OH/2 - WOH, with X being the anharmonicity constant. Talc samples with various crystal chemistries are used to solve the equation and the experimental data are well fitted with X = –85.6 cm–1. As far as the authors are aware, it is the first time that the anharmonicity constant for the OH-stretching vibrations is determined for phyllosilicates. The anharmonicity constant remains almost unchanged for several types of clay samples. Therefore the relation, established from talc samples because their absorption bands are narrow and their wavenumber range of OH vibrations is wide, can be used for any other clay minerals. 相似文献
A. Wittmann 《Solar physics》1972,23(2):294-299
High resolution spectrograms taken in polarized light have revealed the presence of significant blending within the profiles of some important Zeeman multiplets of a large umbra. Wavelength and equivalent width of each depictable blend have been derived from the corrected spectrograms and some preliminary identifications have been made. 相似文献
The Composition of Garnets from Pelitic Schists in relation to the Grade of Regional Metamorphism 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Analyses of garnets are presented from a wide variety of metamorphicterrains, in relation to which there appears to be a regularpattern of substitution of (FeO+MgO) for (CaO+MnO), the valuesof these components reflecting the metamorphic grade of thepelitic schists. This provides a method for indicating variationsin grade in metamorphic terrains and for comparing the variationsin different areas. In areas of repeated metamorphism this wouldappear to have a particular value in establishing the gradeof the various episodes of metamorphism. It is also demonstratedthat by the determination of selected physical propertics (unitcell edge a and refractive index) of garnets in the peliticschists, and evaluating the significance of their variations,it is possible to work out the local changes of metamorphicgrade within a particular area. 相似文献
Long-term comparison of macrobenthos within the soft bottoms of the Bay of Banyuls-sur-mer (northwestern Mediterranean Sea) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The macrofauna present at seven of the stations within the Bay of Banyuls-sur-mer (northwestern Mediterranean) initially sampled by Guille during the late 1960s was reassessed in 1994, using the same gear and techniques as those used during the reference study. Results showed an increase both in the number of species and of individuals (all species pooled) per unit of surface area at nearly all stations. This trend was not significant for total biomass. The most important changes were linked to the increase of the polychaete Ditrupa arietina (both within the Spisula subtruncata and the Nephtys hombergii community) and the decrease of the polychaetes Scoloplos armiger and Notomastus latericeus within the Scoloplos armiger community. The possible causes underlying these changes are discussed. The most probable cause is considered to be a slight modification of sediment composition (decrease of fine material in the sediment) within the Spisula subtruncata, the Nephtys hombergii and the Scoloplos armiger communities. Temporal changes in (1) Rhone river input, (2) small coastal river inputs, and (3) frequency of easterly storms may all have contributed to such a decrease. 相似文献
The relationship between lunar crater morphology and crater size 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Regeneration of sand waves after dredging 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sand waves are large bed waves on the seabed, being a few metres high and lying hundreds of metres apart. In some cases, these sand waves occur in navigation channels. If these sand waves reduce the water depth to an unacceptable level and hinder navigation, they need to be dredged. It has been observed in the Bisanseto Channel in Japan that the sand waves tend to regain their shape after dredging. In this paper, we address modelling of this regeneration of sand waves, aiming to predict this process. For this purpose, we combine a very simple, yet effective, amplitude-evolution model based on the Landau equation, with measurements in the Bisanseto Channel. The model parameters are tuned to the measured data using a genetic algorithm, a stochastic optimization routine. The results are good. The tuned model accurately reproduces the measured growth of the sand waves. The differences between the measured weave heights and the model results are smaller than the measurement noise. Furthermore, the resulting parameters are surprisingly consistent, given the large variations in the sediment characteristics, the water depth and the flow field. This approach was tested on its predictive capacity using a synthetic test case. The model was tuned based on constructed predredging data and the amplitude evolution as measured for over 2 years. After tuning, the predictions were accurate for about 10 years. Thus, it is shown that the approach could be a useful tool in the optimization of dredging strategies in case of dredging of sand waves. 相似文献
High nitrate contents (up to 200 mgl) have been observed in wells drilled into fractured aquifers lying beneath layers of weathered and decayed rock in the humid tropics where annual rainfall is over 1000 mm and where there is no notable pollution. The source of the nitrates is linked mainly with localized deforestation by man. 相似文献
The areas that we studied in the North Atlantic (53 and 60°N) and in the Labrador Sea in the summer were characterized by a wide variability of the concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic matter and its elemental composition both in the surface and in the deep waters. The concentrations of dissolved and particulate Corg varied within 69–360 μM and 0.7–25.6 μM, respectively; the Norg and Porg contents varied within 1.4–22.2 μM and 0.02–0.86 μM, respectively. The maximal concentrations were registered in the photic layer and in the zones of mixing between the waters of different genesis. The particulate matter contribution to the total organic matter (OM) content varied from 0.5 to 15.4%. The waters of the photic layer contained more particulate Corg than those of the near-bottom layer. The values of the C/N molar ratios from the surface to the bottom over the entire aquatic area surveyed varied 5-to 6-fold; at that, the values of the C/P molar ratios varied more than tenfold. In the most productive waters, the values of the C/N ratios were close to the Redfield ratios (6–10). The values of the C/P molar ratios varied from 160 in the photic layer to 4831 in the deep waters. The pronounced non-uniformity in the spatial distribution of the OM and its elemental composition is caused not only by the penetration of the waters of different origins but also by the changes in the microplankton metabolism under mixing of these waters. 相似文献
Rare earth element distribution in some hydrothermal minerals: evidence for crystallographic control 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rare earth element (REE) abundances were measured by neutron activation analysis in anhydrite (CaSO4), barite (BaSO4), siderite (FeCO3) and galena (PbS). A simple crystal-chemical model qualitatively describes the relative affinities for REE substitution in anhydrite, barite, and siderite. When normalized to ‘crustal’ abundances (as an approximation to the hydrothermal fluid REE pattern), log REE abundance is a surprisingly linear function of (ionic radius of major cation—ionic radius of REE)2 for the three hydrothermal minerals, individually and collectively. An important exception, however, is Eu, which is anomalously enriched in barite and depleted in siderite relative to REE of neighboring atomic number and trivalent ionic radius. In principle, REE analyses of suitable pairs of co-existing hydrothermal minerals, combined with appropriate experimental data, could yield both the REE content and the temperature of the parental hydrothermal fluid.The REE have only very weak chalcophilic tendencies, and this is reflected by the very low abundances in galena—La, 0.6 ppb; Sm, 0.06 ppb; the remainder are below detection limits. 相似文献