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地震学中的"暗物质"—"静地震"与地震预测研究的未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正如暗物质的研究是理论物理学和宇宙学中的一个关键性问题,静地震的研究也将为地震预测研究的发展提供一个历史性的机遇.  相似文献   
兵棋地图是兵棋的重要组成部分,是战场环境信息的载体,是兵棋推演者认知战场环境的工具。在介绍兵棋地图概念和作用的基础上,阐明兵棋地图可视化设计的重要性,总结目前兵棋地图可视化设计存在的问题和不足。以提高兵棋地图可视化设计效率和改进其可视化表达效果为目的,将地图模板技术运用到兵棋地图可视化设计中,分析兵棋地图可视化模板设计的影响因素,构建兵棋地图可视化模板库,并对其实现机制进行研究,最后给出应用实例,证明效果良好。  相似文献   
1IntroductionRemotesensinghasbeen1'idelyusedinenvironmentalinveshgahonandmonitoring.Thecharacteristicsofremotesensing,suchaslarge-scale.simultalleous,mulh-form,mulh-specialandmulti-resoluhon.makeitmuchbettertilantileordjnalymedlods,andlakeanimpoftalltroleincoastalwaterqualitymonitoringl'1,includingremotesensingofchlorophyll,suspendedsediment,oilpollution,etc.AJnongwhichsuspendedsedimentremotesensingisanimportalltduct,whichhasbeenresearchedbymanyscientists.andmanytheorehcalandexperimentalmodels…  相似文献   
Pathogenic bacteria are a serious public health concern. Exposure to these microorganisms can result in illnesses or even death. Therefore, it is important to control pathogenic bacteria sources, transport mechanisms and fate. Best management practices proved to be very effective in the control of non-point source pollution. In this study, the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was modified and used to simulate the fecal coliform in Chao River of Miyun Reservoir watershed, China. The model was then used to explore the effectiveness of vegetative filter strips (VFS) in reducing fecal coliform abundance throughout the watershed. The water temperature equation within the SWAT was modified to align the model more closely with the characteristics of the study area and generate a more accurate simulation. The DAFSratio (20, 50, 80, 120 and 150) and DFcon (0.25, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.75) parameters were considered for VFS to see their effects on removal efficiency. The results show that calibration and validation results for fecal coliform and flow can be accepted. Different values for DAFSratio and DFcon have great influence on VFS. Increasing values resulted in a decrease in the removal efficiency of VFS.  相似文献   
富宁微细浸染型金矿及远景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
富宁金矿地处著名的滇黔桂“金三角”成矿带上,金矿资源远景与地层、构造、岩浆岩建造有显著内在联系,地球物理、化学性质有着突出表现特征,金矿床在规模、数量和资源量上都有极大潜力。  相似文献   
木荷马尾松群落凋落物养分归还量年变化格局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对福州市国家森林公园木荷马尾松群落凋落物养分归还量年变化格局进行了分析.群落通过枯枝落叶形式每年向林地归还养分(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn)总量为217.310kg·hm^-2.其中5种大量元素年归还量顺序为N〉Ca〉K〉Mg〉P,4种微量元素的为Fe〉Mn〉Zn〉Cu.群落通过落叶归还于林地的养分量占总量的80.49%,并以木荷叶为主,它主导了中亚热带木荷马尾松林凋落物的年凋落量及养分归还量.9种营养元素归还量在不同月份间的变化很大,在4月N、P、K、Mg、Mn达到第一个归还高峰,8月N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn又出现第二个归还高峰;Ca、Fe、Cu、Zn的第一个归还高峰在5月,Cu和zn的第二个归还高峰在7月,在11月除Cu外各养分元素又有一个小归还峰.凋落物的C/N年变化量在27.38~40.29之间,C/P年变化值在1045~1703之间.在4种组分中,以落叶对N、K、Mg、Mn年归还的贡献最大,落枝对Ca、Cu、Zn年归还的贡献最大,落果对P的年归还贡献最大,而花及杂物对Fe的年归还贡献最大,养分利用效率以P和4种微量元素的较大,它们(特别是P)较易成为中亚热带木荷马尾松林生长的限制因子.  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate concentrations of silver in Tokyo Bay estuarine waters and Japanese rivers were determined in this study. The dissolved silver concentrations in the surface water of Tokyo Bay range from 5.9 to 15.1 pmol kg−1, which is comparable to those in the surface water of the Japan Sea, but two or three times higher than those in the surface water of the open ocean. However, elevated concentrations of dissolved silver are not found in Tokyo Bay compared with those in other highly urbanized estuaries, such as San Francisco Bay (20∼243 pmol kg−1). In the Tokyo Bay estuary, silver typically exhibits non-conservative mixing behavior, which is a common feature in the other estuaries reported previously. Dissolved silver concentrations decrease with salinity from the rivers to the mouth of Tokyo Bay. Silver is efficiently scavenged by suspended particulates, as evidenced by the high conditional distribution coefficients for silver throughout the estuary (log Kd > 5.0 ± 0.6). The silver fluxes into Tokyo Bay via inflowing rivers and atmospheric deposition were estimated as 83 kg y−1 and 15 kg y−1, respectively. A simple budget calculation shows that the silver supplied from rivers and atmosphere must be rapidly scavenged within the Tokyo Bay estuary.  相似文献   
卤水中铷铯的分离与提取   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
闫树旺  唐明林 《矿物岩石》1993,13(2):113-119
在查阅大量国内外文献的基础上,对采用沉淀法、离子交换法和溶剂萃取法从卤水中分离提取铷、铯进行了较为系统的评述。  相似文献   
On the basis of simplification of the Planck function in a low temperature range, this paper revises the practical split-window algorithm and presents a method for retrieving snow surface temperature (Ts) based on MODIS data in the middle-latitude region. The application of this method in Qinghai Lake region reveals that it is feasible for the retrieval of Ts. Results of correlation analysis indicate that there was strong negative relationship between Ts and altitude. By analyzing three typical areas in which land cover was relatively homogenous, this paper discusses the relationship between Ts and normalized difference snow index (NDSI) and then presents a new concept named "NDSI-Ts space".  相似文献   
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