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厦门嵩屿电厂取水口附近海域冲淤变化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据电厂取水口附近海岸线变化及海域水深测量数据,采用水下实测地形比较方法,分析电厂营运初期取水口附近海域冲淤变化。结果显示:海域淤积速度远远大于自然沉积环境下的淤积速度。进一步分析认为海岸线外移、码头及取水管等工程构筑物对海域流态影响、泥沙来源量增多、护岸滑坡及9914号强台风等因素是导致淤积加快的主要原因,并讨论了该海域减淤的若干措施。  相似文献   
在黔北地区铝土矿层之下的黄龙组灰岩中采获了大量时代意义很强的(蜓)类及非(蜓)有孔虫化石.经鉴定,这些化石包括(蜓)类5属13种,另有3个未定种,非(蜓)有孔虫8属17种,另有9个未定种.在此基础上建立了两个(蜓)带,自下而上为Pseudostaffella antiqua带和Profusulinella带,由此确定铝土矿层之下黄龙组时代为晚石炭世滑石板期至达拉期早期.此外,通过对区域上石炭纪至二叠纪层序地层及海平面变化的分析研究,确定研究区石炭纪末至中二叠世栖霞期早期为当时区域上海平面下降幅度最大的时期,继而判断铝土矿的形成时代应为石炭纪末至中二叠世栖霞期早期.  相似文献   
周容名  翁效林  李林  侯乐乐 《岩土力学》2022,43(11):2963-2972
假定准饱和黏土由饱和基质(土骨架和水)和封闭气体组成,采用饱和基质塑性体应变和气体塑性体应变作为硬化参数以反映准饱和黏土的塑性硬化行为,在综合考虑气体溶解系数随温度和水中含盐量变化、预固结应力随封闭气体的变化等关键因素的基础上,基于临界状态土力学理论提出了可以反映封闭气体气压变化对准饱和黏土力学影响的弹塑性本构模型。模型共计10个材料参数,均可通过等向压缩试验和三轴剪切试验获得。通过与已有试验数据对比分析,结果显示本模型可以较好地模拟准饱和黏土在不排水应力路径下的应力-应变关系、孔隙水压力发展以及饱和度的演变规律;所建立模型形式简单,参数易于确定,为准饱和黏土地基中岩土工程问题的设计、计算及灾变控制提供了重要的理论基础。  相似文献   
Numerous factors can influence the radiative transfer simulation of hyper-spectral ultraviolet satellite observation,including the radiative transfer scheme, gaseous absorption coefficients, Rayleigh scattering scheme, surface reflectance, aerosol scattering, band center wavelength shifts of sensor, and accuracy of input profiles. In this study, a Unified Linearized Vector Radiative Transfer Model(UNL-VRTM) is used to understand the influences of various factors on the top of atmosphere(TOA) normalized radiance in the ultraviolet(UV) region. A benchmark test for Rayleigh scattering is first performed to verify the UNL-VRTM accuracy, showing that the model performances agree well with earlier peer-reviewed results. Sensitivity experiments show that a scalar radiative transfer approximation considering only ozone and a constant surface reflectance within the UV region may cause significant errors to the TOA normalized radiance. A comparison of the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite(OMPS) radiances between simulations and observations shows that the surface reflectance strongly influences the accuracy for the wavelengths larger than 340 nm. Thus, using the surface reflectivity at 331 nm as a proxy for simulating the whole OMPS hyperspectral ultraviolet radiances is problematic. The impact of rotational Raman scattering on TOA radiance can be simulated through using SCIATRAN, which can also reduce the difference between measurements and simulations to some extent. Overall, the differences between OMPS simulations and observations can be less than 3% for the entire wavelengths. The bias is nearly constant across the cross-track direction.  相似文献   
A variational retrieval system often requires background atmospheric profiles and surface parameters in its minimization process. This study investigates the impacts of specific background profiles on retrievals of tropical cyclone(TC) thermal structure. In our Microwave Retrieval Testbed(MRT), the K-means clustering algorithm is utilized to generate a set of mean temperature and water vapor profiles according to stratiform and convective precipitation in hurricane conditions. The Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder(ATMS) observations are then used to select the profiles according to cloud type. It is shown that the cloud-based background profiles result in better hurricane thermal structures retrieved from ATMS observations. Compared to the Global Positioning System(GPS) dropsonde observations, the temperature and specific humidity errors in the TC inner region are less than 3 K and 2.5 g kg~(–1), respectively, which are significantly smaller than the retrievals without using the cloud-based profiles. Further experiments show that all the ATMS observations could retrieve well both temperature and humidity structures, especially within the inner core region. Thus, both temperature and humidity profiles derived from microwave sounding instruments in hurricane conditions can be reliably used for evaluation of the storm intensity with a high fidelity.  相似文献   
The newly launched Fengyun-3D(FY-3D) satellite carries microwave temperature sounder(MWTS) and microwave humidity sounder(MWHS), providing the global atmospheric temperature and humidity measurements. It is important to assess the in orbit performance of MWTS and MWHS and understand their calibration accuracy before using them in numerical weather prediction and many other applications such as hurricane monitoring. This study aims at quantifying the biases of MWTS and MWHS observations relative to the simulations from the collocated Global Positioning System(GPS) radio occultation(RO) data. Using the collocated FY-3C Global Navigation Satellite System Occultation Sounder(GNOS) RO data under clear-sky conditions as inputs to Community Radiative Transfer Model(CRTM), brightness temperatures and viewing angles are simulated for the upper level sounding channels of MWTS and MWHS. In order to obtain O – B statistics under clear sky conditions, a cloud detection algorithm is developed by using the two MWTS channels with frequencies at 50.3 and 51.76 GHz and the two MWHS channels with frequencies centered at 89 and 150 GHz. The analysis shows that for the upper air sounding channels,the mean biases of the MWTS observations relative to the GPS RO simulations are negative for channels 5–9, with absolute values 1 K, and positive for channels 4 and 10, with values 0.5 K. For the MWHS observations, the mean biases in brightness temperature are negative for channels 2–6, with absolute values 2.6 K and relatively small standard deviations. The mean biases are also negative for channels 11–13, with absolute values 1.3 K, but with relatively large standard deviations. The biases of both MWTS and MWHS show scan-angle dependence and are asymmetrical across the scan line. The biases for the upper air MWTS and MWHS sounding channels are larger than those previously derived for the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder.  相似文献   
针对当前学术界缺少对叙事地图设计进行系统研究的局限性,该文以叙事地图表达策略为具体突破点,通过厘清历史文化风貌区的叙事性特征与时空维度,提出了"载体—线索—单元—组构"的可读性框架,对历史文化风貌区的叙事性进行解构,并据此形成了历史文化风貌区叙事地图的设计理念和逻辑思路,并将其应用于武汉市的实践案例.在此基础上,通过线索编排与叙事手法、表达对象、视觉层次、符号设计、色彩设计、版式设计等环节,说明了历史文化风貌区叙事地图表达策略制定的原则、方法与过程,旨在为叙事地图设计提供参考.  相似文献   
张骁鸣  翁佳茗 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1581-1593
从基于现象学路径的地方感研究引入,批判性地借鉴地方芭蕾概念,按照人地之间实际相处的亲疏程度不同,将广州天河体育中心公共休闲空间中的人地关系区分为三类:日常式相处、周期式相处、背景式相处。其中背景式相处的人地关系已经超越了地方芭蕾概念的解释边界,由此引发出如下两个值得进一步探讨的理论命题:第一,“人地整体”或“人地相处”或可取代人文主义地理学研究中用以刻画人地关系本质的“地方整体”概念;第二,目前主流的地方感研究实质上是一种基于心理学的局部的地方感研究,在它之外还应有一种围绕着人地相处的各种实际可能性来展开的整体的地方感研究,以及一种接近于哲学层次的人地关系基础研究。  相似文献   
城镇体系建设是当今加快城市化进程的重要组成部分.本文通过对松溪县域城镇现状的调查,从城镇体系的等级规模结构、空间布局结构、职能结构3个方面剖析其发展中存在的一些问题.从建设社会主义新农村、改善人居环境的角度出发,提出相应的发展思路和建议,为松溪县"十一五"期间制定城镇发展战略提供一定的参考.  相似文献   
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