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关于平果岩溶堆积型铝土矿的勘探网度 ,过去已进行探讨和论述。现根据近年对那豆、太平两矿床的 10个矿体的地探、生探、开采等资料进行系统整理和对比验证 ,又提出一些意见和建议。  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地是我国重要的含油气盆地,其中古近系沙河街组发育储集性较好的砾岩储层。通过对储层岩石薄片显微鉴定、物性分析、扫描电镜分析、阴极发光分析等,明确了沙河街组有利的砾岩储层的岩石学、储集性和成岩作用特征。砾岩类型多样,其中云质砾岩的储集性最好。砾岩储层物性较好,平均孔隙度为16.1%,平均渗透率为217.93mD。主要孔隙类型为原生孔,原生孔类型主要为砾石间残余原生孔和生物碎屑体腔孔,其次是溶蚀孔。砾岩储层成岩作用类型与砾岩填隙物成分关系密切,以砂岩为主要填隙物的成岩作用中有显著的长石溶蚀作用,以碳酸盐岩为主要填隙物的则具有多期白云石和方解石等胶结物,最有利的成岩作用是早期白云石衬垫和长石的溶蚀作用。  相似文献   
近年来,在四川盆地中二叠统钻遇孔隙型白云岩储层,获得一批高产井,呈现出良好的勘探前景,但其勘探潜力如何,能否成为四川盆地继安岳气田之后又一个万亿方大气区亟待明晰。通过对烃源岩特征、沉积特征、储集特征以及成藏模式等方面的深入研究认为,中二叠统具备3套优质烃源岩供烃、孔隙型储层发育、封盖条件好的优越成藏条件,发育自生自储型和下生上储型两套成藏组合。中二叠统发育块状孔隙型白云岩储层和孔隙型灰岩岩溶储层,分布面积大,其储集性能和单井测试产量与安岳气田灯影组相当,勘探潜力巨大,是四川盆地下步寻找万亿方大气区的主要层系。  相似文献   
Hydrothermal Fe-Mn-Si oxides and nontronite are pervasive in the Hine Hina, Vai Lili and Mariner hydrothermal fields along the central Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Basin. Morphometric and mineralogical analyses reveal that the iron-rich filaments are the most important constituents of these Fe-Mn-Si oxide deposits. Both the morphologies and chemical composition of the filaments indicate that neutrophilic Fe-oxidizing bacteria have played a key role in the formation of these deposits. A key process of the formation of these deposits is the creation of a complicated filamentous network in which a series of metabolic activities and passive sorption and nucleation processes occur. The precipitation of dissolved Si in unsaturated and saturated states leads to a “two-generation” growth model in the hydrothermal vents. The precipitation of amorphous opal occurs in a relatively narrow temperature range (41.1-42.9 °C) based on oxygen isotope analyses, indicating a fast precipitation rate of opal-A when conductive cooling of the hydrothermal fluid occurrs. Patchy nontronite in the Mariner fields is a product of the direct precipitation from hydrothermal fluids at a temperature of ∼87.9 °C, whereas the scattered nontronite at the Hine Hina field is the product of the replacement of hydrothermal Fe-Si oxides at a temperature of ∼46.2 °C.  相似文献   
褚福永  朱俊高  王平  杜青  温彦锋 《岩土力学》2012,33(6):1625-1630
采用大三轴剪切仪对不同相对密度的双江口心墙坝覆盖层料,进行了K0固结及各向等压固结条件下的排水剪切试验,探讨了K0固结过程中粗粒土的变形特性。将K0固结与等压固结条件下的排水剪切试验的结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,K0固结加载阶段,平均主应力p与体应变? v之间、剪应力q剪应变? s之间的关系都可用幂函数形式表示。K0固结稳压阶段,? a-t关系呈指数关系。与等压固结试验相比,K0固结试样的排水剪强度略大。K0固结排水剪试验所得到的初始弹性模量Ei、初始泊松比vi均大于等压固结排水剪试验相同应力条件下的弹性模量、泊松比;且K0固结条件下试样的剪胀性也较为明显。  相似文献   
在地热能源不断得到关注和利用的当今社会,对其科学合理地开发利用显得尤为重要。文章采用层次分析法和多目标决策的线性加权相结合的方法建立了地热水开发利用前景评价模型,避免了以往单纯从定性角度分析地热水开发利用前景的人为主观性及片面性,保证了评价结果的客观准确,经实例验证,是一种行之有效的评价方法。作者选取地热地质条件、经济发展水平、开发利用现状作为层次分析法的中间层要素,进而将其进一步分解为不同的组成因素,运用层次分析法计算出各项指标的权重,结合多目标决策的线性加权方法建立综合评价评分的数学模型,最后根据地热田的实际情况,综合评价,确定评价结果。  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal variations of daily maximum temperature(Tmax), daily minimum temperature(Tmin), daily maximum precipitation(Pmax) and daily maximum wind speed(WSmax) were examined in China using Mann-Kendall test and linear regression method. The results indicated that for China as a whole, Tmax, Tmin and Pmax had significant increasing trends at rates of 0.15℃ per decade, 0.45℃ per decade and 0.58 mm per decade,respectively, while WSmax had decreased significantly at 1.18 m·s~(-1) per decade during 1959—2014. In all regions of China, Tmin increased and WSmax decreased significantly. Spatially, Tmax increased significantly at most of the stations in South China(SC), northwestern North China(NC), northeastern Northeast China(NEC), eastern Northwest China(NWC) and eastern Southwest China(SWC), and the increasing trends were significant in NC, SC, NWC and SWC on the regional average. Tmin increased significantly at most of the stations in China, with notable increase in NEC, northern and southeastern NC and northwestern and eastern NWC. Pmax showed no significant trend at most of the stations in China, and on the regional average it decreased significantly in NC but increased in SC, NWC and the mid-lower Yangtze River valley(YR). WSmax decreased significantly at the vast majority of stations in China, with remarkable decrease in northern NC, northern and central YR, central and southern SC and in parts of central NEC and western NWC. With global climate change and rapidly economic development, China has become more vulnerable to climatic extremes and meteorological disasters, so more strategies of mitigation and/or adaptation of climatic extremes,such as environmentally-friendly and low-cost energy production systems and the enhancement of engineering defense measures are necessary for government and social publics.  相似文献   
以华北某省的小麦产区为例,通过像元数来确定主要线状地物的解译标准,将地物按照像元数解译成面状和线状,同时建立线状解译的置信区间,实现不同情况下线状地物的面积统计。  相似文献   
烂泥沟滑坡是我国最著名的巨型高速远程滑坡之一。1965年烂泥沟滑坡活动造成近百年来最严重的单体滑坡灾害。此后,1991年和2007年滑坡又经历2次较大规模活动。然而,对于1965年烂泥沟滑坡前兆和2个序次活动的成生关系、此后滑坡活动特征,尚无定论;对滑坡现今状态尚不清楚。本文基于多时相、多源遥感卫星影像及近期无人机测量和现场调查数据,对上述问题进行了分析。研究发现,1965年滑坡前,滑源区北侧山体表开裂明显;1965年11月22日、23日2次滑动为北、南两侧山体分别滑动;其成生关系是:北侧山体沿倾向坡外结构面高位剪出,高速冲向南侧山坡,受其冲击,南侧山体次日沿倾向坡外结构面高位、高速滑出,第一序次滑动规模远大于第二序次;高速运动的部分滑坡碎屑流从流通区北侧山坡飞跃通过、且铲刮冲击强烈,滑坡碎屑流最远运动至烂泥沟与普福河交汇处向东2.8 km;1991年滑坡滑源区紧邻1965年北侧滑坡滑源区的西侧边界,滑坡碎屑流终止于沟道中段;2007年滑坡滑源区位于1991年滑坡滑源区上部,滑坡碎屑流运动距离略小于1991滑坡碎屑流。目前,滑源区西北侧、西南侧山坡上地表开裂明显,西北侧山坡上其中一条裂缝扩展速率约16.7 m/a,西南侧山坡上裂缝扩展迹象不明显。因此,西北侧山坡显示再次滑动之势,须引起关注。  相似文献   
高密度电阻率法二维反演在工程勘探中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用高密度电阻率法二维反演方法能够提高资料解释的准确性。通过几个最小二乘法反演在工程勘探中的应用实例,说明高密度电阻率法二维反演处理的优越性。  相似文献   
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