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Measured differential phase shift ΦDP is known to be a noisy unstable polarimetric radar variable, such that the quality of ΦDP data has direct impact on specific differential phase shift KDP estimation, and subsequently, the KDP-based rainfall estimation. Over the past decades, many ΦDP de-noising methods have been developed; however, the de-noising effects in these methods and their impact on KDP-based rainfall estimation lack comprehensive comparative analysis. In this study, simulated noisy ΦDP data were generated and de-noised by using several methods such as finite-impulse response(FIR), Kalman, wavelet,traditional mean, and median filters. The biases were compared between KDP from simulated and observedΦDP radial profiles after de-noising by these methods. The results suggest that the complicated FIR, Kalman,and wavelet methods have a better de-noising effect than the traditional methods. After ΦDP was de-noised,the accuracy of the KDP-based rainfall estimation increased significantly based on the analysis of three actual rainfall events. The improvement in estimation was more obvious when KDP was estimated with ΦDP de-noised by Kalman, FIR, and wavelet methods when the average rainfall was heavier than 5 mm h-1.However, the improved estimation was not significant when the precipitation intensity further increased to a rainfall rate beyond 10 mm h-1. The performance of wavelet analysis was found to be the most stable of these filters.  相似文献   
本文对地处我国南方高山的峨眉山自动气象站自2002年10月运行8年来出现或遇到的各种因雷暴、雨雾凇冻结、连续高湿等天气引起的问题进行分析,提出保证高山自动气象站正常运行的一些方法和思路。  相似文献   
通过对2008年4月20日汕头市大暴雨过程的环流背景进行分析,着重讨论汕头新一代天气雷达资料在这次暴雨临近预报中的应用。分析表明:低空急流和逆风区是此次暴雨的重要特征。“浣熊”减弱后的低压环流受高空槽的引导向东移动,3股低空急流在粤东沿海辐合,为强降水提供有利的水汽条件和上升运动;雨团的移动受700hPa气流引导;强降水区雷达回波反射率因子为40~55dBz,强降水出现在850hPa暖式切变过境阶段;风向的辐合为维持强降水起到重要作用,汕头强降水出现之前,上游地区在速度场上出现中小尺度逆风区。  相似文献   
基于ArcGIS的面状要素中轴线提取方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
专题制图中利用遥感技术获取专题要素和地理底图要素已成为大势所趋,而如何实现面状要素中轴线的提取从而获得线状道路、线状河流等底图要素一直是GIS界研究的热点。本文通过对ArcGIS9.0中提供的各种功能模块的综合应用实现了面状要素中轴线的自动提取。经实验这种方法简单实用、效果理想,效率很高。  相似文献   
在数字水印技术中,对水印算法的评价是一个非常重要的步骤。通过分析矢量地理数据质量元素与攻击方法,从矢量地理数据水印算法的鲁棒性和含水印数据的质量两个方面进行水印算法的评价。探讨性的给出了含水印矢量地理数据质量评价模型,并且定量地分析了水印算法的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
定量分析气溶胶与痕量气体之间的时空变化关系有助于进一步研究气粒转化。本文采用2006年—2015年MODIS气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)、细粒子模态比(FMF)和OMI痕量气体(SO_2、NO_2和HCHO)数据,对黄海、东海和南海区域上空的细粒子气溶胶与痕量气体进行定量分析。先对气溶胶和痕量气体作均值分析发现:AOD_(fine)、SO_2、NO_2和HCHO的均值在黄海、南海、东海均依次减小;再对气溶胶对痕量气体的敏感度分析发现:黄海地区的AOD_(fine)对SO_2最敏感,敏感度为0.424,这与中国东部沿海城市的人为排放有关;而东海和南海地区对HCHO的敏感度较高,依次为0.664和0.545,主要受东南亚和中国南方地区生物质燃烧影响。最后,对3个区域的气溶胶与痕量气体按季节作相关性分析发现:黄海地区AOD_(fine)在夏秋两季与SO_2的相关性较强(R0.5),主要由于夏秋两季的温湿度大,利于发生气—粒转化;东海地区夏季HCHO与AOD_(fine)相关性较明显(R=0.57);南海春季HCHO与AOD_(fine)相关性较好(R=0.57),呈现出区域与季节性的变化。最终发现,气溶胶与痕量气体随着时空变化存在相关关系。  相似文献   
蓄积在湖泊沉积物中污染物质某些情况下可以成为威胁上覆水体水质安全的二次污染源.根据贵州省阿哈湖季节性缺氧的特性,通过控制氧化还原状况,设计了对该湖沉积物-水柱的原样/抑菌条件的培养实验.实验发现,微生物活动对界面附近氧化还原反应具有控制作用;改变水体的含氧状况可以显著影响上覆水体水质,包括表观性状和水体中污染物含量.聚类分析结果表明,早期成岩过程中Mn,Ga,SO4 2-,Cu,Cr,Pb和Co,Ni,Fe,Sc,V,Rb两大类分别具有相似的地球化学行为.根据实验结果,计算了厌氧培养过程中,微量元素的最大释放量,发现铁、锰在厌氧过程中可以大量向水体释放.  相似文献   
隧道塌方的尖点灾变模型及应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对隧道塌方失稳问题,运用灾变理论建立隧道塌方失稳的尖点灾变模型。基于平衡曲面方程,可求得隧道围岩体内承载区介质刚度与对应的松驰区弱化介质本构曲线拐点处理刚度之比值K,并给出了塌方与否的判据,当K≤1时,隧道将发生塌方失稳;当K>1时,隧道将不会发生塌方失稳。根据此模型,笔者解释了隧道中几种常见的灾变破坏机理,并提出了相应的治理方案。  相似文献   
西北干旱区水资源开发与生态环境问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
概述了西北干旱区水资源的特点和水资源开发利用状况,阐述了水资源的开发方式对生态环境的影响和作用,强调应该加强水资源的统筹规划和科学管理,合理开发利用水资源以保护西北干旱区脆弱的生态环境。  相似文献   
Using the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB2), soil thermal properties (STP) were examined in a Tibetan prairie during the monsoon period to investigate ground surface temperature prediction. We improved the SiB2 model by incorporating a revised force-restore method (FRM) to take the vertical heterogeneity of soil thermal diffusivity (k) into account. The results indicate that (1) the revised FRM alleviates daytime overestimation and nighttime underestimation in modeled ground surface temperature (Tg), and (2) its role in little rainfall events is significant because the vertical gradient of k increases with increasing surface evaporation. Since the original formula of thermal conductivity (λ) in the SiB2 greatly underestimates soil thermal conductivity, we compared five algorithms of λ involving soil moisture to investigate the cause of overestimation during the day and underestimation at night on the basis of the revised FRM. The results show that (1) the five algorithms significantly improve Tg prediction, especially in daytime, and (2) taking one of these five algorithms as an example, the simulated Tg values in the daytime are closer to the field measurements than those in the nighttime. The differences between modeled Tg and field measurements are mostly within the margin of error of ±2 K during 3 August to 4 September 1998.  相似文献   
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