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金翅岭金矿是胶东招远北部的一个典型石英脉型金矿,构造是金矿最为重要的控矿因素。在前人资料的基础上,综合分析了矿区构造控矿特征,总结了构造控矿规律:矿脉分支复合,表现为NE向矿脉产生SN,NNE向次级矿脉,NNE向矿脉产生NE向次级矿脉;矿体厚度与金品位呈负相关,深部次级矿脉群在P4脉下盘出现;矿脉侧伏角和倾伏向变化处矿体富集,表现为SW向侧伏的P4矿脉,矿体富集于-240 m,侧伏角变大,同时倾伏向由SW向转变为NW向的部位。最后建立了平面和剖面P4矿脉的波形函数,并对深部进行了预测。  相似文献   
针对姚华桢等人提出的射频识别认证协议易遭受读写器ID揭露,中间人攻击和假冒攻击等安全脆弱性,提出一种基于NTRU公钥密码算法的改进双向认证协议,并用GNY逻辑进行了形式化分析.协议不仅具有一次一密的特点,而且在实现双向认证的同时也完成了会话密钥的交换,并将主要的计算放在读写器上,有效降低了服务器的压力;解决了当前协议中存在的位置跟踪,前向安全性等隐私泄漏问题.分析结果表明,该协议不仅能够可抵抗重传,假冒,拒绝服务等多种恶意攻击,而且具有计算复杂度低,通信量小,效率高等特点,适合在低成本标签实现.  相似文献   
Oyster peptides were produced from Crassostrea hongkongensis and used as a new protein source for the preparation of an oyster peptide-based enteral nutrition formula (OPENF). Reserpine-induced malabsorption mice and cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression mice were used in this study. OPENF powder is light yellow green and has a protein-fat-carbohydrate ratio of 16:9:75 with good solubility in water. A pilot study investigating immune functional impacts of the OPENF on mice show that the OPENF enhanced spleen lymphocyte proliferation and the activity of natural killer (NK) cells in BALB/c mice. Furthermore, OPENF can improve intestinal absorption, increase food utilization ratio, and maintain the normal physiological function of mice. These results suggest that oyster peptides could serve as a new protein source for use in enteral nutrition formula, but more importantly, also indicate that OPENF has an immunostimulating effect in mice.  相似文献   
The northern margin of the South China Sea, as a typical extensional continental margin, has relatively strong intraplate seismicity. Compared with the active zones of Nanao Island, Yangjiang, and Heyuan, seismicity in the Pearl River Estuary is relatively low. However, a ML4.0 earthquake in 2006 occurred near Dangan Island(DI) offshore Hong Kong, and this site was adjacent to the source of the historical M5.8 earthquake in 1874. To reveal the seismogenic mechanism of intraplate earthquakes in DI, we systematically analyzed the structural characteristics in the source area of the 2006 DI earthquake using integrated 24-channel seismic profiles, onshore–offshore wide-angle seismic tomography, and natural earthquake parameters. We ascertained the locations of NW-and NE-trending faults in the DI sea and found that the NE-trending DI fault mainly dipped southeast at a high angle and cut through the crust with an obvious low-velocity anomaly. The NW-trending fault dipped southwest with a similar high angle. The 2006 DI earthquake was adjacent to the intersection of the NE-and NW-trending faults, which suggested that the intersection of the two faults with different strikes could provide a favorable condition for the generation and triggering of intraplate earthquakes. Crustal velocity model showed that the high-velocity anomaly was imaged in the west of DI, but a distinct entity with low-velocity anomaly in the upper crust and high-velocity anomaly in the lower crust was found in the south of DI. Both the 1874 and 2006 DI earthquakes occurred along the edge of the distinct entity. Two vertical cross-sections nearly perpendicular to the strikes of the intersecting faults revealed good spatial correlations between the 2006 DI earthquake and the low to high speed transition in the distinct entity. This result indicated that the transitional zone might be a weakly structural body that can store strain energy and release it as a brittle failure, resulting in an earthquake-prone area.  相似文献   
该文基于胶东地区丰富的地质、物化探资料,通过建立GIS地质数据库,实现对各类地质空间数据综合分析,了解地质实体之间的相互关系,掌握各种地质异常与金矿分布的关系。运用MapGIS地理信息系统的空间分析方法,对金矿成矿与找矿密切相关的地质异常信息进行提取、叠加,形成组合地质异常,并运用组合地质异常进行金矿成矿预测研究。  相似文献   
基于动力学方法比较分析了双精度与四精度模式下重力场模型的解算精度,主要包括缔合勒让德函数计算、数值积分器及重力场反演结果。结果显示,在勒让德函数计算方面,部分角度在双精度模式下计算至1 900阶以后会出现溢出问题,而在四精度模式下任何角度都满足精度要求,并且计算结果比双精度模式高8个量级。数值积分器Adams预测校正法积分1 d的位置和速度误差,在四精度模式下比在双精度模式下高4个量级。在精密轨道反演重力场计算方面,动力学方法在双精度及四精度模式下反演结果一致,统计其计算至60阶的累计大地水准面误差为1.29×10~(-5 )m,这是因为动力学方法的线性误差相对计算误差而言是主要误差;非线性动力学方法在四精度模式下比在双精度模式下高7个量级,其大地水准面误差分别为8.92×10~(-15) m和8.16×10~(-8) m。  相似文献   
为了提升城市地质调查工作的总体服务水平,通过搭建城市地质综合GIS平台,采用人机交互式单元分割-拼接建模方法,以水文地质剖面为基础数据,加入水文地质钻孔、水文地质图、地表高程等多源数据作为约束,首次在咸阳地区构建了建模深度300 m、建模面积3714 km2的水文地质三维结构模型.本次建模的工作顺利完成为研究咸阳地区地下水文地质结构、地下水资源赋存特征提供了三维可视化的数据支撑,也为其他城市开展类似建模工作提供借鉴.  相似文献   
我国各地膨润土的矿物学性质   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24  
运用X射线衍射分析技术对我国不同产地膨润土的矿物学性质进行考察;利用K值法测蒙脱石含量。实验表明,各地膨润土具有蒙脱石的含量较高且均为二八面体的矿物学特点;可能由于所处的矿层或局部地球化学环境不同,使得相同矿床的不同颜色膨润土矿物的蒙脱石含量有所差异。  相似文献   
通过联合HY-2A、TP、Envisat卫星的高度计数据,分析HY-2A测高数据对中国南海重力异常影响。首先,将HY-2A和TP、Envisat数据进行对比,通过共线处理和交叉点平差前后的不符值RMS统计分析表明,HY-2A数据精度优于TP变轨后及Envisat数据精度;利用逆Venning-Meinesz公式分别计算中国南海海域(0°~23°N,103°E~120°E)15'×15'的重力异常,将反演结果与船测结果对比,HY-2A数据加入反演得到的重力异常精度在±6.13m Gal,其精度要优于没有HY-2A反演得到的结果,并分析反演重力异常与船测重力差值分布规律。结果表明,HY-2A数据对于提高海洋重力异常计算精度具有一定意义。  相似文献   
综合考虑了立管疲劳安全系数取值的相关因素——立管的安全等级、设计寿命、检验周期、载荷和损伤计算方法等的不确定性,提出了基于可靠度的疲劳安全系数确定方法,筛选了用于计算波致疲劳和VIV(涡激振动)疲劳的随机变量,给出了立管波致疲劳与VIV疲劳安全系数的计算流程,并以某SCR(钢悬链线立管)为例进行了安全系数计算。结果表明,该方法的计算结果优于传统的安全系数确定方法,尤其适合于特殊工程方案或新颖设计的立管疲劳校核。  相似文献   
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