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Investigations of fluid inclusions in granulitefacies metapelites of southern Calabria enable characterization of the fluid composition of these lower crustal rocks, and constrain the petrologically deduced retrograde P-T path characterized by isothermal uplift prior to isobaric cooling in middle crustal levels. Fluid inclusions in cordierite, garnet and sillimanite have a CO2-rich composition. Inclusions in cordierite rarely contain minor amounts of N2 and H2O, and in garnets some CO2–CH4–N2 inclusions have been analyzed by Raman microprobe. Quartz reveals the most complex fluid melusion compositions (1) CO2-rich, (2) CO2–CH4–N2, (3) CH4–N2, (4) H2O–MgCl2–CaCl2–NaCl, (5) H2O–NaCl and (6) H2O–CO2. The earliest fluid inclusions after peak metamorphism are rich in CO2 with minor amounts of N2 and H2O. An early CO2–(H2O–N2) fluid composition has been confirmed by detection of CO2, H2O and N2 in the channels of the cordierite structure. Most of the early CO2-rich fluid inclusions were modified during the uplift from the lower to the middle crustal level, resulting in a density decrease with CO2 still dominant. The subsequent isobaric cooling led to further modifications of the fluid inclusions. High-density inclusions around implosion textures or scattered amongst lower-density ones must have formed during this cooling episode. Aqueous inclusions in quartz are mostly formed late and are consistent with trapping during retrograde rehydration.This project has been supported by the DFG as contribution to the special program Continental Lower Crust  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Einige neuentdeckte Vulkanschlote im Rotliegenden der Umgebung des Donnersberges in der Saar-Nahe-Senke/Pfalz wurden hinsichtlich Aufbau, Alter und Genese untersucht. Es sind calderaartig abgesunkene Pyroclastica von Schlotbreccien zu unterscheiden, von denen Ablagerung aus einer Gas-Partikel-Suspension angenommen wird. Die Breccien setzen sich aus einer Mischung von Lapilli und z. T. aufgearbeitetem Nebengestein zusammen. In fast allen Schloten wurde die Aktivität durch das Eindringen von Schmelzen abgeschlossen.Als Beispiel wird der Schlot des Rödern beschrieben.
In the Lower Permian of the Saar-Nahe-Senke (Palatinate, SW Germany) several recently discovered volcanic necks have been investigated. In this preliminary report structure, composition, and age relationship of the breccias are described as well as their mode of emplacement which is believed to be due partly to fluidization and partly to calderalike subsidence of subaerially deposited tephra. In some of the necks magmatic intrusion terminated the volcanic activity.The volcanic neck of the Rödern is described as an example.

Résumé Plusieurs cheminées récemment découvertes dans le Permien inférieur des alentours du Donnersberg dans la Saar-Nahe-Senke (Palatinat, Sud-ouest d'Allemagne) ont été étudiées. Leur composition et les problèmes de l'âge et de la genèse sont discutés. Il faut distinguer des sédiments pyroclastiques des caldères d'effondrement et des brèches formées à l'intérieur des cheminées. Celles-ci se composent des lapillis et des fragments des roches encaissantes. Leur formation est le résultat d'un dégagement de gaz tenant en suspension des particules solides.La fin de l'activité est marquée en général par l'intrusion des laves. La cheminée du Rödern est décrite à titre d'exemple.

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The main driving force behind Al/Si ordering in tetrahedral framework aluminosilicates is nearest-neighbour Al/Al avoidance. Computer simulation is used to explore the direct consequences of such Al/Al avoidance. The main result is that the order-disorder transition temperature T c falls dramatically as the concentration x of Al in the structure is reduced, and if the only interactions are those associated with nearest-neighbour Al/Al avoidance, T c becomes zero for x less than some critical value x c , where x c =0.31 for the feldspar framework and x c =0.34 for cordierite. Also a large degree of short range order is found above T c . Both results differ radically from the standard Bragg-Williams model. Plots of entropy and enthalpy of ordering are given as functions of x and T, which may be used to interpret experimental data or for extrapolation into ranges of x and T inaccessible to experiment. Received: 14 May 1997 / Revised, accepted: 2 June 1997  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden Messanordnungen beschrieben, die für geoelektrische Tiefsondierungen bis ungefähr 4000 m geeignet sind. Anschliessend werden die erzielten Messergebnisse besprochen. Die Übereinstimmung zwischen der geoelektrischen Prognose und dem Ergebnis der Bohrung ist eine sehr gute. Die Abweichung schwankt im Mittel um ungefähr 8–13%.
Summary Some measurement methods are described for geoelectrical deepinvestigations down to a depth of 4000 m. Then the obtained results are discussed. The results of the geoelectrical deep-investigations were confirmed in a very satisfactory manner by deep drillings. The average limit of error of the geoelectrical predictions was ±8–13%.

Aus einem Vortrag gehalten am 4. April 1959 auf der 7. Allgem. Versammlung der Società Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 3.–5. April 1959).  相似文献   
The process of organomineralization is increasingly well understood with respect to modern carbonate sediments accumulating adjacent to tropical reef atolls and reef caves. Mineralization related to non-living organic substrates results in autochthonous micrite production (‘automicrites’). ‘Automicrites’ are the main constructive element of Lower Cretaceous (Albian) carbonate mud mounds in northern Spain. These slope mud mounds occur within transgressive and early highstand system tracts encompassing several macrobenthic ecological zones. They are clearly separated from the biocalcifying carbonate factory (Urgonian carbonate platforms), in both space and time. Within these build-ups, most ‘automicrites’ were initially indurated and accreted to form a medium-relief growth framework. ‘Automicrites’ have a uniform, presumably high-Mg-calcite precursor mineralogy. They show an inorganic stable-isotope signature (?13C around +3·3‰) within the range of early marine cements, and skeletal compounds lacking major vital effects. Epifluorescence microscopy shows that they have facies-specific fluorescence, which is similar to skeletal compounds of Acanthochaetetes, but clearly different from allomicritic sediment and cements, which are mostly non-fluorescent. The EDTA-soluble intracrystalline organic fraction (SIOF) of Albian automicrites shows an amino acid spectrum that is similar to shallow subsurface samples from their modern counterparts. Gel electrophoresis of the SIOF demonstrates an exclusively acidic character, and a mean molecular size range between 20 and 30 kDa. Experiments in vitro (inhibition tests) indicate that the SIOF has a significant Ca2+-binding capacity. Fluorescence and chemical characteristics of SIOF point to a main substance class, such as humic and fulvic acids, compounds that form from pristine organic matter during early diagenesis. Biomarker analyses provide evidence for the crucial role of biodegradation by heterotrophic microorganisms, but no biomarker for cyanobacteria has been found. Primary sources of organic material should have been manifold, including major contributions by metazoans such as sponges. It is concluded that many carbonate mud mounds are essentially organomineralic in origin and that the resulting fabric of polygenetic muds (‘polymuds’) may represent ancestral metazoan reef ecosystems, which possibly originated during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   
<正>To mark the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Rheinische Naturforschende Gesellschaft in 2009 and of the centennial of the Mainz Natural History Museum in 2010,we present a short account of our present knowledge of the Eckfeld Maar after 20 years of continuous research.This paper does not attempt to include all of the detailed results on the geology of the Eckfeld site or its biota.To date,nearly 250 papers and books have been published since the start of our project.An up-to-date list of these publications can be found at www.eckfeldermaar. de.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der nördliche Harzrand stellt eine tektonische Grenze dar zwischen dem varistischen Grundgebirge und dem triassischmesozoischen Deckgebirge des süd-niedersächsischen Berglandes. Der Charakter dieser Störungslinie wurde in der Vergangenheit vielfach diskutiert. Es läßt sich zeigen, daß der nördliche Harzrand keine mehr oder weniger flach nach Süden einfallende Schaufelfläche darstellt. Durch den Vergleich mit ähnlichen tektonischen Elementen, die in den Steinkohlenlagerstätten Nordrhein-Westfalens aufgeschlossen sind, ergibt sich vielmehr das Bild eines bereits varistisch angelegten und saxonisch reaktivierten wrench-fault-Systems.
The northern margin of the Harz-Mountains is the tectonic border between the Variscan basement and the Triassic-Mesozoic sequence of southern Lower Saxony. The nature of this fault-zone has been controversial. It can be demonstrated by comparison with similar tectonic features exposed in the coal-mining areas of Northrhine-Westphaha that it is part of a wrench-fault-system rather than a shallow dipping décollement-structure. This fault system has been generated during the Variscan orogeny and has been reactivated by Saxonian movements.

Résumé Le bord du nord du Harz se présente comme une limite tectonique entre le soubassement varisque et les couches de couverture mésozoïques-triasiques du pays vallonné de la Basse-Saxe du Sud. Le caractère de cette ligne de dislocation a fait l'objet de discussions multiples dans le passé. On peut montrer que la limite nord du Harz n'est pas un décollement à pendage sud plus ou moins faible. Au contraire, par comparaison avec des structures tectoniques analogues, exposées dans le district houiller de la Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, le modèle s'impose d'un système de failles de décrochement (wrench-faults), engendrées pendant l'orogenèse varisque et réactivées par les mouvements saxoniens.

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We present a high‐resolution reconstruction of the vegetation and climate dynamics during the penultimate interglacial, corresponding with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 7, based on detailed palynological analyses of lacustrine sediments from Lake El'gygytgyn, northeastern Siberia. The analysed sediments were deposited between 246 and 181 ka ago (late MIS 8 to early MIS 6.6). The interglacial vegetation was characterized by herb and shrub (mainly alder and birch) dominated plant communities. Pollen‐based biome reconstruction shows a dominance of the tundra (TUND) biome, thus indicating rather open vegetation. Warmer intervals (MIS 7.5, 7.3 and 7.1) were marked by an increase in the cold deciduous forest (CLDE) biome scores and a synchronous decrease in the cold steppe (STEP) biome scores. The thermal maximum occurred during MIS 7.1, as indicated by the highest CLDE biome scores occurring in this period, and lasted ~10 ka, possibly favoured by the high precession‐related summer insolation and the legacy of the preceding mild and dry stadial (MIS 7.2). In contrast, MIS 7.3 and 7.5 were characterized by shorter durations (~4 ka) and lower summer temperatures. The preceding cold glacial and stadial (MIS 8 and 7.4, respectively) might have led to an extensive distribution of permafrost that hindered vegetation development during the subsequent warm intervals. MIS 7.4 and 6.6 were cold and wet, probably triggered by low obliquity values and coevally low precession‐related summer insolation. As a result, these periods were marked by significantly reduced summer temperatures and an enhanced snow‐ice albedo feedback. The obtained reconstructions provide potential scenarios for future climate changes and allow a better understanding of the relationship between vegetation, climate and external/internal forcings in the high latitudes.  相似文献   

Underground mining and deep drilling of the richly diamondiferous ~1.2 Ga Argyle lamproite in Western Australia has prompted a re-evaluation of the geology of the pipe. Argyle is considered to be a composite pipe that formed by the coalescence of several diatremes and has been offset and elongated by post-emplacement faulting. Recent geological studies have recognised at least five distinct volcaniclastic lamproite lithofacies with differing diamond grades. The new data suggest that the centre of the southern (main) diatreme is occupied by well-bedded, olivine lamproite lapilli tuff with very high diamond grades (>10 ct/t). Characteristic features include a clast-supported fabric and high modal abundance of densely packed lamproite lapilli and coarse-grained, likely mantle-derived olivine now replaced by serpentine and/or talc. The persistence of small-scale graded and cross-bedding in this lithofacies to depths of ~1.5 km below the original surface prior to erosion suggests phreatomagmatic volcanism forming the diatreme was syn-eruptively accompanied by subsidence of the tephra, maintaining a steep-walled diatreme in the water-saturated country rock sediments.

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