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阿穆尔板块西部边界在蒙古境内的空间位置尚不清楚,并且活动断层构造及其沿线地壳的应力状态研究较少。本文在沿此边界的三个区域——杭爱—肯特构造鞍部、布尔古特地块(鄂尔浑—土拉交汇处)和色楞格地块(包括色楞格凹陷和布伦—努鲁隆起),利用空间图像解译、地形起伏度分析、地质构造资料以及构造压裂和沿裂缝位移资料重建构造古应力,对活动断层进行研究。研究表明,活动断裂继承了古生代和中生代古构造的非均质性。这些断层沿着板块边界并不是单一的带,而是成簇的。它们的运动取决于走向:亚纬向断层是具有一定逆分量的左旋走滑断层,北西向断层是逆断层或逆冲断层,通常具有右旋走滑分量,海底断层是右旋走滑断层,北东向断层是正断层。位于色楞格凹陷和杭爱东部的断裂构造的活动始于上新世。逆断层和走滑断层与上新世情况不符,但多与更新世地貌相符,表明其活动年代较晚,为更新世时期。利用构造断裂和沿断裂的位移,重建活动断裂带变形末阶段的应力应变状态,结果表明断裂在最大挤压轴的北北东和北东方向上以压缩和走滑为主。只有在色楞格凹陷内,以扩张和走滑类型的应力张量为主,且在最小挤压轴的北西走向尤为显著。在南部,杭爱东部(鄂尔浑地堑)内有1个以扩张机制为主的局部区域,说明蒙古中部断裂在更新世—全新世阶段的活动以及现代地震活动主要受与印度斯坦和欧亚大陆汇聚过程相关的东北方向的附加水平挤压的控制。使研究区地壳产生走滑变形、贝加尔湖裂谷发散活动以及阿穆尔板块东南运动的另一个因素是东南方向软流圈流动对岩石圈底部的影响。阿穆尔板块和蒙古地块之间的边界在构造结构上是零碎的,代表了覆盖整个蒙古西部变形带的边缘部分。  相似文献   
Possible detection of signatures of structure formation at the end of the 'dark age' epoch  ( z ∼ 40–20)  is examined. We discuss the spectral–spatial fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) temperature produced by elastic resonant scattering of CMBR photons on deuterated hydrogen (HD) molecules located in protostructures moving with peculiar velocity. Detailed chemical kinematic evolution of HD molecules in the expanding homogeneous medium is calculated. Then, the HD abundances are linked to protostructures at their maximum expansion, whose properties are estimated by using the top-hat spherical approach and the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. We find that the optical depths in the HD three lowest pure rotational lines for high-peak protohaloes at their maximum expansion are much higher than those in LiH molecule. The corresponding spectral–spatial fluctuation amplitudes, however, are probably too weak to be detected by current and forthcoming millimetre telescope facilities. We extend our estimates of spectral–spatial fluctuations to gas clouds inside collapsed CDM haloes by using results from a crude model of HD production in these clouds. The fluctuations for the highest peak CDM haloes at redshifts ∼20–30 could be detected in the future. Observations will be important to test model predictions of early structure formation in the Universe.  相似文献   
Using a set of synthetic P‐ and S‐wave onsets, computed in a 1D medium model from sources that mimic a distribution of microseismic events induced by hydrofrac treatment to a monitoring geophone array(s), we test the possibility to invert back jointly the model and events location. We use the Neighbourhood algorithm for data inversion to account for non‐linear effects of velocity model and grid search for event location. The velocity model used is composed of homogeneous layers, derived from sonic logging. Results for the case of one and two monitoring wells are compared. These results show that the velocity model can be obtained in the case of two monitoring wells, if they have optimal relative position. The use of one monitoring well fails due to the trade‐off between the velocity model and event locations.  相似文献   
It is often thought that the exponential distance relations that can be found amongst the distances of the planets and of the satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, of the form a n = n , with a n being the semi-major axis of the n th body, can be similarly represented by sequences of sorted random numbers generated with some constraints corresponding to certain physical processes. We give in this paper some indications showing that pure chance or random processes only cannot explain the planetary and satellite distance distributions, in particular the exponential spacings, by comparing the distance relations of the real systems to these of planetary-like systems generated at random.Exponential distance relations for the present planetary and satellites systems of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are described, considering the two cases without and with introduction of holes for the large spacings observed in the sequences of bodies.Random systems are created by generating distances at random following uniform, normal and exponential distributions, with no consideration for other orbital elements or masses as we are only interested in distance relations. Random systems without constraints are first compared to the real systems. In a following step, random systems with a corresponding number of bodies to that of the real systems and with the constraint of having a number of large spacings equivalent to that of the real systems are investigated. In a later step, we impose on the generation process the additional constraint of the closeness not too close condition, i.e. for the random systems to have distances between adjacent bodies greater than critical attraction distances calculated by considering the present masses of the real main planets and satellites.Comparisons of the regression coefficients means of the exponential distance relations of random systems to the characteristics of the real systems show that there are significant differences, in particular the coefficients of the random systems are on average smaller than for the corresponding real systems, except for some particular cases which are shown not to be significant.It is concluded that distance relations observed in the present real systems can not be compared to sequences of sorted random numbers. Furthermore, additional physical processes other than the closeness not too close, have to be considered to explain the observed distance relations and in particular the exponential spacings.  相似文献   
Experimental observations are reported of weakening of sediment-like aggregates by addition of hard particles. Sieved mixtures of calcite and halite grains are experimentally compacted in drained pressure cells in the presence of a saturated aqueous solution. The individual halite grains deform easily by pressure solution creep whereas calcite grains act as hard objects and resist compaction. The fastest rate of compaction of the mixed aggregate is not obtained for a 100% halite aggregate but for a content of halite grains between 45% and 75%. We propose that this unusual compaction behavior reflects the competition between two mechanisms at the grain scale: intergranular pressure solution at grain contacts and grain boundary healing between halite grains that prevent further compaction.  相似文献   
Testing an earthquake prediction algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A test to evaluate earthquake prediction algorithms is being applied to a Russian algorithm known asM8 TheM8 algorithm makes intermediate term predictions for earthquakes to occur in a large circle, based on integral counts of transient seismicity in the circle. In a retroactive prediction for the period January 1, 1985 to July 1, 1991 the algorithm as configured for the forward test would have predicted eight of ten strong earthquakes in the test area. A null hypothesis, based on random assignment of predictions, predicts eight earthquakes in 2.87% of the trials. The forward test began July 1, 1991 and will run through December 31, 1997. As of July 1, 1995, the algorithm had forward predicted five out of nine earthquakes in the test area, which success ratio would have been achieved in 53% of random trials with the null hypothesis.  相似文献   
Mineralogy and Petrology - Kampelite, Ba3Mg1.5Sc4(PO4)6(OH)3·4H2O, is a new Ba-Sc phosphate from the Kovdor phoscorite-carbonatite complex (Kola Peninsula, Russia). It is orthorhombic, Pnma,...  相似文献   
Abstract The Kema terrane is a suite of Barremian(?)–Aptian to Albian volcano-sedimentary rocks of Sikhote–Alin that are interpreted as deposits of the back-arc basin of the Moneron–Samarga island-arc system. Compositional features of the different-type deposits indicate a near-slope depositional environment influenced by volcanic processes. Studies of slump fold orientation testify to the accumulation of material from southeast to northwest by gravitational sliding. Compositional characteristics of terrigenous rocks suggest the major provenance for detrital material was an ensialic volcanic island arc. Petrochemical characteristics of basaltic rocks indicate that the formations studied were confined to the back part of the arc.  相似文献   
Inflow of Atlantic water (AW) from Fram Strait and the Barents Sea into the Arctic Ocean conditions the intermediate (100–1000 m) waters of the Arctic Ocean Eurasian margins. While over the Siberian margin the Fram Strait AW branch (FSBW) has exhibited continuous dramatic warming beginning in 2004, the tendency of the Barents Sea AW branch (BSBW) has remained poorly known. Here we document the contrary cooling tendency of the BSBW through the analysis of observational data collected from the icebreaker Kapitan Dranitsyn over the continental slope of the Eurasian Basin in 2005 and 2006. The CTD data from the R.V. Polarstern cruise in 1995 were used as a reference point for evaluating external atmospheric and sea-ice forcing and oxygen isotope analysis. Our data show that in 2006 the BSBW core was saltier (by ~0.037), cooler (by ~0.41 °C), denser (by ~0.04 kg/m3), deeper (by 150–200 m), and relatively better ventilated (by 7–8 μmol/kg of dissolved oxygen, or by 1.1–1.7% of saturation) compared with 2005. We hypothesize that the shift of the meridional wind from off-shore to on-shore direction during the BSBW translation through the Barents and northern Kara seas results in longer surface residence time for the BSBW sampled in 2006 compared with samples from 2005. The cooler, more saline, and better-ventilated BSBW sampled in 2006 may result from longer upstream translation through the Barents and northern Kara seas where the BSBW was modified by sea-ice formation and interaction with atmosphere. The data for stable oxygen isotopes from 1995 and 2006 reveals amplified brine modification of the BSBW core sampled downstream in 2006, which supports the assumption of an increased upstream residence time as indicated by wind patterns and dissolved oxygen values.  相似文献   
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