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Detailed hydrogeochemical and isotopic data of groundwaters from the Hammamet–Nabeul unconfined aquifer are used to provide a better understanding of the natural and anthropogenic processes that control the groundwater mineralization as well as the sources of different groundwater bodies. It has been demonstrated that groundwaters, which show Na–Cl and Ca–SO4–Cl water facies, are mainly influenced by the dissolution of evaporates, the dedolomitization and the cation-exchange process; and supplementary by anthropogenic process in relation with return flow of irrigation waters. The isotopic signatures permit to classify the studied groundwaters into two different groups. Non-evaporated groundwaters that are characterized by depleted δ 18O and δ 2H contents highlighting the importance of modern recharge at higher altitude. Evaporated groundwaters with enriched contents reflecting the significance infiltration of return flow irrigation waters. Tritium data in the studied groundwaters lend support to the existence of pre-1950 and post-1960 recharge. Carbon-14 activities in shallow wells that provide evidence to the large contamination by organic 14C corroborate the recent origin of the groundwaters in the study area.  相似文献   
Mayotte in the southwest Indian Ocean is characterized by high dolphin diversity. They may coexist within a fairly small area around the island because they exploit neither the same preferential habitats nor the same resources. This preliminary study aimed to investigate ecological niche segregation among these delphinid communities: the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops aduncus, the pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella attenuata, the spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, and the melon-headed whale, Peponocephala electra. Two approaches were used. Habitat preferences were investigated by analysing dolphin sighting data and associated physiographical characteristics. Resource partitioning was explored by analysing C and N stable isotopes in skin and blubber biopsies. Only T. aduncus, which showed clear association with coastal habitats in the lagoon, differed from the others in terms of habitat preferences, characterised by shallow depth and slope, and proximity to the coast. All other species shared similar oceanic habitats immediately outside the lagoon, these being of higher depth and slope, greater distance from the coast and were not discernable by discriminant analysis. The two Stenella species and the melon-headed whale displayed very high overlap in habitat physiographic variables. The analysis of stable isotopes confirmed the ecological isolation of T. aduncus and revealed a clear segregation of P. electra compared to the two Stenella that was not apparent in the habitat analysis. This may reflect ecological differences that were not observable from diurnal surface observations.  相似文献   
Interaction of tidal flow with a complex topography and bathymetry including headlands, islands, coral reefs and shoals create a rich submesoscale field of tidal jets, vortices, unsteady wakes, lee eddies and free shear layers, all of which impact marine ecology. A unique and detailed view of the submesoscale variability in a part of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, Australia, that includes a number of small islands was obtained by using a “stereo” pair of 2-m-resolution visible-band images that were acquired just 54 s apart by the WorldView-3 satellite. Near-surface current and vorticity were extracted at a 50-m-resolution from those data using a cross-correlation technique and an optical-flow method, each yielding a similar result. The satellite-derived data are used to test the ability of the second-generation Louvain-la-Neuve ice-ocean model (SLIM), an unstructured-mesh, finite element model for geophysical and environmental flows, to reproduce the details of the currents in the region. The model succeeds in simulating the large-scale (> 1 km) current patterns, such as the main current and the width and magnitude of the jets developing in the gaps between the islands. Moreover, the order of magnitude of the vorticity and the occurrence of some vortices downstream of the islands are correctly reproduced. The smaller scales (< 500 m) are resolved by the model, although various discrepancies with the data are observed. The smallest scales (< 50 m) are unresolved by both the model- and image-derived velocity fields. This study shows that high-resolution models are able to a significant degree to simulate accurately the currents close to a rugged coast. Very-high-resolution satellite oceanography stereo images offer a new way to obtain snapshots of currents near a complex topography that has reefs, islands and shoals, and is a potential resource that could be more widely used to assess the predictive ability of coastal circulation models.  相似文献   
The volcanic crater lake of Dziani Dzaha in Mayotte is studied to constrain the geochemical settings and the diagenetic processes at the origin of Mg‐phyllosilicates associated with carbonate rocks. The Dziani Dzaha is characterized by intense primary productivity, volcanic gases bubbling in three locations and a volcanic catchment of phonolitic/alkaline composition. The lake water has an alkalinity of ca 0·2 mol l?1 and pH values of ca 9·3. Cores of the lake sediments reaching up to one metre in length were collected and studied by means of carbon–hydrogen–nitrogen elemental analyzer, X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry and X‐ray powder diffraction. In surface sediments, the content of total organic carbon reaches up to 20 weight %. The mineral content consists of aragonite and hydromagnesite with minor amounts of alkaline feldspar and clinopyroxene from the volcanic catchment. Below 30 cm depth, X‐ray diffraction analyses of the <2 μm clay fraction indicate the presence of a saponite‐like mineral, a Mg‐rich smectite. The saponite‐like mineral accumulates at depth to reach up to ca 30 weight %, concurrent with a decrease of the contents of hydromagnesite and organic matter. Thermodynamic considerations and mineral assemblages suggest that the evolution of the sediment composition resulted from early diagenetic reactions. The formation of the saponite‐like mineral instead of Al‐free Mg‐silicates resulted from high aluminum availability, which is favoured in restricted lacustrine environments hosted in alkaline volcanic terrains commonly emplaced during early stages of continental rifting. Supersaturation of the lake water relative to saponite is especially due to high pH values, themselves derived from high primary productivity. This suggests that a genetic link may exist between saponite and the development of organic‐rich carbonate rocks, which may be fuelled by the input of CO2‐rich volcanic gases. This provides novel insights into the composition and formation of saponite‐rich deposits under a specific geodynamic context such as the Cretaceous South Atlantic carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   
The effects of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) from freshwater runoff and seasonal cycle of temperature on the dynamic of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and production in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL) are studied using a 3-D coupled physical-plankton ecosystem model. Three simulations are conducted: (1) the reference simulation based on Le Fouest et al. (2005), in which light attenuation by CDOM is not considered and maximum growth rate (μmaxμmax) of phytoplankton and zooplankton are not temperature-dependent (REF simulation); (2) light attenuation by CDOM is added to REF simulation (CDOM simulation); and (3) in addition to CDOM, the μmaxμmax of phytoplankton and zooplankton are regulated by temperature (CDOM+TEMP simulation). CDOM simulation shows that CDOM substantially reduces phytoplankton biomass and production in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE), but slightly reduces overall primary production in the GSL. In the LSLE, the spring phytoplankton bloom is delayed from mid-March to mid-April, resulted from light attenuation by CDOM. The CDOM+TEMP simulation shows that the spring phytoplankton bloom in the LSLE is further delayed to July, which is more consistent with observations. Annual primary production is reduced by 33% in CDOM+TEMP simulation from REF and CDOM simulations. Zooplankton production is the same in all three simulations, and export of organic matter to depth is reduced in CDOM+TEMP simulation, suggesting that temperature controlled growth of phytoplankton and zooplankton enhances the coupling between primary production and zooplankton production under the seasonal temperature cycle of the GSL.  相似文献   
We describe a method for preserving the upper sediments of fragile sediment cores during transport from field sites and assess potential effects on subsequent laboratory analyses. This method addresses the need to minimize disturbance to the surfaces of unfrozen sediment cores used for paleoenvironmental or other high-resolution sedimentological analyses during transport. A polymer gel (sodium polyacrylate) applied above the sediment surface acts as a barrier to movement while also preserving surface undulations. The gel seal can preserve even exceptionally fine sedimentary structures (<0.2 mm) in the upper sediments of lacustrine and fiord sediment cores, but may react with organic material (e.g. algal mats) present on some sediment surfaces. This reaction creates an adhesive layer at the gel’s base but it can be handled effectively during sampling. The gel seal minimizes surface deformation and preserves surficial sediments better than traditional seals made of water-absorbent floral foam, wax or paper towel. In addition to permitting detailed sedimentary and subfossil investigations of the sediment–water interface, this method shows no detectable effects on measurements of total organic carbon or total nitrogen values in the sediment. This method is inexpensive, non-hazardous and applicable to many coring systems and sediment types.  相似文献   
We discuss prospects for cluster detection via the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in a blank field survey with the interferometer array, the Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager (AMI). Clusters of galaxies selected in the SZ effect probe cosmology and structure formation with little observational bias, because the effect measures integrated gas pressure directly, and does so independently of cluster redshift.
We use hydrodynamical simulations in combination with the Press–Schechter expression to simulate SZ cluster sky maps. These are used with simulations of the observation process to gauge the expected SZ cluster counts. Even with a very conservative choice of parameters we find that AMI will discover at least several tens of clusters every year with     the numbers depend on factors such as the mean matter density, the density fluctuation power spectrum and cluster gas evolution. The AMI survey itself can distinguish between these to some degree, and parameter degeneracies are largely eliminated given optical and X-ray follow-up of these clusters; this will also permit direct investigation of cluster physics and what drives the evolution.  相似文献   
In the context of the emergence of extra-terrestrial oceanography, we adapted an existing oceanographic model, SLIM (www.climate.be/slim), to the conditions of Titan, a moon of Saturn. The tidal response of the largest southern lake at Titan’s surface, namely Ontario Lacus, is simulated. SLIM solves the 2D, depth-averaged shallow water equations on an unstructured mesh using the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method, which allows for high spatial resolution wherever needed. The impact of the wind forcing, the bathymetry, and the bottom friction is also discussed. The predicted maximum tidal range is about 0.56 m in the southern part of the lake, which is more than twice as large as the previous estimates (see Tokano, Ocean Dyn 60:(4) 803–817 10.1007/s10236-010-0285-3 (Tokano 2010)). The patterns and magnitude of the current are also markedly different from those of previous studies: the tidal motion is not aligned with the major axis of the lake and the speed is larger nearshore. Indeed, the main tidal component rotates clockwise in an exact period of one Titan day and the tidal currents can reach 0.046 ms ?1 close to the shores depending on the geometry and the bathymetry. Except for these specific nearshore regions, the current speed is less than 0.02 ms ?1. Circular patterns can be observed offshore, their rotational direction and size varying along the day.  相似文献   
A closed-form analytic solution of two-dimensional scattering and diffraction of plane SH waves by a semicylindrical hill with a semi-cylindrical concentric tunnel inside an elastic half-space is presented using the cylindrical wave functions expansion method. The solution is reduced to solving a set of infinite linear algebraic equations. Fourier expansion theorem with the form of complex exponential function and cosine function is used. Numerical solutions are obtained by truncation of the infinite equations. The accuracy of the presented numerical results is carefully verified.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the question of how far into the past previous land-use patterns provide significant information concerning present or future patterns. The provision of information is viewed as a reduction in uncertainty. An information-theoretic approach that permits both statistical and graphical analysis is suggested. Application of this method to the analysis of land-use change in three townships on the fringe of Akron, Ohio suggests that, to a varying degree, the processes of change are first-order Markov processes.  相似文献   
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