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Tree ring studies are usually used to determine or verify climatic factors prevailing at a given place or region that may cause tree-ring width variations. Few studies are dedicated to the solar phenomena which may underlie these tree-ring width variations. Furthermore, it is known that some terrestrial phenomena are influenced by short- and long-time scale solar variability. An optical and computational method was set up and applied to tree samples (Araucaria angustifolia from Santa Catarina State in Southern Brazil) in order to obtain a growth ring width mean chronology. Spectral analysis is used for the search of periodicities, by maximum entropy and iterative regression methods. The results evidenced several embedded signals at periods which may be related to solar activity variations. Cross-correlation analysis between sunspot number and tree-ring data was performed and a lag of zero year was obtained. From our work, it seems that the tropical conifer species Araucaria angustifolia may be a good choice for studies on Sun-Earth relationships and their regional effects.  相似文献   
We have conducted observations with the aid of a seismo-tiltmeter station, which is based on the Ostrovsky pendulum and installed at the Geodynamic Observatory Cueva de los Verdes at Lanzarote Island since 1995. In this station the signal is separated into two frequency bands – tidal tilts (from 0 to 5 mHz) and ground oscillations in the frequency range of free Earths normal modes (from 0.2 to 5 mHz). The later band, called accelerometer channel, has additional amplification. We analyzed the background records in the frequency range of Earths free oscillations from August 2000 to September 2001, as well as, Earths normal modes after strong earthquakes. We found several distinctive persistent peaks in the spectra of background oscillations. Both amplitudes of distinguished peaks and noises have seasonal variations. We found that spectra of background oscillations are different in the frequency interval between 1.4 and 2.5 mHz for North- South and East-West components.  相似文献   
A distinctive feature of sandy beaches is the stranded wrack, which represents a key element in the maintenance of their biodiversity and ecosystem function. However, these materials are commonly removed from beaches worldwide. In October–November 2012, a field experiment following an M-BACI design was conducted to assess the effect of wrack removal on sandhopper populations on two sandy beaches on the Atlantic southwest coast of Spain. The beaches, Levante (36°33′N, 6°13′W) and Cortadura (36°28′N, 6°15′W) differed in their morphodynamics (dissipative and intermediate, respectively) and in the dominant wrack sources (seagrasses vs. macroalgae). Wrack removal diminished the density of the sandhopper, Talitrus saltator, a dominant species in the supratidal zone especially under wrack, but the difference between impacted and control plots was short-lived (several days). Juvenile sandhoppers appeared more sensitive to this disturbance than adults, although this was found only at Levante. This study highlights the adaptability of this sandhopper to a single wrack removal event and shows that the magnitude of the effect is likely dependent on the particular characteristics of individual beaches. The consequences of frequent wrack removal from these beaches on sandhopper populations remain to be determined.  相似文献   
The invertebrate benthic community of two Aveiro salt pond systems was studied in order to evaluate its diversity, density and the influence of organic matter and salt production. Samples were collected monthly at Esmolas and Tanoeiras. Five groups of benthic organisms were found: Nemathelminthes, Annelida (Nereis diversicolor), Crustacea (Sphaeroma serratum andTanais cavolini), Insecta (Chironomidae), Bivalvia Mollusca (Cerastoderma edule, Spisula solida andMya arenaria) and Gasteropoda Mollusca (Hydrobia ulvae, Cingulla cingullus, Cingulla semistriata, Odostomia rissoides, Odostomia unidentata, Scrobicularia alba, Valvata cristata andPaludestrina acuta). The highest density of the benthic community was observed during the non-productive season in all but the crystallizing pond systems. In both salt ponds, salinity acted as limiting factor. The dominant group was Gasteropoda, although high densities of Bivalvia were recorded in some ponds. In the feeder pond and the channels, species diversity was highest in the Tanoeiras salt pond, probably because its physical and chemical characteristics allowed the development of stable communities.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new purely viscoplastic soil model based on the subloading surface concept with a mobile centre of homothety, enabling the occurrence of viscoplastic strains inside the yield surface and avoiding the abrupt change in stiffness of the traditional overstress viscoplastic models. This is required for overconsolidated soils. The model is formulated to reproduce the soil rate‐dependent behaviour under cyclic loading (changes in loading direction) and incorporates both initial and induced anisotropy, as well as destructuring. The model shows good qualitative response to some imposed three‐dimensional stress paths under quasi‐inviscid (elastoplastic) behaviour. Some of the main time‐dependent aspects of soil behaviour that the model is capable of reproducing were also illustrated. The capability of the model to adequately reproduce the results from an undrained triaxial test performed on stiff overconsolidated clays from the Lisbon region (Formação de Benfica), with an unloading–reloading deviatoric stress cycle at constant mean stress, that incorporates a series of staggered fast loading and creep stages, was evaluated. The model was able to reproduce well the main observed aspects of the time‐dependent stress–strain response and pore pressure evolution of a stiff overconsolidated clay under complex loading. The revised and generalised viscoplastic subloading surface concept is viable and can be applied to a consistent extension to viscoplasticity, including in the interior of the yield surface, of existing elastoplastic models formulated for soils and other materials. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Small local earthquakes from two aftershock sequences in Porto dos Gaúchos, Amazon craton—Brazil, were used to estimate the coda wave attenuation in the frequency band of 1 to 24 Hz. The time-domain coda-decay method of a single backscattering model is employed to estimate frequency dependence of the quality factor (Q c) of coda waves modeled using Qc = Q0 fhQ_{\rm c} =Q_{\rm 0} f^\eta , where Q 0 is the coda quality factor at frequency of 1 Hz and η is the frequency parameter. We also used the independent frequency model approach (Morozov, Geophys J Int, 175:239–252, 2008), based in the temporal attenuation coefficient, χ(f) instead of Q(f), given by the equation c(f)=g+\fracpfQe \chi (f)\!=\!\gamma \!+\!\frac{\pi f}{Q_{\rm e} }, for the calculation of the geometrical attenuation (γ) and effective attenuation (Qe-1 )(Q_{\rm e}^{-1} ). Q c values have been computed at central frequencies (and band) of 1.5 (1–2), 3.0 (2–4), 6.0 (4–8), 9.0 (6–12), 12 (8–16), and 18 (12–24) Hz for five different datasets selected according to the geotectonic environment as well as the ability to sample shallow or deeper structures, particularly the sediments of the Parecis basin and the crystalline basement of the Amazon craton. For the Parecis basin Qc = (98±12)f(1.14±0.08)Q_{\rm c} =(98\pm 12)f^{(1.14\pm 0.08)}, for the surrounding shield Qc = (167±46)f(1.03±0.04)Q_{\rm c} =(167\pm 46)f^{(1.03\pm 0.04)}, and for the whole region of Porto dos Gaúchos Qc = (99±19)f(1.17±0.02)Q_{\rm c} =(99\pm 19)f^{(1.17\pm 0.02)}. Using the independent frequency model, we found: for the cratonic zone, γ = 0.014 s − 1, Qe-1 = 0.0001Q_{\rm e}^{-1} =0.0001, ν ≈ 1.12; for the basin zone with sediments of ~500 m, γ = 0.031 s − 1, Qe-1 = 0.0003Q_{\rm e}^{-1} =0.0003, ν ≈ 1.27; and for the Parecis basin with sediments of ~1,000 m, γ = 0.047 s − 1, Qe-1 = 0.0005Q_{\rm e}^{-1} =0.0005, ν ≈ 1.42. Analysis of the attenuation factor (Q c) for different values of the geometrical spreading parameter (ν) indicated that an increase of ν generally causes an increase in Q c, both in the basin as well as in the craton. But the differences in the attenuation between different geological environments are maintained for different models of geometrical spreading. It was shown that the energy of coda waves is attenuated more strongly in the sediments, Qc = (78±23)f(1.17±0.14)Q_{\rm c} =(78\pm 23)f^{(1.17\pm 0.14)} (in the deepest part of the basin), than in the basement, Qc = (167±46)f(1.03±0.04)Q_{\rm c} =(167\pm 46)f^{(1.03\pm 0.04)} (in the craton). Thus, the coda wave analysis can contribute to studies of geological structures in the upper crust, as the average coda quality factor is dependent on the thickness of sedimentary layer.  相似文献   
Adsorption is a unit operation widely used for the tertiary treatment of the most diverse effluents,whose mechanism is based on removing recalcitrant compounds from the organic and inorganic origin.In this process,choosing a suitable adsorbent is a fundamental point.This review article focuses on the adsorbents with natural geological origin:minerals,clays,geopolymers,and even wastes resulted from mining activity.Therefore,over 450 articles and research papers were explored.These materials’main sources are described,and their characteristics,composition,and intrinsic properties are related to adsorption.Herein,we discuss the effects of several process parameters,such as p H,temperature,pollutant,and adsorbent concentration.Furthermore,equilibrium,kinetics,and thermodynamic aspects are also addressed,and relevant regeneration prospects and final disposal.Finally,some suggestions and perspectives on applying these adsorbents in wastewater treatment are presented as future trends.  相似文献   
The risk of flooding in Venice has increased strongly since the beginning of the century. To reduce the damage to the city and the negative impact on the activities in the lagoon, an accurate flood warning system is necessary. This system will also be fundamental during the construction and for the efficient operation of storm surge barriers covering the three existing inlets of the lagoon. In this context new operational statistical and hydrodynamic models have been developed. Forecast winds and pressure fields which constitute basic information for the warning system have been obtained through an ad hoc Limited Area Meteorological model. It has been demonstrated that, provided that this information is available on an operational basis, the implementation of a flood warning system for Venice using the models developed is feasible. The statistical model, which is based on a multiple regression technique, extends the forecasting range of the model presently in operation at the Centro Previsioni e Segnalazioni Maree del Comune di Venezia, from 3 hrs up to 24 hrs, and presents good accuracy (estimated mean absolute errors smaller than 10 cm) for short-term forecasts up to 9 hrs. The hydrodynamic model includes all the physical processes important for the simulation of water levels and currents in coastal and marine environments. The model set-up adopted covers the entire Adriatic Sea, with a grid spacing of 6 km. Special attention has been given to the positioning of the open boundary and to the correct reproduction of the main free oscillation of the Adriatic, which is responsible for the possible recurrence of flooding after the main storm has passed. The inclusion of this model in a flood warning system is mainly intended for long-term forecasts (> 24 hrs), and can typically be used to forecast up to 3–4 days ahead, with an estimated mean absolute error smaller than 20 cm.  相似文献   
In order to study the imprint of solar and ENSO signals on terrestrial archives, the wavelet spectrum analysis was applied to solar-geophysical indices and tree ring data. Time series of Sunspot Number (SSN), southern oscillation index (SOI) and tree-ring indices from Southern Brazil, for the period 1876–1991, were used in this work. The 11-year solar cycle was present during the whole period in tree ring data, being more intense during 1930–1980, in agreement with an earlier study that was performed for thesame region but a different time range (1836–1996). ENSO effects on treering data from Southern Brazil were studied by the first time in this work using wavelet analysis. Short-term variations, between 2–5 years, arealso present in tree ring data. This represents the signature of ENSO events and was also observed in the SOI, as expected. The cross-wavelet spectrum analysis shows that both solar and climatic factors are recorded in tree ring data.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Although climate change vulnerability research in general has increased over the last decade, Latin American countries have more directed more limited efforts toward vulnerability...  相似文献   
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